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 MVP Training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

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MVP Training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Empty
PostSubject: MVP Training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu   MVP Training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu EmptySun Mar 09, 2014 7:37 pm

TNA Impact Wrestling's MVP is more than just a wrestler: He is on a journey of obtaining a black belt in jiu-jitsu. In an interview with The Roman Show, MVP addressed his passion for the sport prior to participating on Sunday's TNA Lockdown PPV in Coral Gables, Fl.

"I started a year ago. I was awarded my blue belt," he said. "My professor is Andre Santos from Brazil. I train in Gracie Barra. It has become my new mistress. I compete I do North American Grappling tournament (NAGA) and I love it. I love the technical match up."

He currently is a blue belt. He also gave advice to CM Punk in case he wants to compete in mixed martial arts. The Miami born wrestler said that he once considered becoming a fighter.

"There was a point when I was wrestling as Antonio Banks in South Florida and if things weren't paining out and I thought if this wrestling thing doesn't pan out I've always been a fan of martial arts I was intrigued," he said. "I said if things didn't work it in wrestling I would have trained to fight."

Click here to watch the video interview: http://rodolforoman.com/mvp-wants-black-belt-promises-positive-changes-tna/
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