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 Danny Boyle, Leonardo DiCaprio for Steve Jobs movie?

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Danny Boyle, Leonardo DiCaprio for Steve Jobs movie? Empty
PostSubject: Danny Boyle, Leonardo DiCaprio for Steve Jobs movie?   Danny Boyle, Leonardo DiCaprio for Steve Jobs movie? EmptyTue Apr 22, 2014 10:43 am

Danny Boyle and Leonardo DiCaprio could reunite on Sony Pictures' Steve Jobs biopic.
The Oscar-winning director is being eyed to replace fellow visionary David Fincher at the helm of the untitled movie - scripted by 'The Social Network' scribe Aaron Sorkin - and it's claimed Boyle is eager to cast DiCaprio in the lead role.

The pair previously worked together on 2000's 'The Beach'.
While no deals are in place just yet, Sony is in talks with British filmmaker Boyle about helming the movie, which will chronicle the life of the Apple co-founder, whose forward-thinking led to technological advances such as the iPhone and iPad.

Boyle, in turn, has reached out to DiCaprio, but it seems there could be some conflict as the 'Wolf of Wall Street' star has already committed to filming Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu-directed thriller 'The Revenant' in September.

Sony opted to replace Fincher at the helm of the feature after the director demanded $10 million in advance and requested control over marketing.
Fincher wanted Christian Bale to star in the film, which is based on Walter Isaacson's best-selling biography 'Steve Jobs'.

The film was written by Aaron Sorkin and will be produced by Scott Rudin, both of whom previously worked with Fincher on 'The Social Network'.
Ashton Kutcher recently portrayed the late Apple visionary - who died in October 2011 - in 'Jobs'
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Danny Boyle, Leonardo DiCaprio for Steve Jobs movie?

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