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 Greg Samuel "Peep Chop"

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Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" Empty
PostSubject: Greg Samuel "Peep Chop"   Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" EmptyMon Aug 19, 2013 3:59 am

Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" 22SamuelPromo_zpsc7cfc6b6
Due: August 24th, 2013 at 11:59PM EDT (UTC -4 Hours)


Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" FJBloTX
Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" Rmt9lhM
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Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greg Samuel "Peep Chop"   Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" EmptyMon Aug 19, 2013 10:36 am

Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" 22SamuelPromo_zpsc7cfc6b6

The scene opens with Greg Samuel sitting on a bench in a locker room. Greg is already in his ring attire, which consists of his blue, white and black trunks with a GS on the front, and a pair of matching kickpads. “The Maine Attraction” wears an “Endure” T-Shirt. Samuel has a look on his face of pure disgust, something that the XWA fans aren’t used to seeing.

GREG SAMUEL: “You know… My last two matches have been the main event of Vendetta. They’ve also both been nominated Match of the Night. Those two things are huge milestones in a wrestlers career. But the down side, and there always is a downside in the Greg Samuel story… I LOST BOTH. The past two weeks I went out there and lost in the main event. You know who loses two main events in a row? Mid-Carders lose two main event matches in a row, that’s who. Coming back to this company, I set my goals high, the World Heavyweight Championship. And now… I’m just some jack tied for 12th place with 3 points. Going into Endure, I HAVE NO REASONABLE CHANCE OF REACHING WHAT I PROMISED THE WORLD I WAS GOING TO DO. Do you know what it’s like to break a promise to the world? And I did break a promise to the world, but also, I broke a promise to myself…I told myself when I came back that it was time to capture the big one, and now here I stand, fighting to stay above water. Now, I have to adjust my sights, now I have to find a way to prove that I’m still a legitimate candidate for the World Championship.”

The crowd in the Phillips Arena cheers on Samuel, trying to get him to lift his head.

GREG SAMUEL: “Now, I move on to Vendetta 57, where the chance to prove that I can still run with the big boys is right here in front of me. Tonight, I face a legend of the industry, David Michaels. Now Davey, I have as much respect for you as I did for Caleb Spires. You’ve done some great things here, everywhere you’ve been. And no matter how much I respect you, I learned after facing Spires. Michaels, the thing about my match with Caleb was, I fought Caleb like I respected him. I learned from that mistake. Tonight, no matter how much I respect you, between the opening bell and the closing bell, you don’t get my respect. Tonight, in that ring, you get a warrior who is ready to get off a two week losing streak. Tonight, you’re going to get someone that XWA doesn’t see often. Vendetta 57, you’re going to get a Greg Samuel that is going to do just about anything, no matter the risk, to ensure that I come away with the victory. Dave, I may respect you, but in that ring tonight, you won’t be able to tell. Unless you consider respect to be a little extra thrust behind every punch, or a little more lift on that back body drop. Because tonight, no matter how much you think you need that win, I need it twice as much.”

Greg stands up and the camera follows him.

GREG SAMUEL: “David, I look forward to this match quite a bit. But come the end of the night, I’m not going to be beat for the third week in a row…”
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Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greg Samuel "Peep Chop"   Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" EmptyMon Aug 19, 2013 6:04 pm

This was brilliant. Short, but brilliant. It got the point across quite well. And I especially LOVED this line: "Unless you consider respect to be a little extra thrust behind every punch, or a little more lift on that back body drop." That did it for me. Great job Greg.
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Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greg Samuel "Peep Chop"   Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" EmptyMon Aug 19, 2013 6:07 pm

"Now Davey, I have as much respect for you as I did for Caleb Spires. You’ve done some great things here, everywhere you’ve been. And no matter how much I respect you, I learned after facing Spires. Michaels, the thing about my match with Caleb was, I fought Caleb like I respected him. I learned from that mistake. Tonight, no matter how much I respect you, between the opening bell and the closing bell, you don’t get my respect."

Love it. I read your promo two weeks ago on the Vendetta you faced me, and I love the complete attitude-switch you went with in this one.
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greg Samuel "Peep Chop"   Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" EmptyMon Aug 19, 2013 7:43 pm

The whole thing about not respecting David during the bell ringing was great. Good promo.

Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" MJFR42R
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Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greg Samuel "Peep Chop"   Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" EmptyTue Aug 20, 2013 5:51 am

Yeah that.

You really pick up Samuel wants the win here. This seems really focused gimmick wise to when I last read your stuff dude Smile
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Age : 31

Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greg Samuel "Peep Chop"   Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" EmptyTue Aug 20, 2013 7:35 am

Now, see, this sounds like a prelude to a heel turn. I don't know anything of the sort but I could definitely see you go that direction.


Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" FJBloTX
Greg Samuel "Peep Chop" Rmt9lhM
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