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 Complete 6/6/14 Smackdown spoilers

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Complete 6/6/14 Smackdown spoilers Empty
PostSubject: Complete 6/6/14 Smackdown spoilers   Complete 6/6/14 Smackdown spoilers EmptyTue Jun 03, 2014 11:45 pm

WWE taped this week's episode of WWE Smackdown tonight. Here are the results.

* SmackDown opens with Triple H and Seth Rollins coming to the ring to the Evolution music. Rollins is still wearing his gear. Fans boo Rollins and call him a sell out. Triple H says he told us he wins. Rollins takes the mic and our correspondent says he seems cockier than usual but a little hesitant. Rollins gets a lot of heel heat here but says only he knows why he turned on The Shield. Dolph Ziggler interrupts to a pop. Ziggler calls Rollins a sell out and Triple H seems amused by Ziggler coming out. Triple H announces Rollins vs. Ziggler tonight and Rollins looks at him like he wasn't expecting that.

* Seth Rollins defeated Dolph Ziggler in a solid back and forth match.

* Big Show walks up on Rollins and Triple H backstage, calling Rollins a sell out. Triple H announces Show vs. Randy Orton for later tonight.

* The Usos defeated Ryback and Curtis Axel in a non-title match.

* Rusev squashed Xavier Woods. Rusev now has a huge Russian flag that hangs down above the ring.

* Rob Van Dam vs. Bad News Barrett vs. Cesaro is up next. Paul Heyman is on commentary. Barrett gets the win in a good match that barely went 10 minutes.

* Bray Wyatt appears on the big screen and cuts a promo about losing at Payback. He says Sister Abigail warned him all this would happen.

* Natalya defeated Alicia Fox. Alicia threw a fit after the match at ringside, tearing up the announce table and threatening the announcers, including Lilian Garcia.

* Bo Dallas defeated Santino Marella. Emma was at ringside.

* Randy Orton vs. Big Show is up next. The match ends when Seth Rollins attacks Big Show. Rollins and Orton beat Big Show up. SmackDown ends with them posing.
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