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 AJ leaving?

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AJ leaving?  Empty
PostSubject: AJ leaving?    AJ leaving?  EmptyWed Aug 20, 2014 4:53 pm

Jim Ross’ statement on AJ Lee possibly distancing herself from WWE following her feud with Paige struck up a truck load of rumors of her possibly leaving the company to start a family with her husband CM Punk.

“I would predict Paige to regain the title and we see AJ Lee distance herself from the WWE…that’s my guess.”

Fans took this as a fact and not an opinion. I’m not looking to discredit JR, but he did not know exactly if AJ was going to leave the company or not.

Wrestling News Observer would confirm today that there’s no legs to the rumor of AJ leaving WWE.

According to Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez of F4WOnline.com, rumors of AJ Lee possibly leaving WWE have surfaced online today, and there appears to be no truth to them as neither Meltzer nor Alvarez have heard any backstage word on AJ leaving the company.

Fans can breathe a sigh of relief then for the Divas division. Outside of Paige and AJ, the division has no other worthy Divas Championship contenders. The Bella Twins are involved in their own feud, otherwise one of them likely would be next for a title feud.

Naomi and Cameron both received their chance. Natalya is very stale. Alicia Fox and Emma are nowhere near the title as well. If anything, the next possible contender would be Charlotte from NXT.

Paige and AJ will be continuing their feud following SummerSlam, which the British Superstar pulled off the upset victory to regain the Divas Championship. After last night, they seem to be in line for a re-match at the Night of Champions PPV in September. Stay tuned for more on their feud.
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AJ leaving?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AJ leaving?    AJ leaving?  EmptyWed Aug 20, 2014 7:44 pm

I doubt she's going anywhere anytime soon
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AJ leaving?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AJ leaving?    AJ leaving?  EmptyThu Aug 21, 2014 2:37 am

Just because that's what JR thinks doesn't mean that's factual. Funny


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AJ leaving?  Empty
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