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 Bale Says Terminator Salvation "Didn't Work"

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Bale Says Terminator Salvation "Didn't Work" Empty
PostSubject: Bale Says Terminator Salvation "Didn't Work"   Bale Says Terminator Salvation "Didn't Work" EmptyTue Dec 09, 2014 12:04 pm


While promoting his latest film, Exodus: Gods and Kings, actor Christian Bale was asked what he thought about Paramount's upcoming Terminator Genisys, in light of the new trailer.

"I wish them better luck than we had," the actor told MTV UK last week at the Exodus junket. Bale's "we" is of course referring to his turn as John Connor in 2009's critically panned Terminator Salvation. (Dawn of the Apes' Jason Clarke plays John in the new film.)

Bale continued, "[Salvation] didn't work for us. It was a shame, but everything was against us." When asked if he was approached about coming back for Genisys, he added, "I didn't talk with anyone about it. I knew that we gave it a shot; it didn't work. I know the reasons for that... Wisdom is sometimes knowing when you just need to walk away. I wish them the best. I hope it does work."

Terminator Genysis hits theaters stateside on July 1, 2015.
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Bale Says Terminator Salvation "Didn't Work"

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