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 Anastacia has double mastectomy

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Anastacia has double mastectomy Empty
PostSubject: Anastacia has double mastectomy   Anastacia has double mastectomy EmptyTue Oct 01, 2013 7:05 pm

Anastacia has revealed she has had a double mastectomy operation after being diagnosed with breast cancer for a second time.
The 45-year-old singer successfully beat the disease in 2003, but was told by the doctors the cancer had returned in February this year.
Now Anastacia has bravely admitted she took the decision to have her breasts surgically removed to save her life and hopes her story will provide comfort and support to other women battling the illness.

In a statement, she said: ''In light of Breast Cancer Awareness Month l wanted to take the opportunity to support a cause particularly close to my heart.
''l was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time earlier this year and am currently in the final stages of recovery after undergoing a double mastectomy. It has been an intense journey but l am feeling great and ready to start the next chapter.
''Breast Cancer Awareness Month gives all who are facing this disease a chance to gain strength and support from each other.''

The 'I'm Outta Love' singer also emphasised the importance of early detection when it comes to cancer and insists she will always campaign to raise awareness of the disease.
She added: ''Early detection has saved my life twice. I will continue to battle and lend my voice in any way I can.''

Anastacia's announcement follows the revelation made by Angelina Jolie earlier this year that she'd had a double mastectomy after being diagnosed with the BRCA1 mutated gene which gave her an 87 per cent chance of getting breast cancer.
Sharon Osbourne - who beat colon cancer - also revealed she had her chest removed as a preventative measure after being told she had a high chance of getting breast cancer.
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Anastacia has double mastectomy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anastacia has double mastectomy   Anastacia has double mastectomy EmptyTue Oct 01, 2013 7:06 pm

She is a brave woman, I probably couldn't cope if I got breast cancer
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