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 M2 | Nicholas Carson vs. Xtreme Icon

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Methylated Spirit
Methylated Spirit

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M2 | Nicholas Carson vs. Xtreme Icon Empty
PostSubject: M2 | Nicholas Carson vs. Xtreme Icon   M2 | Nicholas Carson vs. Xtreme Icon EmptyMon Sep 01, 2014 12:16 pm

DUE: Saturday the 6th of September 11:59 PM EST
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M2 | Nicholas Carson vs. Xtreme Icon Empty
PostSubject: Re: M2 | Nicholas Carson vs. Xtreme Icon   M2 | Nicholas Carson vs. Xtreme Icon EmptySat Sep 06, 2014 11:55 pm

As Carson climbs up to the ring apron, Icon comes flying in with his fist cocked back Carson drops to the floor right before Icon makes contact.

Miles: What the hell was that?! Icon attacking the man before the match even begins!

Cedar:  Icon getting the jump on his opponent, I don’t think Carson expected that, he’s going to need to be on his toes for this one.

Icon backs up to the center  of the ring, and allows Carson to enter the ring, Refree Jack Hammer calls for the bell to be rung


Icon and Carson stare each other down,  before locking up, collar and elbow style.  But Carson shoves Icon away, he falls onto his back and rolls backwards onto his knees.

Miles: Well that wasn’t smart

Cedar: Icon got over powered big time.

Icon stands up  as Carson charges in with a vicious clothesline. Icon ducks and gets behind him. As Carson turns around and takes a right hook to the jaw, Icon follows that up with a left kick to the body, then a right uppercut sending his foe into the ropes, Icon follows that up with a dropkick, knocking Carson over the top rope and out to the floor. Icon backs up a few steps back and as Carson stands up he runs at the turnbuckles and leaps up to the top one then leaps off with a flying cross body and crashes into Carson sending them both to the floor. Fans in the arena start the obligatory Holy Shit chant breaks out as Icon rolls off Carson.

Cedar: Icon just showed some amazing athleticism in talking to the air and taking down his opponent  

Miles:  Leave it to Icon to take insane chances, why can’t he keep it in the ring?

Cedar: He is hitting Carson as hard as possible, and if he has to take to the air to do it, he won’t think twice.

Icon rolls onto his stomach and pushes himself up to his feet, holding his midsection, taking a deep breath he turns around and sees Carson get to one knee, he runs over and clocks Carson with a running knee to the face as the downed man looks up. Jack Hammer counts to 2 as Icon stands back up and climbs up onto the apron.  He backs up to the ring post as Carson stands up holding his face. Icon runs along the apron and leaps into the air, only to get caught by Carson in a bearhug, he then charges forward and rams Icons spine into the post. Icon slides down into a seated position as the ref counts to 6, Carson rolls into the ring and out of it. Breaking the count, he walks over to Icon, who is still sitting against the ringpost

Cedar: Icon just got driven spine first into the ring post.

Miles: Ha! Icon got his momentum stopped dead in its tracks. He got absolutely over powered on that one.

The Lord of Lunacy picks Icon up to his feet, holding his back, Carson picks Icon up in a Gorilla Press and walks over to the announce table nearby.  Then drops Icon onto it, Icons face slams into the cover that shields the monitors. Icon stands straight up with a far away look in his eyes, before Carson slams his head back into the table. Then  picks Icon up in another gorilla press and steps up to the ring and throws Icon between the top and middle ropes and back into the ring. Icon rolls away as Carson climbs up to the apron then steps over the top rope and into the ring. He steps over to Icon and stomps on his back as Icon rolled onto his stomach.  His face immediately shows pain as Carson drops to his knees and clubs Icon across the back, swinging his forearm into the air and down across Icons lower back.

Miles:  The Lord of Lunacy focusing in on that lower back of Icon.

Cedar: He’s picking a body part and weakening it.  Sound strategy, especially if he can keep Icon grounded.

Miles: Yeah, Icon can pull any of those fancy moves of his if he can’t stand.

Carson stands up and picks Icon up to a standing basis. Then grabs him by the arm and Irish whips him into the corner, Icon slams into the comer back first with force. He stumbles out of the corner holing his back when Carson charges in and drives his shoulder into Icons midsection, several times.  Before he picks Icon up into a seated position on the top turnbuckle, Icon suddenly thows an overhand right and clocks Carson in the head he hits several of these to the point Carson backs off, holding his head. Icon sits there for a few moments before climbing up to the top and steadying himself.  As Carson turns toward him Icon leaps off with a flying forearm catching his larger foe in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Cedar: Nice flying forearm by Icon, trying to get some offense going.

Miles: Icon again punching his way out of a problem.

Cedar: He does that as well as anyone in XWA, he is not afraid to throw hands.

Icon lays on his stomach and holds his back before crawling over to Carson and tries to cover him, not even getting a one count before he gets his shoulder up.  Icon gets back up to his knees, then to his feet,  he looks down at Carson who is getting up to one knee.  Icon runs to the opposite ropes, rebounds off and comes charging at Carson, who stands up, grabs Icon by the throat and tries to his a chokeslam, but Icon counters into a front face lock, followed by a DDT.  

Miles: Icon countered into a DDT! So sudden, so quick!

Cedar:  He thinks so perfectly, he doesn’t know what he is going to do until right before he does it. His instincts are top tier in XWA.

Icon lays on the mat for several seconds before he sits up, then rolls to his knees then stands up.  Grabs Carson by the head and sets him in a seated position before hitting vicious cross face strikes, wrapping his arm around the skull of Sick Nick his forearm slamming into his nose.

Cedar: Vicious crossface shots by the Hall of Famer.

Miles: Icon has no restraint when he gets going, when he’s not getting frequent flier miles he’s beating the tar out of his opponent

Icon then throws stands up and hits a swift kick across the back of Carson.  A very loud and audible smack is heard and Carsons eyes get wide and his mouth gapes open.  Icon hits a second kick before running to the ropes hitting them to get added momentum, then comes running in, kicking Carson in the side of the head. He falls to the mat in a heap as Icon quickly goes for a cover. Getting a one count before Carson kicks out.  Icon looks at him, and stands up. Grabbing him by the head and yelling “Time toi kick this into another gear!” Fans cheer as Icon pulls Carson to his feet, then drives his knee into his midsection, doubling the big man over. He follows that up with a hard clubbing blow to the back then a swift elbow to the back of the head.  Icon hits the ropes again and comes charging in for another high impact move, but gets scooped, spun arouns and swiftly slammed to the mat.

Cedar: Oh Lord what a powerslam

Miles: Yeah, Icon just got his momentum stuffed again.

Carson stands up as Icon lays on the mat as Carson looks at him, he backs up to the ropes then steps forward and jumps in the air and drops an elbow across Icons chest. Staying on him he rolls Icon onto his back then  locks in a camel clutch, wrenching back on Icons chin as he sits on the small of Icons back.

Cedar: Camel Clutch applied, this is a brutal submission hold

Miles: That focuses on the back Teddy boy,  Carson is looking to destroy Icons back, this is one of the oldest holds in wrestling and one of the most effective.

Icons face tells the whole story, he can’t scream, because Carson has his hands clasped on Icons chin very tightly.  Icon knows he needs to get out of this hold.  Mustering what strength he can he starts dragging  his 240 pound frame, and the 280 pounder trying to break his back to the ropes. Inch by inch, Icon claws to the ropes, fans cheering, willing him on. Slowly he works his way across the canvas, as Jack Hammer asks Icon if he wants to give it up. As Jack asks for a third time Icon reaches out for the ropes, he can barely touch it with his fingers, he drags himself once more, getting close enough to the ropes to grab them, the ref calls for the break then starts counting, getting to 4 before Carson breaks the hold.  

Cedar:  Sick Nick taking full advantage of the 5 count.

Miles:  Break on 4 of get DQed on 5. That was 4 more seconds he had that hold locked on.

Icon pulls himself across the rope and grabs the middle one. He starts to pull himself up but suddenly Carson steps onto his shoulders and pulls up on the top rope as he chokes Icon with the bottom rope, Icons eyes open wide as Jack starts counting, again, Carson breaks on 4. This time Jack gets in his face, yelling at him to knock off the cheating, or risk disqualification.

Cedar: Jack Hammer laying down the law. That’s twice now Carson towed the line on a DQ.

Miles: Rules are made to be bent, like how the girl I was with last night was bent ov……

Cedar: Ok that’s enough Joey, we don’t want to hear about your escapades outside of work

Icon pulls his way up to his feet using the ropes, he leans against them as Carson comes in and irish whips him into the opposite ropes.  Icon  comes running in and gets lifted over the top rope, and onto the apron.  He turns around and gets nailed with a stiff right hand,  he stumbles backwards as Icon leans on the ropes.  Carson steps forward and Icon throws a big elbow, catching him in the nose, swiftly followed up by a head butt, sending Carson stumbling backwards to the middle of the ring, Icon springs up to the top rope and leaps off, flipping backwards with his legs tucked in, as he reaches Carson he thrusts them out  into Carsons chest. Fans pop as ICOn his one of his trademark moves.

Cedar: Shooting Star Dropkick! Icon does that so well, he has one of the most unique variations of the Shooting Star

Miles:  How much did he take out of himself? That move causes him to land on his injured back.

Icon  lays on his back for a few seconds as the ref counts, both men are down. He counts one, Icon rollsonto his stomach, 2! Carson does as well. 3! Both men push themselves up to their feet. 4! Icon get sto one knee, as Carson starts to stand up 5! Icon stands up as Carson steps over to him. Icon throws a huge left hook, catching Carson in the jaw, he responds in kind with a right hand of his own. Icon stays standing and follows up with a right hand to the jaw. Then they start trading punches, each shot getting harder trying to get the other to fall down.  Fans cheering as Icon hits a punch, booing as Carson hits a punch.

Cedar: and this has turned into a slugfest!

Miles:  Icon resorting to bar fight tactics. Which doesn’t shock me, who’s going down first?!

In the midst of the brawl, Icon hits a gut kick, then as Carson doubles over, he runs at the ropes behind him, rebounds off and leaps into the air but gets throttled, Carson squeezes on Icons neck and lifts him into the air and slams him down to the mat. Quickly goes for a cover, Jack Hammer is right there for the count, as his hand raises for a 3 count, Icon  kicks out, fans roar as Carson looks shocked.  HE stands up, trying to figure out how Icon kicked out of the Chokeslam.

Cedar: There is still life left in Icon!

Miles: I don’t know how, that was a nasty chokelsam, Icon had to be 8 feet in the air!

Carson looks down at Icon who tries to roll onto his stomach,  but can’t and returns to his back, staring at the lights.  Carson grabs him by the neck and picks him up to his feet, Icon can barely stand as he wobbles on his feet. Carson with one hand shoves him into the ropes, he falls onto the middle one, instead of falling out to the floor he rebounds off, grabbing the middle and top ropes top aid in this and rebounds off and charges in with a huge flying clothesline!

Miles: What the hell was that?!

Cedar: Icon let me in on this move earlier today, he calls it Clothesline Crazy

Miles:  I can’t believe he had enough sense to pull that off.

Icon lays face first on the mat as Carson  rolls away Icon pushes himself up to his feet, a bead of sweat drips onto the mat off his nose.  He gets up to his knees and holds his back he raises his right fist, clenched in the air before standing up, he yells at Carson to get to his feet. As he does, he slams his right fist into his left hand, a smile comes on his face as the fans chant “Icons going to kill you!” As Carson stands up Icon backs up a few steps before running in for the move, he leaps into the air with his fist cocked back, but gets caught and tosses up into the air and as he falls down Carson catches a Cutter .

Cedar:  Apocalypse Now!  Icon got caught going for that superman punch!

Miles: So much for the Straight Outta the 406… is that what he called it?

Cedar: Yeah, but not that it matters now Sick Nick is about to win that.

Carson covers Icon and hooks his right leg as the refs hand comes don for the three count, Icon gets his shoulder up. Fans explode as Carson looks to be in complete shock. He looks at the ref saying it was a three count.  Icon lays flat on the canvas as Carson stands up and gets right in Jack Hammers face.

Carson: That was 3 you stupid zebra! His frustration obviously taking over.

As this happens Icon slowly gets to his feet.  He slaps himself across the face to wake up from the Cutter from a few moments ago. Carson is unaware of what is going on he is still arguing with the ref. EH finally stops realizing he is getting no where as he turns around BAM! Icon hits his Superman Punch!

Miles: That time he hit it!

Cedar: Good God, what a Superman Punch, Coming Straight Outta the 406! I think Nicholas Carson is knocked out cold.

Icon stays on his feet and sticks one thumb out on his right hand and slides it across his throat then he pulls him up to a seated position and swiftly locks ina  half nelson and places his left forearm across Carsons neck. Then locks in a  Body triangle

Cedar: Tazmission!  He has the Submission hold locked in!

Miles: This is a CHOKEHOLD!  Why the hell is Icon allowed to use this?Q! Besides Carson was out cold from the Superman Punch!

Hammer takes one look at Carson as Icon cranks up the pressure on the hold and immediately calls for the bell.  


American Badass hits the sound system as Icon lets go of the hold and sits up. On the outside of the ring Laura Watts stands up with a mic in her hand

Watts: Here is your winner, The Xtreme Icon

Cedar: Icon pulled out a hell of a win here tonight!  I think Carson is still out!

Miles Well What do you expect? That Superman  Punch is devastating of course the illegal choke helped as well

Icon slowly stands up as the ref hands Icon his trademark weapon he holds it in his right hand as he holds his back with his left.  He raises it over his head  before walking to the ropes, stepping between the top and middle ones onto the apron then drops to the floor.  Still wincing in pain as he walks up the ramp. His back obviously bothering him. But he makes it to the top of the ramp, looks back at the ring where the doctor is checking on Carson then turns back to the entrance way and raises his cane over his head once again as the camera pans around him, then the show cuts to commercial.
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