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 Complete 7/4 WWE Smackdown Results *SPOILERS*

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Complete 7/4 WWE Smackdown Results *SPOILERS* Empty
PostSubject: Complete 7/4 WWE Smackdown Results *SPOILERS*   Complete 7/4 WWE Smackdown Results *SPOILERS* EmptyThu Jul 03, 2014 12:36 pm

WWE Smackdown
July 4th 2014

-Seth Rollins starts the show with his Money in the Bank briefcase. He's attacked by Dean Ambrose, until Randy Orton comes out and the two beat him down. Roman Reigns makes the save for his former Shield partner, and the two sides end up having a staredown.

(1) Big E def. Cesaro via count-out

(2) United States Championship Match
Sheamus (c) def. Alberto del Rio

-Chris Jericho makes his return to Smackdown, calling out Bray Wyatt and talking about the attack he got on Raw this week. Miz answers the call instead, pissed off about his "money maker" getting punched in. Jericho gives him yet another Codebreaker for his trouble. Way to not bury the newly returned former WWE Champion…

-AJ Lee is back on Smackdown, with her newly won Divas Championship.

(3) AJ Lee def. Eva Marie in a non-title match via submission. Lots of "you can't wrestle" chants for Eva, and "CM Punk" chants for AJ Lee. Paige did commentary for the match, and had a staredown bit with the champ after her match.

-Damien Sandow is out – this week he's Bruce Springsteen (or Sandowsteen, probably) singing "Born in the USA". Rusev comes out with Lana, who talk about how much America sucks on the 4th of July. Jack Swagger is out to make the save, and Zeb Colter cuts an anti-Russia promo. The crowd was super into them, doing the "We the People" chant. Swagger and Rusev with another staredown, as it looks like they'll be heading towards Battleground.

(4) Dean Ambrose def. Randy Orton via disqualification. Seth Rollins was ringside, and caused the DQ with his briefcase. Another 2-on-1 beatdown, and another save by Roman Reigns. Smackdown ends with Reigns getting a Superman punch on Randy Orton, and the former Shield partners standing tall with Rollins bailing.
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Complete 7/4 WWE Smackdown Results *SPOILERS*

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