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 Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs

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Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Empty
PostSubject: Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs   Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 2:22 pm

Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Diveraz_Dysfunction_zpsc1d251b5
Due: Friday, August 2nd
11:59 PM EST


Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs FJBloTX
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Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs   Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs EmptyFri Aug 02, 2013 3:26 pm

Various ladders, tables and chairs are set up all around the ringside area as two men who have never faced off before stand inside the squared circle. Outside the ring is Takumi Sanu, here to support his tag team partner Dominik Diveraz as he takes on the Intercontinental Champion Drake Dysfunction. Despite the fact that this Tables, Ladders and Chairs match has no disqualifications, nobody should expect Takumi to do anything more than root his partner on as the Japanese superstar is known to be very respectful. The stipulation of this match still puts Diveraz at the advantage, however, as his speed and agility have made his name nearly synonymous with this type of contest. To his credit though, Drake isn’t known to be a particularly slow wrestler and he does have a distinct size advantage over his tiny opponent. The referee calls for the bell and the two veterans begin circling one another. It doesn’t take long for a collar-and-elbow tie-up to commence but it’s even quicker for Drake to put his size advantage to work and yank his opponent’s head down before clubbing away at his back. With Dominik bent over in pain from the multiple clubs, “The Dysfunctional One” decides he wants to go for some big impact early on by raising him into the air for a falling Powerbomb. Unfortunately for the Intercontinental Champion, his Spanish adversary proves his agility by managing to pull himself off just in time and landing behind Drake. Hurriedly, the 2WWF League of Legends member dashes to the ropes, rebounding off of them for momentum. He runs back to his opponent to duck under a Clothesline attempt and continue running, once more hitting the ropes to add to his speed. This time, he puts all of his gained momentum to use by leaping into the air and ramming his knee into Drake’s mid-section with a ferocious Busaiku Knee Kick! The audience lets out a pop for the lower-than-usual move as Drake bends over from the pain. “The Taco Bell Warior” uses this opportunity to ricochet off the ropes again for speed, flipping over the taller man and taking him down with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb this time!

Ted Cedar
”Dominik has taken the early advantage in this match but we can never underestimate Drake. He’s proven that in the past.”

Adam Dennis
”That he has, Ted. This is gonna be a tough battle for him to win, however. Dominik really excels in this type of contest.”

Feeling the momentum on his side, Diveraz exits the ring to get one of the three vital weapons of this match; a steel chair. He slides back into the ring, chair in hand, and measures the Orlando-native up as he gets back to a vertical base. Once Drake's standing, Dominik raises the chair for a shot to his head but Dysfunction thinks quickly and kicks him in the gut, forcing him to drop the chair. Drake immediately follows this up with repeated elbow shots to his adversary’s face before tossing him into the nearest turnbuckle and landing two massive chops to the chest that are heard all around the arena. The bigger superstar Irish whips Diveraz across the ring and into the opposing turnbuckle, only to crush him into the corner with a huge Stinger Splash! It’s safe to say Drake has turned this around, for the time being at least. He lifts up the steel chair that his opposition had brought into the ring and raises it into the air to reserve a mixed response from the audience; some booing the hated superstar, others cheering for the possibility of this match getting hardcore. It was not to be, however, as Dominik managed to make it back to his feet before Drake can even use the chair; Dropkicking him in the knee as soon as he turned around! The Dropkick caused the taller superstar to not only drop the chair, but fall forward as well. “The Mystic Midget” gets behind Drake as he begins to get up, clearly waiting for something. As soon as his challenger finds his way to a vertical base, Dominik Dropkicks him in the backside, causing him to fall forwards once again, this time with his head landing on the middle rope. Looking to send a shoutout to his fellow Mexican wrestler Rey Mysterio, Diveraz once again rebounds off the ropes, this time to gain momentum and speed for a 619 that lands to perfection! As the San Luis Potosi-native lands on the ring apron, Drake bounces towards the center of the ring and starts getting up. Realizing just what’s coming next, having watched many of Diveraz’s matches in the past, Dysfunction quickly dashes to the ropes while his opponent leaps into the air for a springboard; “D-Double” managing to catch Dominik’s foot and cause him to trip, landing painfully abdomen-first onto the top rope! As the audience lets out a mixed reaction to the reversal and Takumi looks on, worried, Drake gets the steel chair that’s in the ring. With his opponent still draped over the top rope, he sets the chair up a little bit away from the rope and wraps his arm around Diveraz’s head before pulling him so that he’s hung by his feet on the rope. Quickly, yet forcefully, Drake drops Danny skull-first into the set-up steel chair with a top rope-hung DDT!  Many members of the audience cringe at the side of the maneuver.

Adam Dennis
”Holy fucking Morgan Freeman!”

Ted Cedar
”Drake may have just given Dominik a concussion with th—Wait, what? Morgan Fr—I’m not even asking.”

Realizing the 2WWF League of Legends member is very durable for someone of his size, the pyromaniac decides to up-the-ante a bit and exits the ring to find another of the vital weapons of this match, the ladder. Once he gets a ladder, he tries to push it into the ring, but it appears “Senor Beaner” used the time he was getting the ladder to recover and he Baseball Slides it right into Drake’s face! The move causes Drake to fall backwards as the ladder lands in front of him. While he’s getting back to his feet, Dominik clutches the top rope in anticipation. As soon as he gets the opportunity, Diveraz sends himself vaulting over the top rope for a Body Press, but Dysfunction once again puts his size advantage to work by catching the tiny man before dropping him with a falling Powerslam right onto the ladder! As the hardcore fans in the audience begin to cheer, while some appear worried for Diveraz (Takumi included, looking on from the other side of the ring), Drake pushes the Spanish superstar into the ring and slides in after him. Drake doesn’t want to give him any time to recover, so he pulls him back to his feet instantly, but the small man tries to fight back with all he has, repeatedly hitting the much taller man in the stomach until he’s got enough freedom to move around. The two-time 2WWF Tag Team Champion leaps into a Dropkick that gets his foe square in the chest and causes him to stumble backwards, through the ropes and to the outside! Dominik isn’t done quite yet, however, as his partner and some members of the audience cheer him on. For the fourth time in this match, he ricochets off the ropes to gain momentum and speed as Drake is nearly back to his feet outside of the ring. Diveraz dives through the middle and top ropes, straightening his body as he attempts a no-handed Suicide Dive known as the Zambullida Mortal. Unfortunately for him, Drake took advantage of his surroundings, having been holding a steel chair from outside the ring in his hands and waiting for the right momentum to smash it over Dominik’s head; that moment being while he was mid-air! Even more fans cringe at this chair shot than they did at the DDT, as a very worried look makes its way to Takumi’s face and Drake takes a moment to catch his breath, having just pulled a page out of JHalc's book, doing the exact same thing he did to Diveraz in their No-Disqualification match last week.

Adam Dennis
”We should sell Drake’s contract to border control.”

Ted Cedar
”Just when it looked like Diveraz was picking up some steam and turning this match in his favor, Drake shuts him down with a vicious steel chair shot! I hate to say it partner, but I might’ve been right about one of them getting a concussion. This is one hell of a match so far!”

Drake looks at the ladder that he attempted to get into the ring earlier, only for Diveraz to Baseball Slide it into him. With his opponent seemingly down and out, he decides what better time to secure the victory than right now? He grabs the ladder and slides it into the ring, entering in after it. Drake then proceeds to set the ladder up in the center of the ring before beginning to climb it. On the outside of the ring, Diveraz begins to stir as he desperately tries to make it back to his feet, although he's unaware of where Drake is. That is, however, until he gets high enough off of the ground to see into the ring, where he sees Dysfunction nearing the top of the ladder. Diveraz slowly pulls himself onto the apron, Drake unaware of this as his sole focus right now is grabbing his Intercontinental Championship and pulling it down. Gripping the top rope tightly with both hands, Dominik readies himself before leaping into the air, springboarding off of the top rope and landing on the unoccupied side of the ladder! Drake looks on in shock, as he can't believe Dominik is still fighting, let alone able to springboard in such a way. Nevertheless, Dominik is only about half-way up the ladder whilst Drake is near the top. He tries to reach up and grab the Intercontinental Championship, but Dominik thinks quickly and grabs Drake's foot, pulling his leg in between two rungs of the ladder. With Drake now trapped and desperately trying to free his ankle from the ladder, Dominik takes this opportunity to continue climbing. Drake tries to stop him, but to no avail. He simply can't reach from the position he's in. This allows Diveraz the time to freely grab the Intercontinental Championship and take it down, crowning a new Champion!


Dominik's theme hits as Takumi enters the ring, ecstatically. He helps Dominik down the ladder and the two celebrate as the official helps get Drake's leg out of the ladder.

[Honestly, not my best effort. I won't be surprised if Drake wins. I've just been busy lately and have had hardly any motivation to write. Good luck though, Nate.]

Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs MJFR42R
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Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs   Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs EmptyFri Aug 02, 2013 11:16 pm

Won't be able to post tonight. I can post it up tomorrow because I'm not home now. I'm currently using my phone to type this. I will get my match up.
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Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs   Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs EmptyFri Aug 02, 2013 11:39 pm

There is a no extension rule... I'll be more than happy to give you a rematch, but I'd be cheating the fed if I granted you an extra day because you're not home...


Drake Dysfunction vs. Dominik Diveraz: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs FJBloTX
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