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 M3.) Polly Pocket vs. Nicole Johnson © - XWA Women's Championship

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Love Bites
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M3.) Polly Pocket vs. Nicole Johnson © - XWA Women's Championship Empty
PostSubject: M3.) Polly Pocket vs. Nicole Johnson © - XWA Women's Championship   M3.) Polly Pocket vs. Nicole Johnson © - XWA Women's Championship EmptyMon Oct 20, 2014 8:12 am

DUE: Friday, October 31st at 11:59PM EDT.

M3.) Polly Pocket vs. Nicole Johnson © - XWA Women's Championship MJFR42R
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Riley Williamson
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M3.) Polly Pocket vs. Nicole Johnson © - XWA Women's Championship Empty
PostSubject: Re: M3.) Polly Pocket vs. Nicole Johnson © - XWA Women's Championship   M3.) Polly Pocket vs. Nicole Johnson © - XWA Women's Championship EmptySat Nov 01, 2014 12:26 am

Ding, Ding, Ding!!

Johnson and Pocket slowly step forward as the chimes of the opening bell fade away into the stationary volume of the Safeco Field. Pocket raises her hands for a lock up but Johnson does not follow suit, Nicole instead raising her fists in more of a boxing stance, her fists primed and ready to strike. Polly ignores this stance as the two begin to circle, Polly going for the first move as she ducks low and swipes at Johnson’s left ankle. The Floridan Native slides her leg back quickly and catches Polly across the chin with an astonishingly fast right jab that sends her back a step. The Mousey Bear rubs her chin for a moment, taken aback at Johnson’s tactics right off the bat. Polly slowly steps back to meet Nicole at the center of the ring, Pocket  raising her hands in anticipation this time as the two begin to circle once again. The Mousey Bear tries to feel Nicole out, but The Floridan Native just circles without making a single move. Polly suddenly lunges in for a collar and elbow tie-up, but finds no one there as Johnson ducks underneath and lashes out with a swift right forearm to the side of Polly’s midsection. Nicole staggers a step to the side and doubles over slightly which allows Nicole to step up and clasp a side headlock on Polly. Polly tries to break herself free immediately and turns her body into Johnson’s, Polly using this position to force Nicole back into the near corner. Nicole breaks the hold, and Polly takes advantage as she drives a powerful knee up into the midsection of XWA’s Best Diva. Johnson doubles over from the force of the blow and allows Polly the opening to drive a powerful forearm of her own down across her shoulders. Nicole forces herself back up to her full vertical base in an attempt to protect herself, but Polly takes this as an opportunity to connect with a right hand to Johnson’s jaw. The punch seems to spur Nicole on however, as Nicole shoves Pocket back and returns with a right hand of her own. Polly attempts to retaliate with another knee to the midsection but Nicole slides the strike with a well timed side step. Polly loses her footing for a moment and that moment is all is necessary for Nicole to connect with another right hand to The Mousey Bear’s jaw. Nicole drives forward with not one, two, or three more strikes, but seven. Seven strike, fives punches, one forearm, and one elbow, connect with the head and neck of Polly as she is driven back by Nicole. Forced back against the ring ropes as she attempts to cover up, Yet suddenly Pocket is pulled away from the ropes, dazed for a moment as Nicole hooks Polly’s right arm around the back of her neck. Taking a moment to prepare herself, The Floridan Native scoops Polly up off her feet and plants her on the canvas with a snap vertical suplex. Nicole slides around and goes in quickly for the cover.

1.2..Kickout By Polly.

Polly forces her shoulder off the canvas rather easily after one, as would be expected. Nicole rises to one knee slowly, taking two deep breathes before rising back to her feet and clasping her hands around the head of also slowly rising Polly. Nicole quickly switches her hips tossing Pocket up and over down to the mat, in a simple high school wrestling style. Nicole gets straight back to her feet taunting Polly for the ease with which she went down. She lets her back to her feet and the two Divas quickly lock horns again.  Nicole again gets the upper hand as she twists Polly into a headlock, The Mousey Bear however, knows exactly what to do as she shakes her arms trying to fight free then manages to get Nicole to the ropes before quickly shooting her across the ring. On the rebound, Johnson goes to hiptoss The Mousey Bear but Johnson slams on the breaks and turns it around throwing The Denver Colorado Native to the canvas. Polly gets to her knees in the corner of the ring looking on as Johnson places two hands out and signals at Polly to Bring it. The two again lock up but this time round Polly is the one who takes control quickly with a headlock of her own, Polly proving herself the slightly more dangerous technician as she wrenches up the headlock with a twist and a palm up into the jaw. Johnson attempts to counter by charging forwards and trying to push Polly chest first into the turnbuckle only for Polly to release the headlock, leaps up at the last second and literally run up the turnbuckles before flipping backwards and landing deftly on her feet behind Johnson. Nicole turns to find Polly charging at her, Nicole managing to duck underneath a clothesline attempt and keeping on running. Johnson hits the ropes, leaps over Polly, bounces back, ducks a clothesline, bounces back again before managing to drop Polly with a dropkick out of nowhere. Polly slams her hands across the mat in frustration as she gets back to her feet. Nicole pulls herself up and waits in the corner, garnering the ire of the Number One Contender. As Polly gets close, Nicole slowly walks towards Polly but before she can do anything Polly nails her right in the gut with a vicious boot before following up with a hard elbow strike to the side of the head that sends Nicole staggering backwards into the ropes. As Johnson staggers by the ropes Polly charges forwards, leaps and delivers a picture perfect dropkick that sends the XWA Womens Champion through the ropes and crashing to the outside of the ring. Johnson struggles onto her feet, Polly watching her rise before grabbing hold of the top rope and launching herself up and over, The Colorado Native coming crashing down on top of Johnson, all of her weight crushing Johnson beneath. ONE! As the official begins his ten count Polly pulls herself up onto her feet, hooking her hands and dragging Johnson up with her. TWO! Polly lines Nicole up with the ring apron and delivers a big Irish whip to Nicole that sends her slamming spine first into the edge of the ring. THREE! Johnson drops to her knees in pain but she’s not there long as Polly charges forwards and brings her boot right into the jaw of Johnson, sending her crashing to the floor once more. FOUR! Polly grabs a handful of Johnson’s hair and drags her up onto her feet before tossing The Floridan Native back into the ring. Polly slides in to follow, quickly pulling Johnson up to her feet by the head to wrench the neck and swiftly deliver a picture perfect snapmare flipping Nicole over onto her back. Polly takes a few steps back across the ring before charging at her full pelt and clattering Johnson’s spine with a kick that can be heard out in the parking lot. Nicole writhes in pain for a moment only to get pulled up to his feet again, Polly wrapping her arm around the head of Johnson before snapping her over into a headlock on the canvas. Pocket wrenches in her grip holding Johnson to the mat for a while before Nicole is able to finally push herself to her feet. Johnson snaps Polly off the ropes but Polly manages to keep her grip and slams Nicole back to the canvas. Again Johnson has to fight her way to her feet, this time managing to push Polly into the corner forcing the break only to quickly drop down onto his back and roll out of the ring. With Polly looking on in the ring Nicole starts to pace around ringside before tentatively climbs back into the ring and wildly shoots for a Clothesline, Pocket ducks at the last moment and enraged Nicole charges at her again but this time as Polly ducks Nicole is unable to quickly react, Staggering backwards right into the waiting grasp of Polly Pocket. who hooks her arm around the waist of Johnson, lifts her up and then drops her clean on her skull with a huge high angle backdrop. Johnson flops to the canvas and Polly quickly hooks the leg for the cover.

1.2..Kickout by Nicole.

Ted: What tremendous action we are seeing here Tonight! We are barely Three Minutes into the match and already we have seen these two ladies pull out go at it.

Joey: We are in the feeling process right now.

Polly rolls off of Nicole and slowly rises up onto her feet, She then grabs Johnson, slowly dragging her up onto her feet and driving her knee straight up into the mid-section before pushing Johnson away from her and into the corner, Johnson propped back first against the turnbuckle. Polly backs away, hits her knee with her hand and then charges forwards, leaping up and looking to deliver a Busaiku Knee Kick straight into the corner only for Johnson to dodge, Polly hitting the turnbuckle knee first. Polly goes down, gripping her knee in pain while Johnson staggers away, seconds pass as Polly slowly makes her way up onto her feet, limps a little as she turns… right into Johnson who charges forwards and delivers a huge Spinout Clothesline Slam, planting Polly Pocket down to the canvas! The crowd explode, causing a huge ruckus seemingly at the surprising move. Nicole pulls herself to her feet and turns and makes her way towards the ropes, leaping onto the middle rope with both her feet-first into them and then whilst doing a Backflip in Midair looks to hit a Moonsault but Polly moves and Nicole being able to see this, lands on her feet and waits for Polly, as Polly pulls herself up to her feet her hand on the back of her head. Nicole’s eyes remain locked on Polly’s head, Pocket stumbles slightly as she reaches her feet and Nicole hooks her arm around Polly’s head, meeting it with her opposite hand in a side-headlock. Nicole squeezes that lock on Polly’s head. She's not stopping there, though. Nicole has a lot more in store, as she pulls Polly over and sets her down back-first on the mat while still maintaining the headlock, and holding on for dear-life. Nicole works on that headlock more and more, as Ryn hops and pussy-foots around Polly there on the ground, asking her on a constant loop if she gives in, Polly struggles and inches her way along. Nicole, like a rock on top of her, doesn't even budge from position. Polly, however, uses what little room she's got to slowly move. She is a mere few more inches to go to get to the ropes but Nicole pushes Polly back using her body mass every single time she tries to reach for it. Finally, Polly gears herself up, she pulls back and reaches out for it Her fingers touch and...she's got it! A thunderous applause explodes from the bodies of the fans. Nicole is warned off by Sanu's count, standing and moving back. Nicole uses the ropes as leverage to pull herself back up. Giving Polly a few seconds to gather herself. Nicole finally gingerly walks over to Polly, quickly grabs the right arm of her opponent, Nicole places her arm over Polly’s own head before she takes her left hand and places it on the blue sparkle pants of The Tinkerbells. As she starts to lift up Polly, Quickly lifting Polly up and takes down The Denver Native down with a snap suplex.  

Ted: What a Snap Suplex made by Nicole Johnson. Now will she make the cover?

Joey: Looking into Nicole’s eyes, I don’t think this will be the end. If she say she is the Best, she’ gotta prove way more then just ending the match early.

Nicole pulls Polly up to her feet Placing three square elbows into the side of her head, Nicole causes the Tinkerbell to let go of her head. Holding her side, Polly is slightly bent over. As The Floridan native, runs over toward the north-western side of the ring as she rebounds off of the ropes and is coming right back towards the Detroit native. Taking her hands away from her side, Polly is rocked by a running shoulder block from Nicole. Polly lands off of her feet to the mat below. A soft thud can be heard over the mat. Quickly making it up to her feet, Polly is trying to get back to a vertical base. Polly gets up quickly and rushes at Nicole only to be caught with a snap arm drag! The Tinkerbell pops right back up and is treated to more of the same! Third time the charm? Alas just more arm dragging. And this time Nicole holds at the end of it too with a modified wrist lock. Polly squirms around on the mat before turning and managing to walk his way up from the canvas and Nicole deftly adjusts her strategy first taking Polly through the arm wringer before he transitions smoothly into a hammerlock. Polly plans both feet and ducks down and out managing to pull a standing switch and now it’s Nicole who finds herself in the hammerlock’s stinging embrace. For all of like thirty seconds before she deftly switches right back to the beginning as Polly sets her footing as she looks around. Polly appears to be trying to get a drop toe hold but Nicole prudently abandons the hammerlock and yanks Polly legs out from under her using her own forward falling momentum to hit what amounts to a reverse double leg from the back to put Nicole immediately into the position that Polly hoped to land in. She then expertly rides over Polly’s back into a reverse North South as she grabs hold of an inverse chin lock and pancakes her hips holds the Tinkerbell down. Polly maneuvers her body around until she can get a foot on the bottom rope. Referee Ryn Sanu is immediately on the job and gets Nicole to let go of Polly and she complies but not before a three count of her allotted five. Polly gets to her feet looking pretty miffed about the early going ons of this contest as Nicole smugly meets her eye. Nicole meanwhile circles as Polly is moved into the motion herself before the two collide in collar and elbow tie. Johnson transitions with the ease of The Tinkerbell before taking Polly up and over with a belly to back suplex! Polly sits up off impact holding her back as Johnson hits the ropes and on the rebound strikes with a dropkick! Pocket  slowly gets up off the dropkick and is met with another dropkick! She gets up again and tries to catch Johnson on the rise with a clothesline from a crouch however Johnson reads it and ducks as Polly;s wild swing sails harmlessly overhead. Polly turns with her own momentum just in time for Johnson to complete her own rotation and land solidly with a discus clothesline knocking the two combatants to the mat! Johnson quickly covers.

1.2..Kickout by Polly.

Nicole grabs a laying headlock and grounds Polly following the pin attempt. Polly manages to get her way to her feet, Nicole keeping the headlock in tight as she’s returned to standing. Polly fires a couple of elbows into the stomach and forces Johnson into the ropes only to throw her off, Polly pre-emptively lowers her head and Johnson plants her down with a snap spinning neckbreaker. Nicole covers again. But now only gets a Two count. Johnson brings Polly up to her feet only for Polly to quickly grab a headlock! Dropping her weight and pulling on some grappling training of her own she takes over the surprised Johnson with a side headlock takeover! Polly wrenches down as she hollers out to the fans…The crowd jeers at Polly but it isn’t for long before The Floridan easily fights her way back to her feet as the crowd begins to stomp and clap in support of the XWA Womens Champion. Polly wrenches down on the headlock shaking her head negatively before Johnson deftly spins out of the headlock and in one smooth motion hooks in and falls back catching Polly with a Russian leg sweep she fluidly follows through on via a roll before reaching her feet and hits a leaping elbow. Johnson pulls The Dynamo to her feet and nails a boot to the gut of the Tinkerbell before she grabs a quick front facelock! Polly struggles to get out of the hold as Johnson continues and wraps up the arm of the struggling Polly before dropping down and hitting a hammerlock DDT. Nicole gets up to her feet and looks back at Polly. She then looks down at Polly’s leg and grabs a hold of it. Slowly, she pulls it up and wraps her forearm around it then pushes her right hand up against her foot. The Dynamo yells as Nicole applies the Ankle Lock. XWA Official Ryn Sanu slides into position and asks Polly if she wants to give it up but Polly refuses. Now reaching out towards the ropes but it is no use as the hold is being applied in the middle of the ring. Nicole twisting and pulling away at the leg and Polly screams more. The Ref asks Polly again, a loud resounding “NO!” can be heard coming from The Tinkerbell before she uses both her hands and tries crawling towards the ropes. The Crowd starts to Cheer on Polly while Polly inch by inch, gets more closer to the ropes and now reaching out, her fingers barely touching the bottom rope, she grabs it! Polly now holding onto the rope as Ryn Sanu begins to warn Nicole and starts to count. At Four, Nicole releases the hold and moves away from Polly. Polly places a hand over her leg, still feeling the after effects of the Ankle Lock before rolling out of the ring and now sits on the ring apron trying to gather her belongings. Grabbing onto the middle rope Polly pulls herself up while Nicole runs back to the ropes and charges towards Polly it is at the last second that The Tinkerbell dunks and with her hand on Polly’s side lifts her up and sends Nicole flying over her head causing XWA’s Best Diva to crash and burn onto the outside of the ring. Nicole holds her back meanwhile Polly remains on the ring apron. Her forearm clinging over the top rope and she looks down at Nicole. Ryn Sanu walks over to Polly and tells her to bring it inside before beginning the Ten count.

Nicole with her back turned on Polly grabs onto the Barricade and slowly pulls herself up.
Polly eyes Nicole before turning her back. Readying herself.
Nicole makes it to her feet and now begins to turn and Polly now jumps onto the middle rope, doing a backflip in midair as she comes and crashes her body onto Nicole’s shoulder, hitting a Moonsault.

Ted: What a Moonsault! Polly just sent Nicole crashing onto the floor and now that could mean a possible change up in the match.

Joey: Nicole has been showing great defense so far, the more longer this goes and we may end up seeing Polly with no wings!

Both ladies are down which causes Ryn Sanu to restart the count.

Polly Pocket pushes herself up onto her feet and spots Nicole, laid out on the floor, not moving, just a crumpled heap of body parts with little sign of consciousness behind it.

Pocket quickly intends to use this to her advantage, grabbing Nicole and slowly pulling her up onto her feet, Nicole providing nothing but dead weight as it seems like she is well and truly out right here. She pulls her towards the ring, lifting her up onto the ring apron and rolling her in beneath the bottom rope.

With Nicole back in the ring Polly quickly slides in after her, breaking the referee’s count in the process and taking this match back to the relatively safer environment of the squared circle. She grabs Nicole by the hair and slowly pulls her up onto her feet, The XWA Womens Champion showing no signs of fighting back as she remains completely out of it. With Nicole on her feet Polly hooks an arm between the legs and the other around the shoulder and then scoops Nicole up, showing impressive strength in the process especially with the height difference, and then flips her and sends her back first to the mat with a scoop slam right in front of the turnbuckle. Nicole just hits the mat, still showing no signs of even knowing where she is right now and The Dynamo turns to the ropes running towards them as she rebounds off of them Polly drops, rolls through, before jumping up and landing on her back on Nicole’s belly hitting a Rolling Thunder.   Polly goes for the cover.

1.2..Kickout by Nicole.

Ryn Sanu counts two and then lifts his hand up for the third and final count when Nicole Johnson manages to shoot her shoulder out, kicking out of the pinfall. Polly struggles to sit up  for a couple of seconds before she rolls onto her hands and knees, still trying to catch her breath, still feeling the pain shooting through her ankle from the Ankle Lock she received earlier. She shakes it off as best as she can and then hooks her hands around Johnson’s head, slowly pulling The Floridan Native up onto her feet, pushes her back first into the turnbuckle. In a reminder of the early portions of this match Polly lifts her hand up and then drives it across the chest of XWA’s Best Diva with a thunderous knife edge chop and then follows up with a right hand straight to the forehead. Another knife edge chop follows and then another right hand, this knife edge chop / right hand sequence continuing for several more strikes until Polly grabs Nicole with a hand on either side of his head, pulls the groggy Womens Champion to the centre of the ring. The Tinkerbell pushes Nicole down into a front facelock, hooks the arm and then reaches out and hooks the outside leg, the crowd popping loudly as The Dynamo lifts Nicole up and over with a big fisherman’s suplex, dropping her back first to the canvas. She takes a moment to breath before grabbing Nicole by the head and pulling her up onto her feet with her. As they reach their feet she looks to the turnbuckle and, with Nicole’s head in hand, charges forwards and just slams Johnson’s head first into the top turnbuckle with such force that Nicole’s head snaps back and she falls to the mat back first. Polly is upon her immediately, mounting her and throwing lefts and rights directly at the head of Nicole.  Polly continues to unleash her wrath on Nicole and now the Referee has seen enough. Steeping into the scene he tries pushing Polly off of Nicole and Polly backs away. She screams out loud and the Seattle Crowd is with her as they cheer on. Nicole who is crouched in the corner begins to pull herself up and Polly sets her focus on her. Charging forward and connecting with a huge Clothesline that sends  The Floridan to stumble forward before falling onto her knees and onto her belly.  Polly looks back at Nicole then exits the ring and climbs up the turnbuckle. Reaching towards the top grasping the top rope with both hands she  crouches down and waits for Nicole to get back up. Stalking her opponent. She knows what she has in mind for Nicole. Meanwhile, Nicole places her fist down onto the mat and begins to push herself up.  Polly now stands tall and Nicole pulls herself up. Polly turns abit to her side and now jumps off from the corner of the ring. Her Body contorts in mid air as in slow motion you can see a ton of Cameras flicker off the background and just when Nicole turns, she is caught with a Flying Corkscrew Body.  Crashing onto Nicole’s body, Nicole falls back onto the mat and The Dynamo quickly hooks the leg while still on Nicole.


The official makes the count of two before Nicole Johnson shoots her shoulder up to break the pinfall and keep herself in this match. She rises to her knee, hooks her arms around Pocket’s head and pulls her up onto her feet, unleashing with a vicious European uppercut, staggering Nicole Johnson and dropping her down onto one knee. Polly moves behind Johnson, hooking her hands around the jaw of Nicole Johnson and then pulling up on the jaw with a standing chin lock. Johnson reaches up for the hands, attempting to prise them apart, but they’re locked tight, Johnson incapable of pulling them apart. Instead she takes a different route, pushing herself up slowly onto her feet, twisting her body around and driving her elbow into the mid-section of The Sparkaroo The first elbow loosens the grip and the second breaks it completely, winding Polly Pocket. Nicole Johnson spins around and nails Polly with a big clothesline that takes her down to the mat.  Polly Pocket hits the mat back first but bounces off, reaching her feet in quick time only to be met by a second clothesline,  Johnson again sending The Sparkaroo down to the canvas. For the second time Polly bounces off of the canvas and reaches his feet immediately but this time Johnson drives her boot into the mid-section, Polly doubling over from the blow. Johnson grabs Polly by the arm and whips her towards the ropes but The Detroit Native manages to hook her arms back around the top rope, blocking the rebound though that doesn’t stop Nicole Johnson from charging forwards and hitting Polly with a clothesline that sends her flying over the top rope and landing on the ring apron. Nicole leans through the ropes, grabbing Polly by the hair and going to pull him back up but The Mousey Bear comes out of nowhere with an eye gouge taking Johnson by surprise and sending her stumbling back into the ring. Johnson drops down to one knee, her hand brought up to her eye, giving Polly Pocket the time to pull herself up onto her feet on the ring apron, waiting for Johnson to reach her feet. Nicole does so, pushing herself up and then turning just as Polly Pocket leaps up onto the top rope and springboards off, looking to hit a springboard clothesline,  but Nicole catches her in mid-air!  Polly hits the mat back first as Nicole already with her hands on both Polly’s feet, places her foot right next to Polly’s head, twisting both Polly’s legs around that leg before turning around and flipping Polly over onto her stomach, successfully applying her finisher move, The Sharpshooter!  The Crowd goes nuts from the unexpecting move as Polly lifts her head up from the mat and yells from the top of her lunges. as her legs contorts around the leg of Nicole.

Ted: Nicole got Polly in the Sharpshooter! Will Polly tap out to fight and live another day?

Joey: We may be calling for the bell soon! Nicole is truly showing why she is, The Best.

Polly Pocket lets out another shout of pain as Nicole Johnson continues to lean back, cranking up the pressure on the spine and legs of The Tinkerbell. Ryn Sanu drops in, asking Polly Pocket if she wants to quit but all he gets a rather resounding scream of no, Polly Pocket refusing to quit now, Nicole continues to lean back as far as she can, her bottom sitting into the spine of The Sparkaroo but it also allows her to pull back on the neck, straining the already sore muscles of Polly Pocket. She claws at the canvas, attempting to pull herself over towards the ring ropes but with the weight of Johnson on her back she knows that isn’t going to happen, especially with the complete lack of traction she has right now. With no way of reaching the ropes Polly Pocket looks to go about things with a more brute force method. She presses the palm of her hands against the canvas and begins pushing up with everything she has. It’s a move that seems to cause even more pain to him as it gives Johnson the leverage to put more pressure on the legs but it appears to be a sacrifice that she is willing to make. She continues to push, managing to elevate her body up enough so that she is now on her hands and feet at which point Nicole Johnson breaks the submission hold and turns back quickly sending a hard kick towards the back. Polly clutches her back in agony while Johnson grabs Polly around the head and pulls her up onto her feet, Polly in far too much pain to fight. Nicole drags Polly over towards the corner and then pushes her chest first against the turnbuckle, propping her up and walking towards the opposite corner. Then she charges forwards, she readies herself to spear Polly. As she finally makes it close enough to her Polly, Polly is wise of it and at the last possible seconds moves out of the way and sends Nicole sailing into the turnbuckle post!  Polly jumps out of the corner and lands behind Nicole. Nicole is clearly stunned by the move but Polly gives her no time to rest whatsoever as she grabs Johnson’s arm and again whips her across the ring, this time sending her back first into the opposing turnbuckle. The Dynamo pushes off of the middle turnbuckle, charges, leaps, turns and connects with that big European uppercut. Johnson staggers out of the turnbuckle as Polly grabs her, pushes her down into a front facelock and hooks her arm before lifting her up with a suplex lift. She holds Nicole for a few moments, before dropping down and driving Johnson’s head to the mat with a big brainbuster. Pocket quickly rolls over to make the cover…


Polly Pocket sits up, looking slightly surprised that Nicole has taken so much punishment but refuses to stay down. She slowly rolls onto her knees, her leg still causing a bit of pain, before pushing herself up onto her feet. looking at Nicole’s leg She bends down, lifting the leg up and going to hook her arm around it, but she leaves her guard open as Nicole drives her free boot into the side of Polly’s skull, the blow coming out of nowhere and taking Polly by surprise. The Dynamo staggers away, dropping to one knee after that hard blow, while Johnson struggles to make it to her hands and knees. Polly Pocket shakes off the blow and heads back after Nicole but as she approaches the self-declared XWA Best Diva explodes forwards with a vicious Spear!  As Polly Pocket hits the mat clutching her ribs from that surprising comeback Spear Nicole Johnson drops onto her back, clearly the move came out of desperation and she’s still feeling the effects of Polly’s earlier onslaught of offence. Both ladies lie there showing the effects of a gruelling match while Ryn Sanu goes from one to the other, having to check that they’re both still capable of going on. He begins his ten count, but it’s a pointless count as both ladies begin to stir pretty early on. Polly Pocket rolls onto her hands and knees, still clutching her ribs with one hand, while Nicole manages to grab hold of the ring ropes and begins using them to pull herself up. Both ladies rise pretty much at the same pace before they both reach their feet and turn to face each other. Polly Pocket and Nicole shakily turn to face each other, Johnson the first to make a move as she nails The Tinkerbell with a weak but effective right hand. Polly fires back with a right hand of her own and the two begin going back and forth, right hand after right hand, neither able to drop the other. After a few moments of this Nicole Johnson seems to get the upper hand, linking together a sequence of three straight right hands and backing Polly Pocket up against the ring ropes. She grabs the arm of Pocket, pushing her against the ropes and going for the Irish whip. however as she reverses the move and sends Johnson hurtling towards the ring ropes. Johnson rebounds but on the return leaps up and nails Polly Pocket with a running high knee to the jaw, taking her down to the mat.  Nicole quickly bends down, hooking a handful of Polly’s hair and dragging her up onto her feet. She pulls her over towards the turnbuckle and then pushes The Sparkaroo down into a front facelock, hooking her arm and then lifting Polly up into what at first appears to be a suplex but turns out to just be the lift, Nicole Johnson lifting Polly Pocket up onto the top turnbuckle. With Polly sat on the top turnbuckle Nicole begins climbing to meet her up there, steadily settling herself in front of Polly with her feet balanced on the middle rope. As the pair teeter just above the ring Johnson pulls Polly down into a front facelock and hooks the arm, clearly looking to deliver a suplex from the top rope to the ring below.

Ted: Nicole, looking to hit a Suplex off the Top Rope. But I don’t think she has the energy to do that.

Joey: Of course she does Ted. Nicole is a woman who is hungry. Who is looking to prove her worth. I think she has the energy to do it.

However it’s now that Polly’s instinct and need to not take a massive fall onto her back kicks in. She drives her fist up into the mid-section of Nicole, loosening her grip. A second fist follows before Polly Pocket manages to push Johnson back down to the ring, Nicole managing to land on her feet. Polly Pocket looks to capitalise on this, pushing herself up so that she’s standing on the top rope and as Nicole turns Polly leaps off going for a flying crossbody only for Johnson to duck down, Polly flying over her and crashing to the mat chest first. Polly immediately clutches her chest following the crash landing while Johnson looks to capitalise, grabbing Polly by the back of the head and pulling her up onto her feet. Polly isn’t able to fight back as Nicole pushes The Little Blue’s head down between her legs, hooks her arms around the waist of Polly and then lifts her up before dropping her head first to the mat with a vicious Powerbomb. Polly flops to the mat as Nicole quickly goes for the cover, truly believing that this could be it.


Polly Pocket shoots her shoulder up as the officials hand rises for the three count, saving himself and keep this match alive. Nicole looks at the official in disbelief, she was sure that was three, but can’t argue as Ryn Sanu gives the signal for two. Johnson rolls off of Polly, hitting the canvas in frustration, before making it back to her feet and walks towards the corner. Climbing up the ropes without even looking back Now making it to the top she leaps backwards and does a Backflip in mid-air, looking to put Polly away with her finisher, The Moonsault but Polly moves causing Nicole to hit the mat belly first. Nicole rolls back and forth with ecasty as Polly snow slowly gets back up and goes behind Nicole sitting on the lower back of Nicole, She pulls Nicole up so that she is facing up  before wrapping his one arm around Polly’s in a half nelson. Now locking in her Finisher, Fairly Odd Crunch! (Cobra Clutch) Nicole’s free arm begins to flair as she feels The Fairly Odd Crunch get clinched in around her throat. She begins to struggle, to try and prise then arm apart in the hope that she can slip out of it but Pocket has it well and truly clinched in. Ryn Sanu steps in, asking if she wants to quit but there’s no answer, Nicole Johnson showing that she’s still fighting as she struggles against it. She tries to twist Pocket around, possibly looking to shake her loose, but then charging forwards towards the turnbuckle and dragging Pocket along with her. As Nicole reaches the turnbuckle he leaps up, pushing herself off of the middle turnbuckle and falling back while The Fairly Crunch is still locked in Pocket’s shoulders are flat against the canvas, Ryn Sanu dropping in for the count.


Polly Pocket releases The Fairly Crunch in order to push Nicole away and break the pinfall, keeping herself in this match. She looks extremely frustrated, while Nicole rolls away, clutching the back of his neck after the submission hold just built upon the damage already done. Pocket pulls herself up onto his feet and bends down, hooking her arms around the neck of The Flordan and going to pull her up onto her feet only for Nicole to deliver a swift right hand to the mid-section. A second right hand follows that breaks the Polly's grip and winds her, giving Nicole Johnson the time to push herself up onto her feet and drives a forearm into the side of Pocket's skull. Nicole pushes her against the ropes and goes for the Irish whip only for Pocket to deliver a well-timed counter, switching their positions up and whipping The Womens Champion across the other turnbuckle as Nicole climbs up the turnbuckle and leaps backwards, doing a backflip whilst, in mid-air as she falls onto Polly hitting her Finisher, The Moonsault. Already on top of Polly, Nicole goes for the cover.


Ding, Ding, Ding!!
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M3.) Polly Pocket vs. Nicole Johnson © - XWA Women's Championship

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