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 Cuban: NBA should look at nixing max deals

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Cuban: NBA should look at nixing max deals Empty
PostSubject: Cuban: NBA should look at nixing max deals   Cuban: NBA should look at nixing max deals EmptyWed Oct 08, 2014 11:28 am


DALLAS -- Mavericks owner Mark Cuban believes the idea of doing away with maximum contracts, as suggested by Oklahoma City Thunder star Kevin Durant, could be considered by the league, as long as players are willing to give up something significant in return.

"If you give up guarantees, it's a trade-off," Cuban said before Tuesday night's preseason opener against the Houston Rockets.

Cuban mentioned a system similar to the NFL's in which guaranteed money is part of negotiations for each contract. NBA contracts are fully guaranteed unless the parties agree on other terms.

The NBA's salary cap will increase dramatically in the summer of 2016 due to the nine-year extension of the league's television deal that was announced Monday.

The new TV deal is worth $2.66 billion annually, according to a New York Times report, almost three times the value of the league's current deal.

In the wake of that news, Durant suggested that the league should no longer have a maximum restriction on individual player contracts. Durant, who is due to be a free agent in 2016, said several maximum-salaried players generate much more revenue than they are paid.

"Look at it like this, Kobe Bryant brings in a lot of money to Los Angeles, that downtown area," Durant said, according to The Oklahoman. "Clippers are getting up there; Chris Paul, Blake Griffin and those guys are bringing in a lot of money as well. Look at Cleveland, look at Miami when LeBron [James] was there.

"These guys are worth more than what they are making because of the money that they bring to that area. That's a conversation you can always have, but until it's changed, you never know what will happen to it."
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Cuban: NBA should look at nixing max deals

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