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 PROMO | Alpha Kappha Olmega - "Time For Some Illegal Logging"

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Riley Williamson
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PROMO | Alpha Kappha Olmega - "Time For Some Illegal Logging" Empty
PostSubject: PROMO | Alpha Kappha Olmega - "Time For Some Illegal Logging"   PROMO | Alpha Kappha Olmega - "Time For Some Illegal Logging" EmptyMon Dec 08, 2014 6:20 pm

DUE: Friday December 19th, 11:59PM EDT.
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Motherfucking SETONIAN!
Motherfucking SETONIAN!

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PROMO | Alpha Kappha Olmega - "Time For Some Illegal Logging" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Alpha Kappha Olmega - "Time For Some Illegal Logging"   PROMO | Alpha Kappha Olmega - "Time For Some Illegal Logging" EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 1:23 am

(It's Omega, Riley!)

The biggest night of them all continues with Alpha Kappa Omega, following up from The Logging Crew's segment. As captured by the camera, you can clearly see the two brothers warming up for their tag team match. Mike Mecca's unleashing no mercy on a nearby punching bag, while Jared Jerusalem's lacing up his boots as he's seated next to Empress. From the sides, the rest of Alpha Kappa Omega surprisingly appear. They're most likely there to wish the two faction masters good luck in their match. Everyone in the room starts chanting "Alpha Kappa Omega" while clapping repeatedly as they say it.


Jared Jerusalem: Now let's not get all excited here. First, me and my brother Mike here are going to beat those hillbilly fucks senselessly. Once that's all done, then we can party. 

Pete Strong: You got this in the bag, boss! 

Sid Leone: Yeah! Like fucking a young redhead on valentines day, it's a piece of cake!


Mike Mecca: That was.... Disturbing.

The people inside the locker room share a quick laugh before the leaders of the faction head out to the ring. The camera fades to a short commercial break. Rest assured that the tag match that'll kick things off for XtremeMania will be one to remember.
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PROMO | Alpha Kappha Olmega - "Time For Some Illegal Logging"

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