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 Speculation is still that Smackdown will go live on Tuesdays

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Speculation is still that Smackdown will go live on Tuesdays Empty
PostSubject: Speculation is still that Smackdown will go live on Tuesdays   Speculation is still that Smackdown will go live on Tuesdays EmptyFri May 16, 2014 3:53 am

With NBC Universal and WWE expected to announce a new TV deal any time soon, there is a lot of speculation that this will mean SmackDown goes live on Tuesday nights. Jim Ross also believes this will happen. He tweeted today:

"If nbc/universal keeps @WWE programming w/ a significant right fee increase, I'm guessing Smackdown goes LIVE on Tuesdays on SyFy."


Speculation is still that Smackdown will go live on Tuesdays FJBloTX
Speculation is still that Smackdown will go live on Tuesdays Rmt9lhM
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Speculation is still that Smackdown will go live on Tuesdays

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