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 "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized"

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"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" Empty
PostSubject: "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized"   "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 7:50 pm

The plans for the top of the card for this year's SummerSlam have reportedly been finalized in recent weeks. While obviously things can -- and usually do -- change a hundred times between now and then, especially in the case of a big show like SummerSlam, the company has apparently decided on the key directions they want to go for this year's big summer event.

Originally the plans called for a Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship on the show, however with Bryan's neck injury and uncertain in-ring future, that idea is said to be off the table.

As things stand now, Lesnar will still challenge for the title upon returning, with the idea that Lesnar -- coming off ending Undertaker's streak -- going for the title will make the belt seem more important.

The most likely scenario for SummerSlam would be Lesnar challenging whomever wins the title at the 6/29 Money In The Bank pay-per-view. With that being the plan, it's expected that a top baby face -- likely John Cena or Roman Reigns -- ends up winning the title at the pay-per-view in two weeks.

There is a long shot that Cesaro could win the title, seeing is how there's been a long-standing plan for Lesnar and Cesaro -- the two "Paul Heyman Guys" -- to eventually collide with each other. While there haven't been any indications that the company plans on turning Cesaro into a face anytime soon, it is considered a possibility considering the built-in story line.

It should be noted that Heyman, when referring to the Money In The Bank ladder match for the title on 6/29, said it was a "spoiler" that Cesaro would win, the same word he used when promising fans that Lesnar would break Undertaker's streak at WrestleMania XXX.


"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" FJBloTX
"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" Rmt9lhM
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"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized"   "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 7:52 pm

Eh. I have my doubts. They won't rush Reigns into the title run and I really don't think Cena will win. I think more than likely if Lesnar is working Summerslam it's against Batista, or possibly Cesaro.


"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" FJBloTX
"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" Rmt9lhM
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"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized"   "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 9:32 pm

Ehh, i think they'll end up giving Brock the belt towards the end of his contract. You dont build it up in promos that hes the #1 contender every week only not to do anything when he comes back.
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"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized"   "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 9:41 pm

If Daniel is, in the end, able to work SS, then I can more than likely see Brock beating him and winning the title. I don\'t know
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"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized"   "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 9:55 pm

Bryan wont even be the champion come Summerslam, have you not been paying attention to Raw/SD and all the discussions on here? lol
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"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized"   "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" EmptyThu Jun 19, 2014 1:57 am

No.. I haven't watched a RAW/SD/PPV in over a year.. suspicious
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"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized"   "Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" EmptyThu Jun 19, 2014 9:05 am

Dead wrote:
Ehh, i think they'll end up giving Brock the belt towards the end of his contract. You dont build it up in promos that hes the #1 contender every week only not to do anything when he comes back.

Agreed. I think Brock has the belt going into Wrestlemania to drop to Roman.


"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" FJBloTX
"Plans for Summerslam have been finalized" Rmt9lhM
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