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 M3 | Azrael vs. RJJR

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Riley Williamson
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Riley Williamson

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M3 | Azrael vs. RJJR Empty
PostSubject: M3 | Azrael vs. RJJR   M3 | Azrael vs. RJJR EmptyMon Apr 28, 2014 5:12 pm

DUE: Saturday, May 3rd at 11:59PM EDT.
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The Downward Spiral
The Downward Spiral

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M3 | Azrael vs. RJJR Empty
PostSubject: Re: M3 | Azrael vs. RJJR   M3 | Azrael vs. RJJR EmptyThu May 01, 2014 10:49 am

The titantron shows seemingly random images as Nirvana's “You Know You're Right” blares through the speakers as a rather bizarre looking man makes his way to the ring.

Laura Watts: “Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring, from parts unknown and weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds, Azrael!”

The masked individual walks down the ramp, paying no attention to the crowd. The fans are rather silent, not knowing what to think of the new wrestler making his XWA debut

Ted Cedar: “Well this man looks a little unsettling yet intriguing at the same time. It will be interesting to see Azrael make his XWA debut tonight.”

Joey Miles: “Unsettling!? What the are you Ted, 12? He looks like some god damn horror movie knock-off! He should be at some fucking movie set or something, not here at XWA.”

Ted Cedar: “Well, I did say only a little unsettling.”

Azrael stand on the apron and gets in the ring through the top and middle rope. He walks to a corner and looks to referee Ryu Sanu  , calmly waiting for his opponent as his theme stops.

Finger Eleven's “Living in a Dream” is then heard throughout the arena as RJJR comes out from backstage as the fans cheer for The Dreamer. He makes his way to the ring, clapping his fans hands, ready to take on his opponent.

Laura Watts: “And his opponent, from Lima, Peru and weighing in at 200 pounds, RJJR!”

Ted Cedar: “As ready as RJJR seems, he hasn't been giving as much of an effort lately. Now he's going against a new superstar here, but that's not to say he should stay that way. He should give more effort and shouldn't underestimate his opponent.”

Joey Miles: “Yeah, and this new guy looks silly as shit! RJJR can probably take him, but he's not getting to the big leagues.”

RJJR then jumps on the apron, climbs the corner and raises his hand. His opponent looks at him with no emotion in his eyes. He jumps down to the center of the ring and kneels, making the sign of the cross. He points to the sky and mumbles:

RJJR: “Esto es para t-”

RJJR is cut off as Azrael ran from the corner towards him and hit him in the face with a big boot, The Dreamer looks dazed, then falls to the ground. Azrael then starts stomping on his opponent, grinning manically as he does it. He screams “Your father lead you on!” over and over again. Referee Ryu Sanu steps between them and orders the masked man to get back to his corner. Azrael then stops grinning, and stares at the referee with a crazed look in his eyes. Oddly enough, he follows him and steps back to his corner.

Ted Cedar: “What a sick vile man! The bell hasn't even rang yet and RJJR was simply paying tribute to his father when Azrael almost takes his head off with a boot!”

Joey Miles: “Shut the fuck up Ted. A fight's a fight. Now lets get this over with!”

The Dreamer then slowly gets up to his feet, damaged before the match even starts. He gets to his corner, staring at his opponent who attacked him in the middle of paying respects to his father. He looks confused however, probably pondering what Azrael was screaming at him.


Azrael explodes out of his corner and jumps, striking his opponent's head with a devastating knee. This knocks the barely ready RJJR down as Azrael gets down next to him, he starts ramming RJJR's head with elbows and fists while laughing psychotically. The referee then breaks the brawl up, making Azrael look at the referee with anger again, then grins and backs away. RJJR holds his head in pain as he struggles to get up.

The Dreamer gets to his feet. Azrael and RJJR then circle the ring staring at each other. They then approach each other and lock up in a grapple. Azrael wins and irish whips his opponent to the ropes. RJJR then runs back at Azrael and gives him a dropkick which knocks the masked man down. RJJR is the first to get to his feet and rests at a corner, still holding his head from the beating he took.

Ted Cedar: “RJJR finally looks like he's got some breathing room. The man's been assaulted before the match even started! Can he capitalize?”

RJJR then approaches his opponent and gets him to his feet, only to kick him in the gut and deliver a DDT. Azrael holds his head from the damage. RJJR then gets to the top rope and hits Azrael with a moonsault. His opponent holds his stomach in pain. The dreamer then gets to his feet, catching his breath.

Ted Cedar: “It looks like RJJR is finally in control here!”

Joey Miles: “See? I told you Ted, he can handle this fucking psycho!”

RJJR then goes for the cover  on Azrael.




RJJR then climbs the top rope once more, he waits for his opponent to get up. The dazed Azrael then struggles to get to his feet. Once he finally does, RJJR jumps and goes for a headscissors takedown,  only to be on the receiving end of a vicious powerbomb. Azrael goes for the cover.




Ted Cedar: “You were saying something joey?”

Joey Miles: “Bullshit. Beginner's luck!”

Azrael then gets his opponent on his feet, only to kick him in the gut and deliver a suplex. The dreamer clenches his back in pain, but his face says it all. Azrael then turns his opponent over and holds both his hands, he pulls him up then violently curb stomps his head. Azrael laughs as The Dreamer grabs his head and shakes in pain.

Azrael then kneels and grabs the back of his opponent's head, he starts hitting him over and over in the head again, much to the referee's dismay. Referee Ryu Sanu then breaks them up, this time Azrael only laughs at the official. He backs up from RJJR and waits for him to get up. RJJR has a hard time getting to his feet, getting only on one knee. He is then met with a Shining Wizard from the masked man, almost decapitating him with a knee to the face. Azrael goes for the cover.




Azrael then backs up, then laughs at his opponent who's struggling to get on his feet. He then lectures his opponent. “You just don't know when to give up do you? You call yourself the dreamer!? These people don't give a shit about your dream! All they care about is for you to do flashy moves to give them entertainment!” The masked man screams. RJJR is on one knee now, as Azrael continues his sermon. “Oh and your father! The great Alberto Jock. You fight for him!? He's dead. DEAD! He doesn't give a damn if you wanna be a hero. Heroes don't exist, boy! Your father just claimed to be one, another false idol!” Azrael laughs again as KJJR looks pissed. RJJR runs at the Azrael, who lost focus with all his laughing, and hits him with the Lucid Dream Spear almost cutting him the masked man in half.

Ted Cedar: “Lucid Dream! It's over! And this tasteless individual deserves to lose! Making fun of a dead person, how sick.”

Joey Miles: “This is a match Ted. No one gives a fuck about your morals.”

The Dreamer then goes for the cover on the man that has disrespected his idol, his father.




RJJR looks pissed as he shouts at his opponent. “You don't talk of my father like that!” RJJR then gets out of the ring and stands on the apron, he then jumps on the ropes and performs a spaceman moonsault on the downed man. Azrael clenches his stomach in pain.

RJJR goes for the pin



RJJR then gets to his knees to continue what was interrupted. He does the sign of the cross next to a downed Azrael, then screams “esto es para ti” while pointing to the sky. He then locks Azrael in the Lebell lock crossface he calls “Sweat Dream”. Azrael struggles in pain.

Ted Cedar:”Sweat Dream! Will Azrael tap!?”

Joey Miles:”Of course it fucking is Ted. Like I said, he's just some silly dressed prick!”

Just as it looks like Azrael is gonna tap, RJJR suddenly breaks his hold, he looks at his hand which is bleeding slightly after being bitten by the masked man. Azrael then jumps at RJJR and starts giving a flurry of fists to his head. Azrael gets to his feet and starts stomping at the fallen Dreamer. Azrael then gets RJJR to his feet, kicks him in the gut and crosses his arms. Azrael then hits the straightjacket brainbuster he calls “Pop Goes The Weasel”. Azrael goes for the cover.



As referee Ryu Sanu was going to count three, Azrael stands up and grins. “I'll make you suffer boy!”
he shouts as he locks in the camel clutch called “Devil's Knot”.

Ted Cedar: “The tables have turned! RJJR might lose this! As if he didn't endure enough physical and emotional pain!”

Joey Miles: “Well, looks like this fucker's gonna win. I still think he shouldn't be in any wrestling ring though. RJJR's really starting to suck!”

Azrael mumbles things as he pulls harder at The Dreamer's chin. “Give up, like your father did on all these people!”.

Joey Miles: “Shut up, this is a wrestling match you fuck”

RJJR finally taps, and referee Ryu Sanu calls for the bell. The referee was gonna raise the masked man's hand, but Azrael stared at him with anger, scaring the ref.

Azrael then sits next to his fallen opponent “RJ, the world is full of kings and queens who'll blind your eyes and steal your dreams. People like your father. Your father who blinded your eyes!” Azrael then stands up as Nirvana's You Know You're Right is heard throughout the arena. The masked man then leaves, still paying no attention to the crowd that's booing him heavily.
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M3 | Azrael vs. RJJR

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