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 SEGMENT 2.) Jared Jarusalem | "The KOK Is In Jared"

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Love Bites
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SEGMENT 2.) Jared Jarusalem | "The KOK Is In Jared" Empty
PostSubject: SEGMENT 2.) Jared Jarusalem | "The KOK Is In Jared"   SEGMENT 2.) Jared Jarusalem | "The KOK Is In Jared" EmptyMon Aug 25, 2014 2:54 am

DUE: 11:59 PM Saturday the 30th of August

SEGMENT 2.) Jared Jarusalem | "The KOK Is In Jared" MJFR42R
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Motherfucking SETONIAN!
Motherfucking SETONIAN!

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SEGMENT 2.) Jared Jarusalem | "The KOK Is In Jared" Empty
PostSubject: Re: SEGMENT 2.) Jared Jarusalem | "The KOK Is In Jared"   SEGMENT 2.) Jared Jarusalem | "The KOK Is In Jared" EmptySat Aug 30, 2014 9:15 am

Vendetta resumes after a short commercial break. The night is young and the fans are restless for what this show has in store for all tuning in. The camera motions its sights on the humongous titantron showing the man on wheels, Jared Jerusalem. Though he has to endure the fact that he's in a wheelchair, The Piece of Eden's still dressed lavishly with his immaculate suit and shades combo. Accompanying him in the backstage interview area is Jennifer Light, a long-time female interviewer in the company. If anyone still remembers 2012 like it was yesterday, Jennifer and Jared had a errrm.... Strange segment, which ended with Jerusalem kidnapping Light. Hopefully the beautiful interviewer has looked past that. However with the way Jerusalem's creepily staring and motioning/pointing his crotch region at the Light, this is going to be way awkward for the interviewer.

Jennifer Light: 
"Hello I'm Jennifer Light and I'm with uh..... WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP THAT!"

Jared Jerusalem:
"Oh come now.... Be careful there white marshmallow. You might melt. Are you still mad about the whole kidnapping thing?"

Jennifer Light:
"Can we not talk about this!? I'd prefer if we just went on with the interview. Let's just get this over with please! Or else I'm getting"

Double J attempts to softly touch and stroke the cheek of his interviewer, even to the point where he tries to rise up from his wheelchair(that's not the only thing rising up from Jerusalem... If you know what I mean), but gets his hands knocked out of the way before he could attempt the caress.

Jared Jerusalem: 
"Oh fine! Not a fan of full on penetrative action are we?"

The female interviewer lets out a loud sigh and wipes her forehead in stress before proceeding with the interview.

Jennifer Light: 
“Last week - you and the audience were left in utter shock after your own partner, Riley Williamson announced that there’s a new member for the Knockout Kings. Apparently that man is James Carlisle. Any thoughts?”

Jared Jerusalem:

“You saw what happened. I was fucking livid. I’m still unhappy about it. You know, I always did want a third member for the KO Kings. But James Carlisle? Really? I would have wanted a black guy for the third man. Can ya’ dig it!? Ha.... Anyways, this pot-bellied son of a whore marches down the ring while wearing the Knockout Kings shirt and acts like he freaking owns the team - and for some reason Riley’s just standing there doing nothing! Now I know that Riley likes to take things like dildos in the anus, but letting James Carlisle in the KOK is a whole ‘nother level of stupid! FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOMMA, RILEY WILLIAMSON!”

Jennifer Light:

“Oh God, he’s losing it again like back in 2012... HELP!”

Jared Jerusalem:

“Give me that fucking mic! *clears throat* Anyways, Riley... James... Next week - I’ll be making my own announcement. And you guys will remember who is the true KO King of the Knockout Kings! 

The former tag champ exits the scene, leaving the fans curious as to what he has to say next week. The show then goes on with the next bout scheduled for the night.
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SEGMENT 2.) Jared Jarusalem | "The KOK Is In Jared"

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