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 Greg Samuel Return Promo

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Join date : 2013-07-19
Age : 31

Greg Samuel Return Promo Empty
PostSubject: Greg Samuel Return Promo   Greg Samuel Return Promo EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 5:22 am

Due: Friday, August 2nd
11:59 PM EST

Edit: Greg, let me know if you want me to delete this thread if you don't feel like re-writing it. I wouldn't blame you.


Greg Samuel Return Promo FJBloTX
Greg Samuel Return Promo Rmt9lhM

Last edited by Ian on Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Greg Samuel Return Promo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greg Samuel Return Promo   Greg Samuel Return Promo EmptyTue Jul 23, 2013 5:31 pm

[Where my theme song, Nuclear Family by Green Day would be if I could post "external links."]

The song that hits the Wells Fargo Arena is one that is unfamiliar to the XWA Universe. After the short intro, the returning Greg Samuel busts out onto the stage.

TED CEDAR: “It’s Greg Samuel, we haven’t seen him since a little bit after XtremeMania where he beat Nate Insano!”

The crowd is unsure what to think of Samuel, as his actions don’t at all represent the cocky jerk that they last saw in Greg’s last stint in the XWA. Greg is wearing a “The Knack” t-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. Greg has the same friendly smirk on his face that once truly endeared him to the XWA in his early runs in the company. Greg walks down the Rev Wars ramp, noticeably lacking a certain Alexandra Summers by his side. As “The Maine Attraction” reaches the bottom of the ramp, he takes a couple of running steps and then slides into the ring. Once he pops back to his feet, he walks over and gives Laura Watts a little hug.

LAURA WATTS: “Welcome back to the Xtreme Wrestling Association, “THE MAINE ATTRACTION” GREG SAMUEL!!!”

Laura then hands Greg the mic and Samuel holds the ring ropes open for her to get out of the ring. It is at this time when his new theme fades out and he gets ready to address the XWA universe in Philly.

GREG SAMUEL: “I know, I know… ‘Greg, last time we saw you, you were a big big meany head!’ To make a long story short, money will make a man do all out stupid things… And, I know that doesn’t make it any better, but now, Ace isn’t here anymore and I’m going to get back to my right form. Now, I have been watching XWA a little bit recently, and the one thing I couldn’t help but think is… Not Enough Samuel!”

For the first time since his return, the crowd picks a side on him, deciding to cheer the former Intercontinental Champion.

GREG SAMUEL: “And you probably are wondering, oh Greg, what have you done in your time outside of XWA? Well, I’ve been traveling the world, wrestling the best that aren’t good enough to make it to this very ring. And I’ve mastered a new little pinning technique that is going to really give me some leverage over the competition here in XWA, the Gannosuke Clutch. So that’s how I earned myself the nickname “The King of the Gannosuke Clutch.” I also earned a second nickname in my time outside of this squared circle, and in a different set of ropes. Closely contesting my tried and true nickname “The Maine Attraction” is a new little moniker that I earned by unleashing… Beast Mode. I think it’s catchy, “Beast Mode” Greg Samuel. And you wait until you see me in the ring tonight against Patrick Moore when Beast Mode is set free. It’ll all make sense then…”

The crowd begins chanting “Beast Mode Samuel” with 5 claps to follow. Greg chuckles at the crowds new chant. He gives a little sigh and nods.

GREG SAMUEL: “Yep, I’m back…Home…”

Samuel’s long pause between back and home is matches with a light set off in his head.

GREG SAMUEL: “Yeah…home! I’m home… where I belong. Be it I am back for one major reason… I saw the World Title tourney announcements, and quite frankly, that is one of the only things I haven’t accomplished. Sure, I’ve only been to the semi-finals of the King of Xtreme tournament… twice, and I haven’t won tag gold, but that world title is something that has avoided me for as long as I can remember. At least 4 times off the top of my head can I think the world title has been kept out of my hands. Right now, I’m declaring NO LONGER! You see, four times I’ve been robbed. Four times, I had the taste of the top of the mountain in my mouth, the gold was practically around my waist only to have it stolen from me by guys that were flashes in the pot! But here I stand, in this ring at Revolutionary Wars 2013, looking out at the Philadelphia crowd, and mark my words, the World Championship is going to no one other than myself.”

The crowd claps for the obvious passion pouring out of Samuel in this promo.

GREG SAMUEL: “And you guys get to witness the start of this Greg Samuel revolution! Tonight, I have my first match with Patrick Moore. Now Moore, when I look at you, for some odd reason I see some form of my past self… But I can’t put my finger on it… Regardless, you’ve got one hell of a mean streak, and I can respect that! But no amount of anger in the world can stop this man on a mission. Ya see Pat, I know how you work. You’re that guy that does anything and everything to win matches, and that’s fine. But hear my words when I tell ya, there isn’t a low blow low enough, or a dirty tactic strong enough to keep me down. And for as long as I’m conscious in this ring tonight, you will not pin me or make me submit! I’m getting those 5 points tonight, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do that is going to intervene!”

[Where my theme song, Nuclear Family by Green Day would be if I could post "external links."]

TED CEDAR: “Greg Samuel is back and seems more determined than ever to win the XWA World Heavyweight Championship!”

ADAM DENNIS: “I will give him one thing, he is passionate. But I think just like all the times before, how many times did he say? 4? Like all four times before, he’ll fall short!”

TED CEDAR: “Quite frankly, I don’t think Greg Samuel gives a damn if you think he’ll fall short, and that’s what makes me think he has the potential to become the next World Champion!”

Greg drops the mic and slides out of the ring. The crowd breaks out into a “Welcome Back” chant. Greg walks up the ramp like a man who can’t be stopped, acknowledging some fans.

(OOC: I had it saved on my computer! I still really like this promo! haha)
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Posts : 14180
Join date : 2013-07-19
Age : 31

Greg Samuel Return Promo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greg Samuel Return Promo   Greg Samuel Return Promo EmptySat Aug 03, 2013 1:29 pm

It was a fairly simple return promo. You touched on all bases (the past, the future, and your opponent tonight.) There weren't any cliched cheap-pop face comments that I really think would have worked for your return, but perhaps staying away from the easy wins, for the lack of a better word, will help your character in the long haul.


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