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 Director fired from Star Trek 3

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Director fired from Star Trek 3 Empty
PostSubject: Director fired from Star Trek 3   Director fired from Star Trek 3 EmptyMon Dec 08, 2014 11:15 am


In a surprise move, Paramount have beamed Roberto Orci off “Star Trek 3″.

Deadline says there is “fire behind the smoke” that he won’t be directing. He remains on as a producer.

Orci, who co-wrote the previous “Star Trek” movies, was chosen to replace J.J Abrams as the new Captain in charge of the “Trek” franchise. It would’ve been quite the career coup for Orci, who is better known for his writing and producing work than helming pictures himself.

Something has seemingly gone awry though.

So who is in line to replace Orci? Deadline says Edgar Wright – who himself was removed from a big studio picture, Marvel’s “Ant-Man” earlier in the year – is in the mix. That would make sense, considering his long-standing working relationship with “Trek” actor Simon Pegg.

Bad Ass Digest says they’ve heard that Orci was dumped because of the script.
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Director fired from Star Trek 3

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