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 Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?

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Main Eventer

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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 2:41 pm

Why don't we have our own NXT-esque brand?

XWA = No word counts. This one would, thus having shorter matches. I know some people said they would prefer word limits, and who knows? Maybe word limits would help get activity.

But we don't want to take away too much from XWA. So why not have the show's deadline every two weeks, this way if there are people who want to participate in both, they have two weeks for this show, whereas the standard one week for the main show. And PPVs for this show could be every five shows (so ten weeks).

It would also let people try out new characters.

Now of course, it wouldn't mean people would have to "bring up" their characters because some people might just never be happy with the "no word limit" thing. So maybe it would be a sister show? I dunno.

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Darth Dante
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 6:33 pm

We don't need a second brand, show, or anything of that sort. It takes away focus from XWA Vendetta, something we are already trying to build back up. We've tried word counts, bringing people up, everything of the sort. The best way to improve the eFed is through continuity.
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 6:59 pm

1) How would it take focus away? I even said they can be based on two different schedules. If you're afraid it'll be too much for the GM Team, then you have this led by someone else.

2) Word Counts - Everyone will always have different opinions of them. Some like them, some don't. That's why I said have one brand, the main brand (XWA), no word counts, and the sub-brand having it.

3) The "bringing people up" point was how it's like a developmental stance. How people in real-life development move up. I followed up by saying it was unnecessary because of the word count. Which is why it wouldn't really be "developmental".
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 7:16 pm

Most Vendette's have like 5 people showing up, why stretch that even thinner?
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 7:24 pm

FinestJellyBeansRaw wrote:
Most Vendette's have like 5 people showing up, why stretch that even thinner?

Haven't been involved in the fed for awhile, so did not know that.

And again, could boost activity.

But that's alright: let's focus on Vendetta.
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Kasabian Stalker

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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 8:07 pm

Ran something in an old fed that was similar to the old pro/rookie style of nxt. Matched newcomers or peopke desiring development up with proven writers. Gave a chance for people to side up with each other and actually encouraged more collaboration amongst roster members.

Would not work under the current roster but might be an idea for the future perhaps?
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Motherfucking SETONIAN!
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 11:28 pm

Yeah That

With our current situation, it would be useless for a developmental brand. But it may work if we had more members.
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 12:57 am

We used to have Adrenaline for that. It's where everyone started. There's way too few people for that now.
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Kasabian Stalker

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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptySat Dec 20, 2014 1:11 am

There may be a difference though between way too many people and nobody wants to do it ever, and lots of people but a subset are keen on being 'pros'. Sometime in the future I mean, I realise it can't happen currently
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Superkick Party
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptySun Dec 21, 2014 6:42 pm

Adrenaline.. heh.

I am all for this, not that it really matters, and it's also Christmas time.
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Learn Maturity
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptySun Dec 21, 2014 7:08 pm

I think with the roster being as small as it is, it'd make more sense for newcomers who want a limited word count style of posting to "ease" them into XWA to have that, but as a "dark match" segment on Vendetta. I can't imagine it being any more than one or two at a time who would want that.
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptySun Dec 21, 2014 7:16 pm

I have to agree with the general consensus. It's a great idea when the volume of members allots for it, but we're just not at that sort of point. I've run sites with a few of these before, once being the thing Kasabian was talking about, and once where we actually created a sister site for it, but in those situations, you were looking at weekly cards that were 12-20 matches or more otherwise with a decent chunk being sort of the low-card writers.
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Darth Dante
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptySun Dec 21, 2014 8:53 pm

Kasabian Stalker wrote:
Ran something in an old fed that was similar to the old pro/rookie style of nxt. Matched newcomers or peopke desiring development up with proven writers. Gave a chance for people to side up with each other and actually encouraged more collaboration amongst roster members.

Would not work under the current roster but might be an idea for the future perhaps?

We actually had Generation X or something that did exactly that back in 2011.
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Kasabian Stalker

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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 2:07 am

Did it work?
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Love Bites
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 7:59 am

Not at all. I ran it and most of the fedders just left half-way through.

Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? MJFR42R
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 2:37 pm

Does anyone truly new to all this ever sign up now? Back in like 2009-2010 the site got a shit tone of people who had never been in an efed before. Now it appears just RP peeps join. Pointless, really.

Plus the fed looks like it has about 4 active people tops anyway Funny
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Main Eventer

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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 4:48 pm

I love how this is still being talked about after I said "But that's alright: let's focus on Vendetta."
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 5:31 pm

Cause everyone wants to point out how shitty your idea originally was Bruh......

Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? 903037_443105125766578_2024401428_o

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Darth Dante
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Darth Dante

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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 6:46 pm

Yeah man, that's how this shit works. We each have to take turns shoving your face in your own shit until everyone is equally satisfied or gets bored.
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 6:47 pm

Yeah That

Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? 903037_443105125766578_2024401428_o

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Main Eventer

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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 9:17 pm

Then considering I cared about this idea for all of a minute while I was taking a shit (Literally. I had the idea while I was taking a shit) it's going to take some actual effort to "shove my face in my own shit".

Perhaps we just let the fed die. :3

I mean gee... It's nice to see people such as Dante doing a knock up job at keeping it running with fresh new ideas that make people want to fed. After all, XtremeMania VI... the grand daddy of XWA PPVs from what I know... had 8 no-shows out of 17 posts. And, despite it being a PPV (so having TWO weeks to post), out of the remaining 9 posts, 5 needed an extension. So if there wasn't an extension and the show ended when it was supposed to, there would have been 13 no-shows. Or a bunch of shitty posts. I'm even being generous for including Dante's match, what with the glorious "Akira can stand it no longer. He taps out and sucks Dante's dick while he's down there."

INB4 someone takes this as a "Myke's mad" thing. Not even. I just find it funny that, according to one of the people in charge of the fed, it's a "shitty idea", yet what is that person even doing?
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Riley Williamson
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 9:38 pm

Myke wrote:
Why don't we have our own NXT-esque brand?

XWA = No word counts. This one would, thus having shorter matches. I know some people said they would prefer word limits, and who knows? Maybe word limits would help get activity.

But we don't want to take away too much from XWA. So why not have the show's deadline every two weeks, this way if there are people who want to participate in both, they have two weeks for this show, whereas the standard one week for the main show. And PPVs for this show could be every five shows (so ten weeks).

It would also let people try out new characters.

Now of course, it wouldn't mean people would have to "bring up" their characters because some people might just never be happy with the "no word limit" thing. So maybe it would be a sister show? I dunno.


I actually like this idea. As I can recall, there were some people that actually did wanted this. That wanted a Word Limit on Vendetta but it never came to fruition. I think maybe, this is just on a limb here that if we did do this, it would encourage more people to come back into the Fed and would help Boost The Fed's Activity. However, having a Deadline for a Show two weeks that the Word Limit that they would have to work with possibly 5,000 or even 2,000 tops? That just doesn't make sense to me as they would have enough time to work to atleast 1,000 by a hour. This, of course if we only just brought this to Vendetta and not go through the hassle of having to create another show.

Right now The Fed is really having a big problem in terms of Showings. Sure, we only had about 8 people show at XtremeMania VI. (Including me), but right now our focus should be gaining more members. Not only towards the Site but also, The Fed as well and finding more Match Writers. I think if we could work on this and at the same time, implement this Idea on having Word Counts then this would probably Interest not only attract RPers but kind of wheel them into what we do and bring The Fed back to life.
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Main Eventer

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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 9:46 pm

The thing about my idea is that it's just that: an idea. It doesn't mean that would be the final stage of it. I said two weeks, as to not take away from Vendetta. However, that doesn't mean it HAS to be two weeks. Could have been altered. 'Twas instead shut down. At least you, Riley, had a better and more professional stance about it. Kudos there. Riley > Dante.
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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyTue Dec 23, 2014 6:20 am

I was just giving an opinion, rather than "rubbing your face in it" as Mack said.

Does any fucker even advertise this place any more? We've had a zillion good ideas for the place, but if no one is coming through the door, they just get wasted.
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Darth Dante
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Darth Dante

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Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not a "developmental version" of XWA?   Why not a "developmental version" of XWA? EmptyTue Dec 23, 2014 3:38 pm

Myke wrote:
Then considering I cared about this idea for all of a minute while I was taking a shit (Literally. I had the idea while I was taking a shit) it's going to take some actual effort to "shove my face in my own shit".

Perhaps we just let the fed die. :3

I mean gee... It's nice to see people such as Dante doing a knock up job at keeping it running with fresh new ideas that make people want to fed. After all, XtremeMania VI... the grand daddy of XWA PPVs from what I know... had 8 no-shows out of 17 posts. And, despite it being a PPV (so having TWO weeks to post), out of the remaining 9 posts, 5 needed an extension. So if there wasn't an extension and the show ended when it was supposed to, there would have been 13 no-shows. Or a bunch of shitty posts. I'm even being generous for including Dante's match, what with the glorious "Akira can stand it no longer. He taps out and sucks Dante's dick while he's down there."

INB4 someone takes this as a "Myke's mad" thing. Not even. I just find it funny that, according to one of the people in charge of the fed, it's a "shitty idea", yet what is that person even doing?

I never said your idea was bad. In my first post to your idea I stated why this idea would not work at this time. If we had more people, yeah I'd be up for a developmental league, as of right now, no.
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