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 Jennifer Lopez's mother's $2.4m win

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Jennifer Lopez's mother's $2.4m win Empty
PostSubject: Jennifer Lopez's mother's $2.4m win   Jennifer Lopez's mother's $2.4m win EmptyTue Jan 20, 2015 3:52 pm

Jennifer Lopez's mother won $2.4 million on the slot machines.

The 'Boy Next Door' star revealed that Guadalupe Rodríguez pocketed the hefty sum during a visit to the Borgata casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 2004.

She shared: ''I'm not a big gambler at all; my mother's a huge gambler.

''She won like $2.4 million on the slots - this was years ago, this was like 10 years ago.''

The 45-year-old actress and singer was not with Guadalupe at the time but was notified of the news by her mother ''screaming'' down the phone.

She recalled: ''I just get a call and she's like really calm, which is not my mum. She's like, 'Jennifer?'. I'm like, 'Ma?'. And she's like, 'Yes?'

''I knew something had happened. I said, 'Ma, what's wrong?' and she said, 'I won $2.4 million'. She started screaming at the top of her lungs. Crazy. And I was like, 'What?'. On the slots of all things.

''She described the whole moment, took forever, play by play: 'And then the seven came down but it passed.'''

Meanwhile, Jennifer spent the most recent New Year's Eve performing at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and admitted that she rarely goes out to celebrate the new year because she can't find any parties to go to.

Speaking on 'The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon', she said: ''I did work on New Year's Eve. I did a show. I love doing shows on New Year's Eve because everybody thinks New Year's Eve is going to be so much fun and there's parties and everything but for some reason, I'm always home.

''I'm always doing nothing, wondering where are the parties.''
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Jennifer Lopez's mother's $2.4m win

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