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 Ray J charged with sexual battery

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Ray J charged with sexual battery Empty
PostSubject: Ray J charged with sexual battery   Ray J charged with sexual battery EmptyWed Jul 23, 2014 11:14 am

Ray J has been charged with sexual battery for allegedly groping a woman's breast.

It was revealed yesterday (22.07.14) the 'I Hit It First' singer has been charged with 10 misdemeanour offences after being arrested at the Beverly Wilshire hotel in May and new details have now emerged over one of the charges following some confusion.

Police had originally been called to the Beverly Hills establishment after the singer - who is the younger brother of Brandy Norwood - had brushed up against a woman's butt, but officers at the time insisted it wasn't sexual battery because the contact was incidental.

However, according to TMZ, Ray was seen by multiple witnesses, both staff and patrons, grabbing a woman's chest, prompting the sexual battery charge.

Both the hotel lobby and bar are filled with surveillance cameras which cover every angle of both rooms, while another witness described the singer as ''wacked out on something'' when he entered the bar.

The 33-year-old star will be arraigned on all 10 charges on Friday (25.07.14), but is not required to be in court.

As well as sexual battery, the singer faces four charges of resisting arrest, three counts of assault and battery, and two counts of vandalism.

After being asked to leave the hotel due to his ''rowdy'' antics, Ray - who is best known for appearing in a sex tape with then-girlfriend Kim Kardashian - refused to go so security made a citizen's arrest.

Law enforcement officers then arrived at the scene and the R&B star allegedly kicked out the back window of the police car and spat in an arresting officer's face as he was being handcuffed.

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Ray J charged with sexual battery

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