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 Complete 5/2 WWE Smackdown Taping Results *SPOILERS*

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Complete 5/2 WWE Smackdown Taping Results *SPOILERS* Empty
PostSubject: Complete 5/2 WWE Smackdown Taping Results *SPOILERS*   Complete 5/2 WWE Smackdown Taping Results *SPOILERS* EmptyWed Apr 30, 2014 8:36 am

Big thanks to Liam Roberge for sending along the following WWE Smackdown television spoilers.

WWE Smackdown Results
May 2, 2014

-Hornswoggle and El Torito came out to do a contract signign for their "weeLC" match at WWE Extreme Rules this Sunday.

(1) Rob Van Dam def. Jack Swagger. Cesaro and Paul Heyman sat ringside for the match, doing commentary. Swagger took a shot at Cesaro, but RVD took advantage to win. Cesaro beat down Swagger and RVD after the match.

(2) Alexander Rusev def. R-Truth by disqualification, after Xavier Woods gets involved. Same shtick from Raw, but with Truth instead of Woods.

-WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan came out in a neck brace and cut a promo about Kane and their Extreme Rules match this Sunday on PPV.

(3) The Wyatt Family def. Sheamus & The Usos. A massive brawl broke out after the match, with the Wyatt Family ending up posing over Jey Uso, who was the injured Uso during the tag team match on Raw.

(4) Dolph Ziggler def. Damien Sandow, who is still dressed up as Magneto.

-They retape the match between Rusev and R-Truth with a slightly different ending. Rusev still won.

(5) Big E def. Titus O'Neil via disqualification, when Titus refused to answer the referee's five-count. Sort of ironic. They brawled around the ring after the match, with Big E coming up on the winning end.

(6) United States Championship Match
Dean Ambrose (c) def. Ryback, Curtis Axel & Alberto del Rio to retain.

-The heels all tried to beat up on Ambrose after the match, but Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins came down to even the odds. Smackdown ends with The Shield giving a triple powerbomb to Ryback.

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Complete 5/2 WWE Smackdown Taping Results *SPOILERS*

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