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 (Rage) Big Jim vs. Akira Kobayashi vs. Nicholas Carson

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(Rage) Big Jim vs. Akira Kobayashi vs. Nicholas Carson Empty
PostSubject: (Rage) Big Jim vs. Akira Kobayashi vs. Nicholas Carson   (Rage) Big Jim vs. Akira Kobayashi vs. Nicholas Carson EmptyTue Jun 17, 2014 5:21 pm

This is an Intercontinental Tournament Qualifying Match
DUE: Friday, June 27th at 11:59PM EST (UTC -4 Hours)
Check the official thread for more details


(Rage) Big Jim vs. Akira Kobayashi vs. Nicholas Carson FJBloTX
(Rage) Big Jim vs. Akira Kobayashi vs. Nicholas Carson Rmt9lhM
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(Rage) Big Jim vs. Akira Kobayashi vs. Nicholas Carson Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Rage) Big Jim vs. Akira Kobayashi vs. Nicholas Carson   (Rage) Big Jim vs. Akira Kobayashi vs. Nicholas Carson EmptyFri Jun 27, 2014 9:31 pm

The bell rings and all three wrestlers stay in their corners, eyeing up their opponents. Nicholas Carson's eyes pear out from beneath his dirty matted hair as Ms. Moreau stands up on the apron whispering advice in his ear, alternating his death stare between Big Jim and Akira Kobayashi. Big Jim seems far less on edge, choosing to lean in the corner cracking his knuckles. Kobayashi shows no emotion as he takes his black towel off of his face. His takes a glance back and forth before naively turning around to hang the towel on the ropes in his corner. Before he has a chance to turn back, Big Jim and Nicholas Carson are on him like rabid dogs, raining down clubbing blows and knee strikes at their prey. Akira leans into the corner, throwing up his hands to cover up and shooting out his leg at Carson to try and kick him away, but all his attack does is piss off the Manic Mauler even more. Akira drops down to the ground, prompting Big Jim to close in and try to choke him. Before he has time to strangle Akira, Jim is spun around and nailed with a big elbow by Carson. Carson snarls as he drags Jim to the centre of the ring by his beard, the two trading punches without even considering protecting themselves, much to the delight of the crowd. Not to be left out, Akira charges from the corner and drives his knee into Big Jim's kidney area from behind. Jim's legs buckle, causing Carson to toss him aside into the ropes like a rag doll and stare down at the plucky young rookie. Never afraid to punch above his weight, Akira lays a hard open palm slap into the side of Carson's face, causing the crowd to collectively let out a short "ooo", as if impressed by Akira's guts.

Miles: That was the dumbest idea I've seen in a long time.

Cedar: The kid has balls, but balls alone aren't going to take down something that big!

The monster that is Nicholas Carson doesn't flinch as Akira slaps him a second time, again getting a reaction from the crowd, but none from Carson. From ringside Ms. Moreau watches on patiently, waiting for her pet monster to do what she's taught him to. Big Jim simply watches from the ropes as Akira lays in a third slap, this time getting a reaction as Carson grabs him by the throat and starts to hoist him up in a gorilla press. As Carson lifts Akira into the air Big Jim charges in and hits Carson with a vicious low blow, getting the monster to release his grip on Akira mid-lift. In a split second Akira Kobayashi goes from being lifted to latching onto Carson, grabbing his tree trunk of an arm with all four limbs while falling and trying to extend it out into a flying armbar. His plan hits a bump, however, when Carson only stumbles forward instead of falling, leaving him able to drive Akira down to the mat in a modified powerbomb style move. He holds on for the cover but Big Jim breaks it up with a boot to the face of Carson. With Akira still winded Carson turns his attention back to Big Jim, who wastes no time in following up his boot with a mule kick. Big Jim lets out a battle cry as he starts throwing wild strikes like a man possessed, backing Carson into the ropes as the crowd cheers him on. He attempts an Irish whip, but Carson easily counters it into a whip of his own with his brite strength, allowing him to lay in a sickening clothesline on the rebound, followed by a one count. Giving his opponent no time to breathe, Akira Kobayashi sprints at Carson and hits him with a jumping elbow in the side of the jaw. Still refusing to show any amount of weakness, Carson shrugs the strike off and responds with an elbow of his own. The two elbows get an alternating cheer and boo from the crowd, and this carries on as the two trade teeth rattling blows back and forth. The exchange is suddenly ended as Big Jim slams a chair across the back of Carson, making his feet wobble and taking his attention away from Kobayashi.

Miles: Big Jim was smart to go out and grab an equalizer.

Cedar: But Carson's still not down!

Sure enough, Carson turns around to face Big Jim. Jim swings the chair again, nailing Carson in the ribs as Akira steps away to the other side of the ring. As Carson readies up to swing again, Ms. Moreau jumps onto the apron and yells at him, distracting Jim enough to allow Carson to grab the chair out of his hands and smash it into his throat. Akira bounces off the ropes on the opposite side of the ring as Carson pushes Big Jim into the ropes, ready to blast him with a chair shot of his own. Seeing Akira coming from behind the great mass that is Nicholas Carson, Big Jim hits the deck and rolls out the ring, ensuring he's not in the way when The Black Heart Warrior lands a jumping kick directly into the back of Carson's skull. Carson still doesn't go down, but for the first time shows some sort of reaction, dropping the chair and grabbing the back of his head. Ms. Moreau screams in anger as her little freak suddenly seems much more vulnerable, to the amusement of Big Jim. Still behind his opponent, Akira quickly recovers and grabs Carson in a sleeper hold, his toes barely touching the ground as he tries to topple the mountain using a submission. Carson backs up and thrusts his elbows behind him wildly, catching Akira directly in the ribs but not breaking the choke hold. With his opponents tied up Big Jim slides back in and grabs the chair, receiving some cheers from the fans. As Big Jim winds up to swing for the fences Carson turns, putting Akira in the firing line. The chair crashes into Kobayashi's back, making him release the hold and drop to the knees while slamming his hands down in pain. To thank Big Jim for helping him escape his predicament, Carson puts his head down and spears Jim off his feet, taking the wind right out of his lungs while disarming him. Akira clutches his back as he gets to his feet, his stare homed in on the gigantic Carson. Letting out a loud yell, Akira lays in a hard kick to Carson's left calf from behind. Carson tries to turn to respond, but by the time he can pivot his massive frame Akira has already assumed a fighting stance and started hacking away at his legs with a series of kicks. Akira backs away, beckoning Carson to charge at him. Seeing only a bug that needs to be squashed Carson lunges forward, throwing a clothesline that Akira easily dodges and responds to with a jumping kick to Carson's leg.

Miles: Carson hasn't been off his feet so far this match, and it might take more than just some leg kicks to take him down.

Cedar: It's no DQ for fucks sake, hit the man with a bat or something!

As if he were listening to the commentary whilst recovering from the spear, Big Jim rolls out the ring and looks under the apron, pulling out a baseball bat wrapped in barbedwire to the delight of the crowd. He goes to roll into the ring but finds  Ms. Moreau stopping him, trying to keep him away to let Carson destroy Akira one on one. Akira tries some more leg kicks, but Carson ignores the pain and grabs him by the throat, looking for a choke slam. Desperately, Akira jumps forward and throws a hard kick into Carson's jaw, pushing him back, As Carson steps towards Akira looking to grab a hold of him and tear him in two like a piece of paper, Big Jim pushes past Ms. Moreau, slides into the ring behind Carson and hits him in the back of the same leg Akira worked over with the baseball bat. With all the grace of an elephant Carson stumbles down onto one knee, breathing heavily as Ms. Moreau screams at him to get up. Akira sprints in looking for a soccer kick but is cut off by Big Jim slamming the bat into his stomach, as if to remind him that the two aren't on the same side. Big Jim stands over Carson and grinds the barbedwire into his face, prompting Carson to throw a clubbing body-blow up at his attacker. Jim backs up, letting Carson stand up while Kobayashi remains down on the mat clutching his stomach in pain. Big Jim looks up at Carson, who's face is now covered in a thin layer of blood. Jim smiles and then swings the bat, hitting Carson in the ribs at the same time that Carson grabs his throat. This time, with Ms. Moreau's encouragement, Carson doesn't release his grip. With complete ease Carson lifts Big Jim up with one hand and drills him down into the canvas with a chokeslam.


"2!" - Kobayashi dives over and breaks up the pin.

Miles: This match has quickly taken a turn for the hardcore, something which surely plays to the strengths of Nicholas Carson!

Carson stands up and starts to look for the bat as Akira catches his breath, clearly trying to work out a plan to topple the angry, bleeding monolith that stands above him. Carson reaches down for the bat, giving Akira the chance to grab him in a three-quarter-face-lock and throw in a series of knees to Carson's already bloody face. Carson quickly hooks Akira's leg and lifts him up into a firemans carry but Akira manages to kick loose and flip over onto his feet. With a head-full of steam Akira sprints at the ropes and bounces back, unleashing a war cry as he leaps and kicks Carson directly in the nose, knocking him back into the ropes. Ms. Moreau yells at Carson to compose himself as Akira backs up towards the ropes again.

Cedar: He's looking to kick that big bastard right off his feet!

Big Jim runs with his arm out at Akira, who ducks the clothesline, leaving Jim to run into the corner. Akira charges in at Carson again and plants a kick directly between his eyes. Carson slumps back, holding himself up on the ropes as the crowd roars, encouraging Akira to try to put the beast down. Akira steps back a few paces, unknowingly directly into a chair-shot across the back from Big Jim. Akira only drops to his knees, but a second chair shot finishes the job and leaves him face down on the mat at the hands of Big Jim. Carson straightens up just in time to sidestep a downward chair shot from Big Jim which looked to have enough force to knock a man out cold. Big Jim wastes no time letting Carson recover and swings again wildly, this time finding that Carson has backed away. Carson closes the distance as he leaps in with a huge big boot, hitting Big Jim with enough force to take him off his feet. Big Jim instantly jumps back up to his feet, screaming at Carson to "kick him like a man"! Carson obliges, and this time Jim stays down, rolling out towards the apron and grabbing the bottom rope. Akira stumbles up to his feet, ignoring the searing pain running up his spine to strike while the iron is hot. Akira runs at Carson and hits him him a flurry of palm strikes at close range, then a jumping knee to the ribs when Carson covers his bloody face with his hands. Akira walks away to catch his breath and raises up his hands, showing the crowd how his palms are now coated in Carson's blood which only makes them cheer louder, begging to see the beast finally taken down. Carson looks shaky, and maybe for the first time even vulnerable. Quite literally smelling blood, Akira backs up and unleashes a Japanese battle cry which mostly closely translates to "Go down, you fuck!" before spinning around in a full circle and driving a rolling elbow into the side of Carson's skull. For a few seconds Carson stumbles back and forth, almost as if trying to get his legs to carry him. Akira lets out a hint of a smile as Carson finally falls, hitting the mat with a loud thud as the crowd cheers.

Miles: It may have taken some time, but Big Nick has finally been taken off his feet!

Akira starts towards Carson to look for the pin but is blind sided by Big Jim, who knees him in the gut and plants him with a DDT. Taking no time to celebrate, Big Jim goes for the cover on Carson. Just as the ref is about to count for two Ms. Moreau jumps up from the outside, reaching through the bottom and middle rope to grab Big Jim by the hair and yank him hard enough to make him break the pin. The crowd boos as Ms. Moreau keeps pulling at Jim's hair, eventually causing the hill billy to lunge towards her. As Akira Kobayashi rolls out after him, Big Jim pushes Ms. Moreau into the barricade and, to the delight of the fans, sinks his yellow teeth down into her forehead like a hungry lion. Ms. Moreau yells out tried to kick Big Jim, who simply tosses her over the barricade into the first row before turning to Akira Kobayashi, who motions for Big Jim to fight him. Jim obliges, headbutting Akira in the face and following it up with an uppercut. Not one to take a punch lying down, Akira throws an elbow strike in return, the two now exchanging hard blows back and forth. Akira ducks backwards away from Big Jim and goes to grab him, but his stronger opponent counters by using Akira's weight against him and shoving him into the barricade back first. Akira bounces off the cold hard steel, now throwing palm strikes and receiving savage punches. All together the crowd let out a roar, and before either Big Jim or Akira have time to react Nicholas Carson comes flying between the top and middle ropes like a lawn dart, wiping out his opponents with a spectacular suicide dive. All three men lie on the floor, sucking in air while trying to get up. Carson gets to his feet first and grabs Akira, tossing him back into the ring before turning his attention to Big Jim. Carson grasps a clump of Big Jim's matted, dirty hair and goes to pull him up, but as he does a flash of fire ignites, burning Carson's face and making him stumble back. Clawing at his eyes as a result of the fireball, Carson has no way to defend himself when Big Jim grabs a chain from ringside, wraps it around his fist and smashes Carson in the face with it, dropping him in a heap against the ring steps. The crowd cheer as Big Jim climbs the steps and gets back into the ring, locking eyes with Akira Kobayashi. There's a low rumble as Big Jim tosses down his chain and the two square up, shouting threats at each other.  Words become actions as the pair once again start striking each other, Akira's palms smashing into Big Jim's cheeks as Big Jim's fists clatter into Akira's jaw. Like two rabid dogs, the two seem willing to simply beat on each other until one of them simply can't take it anymore. The crowd can only cheer the two on as they brawl, Big Jim's cheeks swelling up as Akira's nose starts to bleed. Akira's palm strikes turn to elbows and he starts to take control, dodging away from some of Big Jim's punches and hitting strikes of his own. Deciding to try and finally end the exchange, Akira ducks under a punch and headbutts Big Jim hard in the forehead. The sound of the two men's skulls colliding echoes around the arena as Big Jim drops a knee, clutching his head. Akira grabs Jim around the waist from the side, pulls him up to his feet and with a mighty roar plants him directly down onto his head with a back-drop driver.



"Thr-" at the last possible moment Big Jim kicks out. Running on fumes Akira climbs to his feet, just in time to see Nicholas Carson climbing back into the ring. Defiantly (Or perhaps stupidly), Akira holds his ground, using the little breath he can muster to mouth "come on" at Carson, who responds by punching him across the face. Akira stays up, simultaneously trying to regain his senses while putting himself in the path of a freight train.

Miles: Fighting spirit is one thing, but sometimes you just need to get the hell out of there!

Cedar: Fuck that, I want to see that mountain smash this kid's head into pieces!

Carson grabs Akira by his head, forcing him back into the corner while squeezing his skull and jamming his thick, hammerhead like fingers into his eyes. Akira yells out a mix of curses and threats while throwing knees into Carson's body in an attempt to escape, to no avail. Once again, Akira's saviour turns out to be his other opponent, as a barely conscious Big Jim sloppily low blows Carson from behind and tries to roll him up, gaining only two. The pair make it to their knees, Carson angrily grunting as Big Jim spits at him. Carson cocks his fist back but gets cut off by a huge soccer kick from Akira Kobayashi, knocking the living daylights out of him. Carson goes limp and falls down onto his side, Akira stumbles forward and drops to his knees as fatigue sets in, and Big Jim simply takes the chance to further recover from the back-drop driver. Akira walks back over to Jim and goes to lift him up, receiving a low blow for his troubles. With a smirk across his face Jim crawls over to the chair and grabs it, getting ready to smash Akira in the head with it. His plan is ruined, however, when he finds the seething, bloody face of Nicholas Carson in front of him. Tossing caution to the wind, Big Jim tosses the chair directly into Carson's face with all his might, catching his opponent off guard. Carson howls as he stumbles backwards clutching his face, directly into the path of a running boot by Akira. On shaky legs, Carson starts looking for the baseball but, but all he gets is another chairshot to the head from Big Jim, flooring him. Big Jim raises the chair up to hit Carson, but in his hurry to finish the monster seems to forget about Kobayashi, who grabs him from behind and lays him out with a german suplex. Picking up where Big Jim left off, Akira waits for Carson to reach his knees, stalking him like a hunter. Carson tries climbing to his feet, prompting Akira to boot him hard in the back and shove him down towards the corner. With Big Jim still down, Akira finds himself stood alone, looking down at a bloody monster that still refuses to stop. He lays a hard soccer kick into the side of Carson's head, dropping him flat onto his back, then walks away, grabbing the steel chair. Akira takes his time as he walks back over to Carson's feet, waiting for him to sit up while clutching the chair in both hands. Carson pulls his head up off the mat, his hair now crimson red and even more of a mess than before, at which point Akira tosses the chair to him. However much of a rabid animal Nicholas Carson is, animals still have instincts, and at that moment Carson's instincts were to put his hands up and catch the chair. His enemy now holding a chair up over his own head, Akira rushes forward a few steps, leaps into the air, and comes down with a vicious double stomp onto the chair, slamming it down onto Carson's cranium so hard it sounds like somebody has just fired a shotgun. The crowd explodes as Carson goes limp, the chair resting on his head while blood leaks out from under it, making the entire situation look more like a crime scene than a wrestling match. Akira's momentum carries him into the ropes, giving him something to lean on as he turns and looks down at the motionless Carson.


Miles: Akira Kobayashi may have just knocked Nicholas Carson out cold with that one!

Cedar: How the fuck?!

Miles: Kobayashi may be a martial artist at heart, but it appears he's quickly learning that in XWA ol' stainless can sometimes be a man's best friend!

Akira turns and starts towards Carson, but stops when he sees Big Jim standing up, staring across the ring at him. Knowing a pinfall would be broken up in seconds, Akira has no choice but to return to slogging it out with Big Jim, who seems simply enamoured by the prospect. After a few slaps are traded Jim boots Akira in the gut and grabs him in a facelock, looking for a DDT, which Akira tries to counter with a northern lights suplex. Jim twists out of it, landing on his feet next to Akira in the perfect position to grab him and hit a russian leg sweep, gaining a close two count. The two warriors gather their strength, grabbing a hold of each other by the shoulder with one arm while trading blows with the other as they rise up to their feet. Jim throws a hard uppercut that stuns Akira enough for Jim to go for a double knee facebreaker. Akira throws his hands up in time to push away Jim, who barely manages to land on his feet without losing his balance. With Big Jim's guard down and space between them Akira unleashes a rolling elbow with such impact that Jim flops down like dead weight. Akira clutches his elbow as he slowly steps towards Jim, the crowd loudly cheering for him to finish it ringing in his ears. Akira grabs Jim, pulling him up and under his arm while backing up to the middle of the ring. After checking that Carson still isn't moving Akira takes one last deep breath, hoists Big Jim up, and drills him head first into the mat with a brainbuster! Akira hooks both legs as he rolls on top of Big Jim.





As "Stay Here" booms out through the arena, Akira Kobayashi can only crawl back to his corner and grab his towel, wiping the sweat off his face as we cut to a commercial.
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(Rage) Big Jim vs. Akira Kobayashi vs. Nicholas Carson

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