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 Complete 5/22 TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results *Spoilers*

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Complete 5/22 TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results *Spoilers* Empty
PostSubject: Complete 5/22 TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results *Spoilers*   Complete 5/22 TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results *Spoilers* EmptyThu May 08, 2014 11:17 am

MVP Bobby Lashley and Kenny King came to the ring presented as a new faction running TNA. MVP applauded himself as a genius and said that men in power such as himself can also bring in his friends to share this power. He says the fans have been had since day one and that they are the gullible ones and says you have to lie and cheat to get to the top.

Kenny said MVP called him a months ago to lay out this genius plan and that their exhibition match was meant to throw everyone off. Lashley took the mic and called MVP a visionary that opened the doors for him at Lockdown.

​The Wolves interrupt their promo. Davey says that the wolves respect MVP for giving them their opportunity. MVP interrupts and says he gave the wolves a contract and an opportunity. Davey calls MVP a coward. MVP says he could fire the wolves right now and send them back to working the indies for table scraps. The Wolves attacked the 3 but MVP, King and Lashley get the upperhand.

Eric Young comes to the ring to talk about MVP. MVP interrupts and said he will give Eric Young a chance to speak but on his terms. Eric Young says MVP stabbed him in the back and calls Kenny King a scumbag. Eric Youngcalls Lashley a sellout who already paid his dues in wrestling MMA and the military.

MVP said Lashley smartened up. MVP announced Eric Young will be in a match tonight.

Angelina Love issued an open challenge tonight to any knockout who has never won the knockouts championship. Brittany answers the call.

Angelina Love defeated Brittany.

Austin Aries defeated MVP by DQ. Aries was about to finish off MVP when Lashley and King made the save. Eric Young tried to help aries but was overcome as well.

MVP announces Bobby Lashley will face Eric Young. Dixie Carter and ECIII comes out and says MVP refuses to answer calls and texts. Dixie feels offended and says she has never disrespected or hurt a person in her life. MVP reminds everyone that Dixie Hurt Bully Ray during Sacrifice. Bully Ray runs out with a steel pipe and chases Dixie away. MVP demands to know why Bully and Dixie are still here after he banned them from the Impact Zone. Ray says he has been meaning to say something to MVP for a long time. Ray calls MVP a piece of crap. Kenny attacks Ray and the 3 men begin to work on Ray. Dixie and ECIII return to the ring and yells at Ethan to “get the tables.” Ray gets slammed through a table.

Willow defeated Magnus w/Bram in a falls count anywhere match. Bram tried to get Magnus to use the turnbuckle hook on Willow. Magnus finally tried to hit Willow with the turnbuckle and Willow with a twist of fate on the ramp.

Eddie Edwards comes to the ring to challenge MVP Kenny or Lashley. Kenny King hits his finisher on Eddie on the ramp.

​Bobby Lashley defeated Eric Young in a non-title match. MVP and Kenny King attacked Young. Brian Hebner was about to throw out the match but MVP stopped him. Austin Aries came out with a kendo stick to help Young but Lashley speared him.
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Complete 5/22 TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results *Spoilers*

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