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 Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god

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Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god Empty
PostSubject: Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god   Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god EmptyMon Jan 05, 2015 12:09 pm

Dear god was that an awkward show. There was some good on it like Ryback's promo, a lot of forgettable stuff which I skipped through. but the two main things I wanna talk about are just...oh god.

The ascension's debut- What the hell happen with this? The crowd gave Zero fucks about the ascension. Which is another reason why they need to start touring NXT outside of FL and not around the smarky zones.  The match itself was just...ew, especially that finish. This is not the Ascension I saw on NXT. WWE Making them a LOD clone is a thing stupid and the fans have noticed what they are trying to do. those LOD chants might ruin this once promising tag team.  

The ending segment- holy jesus what the fuck was that. The looks on Edge's face throughout the segment, he knew it was bad. Seth is normally an ok promo cutter but here...he was just awful. Idk if was a scripted promo or he was given free range. If scripted then its more proof that WWE needs to stop doing that with everyone or if he was given free range never do that again with him. You are either a script or free range type person. Reigns imo is a free range and sounds awful when given a script, but with Seth is might be the other way around idk.

Edge and Christian, mostly Edge looked so frustrated with this. E&C normally can work with anyone, but here it was just bad. Everyone tried to make it work so I am not going to blame it all on Seth or anyone else, but this was just awkward to watch.

WTF was up with those Death threats? That seriously makes me believe Seth was coming up with shit on his own. Big Show clunky ass trying to start an the authority, that just makes me pray he will retire soon. Both him and Kane. I would say Mark Henry too, but I sorta feel bad for Mark for what WWE has done with him the past number of months with him against Show and Rusev. 

And just so happen HHH and Steph have been backstage the whole time like they knew Cena was going to cave in. Yay more of those two and their 30 min promos to start every raw.

What a way to end 2014 WWE.
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I am Batman
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Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god   Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god EmptyMon Jan 05, 2015 1:20 pm


Are you fucking serious? That was one of the best RAWs in a VERY long time, and many people agree with that sentiment. The end promo officially convinced me that Seth is the best wrestler today and one of the top heels of all time. He made CENA QUIT and give in, when he said "I'll paralyze him from the neck down and he'll never hold his kid again" I legit marked at the amount of sheer badassery. I usually agree with you on things, but holy shit. I now agree with the sentiment that you will complain about anything WWE does. Funny


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Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god   Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god EmptyMon Jan 05, 2015 1:43 pm

It wasn't connecting for me at all. It just felt awkward and Forced. Maybe its because it was Seth's first really big promo like this, but he didn't sound right through out the segment. If he tone back a bit and relax a little more maybe it could have work better for me. But I swear to god I just couldn't feel anything from it.
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I am Batman
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Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god   Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god EmptyMon Jan 05, 2015 1:46 pm

Meanwhile, I and the three people I was watching it, were glued to the screen marking out. So was Fat Bastard, since we were talking about it while it happened. One of the best ways to close RAW and one of the best RAWs in recent memory. I will agree the Ascension's debut was lame, though.


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Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god   Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god EmptyMon Jan 05, 2015 1:49 pm

Like I said before Seth is normally a good promo cutter and I understood what they try to do here, but it wasn't good to me. If he tone back on some shit like the fucking death threats and let it just naturally come out instead of forcing it, it could have been way better. He has the right facial expressions, movement and attitude. What he needs to work on is his delivery.
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Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god   Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god EmptyMon Jan 05, 2015 1:59 pm

No doubt Seth is the future of the WWE as the top heel. But he still needs some polish to him. Work on his delivery and Seth will be golden.
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Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god   Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god EmptyMon Jan 05, 2015 6:11 pm

Yeah, I didn't see the problems with Seth's delivery. I thought he came across as a desperate man, which I think is what he was going for, and played the hostage situation well. I was legitimately concerned for Edge, which isn't something that happens often. I felt the tension and thought it came across well. I like the Authority, and even I felt a looming dread when their music hit. I thought it was all played perfectly, and made them look stronger than ever going into 2015.

Totally agree about the botched Ascension debut. I don't know if they would've been better off with their NXT gimmick, or if people just don't care about them. Either way, they needed something unique to help them stand out, and the red face paint basically did the opposite by tying them to one of the most memorable tag teams of all time. WWE even tried to lampshade it on SmackDown by implying their continuing the legacy of the Road Warriors and Demolition. Maybe if WWE plays them up as a throwback to the eighties and just embrace the cheesier nature they could be a fun face tag team, but I just don't know. The whole thing felt awkward.

I liked Ryback's promo, but it felt a little off to me. It might just be because I've already heard the same story told better and more naturally on the Jericho podcast, but it felt like he was trying to rush through the story. Maybe they could've done like the old Dustin Runnels promos from '97 and had Cole interview him in separate segments over the course of a few weeks to get a better pace. Still, it was a huge step forward for his character and should help him get over some of that Punk heat.

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Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god   Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god EmptyMon Jan 05, 2015 6:39 pm

I loved the part after Cena yells, and Seth is like marking out cause The Authority is back haha. It was like a kid opening a present he wanted on Xmas morning. Also loved HHH and Steph making that appearance and shaking Rollins hand, thought it was a good way to end Raw.

Also Edge tweeted a great tweet about giving Rollins the torch. Now I look at Rollins and think "Yeah, in a way he's like Edge"

Overall I liked it.
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Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god   Finally watched a little bit of last weeks raw...oh god EmptyTue Jan 06, 2015 7:16 pm

I agree completely with Razor.

And The Ascension seem lame to me anyway tbh (in both of the last 2 weeks). I'm actually glad they're getting no reactions. And my friend tried telling me they have a badass tag team finisher.... that shit was also pretty lame.. I aint bothered

Oh and for yesterday's Raw, idk if they were nervous or even just that the awkward silence made it seem worse than it was, but their mic skills seem god awful. Neutral

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