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 Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)

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Main Eventer

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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 5:01 pm

In my personal opinion, this whole two-week thing is not going to work out. People still ended up waiting until the last minute to post. So Axel and myself came up with some ideas.

We'd end up going back to one-week if these are implemented.

The first is going to what RIW did in terms of posting. Since 2WWF is going to remain turn-based, why not have it so people can post multiple times? Each regular show would have a word cap limit of 1,000 and a minimum of 250 words. This means, each post a person does, cannot go past 1,000 words but has to be at least 250 words. (For PPVs, it would be 1,500.) So this means a person can post anywhere from a paragraph to a few paragraphs, so long as it doesn't breach 1,000 words. Once they go, someone else can go. Or if that person doesn't go in 48 hours, the previous poster can go again. So people can post numerous times, ranging anywhere from 250 to 1,000 words per post.

The second would be a point system in terms of character, not fedder. For each post you do, you gain a point. For each time you no-show, you lose two points. Now what would be the point? Rewards of course. If you gain X amount of points, you can cash it in for an Internet Championship Match. If you gain Y amount of points, you can cash it in for a World Championship Match. If you gain Z amount of points, you can cash it in and be the booker/GM for the night. (Card would have to be approved by myself or Axel, as this could be used to place your characters in random title opportunities.) Also, that last one, again is in character. So it would be your character hosting the show and handling matches. Maybe deciding that your character is on commentary for each match, or the referee, whatever. Giving random stipulations here and there.


We would also need more rewards for the point system.
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Love Bites
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 5:58 pm

I hate the idea of it becoming multi-turn. If people can't be assed to write one post, what makes you think they'll write multiple posts?

Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) MJFR42R
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 8:14 pm

Well, we're open to any ideas that will inspire people to post more.

Do we need to create a 2WWF creative committee that can discuss and meet with certain fedders to come up with storylines and feuds?
Do we need to bring back the other 2WWF titles? If so, we'll need more dedication from the fedders to keep them relevant?
Is there an aspect about the match fedding system that makes people not want to post?
Do we need more gimmick matches to help people get more creative?

I personally like the 2 week system. It takes the pressure off of fedders posting within in a short amount of time and allows them to spread their fedding time out to fit their schedule, like me. So I agree with Justin. The people who wait to the last minute to post will still do it regardless of the 1 or 2 week system -- cause its mainly poor time management or lack of inspiration to post.

So what do we need to do to fix that? I pose that question mainly to the people fedding.
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I am Batman
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 9:41 pm

If done right, I love that idea of points.


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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptyFri Apr 18, 2014 10:30 pm

That's not a bad idea. Perhaps we can have a point system in place.

For each win, a fedder can earn either 1 or more points, depending on where the match is placed. Main event match victories earn you 5, championship matches earn you 3, regular singles matches earn you 1, etc. If you have a certain amount of points, you get to request a shot at the championship title assigned to those points. Like to have a shot at the world championship, you need at least 20 points or more. IC title shot you need 10 points or more. So on and so forth.

Then, as an act of consequence, we'll have a system of how to lose points as well. No shows means a loss of 5 points or more. A loss in a match is 1 point or 3 points if its a championship match. This will hold fedders accountable for their time in the fed and put less stress on the heads.

I'm just tossing shit against the wall at the moment but we can build off of this. What do you guys think? I think it might actually work.
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySat Apr 19, 2014 7:26 am

Points is a great idea. But it should be non-competitive and based solely on activity in my opinion.

Creative Committee is the way forward too in my opinion. Storylines, storylines, storylines!
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StraightEdge Rurouni
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySat Apr 19, 2014 8:54 am

I can't see myself posting multiple times a show.
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySat Apr 19, 2014 9:04 pm

Hey guys, thought I'd give my two cents also.

The multiple post RIW-esque style posting is something I would vote against. I believe that system has no real place as most of us are already too busy for one post, regardless of size.

I really like the point system, I was going to suggest this last time but the tournament was still in place and I felt it might've been too similar if I had tried to suggest it.

I believe there should be little loss in points for losing, seeing as this is a hobby. I would say 0 points. For example, in leagues you don't lose a point, only gain. Now no shows are different and they should result in point loss. As for winning points, wins, defenses and championship wins could be different amounts. The only thing with a points system is that we also have to allow room for stories and plans for people that may want to work together but aren't close on the system.

As for the 1-2 week thing, 2 weeks allows for more activity drop (as much as I found it helpful this week) so it's hard to decide on this.

Creative Team certainly wouldn't be a bad idea, but it should only be suggestions, not forceful, this is a game/hobby after all Smile

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Main Eventer

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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySat Apr 19, 2014 11:08 pm

If we do the points system, it's not going to be a win/loss thing. It's going to be an activity thing. So people would lose points for no-showing.
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySun Apr 20, 2014 2:30 am

Myke wrote:
If we do the points system, it's not going to be a win/loss thing. It's going to be an activity thing. So people would lose points for no-showing.

I agree totally. That's exactly how it should be. It doesn't matter if somebody loses every week if they take the time to post.

Although, I would make it very much a rewarding system rather than a punishing system. I wouldn't focus on how many points are deducted for a no show, but how many points are rewarded for people completing promos and matches on time.
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySun Apr 20, 2014 5:57 pm

Myke wrote:
If we do the points system, it's not going to be a win/loss thing. It's going to be an activity thing. So people would lose points for no-showing.

Sounds good to me.

Also, in agreement with Storey about the creative committee. Simple suggestions and ideas to help fedders get started in the fed. The fedders do not have to use those ideas if they do not like, but I do think some could use the guidance. The sooner we can get that off the ground, the better. If you need someone to spear head it, I'll happily do that.
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Main Eventer

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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySun Apr 20, 2014 7:08 pm

I would like to implement the point system on this Breakdown that's going up tonight. But I need more rewards.
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySun Apr 20, 2014 8:17 pm

I love the points idea and think any adaptation of it would be great. However, since we are entertaining the idea of punishing people by deducting points of they lose their match or no show a match, I think we should also deduct points if they wait until the last minute to post. Example: Let's say Wrestler A is going against Wrestler B. "A" posts first but is too busy to post any more for the match, even though it is a two week deadline. "B" posts 15 minutes before the deadline. I think "B" should get a grading penalty for late posting, and regardless if "B" wins or loses, he should get a point (or more) deducted for being a sandbagging lazy bum.

One of the main reasons I suggested a two week deadline is to accommodate a multi-turn system. There' s no reason to have a two week deadline if you are just going to have each person post once in the match. If that's the case, you should just close 2WWF down and join XWA because there's not much of a difference between the two at that point. All you are doing different in 2WWF is not writing the ending to the match. That's it.

Multi Turn system is the best way to go. It is the best way to grade each opponent's ability and accurate determine who deserves to win the match. I say this because multi-turn systems makes you react to what the other person is posting, and he has to do the same in return. You do not get to see this in the other systems you have in place on this site.

The only feds I have been in have been multi-turn feds that ran on a one week deadline most of the time, and didn't have word limits. The fed thrived for many years. If you can not post twice in a match thread over the course of two weeks, especially if there's very lenient word count limits in place, then you need to learn how to manage your time better or drop one (or more) of your 65,397 created characters or stop match writing until your life simmers down and you're not so busy (which is what I did in XWA).
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptyMon Apr 21, 2014 7:47 pm

As much as I respect Wolverina's post (very logical), I still say let's stick to one post each within two weeks. Let's see how things work out for the time being. If its gets kind of ridiculous, as in the shows start getting finished in a week or so and we're waiting an extra week for the show to go up, then we can go back to once a week. We're doing the 2 week time limit to simple give active fedders more time to do their posts.

The only reward I can suggest for the point system is what I already said, which is title shots for certain points. (10 points earns internet title shot, 20 points earns world title) Anyone else can lend their creative juices to that.
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I am Batman
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptyMon Apr 21, 2014 9:04 pm

You know, Lyxon. You COULD use that Youtube popularity to attract tons of members here. Maybe a good amount will join 2W and help with the activity too.


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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptyWed Apr 23, 2014 7:23 pm

Deathstroke wrote:
You know, Lyxon. You COULD use that Youtube popularity to attract tons of members here. Maybe a good amount will join 2W and help with the activity too.

I could, but I want to make sure everything is in place first before I just start promoting a site. Its not that I'm ashamed of my association with 2WWF; its more of a fear people won't appreciate it and end up turning away.
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I am Batman
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptyWed Apr 23, 2014 7:26 pm

True. At the same time though, all you needa do is attract members here. We can do the rest. Big Grin!

Especially if "there's a chance they'll meet the great and famous Lyxon.", they'll definitely come here. At least some of them will join the feds, whereas others may just join the forum and be active on the forum itself, then eventually they may be encouraged to join the fed.


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptyFri Apr 25, 2014 9:31 pm

"The great and famous Lyxon" -- LOL. Dude, I just make Youtube videos. Razz But thanks.
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I am Batman
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySat Apr 26, 2014 12:52 am

Youtube videos that get posted by WWE and have quite a cult following. Funny


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Learn Maturity
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySat Apr 26, 2014 7:15 am

The WWE bit might be a problem. Would they want him hyping up other websites?

Obviously Lyxon will know more about all that than me, just wanted to raise the issue.
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Middle Carder

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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySat Apr 26, 2014 8:24 am

The points idea is brilliant. Although I agree that points being deducted should only be for no-shows etc, rather than losing. Maybe we could get someone to make character graphics, sigs etc as point rewards also.
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Main Eventer

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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySat Apr 26, 2014 8:53 am

At this point, 2WWF won't be continuing. I messaged everyone that I needed more matches AND to let me know if they were still fedding here or not. I got nothing. Except two more match signups from Wolverina.

I'm not about to continue a fed where the same five or so people are the only ones doing stuff. Promos are nice and all, but matches need to occur too. Some of us are too busy for that, and have PPV-only schedules (ex. Lyxon and Shaun, although I don't know if Shaun is doing that anymore or not) but right now, PPV-only schedules aren't working. We need more activity. We're not getting it.
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Middle Carder

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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySat Apr 26, 2014 8:57 am

So is 2WWF finished then? Should I stop typing up my characters profile and make one for XWA? Seems I timed a return poorly.
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySat Apr 26, 2014 6:13 pm

My only thing with the PM you thing is I honestly didnt pay enough attention to the message to see and wouldas noticed it better prob had it been in a thread, but either way you know id be down >.>
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Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION)   Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) EmptySat Apr 26, 2014 6:56 pm

Before anyone decides to try and delete this stuff -- DON'T.

I'll archive it this week.


Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) FJBloTX
Potential Changes to Breakdown? (DISCUSSION) Rmt9lhM
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