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 Brodus Clay Proud of the Funkasaurus Gimmick

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Brodus Clay Proud of the Funkasaurus Gimmick Empty
PostSubject: Brodus Clay Proud of the Funkasaurus Gimmick   Brodus Clay Proud of the Funkasaurus Gimmick EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 6:02 am

Recently released WWE Superstar Brodus Clay did an interview with the Wrestling365 podcast, and was very honest about his Funkasaurus gimmick over the past few years. Despite most fans being negative about the character, Brodus says he was "proud" of the time he spent with the company.

"I had spent 7 or 8 months – the better part of the year – training with the idea that I was going to be a juggernaut. Seeing me in the back, cracking jokes and being myself, my boss said 'are we sure this is the way we want to go? What if we do this instead?' I was surprised by it, and a little nervous. I didn't even know if I could pull that off, to be honest with you … I asked to see [Dusty Rhodes] and figure things out, so I went down with him and I just happened to bump into Naomi. I said to her, 'I need your help' because I know her background with the Orlando Magic. We pitched the idea to have two girls, we picked Cameron as the second, worked with Dusty a few times, and came up with something."

"I was given a challenge, and I thought I did pretty well with the challenge put in front of me. Now when I look back on it, I'm proud of it. I can always be aggressive and ruthless in the ring, but I don't think I'll ever have the opportunity to be the Funkasaurus again. I'm thankful for that time because it was just a chance to be a character and have fun. The reaction I got from the kids made me want to do more and more of it."
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Brodus Clay Proud of the Funkasaurus Gimmick

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