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 RAGE! M3 | Jared Jarusalem vs. Nate Insano

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RAGE! M3 | Jared Jarusalem vs. Nate Insano Empty
PostSubject: RAGE! M3 | Jared Jarusalem vs. Nate Insano   RAGE! M3 | Jared Jarusalem vs. Nate Insano EmptyMon Sep 08, 2014 1:00 am

DUE: Friday, September 19th at 11:59PM EDT.

RAGE! M3 | Jared Jarusalem vs. Nate Insano MJFR42R
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Motherfucking SETONIAN!
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RAGE! M3 | Jared Jarusalem vs. Nate Insano Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAGE! M3 | Jared Jarusalem vs. Nate Insano   RAGE! M3 | Jared Jarusalem vs. Nate Insano EmptyThu Sep 18, 2014 12:23 am

Saturday Night Rage is almost at its end-point as it reaches the main event. It is the much highly anticipated return of The Piece of Eden, Jared Jerusalem. Everybody present in the arena and tuning in at home has shifted their focus to this match. Even social media sites and wrestling forums are currently blowing up as we speak. Not only is it The Self Proclaimed Savior of XWA’s return, but he will also be facing the well-known and monstrous Nate Insano. It may look like Double J picked the wrong time to make a comeback. But knowing The Hypocrite Hunter, he’ll probably still manage to showboat his pants off. Even if his opponent’s a monster of a wrestler like The Ripper himself.

Both men have made their way to the ring. It is a fresh breath of air to see Jared Jerusalem back to add his spice back in XWA. However the Gore Machine, Nate Insano doesn’t seem to place much care at all.

Ted Cedar: I never thought I’d say this, but it’s good to have Jerusalem back! The man looks as good as ever. Hell he looks even better!

Joey Miles: Yeah, but look at Nate Insano. Damn! Jared’s dead. He’s screwed.

Ted Cedar: Insano looks like he can’t wait to tear apart Double J. He’s not going to take it easy on the former tag champ because he was injured a month ago.

Joey Miles: Can you hear this Sugar Tits? The crowd is loud as hell! Both Jerusalem and Insano chants everywhere!

Ted Cedar: Indeed Joey! I am a hundred percent certain that these two won’t disappoint.


The match commences with that ring of the bell, sending chills of excitement down people’s spines. Moving first is The Piece of Eden himself, who hops around the ring to show people that his legs are A-okay now. The Big Man also treads around in the squared-circle yet keeping a distance from his opponent. Jerusalem continues to maneuver around in hopes of avoiding being backed into a corner, which is one thing The Ripper is fond of doing before decimating his opponents. An interaction begins with the two though as The Hypocrite Hunter swiftly runs towards his monster of an opponent, taking a dangerous risk. Insano tries to catch his foe by swinging his arm for a clothesline but Jerusalem ducks out of the way.

Ted Cedar: Now there’s the speed of Jared!

Jerusalem takes this moment to relish his return match. The former champ begins to showboat with his back turned, not minding The Insane One. What Double J’s doing is pretty much suicidal, and..... Well... Insane(Pun intended)
Guess the only thing that wasn’t cured during Jared’s absence was his ego. The Piece of Eden turns around only to receive a standing shoulder block from a charging Nate Insano. Jared instantly gets sent down the mat because of it. JJ quickly gets it together and starts rolling out of the way, keeping a distant proximity between him and The Big Man. Jared goes over and up, back to a vertical base as Nate starts racing towards him. The Ripper has his arms stretched out in preparation for another vicious clothes line. However The Piece of Eden realizes this and hits a splendid Seth Rollins/Adrian Neville-style somersault dropkick to the forehead of The Insane One, actually knocking him down. Jerusalem quickly stands up again to follow up with a standing moonsault to Insano. Nate rolls out of the way though and retreats to the ropes. He sits up, shocked that he had fallen down to the canvas so early in the match-up. However the questions in his mind turned into fiery anger as the man gets up to his feet, his face red with fury as Jared taunts away after landing on his feet after that missed moonsault. Double J charges again towards Insano, but Nate ducks down and throws Jared over him with a big back body drop. The audience scream in amazement as Jerusalem lands safely on his feet.

Ted Cedar: Holy Sh--...... Is it me or has Jared Jerusalem embraced a more acrobatic style since his absence? When on earth did he find time to do that? He was on a wheel-chair for pete’s sake!

Joey Miles: Damn! Even I can’t believe it. Stop impressing me and let me hate you, JeWHOREsalem!

Just after falling to his feet, The Piece of Eden lets out a mighty slap, hitting the back of The Ripper’s head..... Wrong move. Insano turns around with a full head of steam, tackling Jared and bringing him towards the corner. Double J groans out loudly after colliding with the turnbuckles, his screams echo throughout the place. The Gore Machine starts ramming and thrusting his shoulders against the mid-section of the cornered Jerusalem. Following up that onslaught, Nate Insano places The Hypocrite Hunter’s arm over the back of his head and neck. He turns around and lifts Jared up in the air. Then he tosses him across the ring with ease. Jerusalem falls torso-first after that front-suplex and yells out in pain. Nate waits for his opponent to return to a vertical base. The crowd begin to echo “Jared!” chants throughout the arena, motivating the self-proclaimed savior to get back up. Insano charges forth at the direction of his adversary. However as Jerusalem gets up, he twirls around and hits his discuss forearm right across the cranium of the ripper - totally rattling him. The Insane One is still on his two feet though. Realizing this,  The Piece of Eden quickly sprints towards the ropes and launches back. He spins himself in preparation for a running discuss forearm, but The Ripper blocks Double J’s efforts by clasping him with a thunderous big boot! The fans let out a loud “Oh!” as Insano’s boot collided with the facial structure of the former tag champ.

Ted Cedar: OH LORD! Jerusalem goes down! He almost decapitated The Piece of Eden with that big boot!

Joey Miles: That was probably the best big boot that this big fuck has ever done in his life. What an impact!

Ted Cedar: Jared may be down and out! Have you seen how big Nate Insano’s feet are?

Joey Miles: Now that’s a foot that fucking kills people. Believe me, I’m an expert with feet.... If you know what I mean.

Insano circles around the ring, looking to give Jerusalem a fighting chance as he’s down on the canvas and showing small signs of life. Jared suddenly begins to crawl. He probably doesn’t know what’s currently going on after that deadly hit to the head, but he’s still trying to get up. The Big Man decides to finish his waiting and heads over to where Jerusalem is. The Gore Machine shows just how strong with his by grabbing JJ by the hair and pulling him up to his feet with one hand. But that ends up to become a mighty mistake as Jerusalem grabs The Ripper’s fingers and attempts to break it.

Ted Cedar: Now this is very unorthodox by Jerusalem. He’s yanking and crushing the fingers of his foe in a very excruciating manner. That’s some unique technical skill right there.

Joey Miles: Fuck you and your big words, Ted.

Jerusalem’s actually being able to temporarily hold off Nate Insano. Judging by the facial expression of The Gore Machine, this must be a very agonizing and uncomfortable hold to be locked in. Insano however utilizes his other arm, grabbing Jerusalem and throwing him towards the nearest corner. Nate cashes in on this predicament and starts charging away. He lunges at his foe for a tackle, but Jared evades and moves out of the way. The Ripper clashes shoulder-first against the metal post. After Double J side-stepped out of the way, he rolled out of the ring and on top of the apron outside. Not wasting a moment, Jared quickly seizes the opportunity while The Big Man’s still at the post. He runs and sandwiches Insano with a full-speed dropkick against him and the post, dazing the big guy. The Ripper backs away, but still in a dizzy state after being smothered against the post. Jerusalem quickly climbs up the turnbuckles for a high-risk move. He raises his arm up to rile up the fans, then leaps up high in the air for a missile dropkick. The move hits successfully and sends The Ripper stumbling down. Insano rolls outside of the ring where he is able to stand back up. Jared also gets up after that flying maneuver. He runs towards the ropes and launches back in full-speed. Insano also returns to the ring, charging as fast as he can. As both men meet, The Insane One beats out-maneuvers his opponent - knocking him down first with a devastating running lariat!

Ted Cedar: OH MY GOD! He plants the running lariat, almost beheading Jerusalem!

Joey Miles: That was fucking beast! I just had to admit that. That lariat turned him inside out.

From the force of that lariat, it looks like that Jared Jerusalem may be unconscious and out of it. Even The Gore Machine looks sure of it. He goes for the cover.




The Piece of Eden actually was able to power out and sit up, showing the resilience in him. Nate quickly traps his opponent by wrapping his arms around his neck for a sleeper/headlock. With how large Nate Insano’s biceps are, it looks like the chances of Jared escaping are little to none.

Ted Cedar: Oh Lord! I rarely see this from The Ripper, but it looks like he can do it perfectly. Goodness he’s about to take Jared’s head of-- WAIT! Double J’s going back to those fingers he’s been targeting earlier.

Joey Miles: Jesus! He really is trying to break them. If Nate’s fingers are broken, then he can’t lock in submissions or carry Jared properly, doing some moves.

Jared’s able to break away from the Nate’s grasp. He lets go of The Gore Machine’s fingers as Insano retreats outside of the ring again, where Nate’s trying to fix his fingers the way people try to fix their dislocated body parts. Both wrestlers keep their distance from each other while being able to catch their breaths. Jerusalem then returns to a vertical base and starts racing to the direction of his adversary. The Hypocrite Hunter goes for a baseball slide, but the big man ducks down. Jared gets sent out of the ring. Nate turns around to see Jared behind him so he tackles and pushes him against the edge of the announce table, scaring Cedar and Miles stiff. Fans shout out after that loud collision between Jerusalem and the table. Jerusalem yelped out in agony as his back met the broadcast equipment, leaving a bright red bruise behind him. Nate grabs his foe and rolls him back inside the squared-circle. Insano follows inside the ring. A wave of “Rip him!” chants begin to engulf the whole place in favor of Nate Insano. The Ripper treads his way to the corner opposite from where Jerusalem is laying at. The Gore Machine sits silently, waiting and stalking for his adversary to get up in preparation for his finishing move.  The Piece of Eden slowly returns to a vertical base, not knowing that Nate Insano is patiently awaiting for him while he’s crouched down. The Insane One charges in as fast as he can. The audience rise up, knowing that The Gore Machine’s about to hit “The Ripper.” However Jerusalem’s able to weasel out of the way. Side-stepping at the last minute. Luckily for Insano though, he’s able to put a stop to his full-speed momentum before could’ve crashed onto the post again - backing away from the corner. Realizing this, Jerusalem quickly rises up and displays his speed again by running to The Ripper while his back’s turned. He leaps up on top of Insano’s shoulders from behind. He then athletically turns around and tries a hurricanrana , but the big man keeps his grip on Jared as the Piece of Eden tries to flip downwards for the hurricanrana. He hoists the former tag champ high up in the air with ease and slams him down with a powerbomb! The people in attendance yell out a loud “OH!” as the noise of Jerusalem’s back meeting the mat was made. Nate keeps his clutch on Jared, not letting go of him after the first powerbomb and lifting him up again for another one. This time the big guy runs towards the corner posts and tosses his adversary in mid-air with a release powerbomb. JJ falls with his back descending and hitting the turnbuckles.

Ted Cedar: Oh good God almighty! This has been back and forth. The fans are absolutely loving this competition between the returning Jared Jerusalem and Nate Insano, who has just come back recently.

Joey Miles: Looks like that back of Jared’s become the new target now in this bout. He’s all arched up and that mark behind him says it all.

Insano swiftly heads over to downed Jared Jerusalem. He easily picks him up and carries him on top of his shoulders, bending his body in ways that no man should be bent with a torture rack! The Ripper is enjoying dishing out pain onto his screaming opponent. However Jared finds away to escape by driving and snapping his knee against cheek and jaw of The Gore Machine. He returns to his two feet, making contact with the canvas while Nate Insano’s still dazed. He runs and attemps a Chris Jericho-style running bulldog from behind but gets thrown across the mat, landing lower back-first. Insano, the ring veteran, reversed that maneuver with ease. Jerusalem quickly rolls and slithers far from his opponent, but The Insane One follows his opponent. The Piece of Eden pulls himself back to a vertical base with the assistance of the ropes, but is backed into a corner by The Ripper. Insano tries to grab his fellow combatant but gets shoved away and ultimately getting knocked with a superkick! Nate falls down to the canvas after that loud clasping sound from the kick was made, firing up the XWA faithful. Jerusalem steps up to the top turnbuckle and raises both of his arms up with his signature pose, building up and feeding on the energy of crowd. He flips backwards and descends down, crushing Nate Insano with a death-defying moonsault! Fans explode because that perfectly executed high-risk move. Jerusalem goes for the pinfall.




Insano musters the strength to pull his arm up and to avoid the three count. Jerusalem decides to go up and over, jumping over the top ropes and onto the top apron. He then springboards from the top rope and goes for a flying senton, but the big guy rolls outside of the ring again. He escapes the dangerous high-risk move Jared almost hit him with. Double J places his hand on his back in pain, kicking the mat because the pain is unbearable. The Piece of Eden however forces himself to return to his feet. The Gore Machine also decides to rejoin the fray. He grabs the middle ropes, pulling himself up the top apron. However The Self Proclaimed Savior launches himself from the middle rope, not on the same side where Insano is, and ricochets off towards the direction of his opponent. He smacks Nate in the mush with a flying dropkick, sending him flying and crashing down face-first onto the announce table. The bullet-like sound as The Ripper crash-lands onto the broadcaster’s table is joined with the screams of the thousands in attendance. The referee begins to count Nate Insano out as he’s down on the floor and could possibly be out cold. Jerusalem breaks the count as he exits the ring to join his adversary. He carries the downed Orlando native, having trouble doing it because of the sheer size of his foe - but he’s successfully able to do it and rolls him inside the ring. The former tag champ follows inside and goes for another cover.




This time Nate Insano didn’t even jerk his body to power out. He just lifted his arm in the air, and that could be the early signs of fatigue. Jared also shows a bit of exhaustion from his panting. Not only that, but frustration begins to settle in. He begins to doubt the ref’s count. After a short argument with the official, he continues with the match despite being tired. His disbelief just fuels his persistence as he pulls himself up, using the ropes of the corner. He then sits up on the top turnbuckle with his feet on the second ropes. The Piece of Eden waits for the big guy to get back up to a vertical base, yelling at the large Floridan to get back up. The Ripper stands back up only for him to become the recipient of a tornado DDT! Insano catched Jared and mid-air, only to get turned around and falling inside out. He hit the mat head-first, sent rolling and up to both of his knees before falling down the mat - facing the canvas. The audience starts getting loud, giving off a massive pop as they begin to believe that Jared Jerusalem may get an upset over Nate Insano.

The former tag champ goes for another pinfall but Insano moves the shoulder up, just moments before the referee could count three.

Ted Cedar: This is amazing! Jerusalem is back, and he wants to win this match more than ever! Whether it’s Nate Insano or anyone in the roster, he’s going to fight! No matter how competitive the match he’s in gets.

Joey Miles: Calm your tits man. Insano’s a fucking monster. Don’t disregard that fact.

Ted Cedar: That may be so, but the momentum and the fans are with Jerusalem right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually won.

Jared looks like he’s losing hope to the point where he’s trying to pull his hair out with his hands, but eventually decides to press onwards. He gets up to his feet, exhausted and exhaling heavily. He exits the squared-circle and climbs up the top ropes from the apron area outside. On top of the turnbucke, Jared Jerusalem begins showboating by raising his arm and flexing it like he always does. However in the midst of all his glorious basking. He forgets about Nate Insano, who has at last returned to a vertical base. The Gore Machine charges at full speed. He hops up the top turnbuckle, surprising the hell out of his cocky opponent. He then wraps his arms around JJ’s torso and tosses Double J over himself and across the area with a massive belly to belly suplex from the top ropes. The throw literally sent Jared flying across mid-air and crashing on the center of the squared-circle. Nate also falls down, and he looks like he’s staying there due to obvious exhaustion settling in. The referee begins to count both of these men out since they’re both laying down on the canvas. The ref’s counts are joint with “This is Awesome!” chants from the fans in attendance. The whole arena’s alive because of this spectacular bout and showing from both men. As the referee reaches to a five, Insano returns to his feet. His face is red from fatigue and dripping with sweat.  Jerusalem follows, standing up at the eight count. However Nate begins to run towards the side of Jared, building up some massive speed along the way. He then lunges and smothers Jerusalem with a running splash. Double J falls down after almost being squished. The Insane One moves the former tag champ’s almost-lifeless body, positioning him near the corner but not to near. Then he climbs up the second rope. The crowd starts being noisy as they might be thinking the unspeakable. It looks like Nate Insano’s actually going to fly! The Ripper leaps up in the air and descends with a splash, completely crushing Jared Jerusalem’s body with his huge torso. The fans are shocked, seeing Insano do something that he rarely does. It just goes to show when a match goes on for long and your opponent refuses to stay down or give in, wrestlers will do anything to win a match. Even if it means going out of your comfort zone. The large man from Orlando goes for another pin fall.




Jared gets the right shoulder up. It was almost over but he still got the arm up. The Gore Machine is freaking livid! He’s thrashing the mat with his hands, even yelling at the referee. The audience roared out from shock. They thought that the match was going to be finished too. The Ripper decides to start taking control of this match and shift it to his favor. He preps The Piece of Eden back to his toes and hoists him up, embracing him with a painful bear hug. The Insane One takes command over the pacing of this match while working on the back of Jerusalem in the process. The former tag champ has his arms outstretched, trying to struggle out if this trap. All he’s doing now is enduring the pain from the bear hug. JJ decides to clap. sandwiching his opponents head with his arms. Nate lets go as he looks staggered. The big man grabs his ears and gently yanks it, probably because that move affected his eardrums. Jerusalem follows up with a hard forearm to the facial features of his adversary, almost sending The Gore Machine hobbling. Nate retaliates by grabbing his opponent in what seems to be a collar and elbow tie up. He answers back with a stone-like punch to the gut. Jerusalem also comes back with his flurry of strikes. Drilling shots, knees and snap-kicks the ribs/torso area of his Floridan foe. The fans get loud as both men start trading blows.

Ted Cedar: This is disintegrating into a brawl folks! 

Joey Miles: The whole arena’s shaking from this onslaught. Damn! 

The wave of strikes come to an end as Jerusalem breaks away from the tie-up. He twists himself around and plants another discuss forearm to the bridge of his opponent’s nose, causing Nate Insano to teeter a bit in his light-headed state. The Piece of Eden runs back to the ropes then gets sent back to his six-foot tall opponent. As he ricochets back, Jerusalem lunges up, positioning his body horizontally for a leaping crossbody! However the big guy just catches him without any hardship. The Insane One bends his knees a bit down and kneels forward. He turns his head to both sides, looking at the fans because they know what Insano has planned next. The Ripper then nods excitedly, after that he throws Jared over him with a destructive fallaway slam! Jared gets sent crashing and rolling himself outside of the squared-circle. JJ  lays down on top of the apron outside where he is currently feeling nothing but a stinging agony on his back. The Gore Machine slowly gets back to his feet, though having some difficulties do to exhaustion. He lets out a mighty roar, riling up his Insaniacs after dealing tremendous anguish against his fellow combatant. Nate heads on over to where Jerusalem is, looking a bit wobbly as he walks but still presses on. He reaches the area where The Piece of Eden is and grabs him by the hair, hoisting him back up to his feet - but Jared counters by thrusting his shoulders against the mid-section of The Gore Machine, causing the big man to lean down in pain. Jerusalem quickly hobbles his way towards the corner. Then he climbs up the top rope. Nate Insano becomes fully aware of this and pushes the rope, causing The Piece of Eden to lose balance and to fall. His crotch/ pelvic area meets the metal causing him to yell out in anguish as he feels what no man should ever feel in his life. The Ripper decides to take advantage while Jerusalem’s in a state of extreme pain. Insano lifts the former tag champ up on his shoulders, having his one arm wrapped around Double J’s head and the other around one of Jared’s legs. Nate marches around the ring while carrying Jerusalem in preparation of his ruinous finishing-move, “The Spine-Tingler” which is also known as Ryback’s Shell Shock. The crowd’s either up on their feet or at the edges of their seat as The 6-footer from Orlando goes for it. He runs past the center of the squared-circle. However Jared’s able to scuffle out of Nate Insano’s grasps by kicking and flailing around, finally weaseling out of the Spine-Tingler. He falls safely on his feet and before Nate could turn around, he jumps up and hits a forceful dropkick. The move causes Insano to trip down and roll outside of the ring. Suddenly Jared bursts back into life with a HBK-like kip-up. The man starts hopping up and down in momentum, energizing the people in the arena with his arms stretched at the direction where Nate Insano is. Jared sprints full-speed, bringing all of his momentum with him for this one move. He lunges and goes through the second rope, going for a suicide dive. But Nate dodges and evades, causes Double J to crash and land torso-first onto the barricade. The fans yell out an “OH!” loudly from the top of their lungs, followed by the second wave of “This is Awesome!” chants. These men have really given all they’ve got in this bout. Jared falls back to the floor, looking out cold as all of his adrenaline and energy has been used up. While the referee starts the countdown for both combatants, The Ripper quickly capitalizes on this opportunity and seizing the moment. He heads on over to the fallen Piece of Eden. He carries him up like deadweight and slides him back inside the ring. He then walks to another side outside of the ring then enters from there. Nate goes to the opposite corner where Jared’s situated at, crouching down for a second time in this match - and getting ready to prey and pounce on Jerusalem again in his second attempt for “The Ripper”.  Jerusalem slowly stands up, falling to a knee once or twice along the way without any knowledge that The Gore Machine’s about to tear him in half.

Joey Miles: Don’t turn around!.... You know what, fuck it! Turn around Jared. It’s a surprise birthday party for you.

Ted Cedar: He’s gonna rip him in half! Hence the nickname and finisher name “The Ripper.”

Joey Miles: He’s dead. Called it.

The fans remain on the edge of their seats. They’re about to see another victim of this vicious move. It looks like the soon-to-be newest victim of his finisher is about to lead himself to an end. He turns around, not hearing the fans on his side screaming “DON’T!” or “NOO!”
Meanwhile from the corner, The Gore Machine sprints like a vicious predator. He drives himself, shoulder first onto his opponent. Ripping him and flipping him inside out with that Ripper! Jerusalem crashes and burns with his belly laying on the canvas. The Piece of Eden just looks lifeless! The whole arena exploded from that Gore that Nate likes to call “The Ripper.” No one can do it better than Nate Insano does. Everytime he does hit it means that the match is set and done. But to the shock of everyone including Insano himself, a theme suddenly hits and it’s the theme of the Knockout Kings!

Ted Cedar: What? Usually Riley and Jared stay away from each other’s sights when it comes to their singles career.

Joey Miles: That cause it isn’t Riley you fatass. It’s James fucking Carlisle!

Ted Cedar: Wh-WHAT? I thought he told Jared to stay out of his way. Now he’s appearing during Jared’s match? Is he some sort of hypocrite!? Get out of here you oaf! This is a competitive main event and you’re ruining it!

Joey Miles: Yes, keep screaming from here. I’ll bet he’ll hear you. Though I’m also wondering why he’s here. Jared’s already beat from the looks of it, so why come out? To add insult to injury? Or by some amazing chance he’s actually going to help Jerusalem.

Ted Cedar: Well if it’s the last one then it’s actually working. Nate Insano has his gaze on Carlisle. He’s distracted and he doesn’t even know it!

The Newest Knockout King marches his way down the ramp with a steel chair at hand. The audience is clearly in a state of confusion as to why’s he doing here. Nate Insano gets up on his feet and stares back at Carlisle, knowing that he’ll try to involve himself in the match. The Unpredictable rises up to the top apron, but gets interrupted by The Ripper. The Gore Machine tries to grab ahold of Carlisle’s steel chair. Damage keeps his chair in his grasps as both men begin to have a tug o’ war with the foreign object. The official attempts to thwart both of these men since this is in the middle of a match. The Not So Evil Genius, realizing that Nate Insano’s obviously stronger than him, decides to let go of the weapon just as The Insane One gave a powerful yank - which causes him to stumble backwards and bump the ref, knocking him down in the process. Insano turns around to see the ref down and tries to head over him to wake him up, but gets blasted with a forearm from behind. The Gore Machine gets dazed, falling down a peg. Meanwhile, The new KO King member takes the steel chair and immediately smacks it at the head of Nate afterwards. The Ripper falls, laying on his back as the crowd scream “OH” from the chair shot and in shock. A plague of mixed reactions, majority of it are negative ones, shroud the entire area. James Carlisle drags his fellow Knockout King, placing him on top of Nate Insano. The Best Seller then goes to the ref, removing the official’s shirt and putting on him despite it being rather too fitted for him. Carlisle slides to the ground and begins slapping the canvas for the countdown.





Jared Jerusalem’s theme hits the sound system followed by a series of cheers and jeers from the XWA faithful. Both combatants are still unconscious on the mat, not knowing what’s happened. Meanwhile James Carlisle’s running around the squared-circle, overly joyous from his well... Comrade’s(?) victory.

Ted Cedar: NO! What the hell!? THIS WAS A COMPETITIVE MATCH! One of the best people have seen in a while and you come in here in ruin the result! STOP IT! You have no right to celebrate in that very ring!

Joey Miles: Jesus, woah there cowboy. Calm down. The man was just trying to help a bro out.

Ted Cedar: What on bloody earth are you talking about!? The original members of the Knockout Kings never interfered in each other’s matches out of respect, so why is this son of a messing things up!?

Joey Miles: Oh come on! Just look at him. He’s even carrying his brother-in-arms towards backstage. What more could you ask from a teammate!?

Ted Cedar: Oh please! I bet Jerusalem's going to be as angry as a bull after a saturday morning tinker when he finds out Carlisle interfered.

The audience is still left with confusion and a bitter taste in their mouths from the end of this match-up. A lot of questions here have been left unanswered. Why did Carlisle help Jared? Don’t they hate each other? What’s going to happen between these two on next Vendetta? The end graphics for Saturday Night Rage appears as the commentators bid the XWA faithful tuning in farewell for the day. The camera fades into XWA’s logo as people now get ready for tomorrow night’s ENDURE.

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RAGE! M3 | Jared Jarusalem vs. Nate Insano

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