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 CM Punk Returning To TV

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CM Punk Returning To TV Empty
PostSubject: CM Punk Returning To TV   CM Punk Returning To TV EmptyThu Jul 10, 2014 4:24 am

Former WWE Superstar CM Punk is returning to television, but not in a wrestling role or on WWE TV. Punk was named as one of the hosts of the Alternative Press & Gibson Brands AP Music Awards, which takes place on July 21st from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio.

Punk is featured in the press release as a “professional wrestling champion”, and is noted as making one of his first public appearances since stepping away from the ring. A quote from Punk on his hosting duties can be seen in the excerpt below:

Wait, what? You heard right! Professional wrestling champion CM Punk has been officially added as a red carpet host at the APMAs! As a life-long music fan, CM Punk will be making one of his first public appearances since he stepped away from his many years in the squared circle. CM Punk will be joining co-host Juliet Simms to interview celebrities for the AXS TV red carpet pre-show extravaganza!

Here’s what CM Punk had to say about his new role: “Well, I’m actually stoked to get out of the house and get gussied up for the first-ever Gibson Brands AP Music Awards, fueled by Monster Energy Drink. Red carpets and me don’t mix, so I figure it’ll be a perfectly hilarious night with friends and a live microphone—my favorite! Be there and be square!”
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CM Punk Returning To TV

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