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 How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)

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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 2:42 pm

* Why is this not in Be The Booker?
Because there is no follow up. It's the only post I'm making. Also I want people to actually see it.

Match 1 is the pre-show. Match 2 is the start of the show.

Xtreme Rules:


Money in the Bank:



Night of Champions:

Hell in a Cell:

Survivor Series:

Tables, Ladders, and Chairs:

Royal Rumble:

Elimination Chamber:

Wrestlemania 31:

The Raw after Wrestlemania 31 :


How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) FJBloTX
How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Rmt9lhM

Last edited by Reindeer McAwesome on Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 2:45 pm

*Looked at first show. Saw Paige immediately lose the Divas title. Left.*

How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) MJFR42R
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 2:47 pm

Fucking read the rest. Funny


How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) FJBloTX
How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Rmt9lhM
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 3:22 pm

There are some I agree with, but there is a lot I disagree with. Bray losing to Cena twice in a row and then beating him in the kiddy inferno match. What would be the reason to continue the feud with Bray and Cena if Bray losing a 2nd time? It seems you got the roles switch between the heel and the face. The face is the one who has to struggle to get the win, not the heel. That is very backwards imo.

I do like how you are treating the IC and US title

Also I think Reigns should defeat Triple H at Summerslam and facing John Cena at WM 31 for the WWE WHC imo
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 3:37 pm

Bull wrote:
There are some I agree with, but there is a lot I disagree with. Bray losing to Cena twice in a row and then beating him in the kiddy inferno match. What would be the reason to continue the feud with Bray and Cena if Bray losing a 2nd time? It seems you got the roles switch between the heel and the face. The face is the one who has to struggle to get the win, not the heel. That is very backwards imo.

It's not my fault WWE put Cena over Bray. I can't go back in time and put Bray over at a show that already happened. Indifferent


It's not a normal feud. The feud is about Bray trying to turn Cena into a monster. Bray is the one struggling. He fails when he beats Cena. Cena losses the match but wins the feud because he took everything and stayed the same, which ultimately ends up on Bray doubting himself and leaving after Summerslam.

Bull wrote:
Also I think Reigns should defeat Triple H at Summerslam and facing John Cena at WM 31 for the WWE WHC imo


I uh...

I am pretty sure the way I booked Reigns would literally make him THE GUY. Like. I don't get why you'd change any of it.


How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) FJBloTX
How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Rmt9lhM
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 3:44 pm

That is totally just wrong, why is Bray the one to be the one to struggle? I mean it doesn't make sense character wise. Bray is a master of the mind games, it's Cena who should be struggling and the one doubting himself. It adds more to him and it makes Bray look like a big threat. Yeah can't change the WM 30 result, but still. Cena and Bray's roles are backwards in this.

Imo I think a Big win over HHH at Summerslam, Winning the Royal rumble, and beating "THE GUY" John Cena at WM would make him more of THE Guy. But that's just me. I mean you got something good here, it's just I disagree with some of it.
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 3:54 pm

Why is Bray the one to be the one to struggle?

Because he lost at Wrestlemania and literally anything other than him continuing to struggle makes the whole feud fucking pointless. Why would Cena go over and then all of a sudden his mind games work on less important PPVs? WHAT CHANGES? And how would Cena beating him at Mania, Bray using 'mind games' to win a couple of matches at junk PPVs, and then Cena going over him again NOT bury Bray Wyatt?


How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) FJBloTX
How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Rmt9lhM
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 3:55 pm

Giggity Gopher wrote:
*Looked at first show. Saw Paige immediately lose the Divas title. Left.*
Yeah That

How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) 903037_443105125766578_2024401428_o

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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 4:01 pm

You guys are dumb.

1. She's 21 and obviously not ready. She can't cut a promo on live TV. She stuttered through her lines with AJ on Raw and then they had to do a backstage (Read: Taped) promo the next show. She's just not ready for live TV.

2. She defends the title at Wrestlemania. I aint bothered


How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) FJBloTX
How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Rmt9lhM
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 4:14 pm

I liked most of it. In regards to Roman Reigns, I think that would be the perfect way to put him over, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Lesnar as the champ by Mania and Reigns win the Royal Rumble.

One complaint I have(And this is just biased because I'm a fan, though WWE probably won't push him anyway) is that I think Cody and Goldust should split up soon, as their tag team isn't going to get any better, and Cody should get a strong push sooner than WM31. I say put Cody RHodes and Antonio Cesaro in a feud at some point, and have Cody win Money in the Bank this year. Whether Cody wins the WWE WHC or not, I'm not sure yet. But Bray doesn't need Money in the Bank to get put over, he's doing pretty fine so far after good pay per view matches with Daniel Bryan and John Cena.

In any booking situation I'd ever do, I'd always try to push Cody though. So my opinion may not be the best on that matter. Funny
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 4:15 pm

Quote :

1. She's 21 and obviously not ready. She can't cut a promo on live TV. She stuttered through her lines with AJ on Raw and then they had to do a backstage (Read: Taped) promo the next show. She's just not ready for live TV.

Please tell me you're being sarcastic. If not, then you didnt pay attention to a promo that was probably designed to look that way, as if she was nervous and didnt know what to say or do next.

Also, in terms of Bray chasing that win...you cant play mind games forever if Cena is eventually immune to them. You can have Bray come out and say that Cena has proven (lol again) that he can shake what's going on inside his head and now the only thing left for Bray to do is to beat him down. He can say that Cena not giving in to his true self has caused Bray sleepless nights and now all he thinks about is pain. It would tell a good story.
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 4:18 pm

Ugh I swear

see this is why Bray should have went over at WM. The Match at WM should have ended with Cena getting DQ'd by hitting Bray with a steel chair. Yes it's a DQ win at WM, but just think about what it means. Cena has always been a guy who has never let anything get to him, than this freak comes in and makes him do something he is against. Then at Extreme Rules (which shouldn't be in a fucking steel cage) Cena is trying to redeem himself from what happen at WM. But the Wyatt's out number Cena and Bray gets another win over on Cena.
Cena is now struggling which the fact Bray was able to get in his mind and made him do something he doesn't normally do at WM and at Extreme Rules the odds beat him when it became one on three. Cena is now 0-2 with Bray. So this is when a Steel cage is needed. It's just a one on one battle and it keeps Luke and Rowan out of ring. The steel cage was design for something like this.
Cena finally gets the win, but barely. Even tho he won this battle, Bray has pretty much won the war of the mind games because Bray has made Cena go to a dark place in his own mind which he never wants to go back to. So Cena decides that he needs to leave for awhile to get shit straighten out.
Bray has two wins over Cena, he fucked with his mind and he pretty much chased off for awhile.

Then Bray I agree Bray should be the one to get MITB this year, but he doesn't cash it in on Daniel Bryan. I just wait until the ppv before MITB 2015 for him to cash it in on Roman Reigns and start a feud between these two leading into Summerslam 2015.

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PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 4:25 pm

"Please tell me you're being sarcastic. If not, then you didnt pay attention to a promo that was probably designed to look that way, as if she was nervous and didnt know what to say or do next."

She didn't come off as surprised by AJ's reaction. She came off as a bad actress trying to seem surprised.

Also, in terms of Bray chasing that win...you cant play mind games forever if Cena is eventually immune to them. You can have Bray come out and say that Cena has proven (lol again) that he can shake what's going on inside his head and now the only thing left for Bray to do is to beat him down. He can say that Cena not giving in to his true self has caused Bray sleepless nights and now all he thinks about is pain. It would tell a good story.

That works. Bray goes over to end the feud, but I don't think turning Cena into a monster is going to work. You can't change his character IMO. That's why I said Bray feels like he lost because, despite winning, he could never turn Cena into the monster he wanted.


How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) FJBloTX
How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Rmt9lhM

Last edited by Reindeer McAwesome on Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 4:25 pm

"see this is why Bray should have went over at WM"

I agree.


How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) FJBloTX
How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Rmt9lhM
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 4:31 pm

So because she had one slipup means she should stay in NXT forever? There are a ton of people who either have horrible fake accents, real accents but the english is terrible and people that flat out cant speak english on television, but they're still on television. Come on now.
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PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 4:33 pm

She was back as champion before the end of the year. Indifferent

I put the belt on Tamina to set up for AJ coming back as a face.


How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) FJBloTX
How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Rmt9lhM
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Methylated Spirit
Methylated Spirit

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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 4:50 pm

Dead wrote:
So because she had one slipup means she should stay in NXT forever? There are a ton of people who either have horrible fake accents, real accents but the english is terrible and people that flat out cant speak english on television, but they're still on television. Come on now.

How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Exposestraw

He said she's not ready. This does not mean she should stay on NXT forever. He even puts her over later on, after she's had more time to work on her promo skills.
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 5:00 pm

Like i said previously, there are current people on the roster now that butcher the english language. Promo skills arent the only thing needed to be "tv ready".
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Go ills go
Go ills go

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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 5:27 pm

clap I really like how the main event went throughout the year and looks like some good pushes in the undercard too. WM looks great and that Bray Wyatt angle is actually interesting as hell and would be awesome to see.

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Methylated Spirit
Methylated Spirit

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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 5:38 pm

Dead wrote:
Like i said previously, there are current people on the roster now that butcher the english language. Promo skills arent the only thing needed to be "tv ready".

That was never stated either, but for a significant push that both the general WWE audience and the IWC would get behind, the ability to perform a promo, have a developed character and be a decent in ring-performer are necessary. This way he allows her character to develop and develop her mic skills without too much pressure on her as champion.
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I am Batman
I am Batman

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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 7:28 pm

I completely agree with the Paige thing as well as the Bray Wyatt thing. It makes no sense whatsoever to make Cena the underdog when he won the match at WM.

Also, Paige is awesome, but her winning the title was more of a shock factor type, losing it quickly then regaining it before WM wouldn't be a bad thing.

I also love how over Roman Reigns is. Overall solid. Not how I'd do it, but good booking nonetheless.


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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 8:25 pm

The Bray Wyatt thing does make sense since he lost at WM. But it just seems like it might make people feel sorry for him and turn him face.
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 8:53 pm

Which is why I kept him off TV for 9 months after Summerslam.


How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) FJBloTX
How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Rmt9lhM
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 9:39 pm

it would have been a lot better if Bray won at WM imo. I mean the whole struggle thing really shouldn't be with Bray, at least not now. I mean he hasn't even been back on the main roster for a full year yet. With Cena it would make him seem more human, less supermanish and relatable in away. Not saying it will change people's mind of him, but still.

It seems like half of the time it's the heels who have to over come stuff and the faces being the dominants. Which gets fans to react differently. Why get behind a face who is just going to win all the time, it's the heel who needs all the support. So they end up being the ones who are cheered the most.
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How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS)   How I'd book the next year in WWE (PPVS) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 9:48 pm

Loved your booking. Hated you jobbing Rusev Shaking Head
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