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 M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine

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Love Bites
Love Bites

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M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine Empty
PostSubject: M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine   M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine EmptyMon Sep 08, 2014 1:06 am

DUE: Friday, September 19th at 11:59PM EDT.

M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine MJFR42R
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Love Bites
Love Bites

Posts : 9667
Join date : 2013-07-19
Age : 31
Location : Arlington, Texas

M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine Empty
PostSubject: Re: M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine   M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine EmptySat Sep 20, 2014 12:29 am

This match has been given a 24 hour extension.

M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine MJFR42R
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M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine Empty
PostSubject: Re: M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine   M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine EmptySat Sep 20, 2014 7:06 am

((Note: Since Maddox and Vladimir share the moniker of 'Titan', I want to express that all instances of it here refer to Maddox. I figure he's been here longer, so it just makes sense ot do that and avoid confusion.))

Maddox and Vladimir stand at opposite corners of the squared circle, eyes locked on one another as they await the sound of the bell with bated breath.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here we are at last. After everything these men have been through, they finally clash one on one here tonight!"
"Fuck yeah. These two are going to tear one another apart!"
"Shortly after arriving on the scene in XWA, Vladimir Strife sought to make an impact by attacking Maddox backstage. A challenge was issued for Revolutionary Wars, but Vladimir took advantage of poor wording on the part of Eric Goodman to get him in the ring and brutalize him. There's no running tonight though, no unexpected changes or misunderstandings. The GodKing is finally going to have to answer to the Toughest of the Tough and I, for one, hope the Titan pays him back for every bit of hell Vlad has put him through!"
"Hey, it's part of the business, man. You have to expect that things are going to get messy and they're going to get violent and personal. Hell, if they didn't, where would the fun be?"

The overbearing tension snaps at last as the chime of the bell beckons the combatants forth, the pair nearly slamming into one another as they meet, each coming in with their full force as they swiftly begin to vie for the early advantage in a traditional tie-up.  The Barbarian Lord presses himself into it, the strain evident in his grimaced countenance, but the strength of his counterpart is simply too much for him to compete with and he soon finds himself losing ground until he can feel the turnbuckles at his back. He relents his part in the struggle, raising his arms up, eyes averted toward the eager Las Vegas crowd with an apparent contempt in them. Maddox smirks, more than happy to have proven to his adversary, right out of the gate no less, that 'the Strongest of the Strong' was more than a catchy hook to sell merchandise. He forfeits his own role in the collar and elbow, giving Strife some breathing room that is soon closed by a hard right hook that sends the NOLA Native reeling toward the center of the ring. Vladimir follows him out of the corner, buckling the Titan's left knee with a stiff kick across it's posterior.

"How disrespectful can one man be? Maddox breaks the hold and Vlad takes advantage of it, throwing a damn cheap shot!"
"Last man standing - there's no room for silly things like respect, Ted. You've got to hit your opponent with whatever you can, where ever you can."
"There is no reason these men can't fight and do it in a respectable manner, despite what Vladimir seems to think."

Paine is poised in a prime position for proposing, but this poses problems for him at the present as the Czar of Scars steps up to his side and wraps his arm about Maddox's head, latching on tightly. The powerhouse is quick to remedy this predicament, taking hold of the GodKing's clasped hands - forcibly pulling them away and lifting them, slowly slipping them over his head before giving a hard shove that sends Vlad down to the canvas. The crowd nearly leap to their feet in delight at the showing of immense strength from the Titan, while Strife rises back up to his feet, brushing himself off to continue the bout.

"Maddox showing a clear strength advantage over the Barbarian Lord here. A lot of men make some big statements in this business, but when Maddox says he's the Strongest of the Strong, he might just be right. This is an incredibly powerful athlete."
"Maybe, but who gives a shit? I mean, there's more than just being the fastest or the strongest."
"That's true, but it certainly never hurts."

The pairing meet back at the center of the stage, Maddox taking control of Vlad's wrist as pressing it up toward the mid of his back as he steps in behind the Barbarian Lord. The Romanian grimaces with pain, but expertly pulls his leg back and hooks it across the back of his opponent's knee, bringing it back down to the canvas with a tug. The former XWA champion refuses to relent his grasp, however, clutching the wrung limb until Strife brings his boot to connect with Paine yet again, driving his heel into the younger star's gut with a vicious mule kick that drives the wind from his lungs. Free from the Titan's grip, the Czar of Scars rushes forward, making a sharp turnabout with the assistance of the ropes before heading back toward his weakened prey. The Strongest of the Strong proves to be more than capable of holding his own still, however, popping back up to his feet and again taking the GodKing by the extremity of his arm before raising the other into it, hooking the limb and using the leverage to toss the veteran over himself and down with an impact that nearly sends him rolling out of the ring. Each man scrambling back to a vertical base, the Hardcore King makes a beeline for his rival, hunkering down under a clothesline attempt before revisiting the cables separating them from the outside. As he turns back, so does Maddox  and Vlad quickly sees his opportunity, flinging himself feet first at the God amongst men, again targeting his knee with his full weight behind him. The limb is knocked clear out from under ole' Hardcore and Thirsty, causing him to stumble and nearly land on his face as he drops.

"A dropkick to the knee there and I have to say that it seems like Vladimir is really homing in on Maddox's knee. That's normally a pretty good strategy, but one has to question how effective it can be in a Last Man Standing match.."
"Well, if he can't stand, he can't be the last man standing."
"That's true, but it seems as though there might be more productive things Vladimir could be doing."
"Seriously? The guy is 85-3! How the fuck do you question what he's doing? Whatever it is, it's clearly worked out pretty well for him so far!"

The former XWA heavyweight champion barely has time to register what has just happened before his opponent is already back on the attack, stepping onto the calve below his brutalized joint and increasing the pressure upon it. He grabs a handful of hair and pulls him up to a kneel, pounding a hard right down across his forehead. As he tempts another, Maddox reaches up, taking the Behemoth by the skull and pulling it down, bringing his shoulder up to Vlad's collarbone and flipping him over it with a crisp snapmare executed to perfection. They waste no time in throwing themselves back into the fray, the GodKing doling out another punishing shot that lands across Paine's cheekbone, whipping his head to the side. Not to be outdone, the Toughest of the Tough returns fire, leaving his mark across his foe's jawline. They exchange knuckles again, each staggering with each shot, nearly fading at the force. Hoping to find the third time a charm, the Czar of Scars presses his right down behind him against the canvas, directing his body's energy up and toward the brewing haymaker that's brought so many contests before to a screeching halt. The NOLA Native steps in close before his European counterpart can give him a taste of the Lights Out and hooks his arms under Vlad's, lacing his fingers behind his back. The Purveyor of Justice yanks his feet up off of the mat, but one wraps around his leg. negating the opportunity for the belly to belly. Strife garners his strength and swings his elbows in, sandwiching his rival's head with a duo of sharp blows, finding himself free from the Titan's clutches in reward for his efforts. He's swift to take advantage of this, racing toward the side of the ring and throwing his weight into the ropes. As he comes off of them, a big boot rises to greet him, slapping across the side of his visage and bringing him low. The Czar of Scars rolls out of the ring, seeking reprieve from the seemingly unstoppable God amongst men.

"Big boot and it looks like Vlad is going to create a little distance here and maybe regroup."
"No shit. We see that. Are you commentating for the blind?"

Having taken a moment to rest, Strife warily climbs back onto the apron, eyes set on the challenge before him. Suddenly, he feels a tug at his leg and looks down to see Eric stepping back, having apparently tried and failed to pull him off. He turns his attention back to the matter at hand, but the momentary distraction has cost him greatly. Before him, a sprinting Titan rises into the air, coming at him like a missile. His soles stomp across Vladimir's pectorals, repaying the earlier dropkick. The Behemoth crashes to the ringside mats with a heavy plop and lies their motionlessly as the Nevadan audience scream out in glee and begin to chant his rival's name. Inside the ring, Maddox gets back to his feet, stretching out his arms as he tilts his head back and bellows out a warcry, the already ecstatic fans coming unglued at the sight. The GodKing continues to lie there, prompting the official to begin his count, the fans settling down to hear him.

"What a dropkick!"
"Damn.. yeah, I'm hoping to see Vladimir beat the snot out of Maddox tonight, but I'll give some credit for that.."


"How on earth can you root for Vladimir Strife?"


"What do you mean? He foul-mouthed and incredibly violent. How could I not root for him?"

Possibly jolted back to reality by the count, Vladimir begins to stir, rolling onto his stomach.


He crawls toward the ring, stopping at the edge before getting a knee under him and a hand upon the apron.


The Barbarian Lord pushes back up to his feet, ending the count. He peers up over the outskirts, finding the oncoming freight train of a man in Maddox Paine barreling toward him. The Titan drops down, feet forth yet again as he slides across the canvas like he's stealing a base upon the GodKing's chin. Vladimir steps aside quickly, expertly evading the attempt, then takes hold of his enemy's left leg, raising it up and then sending it back down with a hard jerk. The Toughest of the Tough winces as the side of his knee hits the edge, the momentum of his lower leg carrying on and torque the joint. He grabs at the source of the sharp waves of pain, clutching it dearly as he withdraws back into the ring. He clamors to his feet, knowing he has no opportunity to rest the throbbing limb if he plans to defend himself against the Czar of Scars, who comes in after him, approaching from the rear. Strife steps in beside him and hooks his leg over Maddox's, grabbing onto his far shoulder and leaning in before pulling back and flinging himself down to the canvas. His rival resists, holding onto a nearby rope for the support he needs to keep from following and taking the brunt of the Russian Leg Sweep. He comes off of his feet, stretching them before him with one lined up for the collarbone of the Bambi Killer, but the Hardcore King clears the landing, rolling out of harm's way. The men again make their way upright, the Romanian enjoying a small lead due to the hindrance of Paine's tormented knee. He darts toward the ring's cables again, building momentum before leaping at the standing Hardcore and Thirsty, jutting his knee forth. The younger star continues the pattern of aversion, slipping out of the warpath and in behind the 234 pounder, wrapping his arms about his waist before hoisting up and throwing him through the air overhead. The 10 time champion lands on his shoulders with a thunderous crash, rolling over them and coming to rest face down as the gathered XWA fanatics voice the pleasure they take in his pain.

With Vlad laid out for a moment, the Titan looks to further his advantage, closing the distance between them before before jumping straight up, coming down with his knee across the Barbarian Lord's head and threatening to drive the consciousness from him. As he straightens himself out, Maddox rubs at the offending joint, the drop having taken somewhat of a toll on himself as well. He takes his opponent by the back of the head, guiding him up to his feet before wrapping his arm around his the back of his neck and twisting, dropping to the mat with him. The GodKing is slow to recover from the neckbreaker, taking his time in crawling into the corner and using it's support to climb back to his feet, Paine eagerly waiting all the while for him. The Toughest of the Tough turns him around. exposing his chest and pounds it with the edge of his open palm. The Czar of Scars recoils from the pain, bringing his forearm up over the affected area, but the God amongst men simply pushes it aside before following up with another hard chop. When the arm comes up over it again, he takes it by the wrist and steps back, ripping Strife out of the corner and sending him rushing toward the opposing one. The veteran only just manages to turn his back to the pads, slamming into them with his posterior rather than his more vulnerable front. His opponent is not quite so lucky, his sternum hitting the top turnbuckle as Vlad spins out of the corner and dodges his ambush. The Behemoth reaches across him, taking grasp of his far shoulder before twining their nearest legs and throws his weight back. The former XWA champion is unable to get out of the maneuver on this occasion, his back slamming down across canvas, the one-two shot of taking hits to the front and then the rear leaving him groggy and disoriented. The Bambi Killer sits up with determination in his eyes, reaching over and taking the limb he's been punishing by the knee and pulling it to his side as he rises up and swings a leg over the American, rolling him onto his stomach as he bends the leg back, stretching it and visiting fresh agony upon the Purveyor of Justice.

"Boston Crab! Vladimir is really picking apart Maddox's knee here!"
"Make him suffer, Vlad!"

Maddox latches onto the bottom rope, quickly looking to free himself from the hold, but the referee reminds him that this doesn't break the hold per the rules of the contest. He retracts his hands, slipping his fingers through his hair as he tries to cope with the misery he's feeling and the frustration at the lack of an escape. Vladimir jerks at the limb several times, torquing it and the effect is immediately obvious, Paine thrashing about in throes of agony. Looking to dish out even more, the Behemoth holds tightly to the calve and drops forward, putting his shoulder before him to minimize his own impact as he slams the Titan's patella against the canvas. Free from the Barbarian Lord's clutches for a moment at last, Paine rolls up into a ball, seizing the appendage and rubbing it for some modicum of comfort.

Vladimir grabs a handful of his opponent's flowing onyx locks and peels him off of the mat, helping him up toward his feet. Before he can follow up with whatever sadistic intent swirls his brain at this time, the Toughest of the Tough steps in close and hugs him tightly, then whips him up and discards him over his shoulder, sending him down to the mat harshly. The combatants take a moment to rise back up, each feeling the effects of the match thusfar. Maddox, slightly more aware of his surroundings at the moment, takes the GodKing's head under his arm, grabbing up Strife's arm and wrapping it over his own in turn. His free hand seizes a belt loop on the Romanian's waist and hoists him into the air. The seasoned veteran is all too familiar with the endgame, however, and shifts his weight. twisting around and landing upon his feet behind the Titan. His forearm batters down across the upper back of his opponent. He takes him by the bicep, spinning him around to face him, but Paine spins around a second time, bringing his savaged limb up with the heel aimed for the temple of the Czar of Scars. The Behemoth has done his homework on the NOLA Native, though, and has begun ducking as soon as the second spin started. The devastating kick passes harmlessly above and Vlad scoops the remaining support out from beneath his rival, leaving him flat upon his posterior. He grabs the limb's brethren without pause, tucking the ankle he already holds into it's nook before folding it down over. He wraps his arms around the connection,  hooking the calve and ankle of the one better for wear and swings a leg of his own over, flipping the God amongst men onto his frontside. The effect of the cloverleaf is devastating, the former XWA champion bellowing out an animalistic scream as the joint feels close to coming apart.

"And once more, Vlad goes to work on that knee. He is just relentless!"
"Persistence pays off, Ted. As Vlad targets that knee, Maddox has steadily been getting slower and sloppier and given him more openings. It's like a investment - he puts his energy into that one spot for now so he can beat the shit out of him even more effectively later."

Faced with debilitating pain and the threat of injury, Maddox instinctively grabs the closest rope with both hands to save himself. When the assault does not cease, he goes for the next set up, forcing the Behemoth to lurch forward as he tries to maintain his hold. The Titan takes note of this, quickly climbing even higher and causing the GodKing to release him as he stumbles forward, managing to keep from faceplanting. He comes back without break, slamming his forearm across the cheek of the American kneeling before the ropes he clings to. A sharp elbow juts back into his gut in response, coercing him to create a little space. He goes right back in, but the point catches him across the mouth now as the God amongst men rises. Vlad reels back before he's treated to a desperate and wild haymaker that nearly bats him over. Paine pulls his fist back again, but a stiff kick across his sore knee distracts him and gives the Barbarian Lord the opening he needs. He intercepts the hand that darts toward the throbbing joint, slapping another across the younger man's bicep. He slips out of the trajectory he sends his opponent on, slinging him into the ropes. The Purveyor of Justice dodges under the Czar of Scars own elbow and goes airborne, stomping down across the center rope as he latches onto the uppermost cable, looking for a springboard clothesline to turn the tides back in his favor. His left knee buckles under the pressure and the pounding it has taken, however, and the fan favorite slips out over his perch and out to ringside, his viselike grip on the top rope saving him from a nearly missed crash landing.
Outside the ring, Maddox paces alongside the squared circle, hobbling with every step as the mere pressure of standing upon his leg now sends waves of misery through his body. Vlad drops down and rolls out of the ring on the opposite side, flipping up the fabric draped across it's length to peer through the treasures it conceals. Almost immediately, he goes for an old favorite, drawing the bamboo sword with grace and care and staring at it with reverence. Paine rounds a corner and Strife does the same, a sadistic grin upon his face as he looks to inflict a little of both's namesakes. He rushes forth, cutting wide through the air and landing a shot across the midsection of the Titan, doubling him over with a crack that sounds out to the rafters. Taking the open opportunity, he rains down another strike across the open lumbar, the God amongst men righting himself and arching his back as he staggers away from the onslaught. The GodKing discards his shinai, chasing after him before catching up and rolling him back into the ring under the ropes.

"Just vicious shots from that kendo stick. Even just hearing the crack of that is enough to give you chills down your spine."
"Or a raging hardon. I guess it all depends on how you view it."

Before Maddox can get to his feet, the Behemoth is already back in the ring, narrowing the gap between them. Hardcore and Thirsty stumbles into the corner, leaving himself with nowhere to go as he turns round into a ball of knuckles that glance across his cheek. Vlad draws back once more, but an open palm catches him over the sternum and shoves him back, throwing him down to the canvas and causing him to roll back from the force. He presses back to his feet, barreling toward the former XWA champion who steps out of the recesses and turns his back toward him. The Titan bends and leans in toward the oncoming Romanian, scooping him up by the midsection before allowing his tired legs to go out from under him, plopping down on his bottom and dropping the GodKing on his back beside him with a thunderous clatter.

"Sidewalk Slam by the Titan as he uses that strength to his advantage. Vladimir may have slowed him down a bit, but that will only get him so far. He still has to deal with the size and strength advantage of Maddox and it may be more than enough to shut him down."
"That may be so, but you have to figure, I mean, Vlad isn't the biggest guy in the locker room. He's went up against bigger and stronger men many times and come out on top. So all of that doesn't mean shit, really."

Vlad is slow to catch his breath, a long moment passing before he can work himself over onto his hands and knees and begin crawling toward the corner to pull himself up. Before he can see this plan happen, the massive arms of the NOLA Native wrap over his midriff once more and yank him up, flipping him forward and dumping him onto his back unceremoniously. The gutwrench suplex takes even more out of him, the infamous GodKing helpless to defend himself as Maddox descends upon him, slamming his thigh across Strife's collarbone. As he's getting back toward his feet, he assists the Behemoth in doing the same, quickly evading a punch that comes at him out of ingratitude. He slips in behind his rival, tucking his head under the arm that aimed to offend him and hugs his midsection, bringing the Bambi Killer up and taking him down. The veteran rolls out of the ring, nearly collapsing as he makes a beeline for the great equalizer. He makes a u-turn, quite wide in his stupor, and slides back into the squared circle, chair still in hand. Even with a scrambled brain, the base instinct of the Barbarian Lord is to fight without regards toward the odds or consequences. Paine moves in on the Romanian without hesitation, seeing that he poses no threat in the moment and drives the wing of his boot into the legend's gut, then takes him by the back of the skull. He leaps into the air, thrusting his knee up into the chair and pressing Vladimir's head down onto it. Upon his return to the mat, the sudden stop reverses their inertia, sending the force through his knee, into the steel chair and cranium of the Czar of Scars, a gunshot-esque bang rattling off from the impact. The 10 time champion crumbles to the canvas, his eyelids flickering alongside his consciousness while Ryu begins his count.

"Oh my god! A knee facebuster using that steel chair! That was just a devastating move and I have to wonder if Vlad's going to be able to get back up from that."
"Aw, come on. This guy plays with steel chairs for fun. He probably bathes in thumbtacks. There's no way that's going to keep him down for the count."





The GodKing's eyes flutter open and he looks around, taking a moment to recall where he is before he rolls over and plants a foot under himself, using it to rise back up. Behind him, the Titan waits, watching and looking for the perfect moment to go back on the attack. When the Romanian spins round in search of him, he bolts at him, jumping into the air and bringing himself horizontal, crossing chests with the Barbarian Lord and driving him back down, sandwiching him against the mat. As he starts to get up, something grabs at his wrist, the resilient Strife pulling it up toward his chest as he wraps his legs around the upper arm of the God amongst men. He tries to reclaim his appendage, but Wrath Personified digs in deeper, determined to inflict suffering upon it.

"Vladimir has Maddox in a cross armbar. I'm not sure if he's changed his focus or if he's just going for whatever he can get at this point, however."
"Please. A guy like Vladimir doesn't just do things, Teddy. If he runs out of the ring and shits a unicorn on our desk, you'd better believe he's got something in mind for it."
"Does what on our desk!?"
"You know - shits a unicorn."
"I don't know and I don't think I want to know whatever you're thinking there.."

Maddox, looking to save his arm from the fate his knee has suffered, hunkers down and grabs the Behemoth by the collar. Conjuring up all of his strength, he stiffens his captured limb and lifts Vladimir off of the canvas, looking to resolve the impasse with a powerbomb. Strife quickly unfurls his legs, however, managing to plant them safely below him before throwing his weight back, yanking at the arm as hard as he can and flinging the former XWA champion into the corner. Paine slams across the turnbuckles like a runaway train, the steel joints under the minimal padding digging into his spine. He buckles from the force, dropping onto his rear and coming to rest with his head against the lowest cushion. The GodKing comes barreling after him, stepping up on the NOLA Native's chest and pressing off, holding the top rope as he brings himself horizontal. The Toughest of the Tough grabs the set of ropes under the veteran, bridging himself up until he can release his catch in favor of the Hardcore King. He shoves his shoulder into the man's solar plexus, taking hold of each of the legs that sought to come crashing down upon him and topples forth, slamming Vladimir against the canvas with a thunderous spinebuster to the delight of the Las Vegas crowd.

"A massive spinebuster there, cutting Vlad off as he was going for the Heartstarter!"
"Aww, damn. I thought I was finally going to get to see that move.."

While Strife tries to find the energy to get back up from the powerful blast, his opponent scales the turnpost, carefully making his way to the top, never taking his eyes off the dangerous Romanian all the while. He waits patiently, making certain not to rush it as the Czar of Scars clumsily clambers to his feet like a newborn fawn. When he turns to see the Titan. he finds him soaring toward him, his brain unable to connect what he's seeing with what it means until a hammer-like right pounds across his temple, batting him back into a motionless heap to the tune of an arena of screaming and cheering fans. Maddox lands upon his feet, stumbling himself as the knee Vlad targeted previously threatens to give. He catches himself, taking a moment to enjoy the fruit of his efforts as he hears the XWA faithful chanting his name. He stretches his arms out and cocks his head back, again treating them to a savage warcry that only heightens their fervor.

Strife seeing stars, so to speak, Sanu steps in and starts his call.



The Behemoth flips over onto his side, instinctively trying to kick out of a pin that doesn't exist before the official can call out thrice.

"Jesus, Maddox hit him so hard, he forgot what kind of a fucking match he was wrestling! Get your shit together, Vlad!"


Confused and saddled with a throbbing skull, the Barbarian Lord exits the ring, rolling out under the bottom rope and getting his legs beneath him, ending the count as he takes a moment to sort out his hazy vision and mind. He peers back toward the squared circle, again greeted by the sight of the relentless Maddox hurdling toward him. Having launched himself over the middle rope, the Titan swings his massive bicep across the pectorals of the Czar of Scars. The men crash into the guardrail with a thud that echoes throughout the arena and flop onto the ringside mats as a new chant fills the silence in their wake.



With no signs of life from either star, the count begins anew, signaled by the referee's digits in lieu of his deafened words.






Maddox is the first to pull himself from the carnage, taking his time in rising back up, assured he has plenty.


Vladimir rolls over onto his front, at last showing signs of consciousness as he plants knee upon the padded black mat.


He reaches up, taking the lip of the barrier he was just slammed into, and pulls himself back up, crushing the hopes of those in attendance for the time being. The Titan steps in beside him, shoving Strife's skull down onto the top of the barricade between his hands. As he pops back up, Paine leans in and takes him by the midsection, scooping him up before dropping Vlad's lumbar down across his poised knee. While the Barbarian Lord reaches back and bars his arm across his lower back in reaction to the agony, the God amongst men makes his way toward the steel steps, passing by an applauding Eric Goodman, who cheers him on and gives him a smile.

"Demolish him, bro. I know you can."

Maddox returns the smile, climbing up the steel steps onto the ring apron and readying himself as Wrath Personified steadily returns to his full height. He races across the outskirts of the squared circle, bounding off and once more holding his arm out to catch the Behemoth around the neck. Vlad ducks under the clothesline this time, bringing his own limb up and hooking it across the gut of the Purveyor of Justice. He steps in behind him, reaching around the other side to clasp his wrist, then yanks the  Titan into the air, twisting on his heels before ejecting him over his shoulder and the guardrail. The nearby fans scramble out of the way as Hardcore and Thirsty plows into the rows of seating they'd occupied only seconds prior, the horrific crunch of steel bending under his momentum audible even to those in the cheapest seating sections of the arena.

"OH MY GOD! VLADIMIR JUST THREW MADDOX RIGHT OUT INTO THE DAMN AUDIENCE! Vladimir told Maddox weeks ago that all he needed was one little second, one mistake to get his foot in the door and it looks like he might just have gotten it right there."
"Oh, shut up!"

(TBC - Post was too long altogether.)
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M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine Empty
PostSubject: Re: M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine   M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine EmptySat Sep 20, 2014 9:23 pm

(Pt. 2)

Gathering his composure from the sight of the crude and calloused nature of what he's just seen, Ryu takes to his duties once more.



Strife stands tall, a smirk upon his face at the sight of the concern and shock upon the face of Eric Goodman. He raises a finger to the manager, showing no lost love for the man he terrorized and pummeled at Revolutionary Wars.



Hope seems lost as the Titan lie among the debris in an awkward and twisted position, but a select few still remain optimistic, faint cries of "GET UP, MAD-DOX!" sounding off from the odd locale or two.


They begin to gain a bit of support, growing stronger and syncing up as more join in.


Vladimir shakes his head, making his way past sly and toward the announce team, scooping up a microphone from the bellkeeper's table and making his way back toward his opponent.


"Come on, you fuck! Don't you hear all of these fucking morons yelling for you?"

The chant persists and, almost as if summoned, the Titan begins to stir, crawling among the busted and warped steel lethargically.


"Two seconds, time to wake up.."

Maddox plants his left hand onto the seat of a unscathed seat, wrapping the digits of his right around the leg of one that was batted away and folded in the chaos.



A bang sounds off like a gun firing as the God amongst men springs up and brings the chair down over the crown of the Barbarian Lord, dropping him where he stands.

"Jesus Christ, what a shot!"
"Fucking hell.."

Maddox rests against the guardrail, still trying to gather himself after the explosive German suplex and Ryu, a bit frustrated, starts counting once more.



Hardcore and Thirsty does the official a favor, climbing over the guardrail and bending down, taking the Romanian by the head and ending the fall as he tries to bring him back upright. Vladimir grabs the wrist of the hand across the back of his head and moves it to the front, pulling it across his body as he drags Maddox to the ringside mats and presses his armpit down upon his shoulder. He raises the captured limb, exerting pressure on it's connection to the torso as he forces it to the limits of it's mobility. Using the Fujiwara armbar to pick up where he'd left off with the cross armbar, the GodKing torques the joint, trying to pop the limb out of place. Paine lets out a guttural, animalistic cry at the agony, desperately clawing for the steel chair that is just out of his reach. The Barbarian Lord growls out in strain as he continues his efforts, trying to roll over the back of the Titan with the appendage. Suddenly, a boot pounds across his solar plexus, forcing him to relent to catch his breath. He looks up toward Eric Goodman, who looks horrified at the realization of what he's just done and the impending consequences. Sly takes off as Strife leaps to his feet and follows him, chasing him around the ringside with the endless rage that dwells within him exuding from the glare in his eyes.

"Awww, bad move, Eric. Vlad's going to rip him a new asshole!"

Looking to escape from the Behemoth, Eric desperately dives into the ring, the GodKing hot on his heels. As Strife slips in behind him, the opponent he almost seems to have forgotten makes his way in on the other side of the squared circle. Goodman rushes past his longtime friend and Maddox throws a heavy right at his pursuer. Vlad ducks the punch, popping up behind the Titan and reaching over his shoulder, fingers wrapping across the forehead of the God amongst men. The Barbarian Lord drops to his knees, carrying Paine's cabeza, slamming the back of it across his shoulder as he comes to a sudden stop. Maddox clutches the base of his skull, wincing as he lays in the middle of the ring staring out at the bright lights baring down on him. Vladimir presses up and throws himself into the ropes, building some momentum before racing past the Purveyor of Justice. He spins upon his heel, hitting the opposing set with his back again. As he homes back in on the downed Titan, the GodKing comes off of his feet and stretches them out before him. The length of his right leg slams down across the Toughest of the Tough, the posterior of his heel landing across the bridge of his nose. The former XWA champion rolls over onto his side, hands covering his face as he kicks his feet in a spasm of misery. Ryu starts his count as Strife rolls back out of the ring, flipping up the apron as he starts searching for more ways to punish the young star who dared to step into the ring with him.

"SON OF A BITCH LEGDROP! That seriously has to be the greatest name of a move in the business."
"Well, I'm not too fond of what he calls it, but you can't argue with the results. It's a very painful and effective move for certain."



Vladimir reaches under the ring, grabbing a table by the edge and dragging it out.


He pulls the folding legs into place and flips it over, setting it upright with a stoic expression of determination.


The GodKing digs back into the storage area, tossing a few items aside that fail to interest him before finding one that does. He raises the cheese grater high above his head, announcing his vile intentions to the world. Suddenly, something catches his attention from the corner of his eye and he turns toward it, just catching the glint off of the brass knuckles around the fist that catches his jaw courtesy of his opponent's manager. Vlad drops on the spot, the grater falling from his grasp and landing in front of the announce table.

"Brass knucks! Eric just laid Vladimir right the hell out in front of us with those brass knucks!"
"Hey, what happened to all that talk about fighting respectably and all that jazz?"
"Well, there's also a matter of people flat out getting what they deserve, Joey, and this couldn't have happened to a more deserving person."

Unsure of what to do in light of the GodKing being knocked out midcount, the official pauses for a second, then begins his count anew.


Maddox begins to stir inside the ring as the fans cheer him and his longtime friend on.


Eric looks toward his friend with a smile, but it flushes away at the sight of Tyson Smith coming down the entrance ramp with Vladimir's wooden cudgel in hand.


The Titan rolls to the outside, gathering himself as Goodman is bolting toward a retreat through the crowd.


Before Sly, the Reaper comes rushing up the aisle, bounding into the air and planting a sole down across the barricade. He leaps off toward the man who fell the King, but the rushing bull of a man he assisted shoots past the target and slams his shoulder into the wiry Razetti's midsection, driving him back into the guardrail. It gives way to their force, a section coming unhinged and sending them rolling across the concrete at the feet of the patrons.

"Spear right through the barricade! Maddox just knocked Razetti clear out of his boots!"


A cry of "Holy Shit!" once more rises alongside the count, the fans pausing for each count in some form of interest of amusement. Eric doesn't stand around to wait for Tyson, however, who is closing in on him. He takes off toward the opposite side of the ring, bolting for the back. As he's almost clear of the ring, a hand shoots out from under the apron, fingers fastening onto his ankle.


Sly is tripped up and falls flat upon his face, rolling over onto his back to watch in horror as the crazed clown crawls out from under the squared circle. As he rises up, Goodman scrambles before him and tries to beat a swift exit once more, but the grasp of the Harlequin of Havoc at the rear lip of his pants prevents this.

"This doesn't look good for Eric."


Spyro takes the transgressor by the back of the head and swings him around in a circle before releasing him in the direction of the steel steps. The manager barrels into them, a huge bang sounding off and catching attention of Maddox, who has just dusted himself off from the spear that nearly ripped Crystov in two.


The Titan rushes at the nearest person he sees, catching Tyson Smith across the torso and slamming his spine into the turnpost. He raises up and flips his hair back out of his eyes to see better, then directs his attention toward Spyro. When he turns toward him, he finds something altogether more sinister coming his way. In his rush to rescue his closest ally, the NOLA Native has neglected to keep an eye upon his rival. The Behemoth has pressed his left leg down firm against the ground and the muscles of his body fire off in a sequence, transferring energy and momentum from his grounded stance up and across his body toward the arm that shoots out like piston. The white hot knuckles at it's conclusion ram the God amongst Men's teeth, rattling them and swatting him supine. A hush takes over the crowd, each of them understanding full and well the implication of what has just occurred.

"My god! Vlad hit him with that.. that wrecking ball of a punch and I'm afraid that might be the end of this, folks. We've seen several men go down to that and not a one has gotten back up before the bell to date.."




Vladimir climbs the steel steps and reenters the squared circle, microphone in hand once more.


"I warned you, Maddox.. All I needed was one second."

He holds the microphone out toward the referee as the count continues, making it more audible for the fans taking in the slow death of their hope.


"One single mistake. I never needed to be stronger than you or faster or tougher or -"


"Younger.. because all I needed was that one second to deliver the shot that not even a Titan comes back fr.."

The GodKing becomes distracted as the crowd begins to cheer. He looks over at the God amongst men, shocked to see he has made it up to all fours.


"Stay down, you stupid son of a bitch.."

Maddox grabs onto the apron.


"STAY DOWN! You can't stop me, Maddox.. Just give the devil his dues and live to fight another day."


The Titan disobeys the order, pressing up to his feet and prompting Ryu to drop the count. Vladimir shakes his head in disappointment and looks at his comrades at ringside.

"Get that motherfucker in here.."

The Behemoth drops the microphone to the mat as Spyro and Smith grab the former XWA champion and roll him into the ring. Maddox is slow to rise back up, Strife stalking him all the while. Once he gets a boot planted firmly, the Czar of Scars steps in, grabbing his head and tucking it between his thighs. He scoops up Paine's tender right arm, crossing the nooks of their limbs as he pulls it up like a wing over the Titan's back. He hooks the other, mirroring the action as he prepares to deliver the Skesis Driver, the move that gave him his victory over Azrael. The American suddenly snaps out of his haze, running the Bambi Killer's back into the turnbuckles. Vladimir loses his hold on him and Hardcore and Thirsty rises up enough to slam himself forward, driving his shoulder into the solar plexus of the veteran. He rears back, gathering his strength before doing this again, driving what wind Strife was able to recover after the first shot back out of his lungs. As if possessed, the Toughest of the Tough continues his repetition, punishing the Hardcore King with blow after blow as pandemonium erupts from the thousands of fans around them.

Finally relenting after a Baker's dozen, the Titan stands tall, but his ravaged opponent doubles over at the pain in his gut. Maddox now pulls Vlad's head in between his thighs, leaning forth and wrapping his massive arms around his midsection. He rips the GodKing off of the mat, flipping the Romanian forth to sit upon his shoulders. Hardcore and Thirsty now begins to feel as such, pacing across the squared circle toward the end furthest from the entrance. He walks to the end, then tosses the Behemoth over the top rope. Strife quickly grabs Paine's arm by the wrist, clinging to it as he descends and racking it across the top rope. The God amongst men staggers back, holding his shoulder from what is perhaps a parting shot as the Barbarian Lord crashes through the table he'd set up earlier, the crunch of plywood punctuating the impact.

"Fuck.. I liked that table too.. That was a good table."

While Vladimir's stunned companions look on in horror of what has happened to him, the referee begins his count once more, secretly hoping it's the final time he has to do so tonight.



Smith turns toward Spyro, seeming to wonder if he should step in, but the crazed clown shakes his head, reminding him that Vladimir ordered them not to hurt Maddox no matter what happened. There was to be no doubts at the end of the night as to whom the better man was, regardless of which man came away with the win.



The audience clings to every number as Maddox props himself against the ropes, sore and spent from the brutal battle and ready to claim victory.



The Titan breathes a sigh of relief as he looks over the broken remains of the GodKing until he sees a flicker of light in him. The Behemoth opens his eyes slowly, gazing wearily at the former XWA champion.


He plants an elbow down into the splinters, propping himself up as he looks around to take in everything. Maddox's eyes have grown wide, staring in disbelief at the Czar of Scars, who is sitting up from a carnage that would send any ordinary man to the emergency room.


Vlad comes up to a knee, draping an arm over the announce table.

"The Barbarian Lord isn't quite out of this one, but only if he can manage to get back to his feet."


At last, the Barbarian Lord presses back up to his feet, stopping the count before falling back down to a knee.

"He did it!"
"But how? How the hell does someone get back up from something like that. Hell, how either of these men are still going at this rate absolutely boggles my mind. They should be damn near dead after all they've put each other through!"

Paine, furious at his opponent's resiliency, climbs out of the ring, making his way over and shooting a fierce glare at Vladimir's comrades, who step back and make passage for him. He grabs the Czar of Scars by the back of his shirt and drags him back over to the squared circle, rolling him in and following behind. The veteran finds himself near the corner and grabs onto the ropes, using them for the leverage he needs to pull himself back up to a standing position. Maddox makes his way over the opposite side, putting distance between them. While this momentarily seems like an opportunity for both to rest up and recover in order to continue, the Titan instead has other ideas in mind. He races back across the ring, sprinting it's length as he lowers himself before leaping forward, shoulder poised for the midsection of the Behemoth once more. Strife collapses face first to the mat, unable to find the energy to save himself in any other fashion and the former XWA champion careens through the top two turnbuckles and into the post.

"He missed!!"
"Missed? No! He was just pissed off at that turnpost."

Maddox slumps down slowly toward the canvas, turning himself around to catch a sight of Wrath Personified as he's gathering himself. He rests his head against the lowest pad, utilizing it as a makeshift pillow as he grimaces at the fresh waves of pain rolling through his body. The GodKing, once upright, wastes no time in trying to hammer the final nail in the Titan's coffin. He rushes at him, leaping into the air and swinging his legs in front of him like an Olympic jumper. He plants the soles of his boots onto the chest of the God amongst men and grabs the top rope, using his footing to press off and bring himself up until he's nearly horizontal. The veteran tucks his knees in close and relents his grasp, coming back down toward Earth like a cannonball. His patellae slam into his opponent's pectorals with 234 lbs of violent Romanian behind them, compressing Paine's ribcage. Vladimir rolls back from the devastation, coming up to his knees and admiring his work.

"God almighty, that is just devastating! Even if Maddox gets up from that somehow, you can be damn sure he'll be feeling that one through the rest of night and into tomorrow!"

Ryu steps in, raising a single finger and calling off "1!" beside the GodKing, who turns toward his other side to see the microphone he'd previously discarded. He reaches over and takes it, bringing it up toward his chin before addressing the official between deep and ragged breaths.

"Not now.. I'm not.. done with him.. yet."

Maddox remains where he was left, arms crossed over his chest in an 'x', while the Bambi Killer stands back up. He reaches out through the ropes, Tyson passing him the club. He looks it over, then spots Eric Goodman beginning to crawl away from the scattered steel steps he'd been launched into. He points toward his rival's friend, grasping the stick in his hand tightly.

"Bring me that cocksucker.."

With a nod, Smith and the psychotic Spyro go to work, lifting up Sly and directing him into the ring. The manager gets up to his knees, looking up at the infamous legend that destroyed him just one month ago in that very ring.

"Oh no, not this... aw, come on! This is completely unnecessary!"

"Keep them eyes peeled open Maddox. This one's for you."

"Don't do it, Vladimir! Don't!"

Vlad brings the baton overhead before bringing it down over the crown of Goodman, causing him to flop to the mat devoid of consciousness. The Titan, reinvigorated by the sight, clamors to his feet and rushes the Behemoth, who casually steps aside and clubs him across the back of the knee, robbing him of his support.

"I've taken away your speed, Maddox.."

The God amongst men, unconcerned with the words of the madman, lets fly with a wild haymaker. Midway to it's mark, it meets the same fate as his knee, the wooden post crashing down across it's joint and sending a sharp pain up it's length.

"I've neutralized your strength.."

The Barbarian Lord stands tall before his opponent, looking down upon him as a smirk grows across his countenance.

"So, tell me: what the fuck do you have left?"

The Titan springs up, flinging himself forward and slamming his shoulder into the gut of the GodKing with all of his strength. The club slips out of Vladimir's hand as the men hit the ropes, their momentum causing them to spill out through them. They hit the ringside mats with a heavy slap, both coming to simply lie there, feeling as though they've been in a car wreck. Cheers resonate throughout the arena in support for the former XWA champion as it appears he's put to the rest the man who has tormented him.

"A massive spear right through the ropes and these men just spilled right out in front of us! That has to be it! There's no way they can get back up from this!"
"Holy shit! A little harder and they would have been right in our laps!"




There's no motion from the combatants, it appearing as though they've finally reach their limits.



The crowd goes silent, watching on eagerly for any signs of life from either competitor.


They finally get it, Maddox stirring meekly, a little better for wear from the exchange than his counterpart.


The Titan slowly manages his way up to a kneel.

"How the hell is he getting up!? Where do these men find this strength? They are just absolutely relentless!"


As the NOLA Native comes up onto his feet, he is given a hero's welcome, the audience going berserk with fanaticism. A shot rattles across his knee very weakly, but still manages to elicit a pang in the tender joint. He looks down, stunned to see the GodKing alert and still looking to carry on their tumultuous war.


Maddox, not content to end this on a technicality, grabs a fistful of hair and pulls Vladimir to his feet. He secures the Behemoth's skull between his legs and hugs his torso. As he flips him back up into a position that has signaled the end for many men before the veteran, Strife scoops up the cheese grater he'd wanted to make use of before Eric stepped in. He holds onto both ends of the utensil tightly, swinging it down in a slashing motion across the countenance of the Toughest of the Tough. It's sharp, raised edges rake the flesh of the younger man, rending it savagely. He topples backward, dumping Vlad against the mats over his shoulder to little effect.

The Barbarian Lord scrambles to his feet and pulls Maddox's hand away from his face, using it to pull him up to his feet before throwing him back into the center stage. Hardcore and Thirsty desperately forces himself up to his hands and knees, crimson dotting the canvas below him as drops of his life force fall from his features. Strife takes the steel steps, slowly ascending them one by one, eyes locked on his wounded prey. As he steps through the ropes, the former XWA champion crawls about the ring aimlessly, barely able to see where he's going beyond the maroon veil. The GodKing scoops up his preferred weapon of choice, gripping it tightly as he flanks the Titan. He tilts his head from right to left, popping his neck as he looms ominously over the man a decade his younger. He swings the cudgel wide, cutting the air and batting the side of Paine's head with it, knocking him flat to the dismay of the arena's patrons.

"Oh my god..."
"YES! That's it! Vladimir's going to win! He's done it!"



Vladimir looks down at his rival, still holding fast to his post as the count continues.




Maddox's hand moves suddenly, but barely.


The GodKing watches him, trying to determine if it was simply a twitch or his mind playing tricks on him.


The arm move again, this time pressing down against the canvas. The other comes past it, the God amongst men dragging himself forth weakly with each one.


"Oh no... just stay down, Maddox... dear god, just stay down.. it's not worth it.."

There are no weapons ahead of the Titan for him to turn the tides with. The ropes and corners are all too far to make in time to return to his feet. The only thing in his snail's pace path of note is the man who has been at his side throughout the years, lying unconscious.


The Behemoth steps in past the official, bending down and placing his fingers under the chin of the former XWA champion. He tries to lift him up, but his grip slips due to the viscous plasma that has coated it. He gives it another attempt, finding success as he leads Maddox up to his knees. The sight he reveals is entirely hellish. A red print of the Titan's visage has been left behind on the canvas, his entire face covered in blood from the gashes above his brows. One eye peers at his attacker, the other appearing sealed shut from the crimson mask. His arms hang down limply, knuckles dragging across the mat and smearing his macabre artistic impression.

"Oh, come on! Leave him alone, this is enough! You've got the damn thing one, just let him be!"

The GodKing raises his cudgel into the air once more, then lashes forth with it, slamming it down across the cranium of the Titan with a sickening crack. Maddox collapses into a heap, limbs splayed in awkward poses as he lays as he landed. The official solemnly takes to his work once more, his calls taking a dejected and lifeless tone as he tries to shake from his mind what he's just seen.


"No, God damn it! I think I'm going to be sick.. this is just... just wrong.."
"Holy shit.. that was just so... primal.. so.. awesome."
"How can you say that? This isn't a match, it's devolved into a damn attempted murder, for Christ's sakes!"



The arena is silent, fans sitting in shock. Their hero has been stricken down and left helpless, his life force now spreading out from under his head slowly.




In the front row, a twelve year old fan sits in his father's lap. Tears flow down from his reddened eyes, rolling down his face and dripping off of his chin onto his 'Toughest of the Tough' t-shirt. The camera focuses on him and he turns away from it, burying his head into his guardian's shoulder.


"That was just such a disgusting shot.. Maddox hasn't moved since and I have to wonder what state he's in after that."
"One of not standing. It's kind of the point."
"I get that this is a violent sport inherently and that people get hurt, but there's just no need for this kind of brutality.."

The GodKing still stands tall, his motionless, mangled rival at his feet. He clutches the club with a vice-like grip, ready to use it again if necessary and refusing to back down until he's certain it's not.


A hand begins to rise from the mat. It is not Maddox's, however, but rather that of the sly manager who helped him learn the basics of the wrestling business and took his career to new heights. He raises his head, looking upon the way in which his client has been knocked from those heights, his eyes welling up at the sight of his bloodied best friend.


Eric crawls toward Maddox, slowly making ground inch by inch.


As the bells rings out, Goodman reaches the Titan's side, and crawls onto him, pressing his chest down onto Maddox's back and presenting his own - doing the only thing he can to protect him from any further brutality. Vladimir drops the stained wooden club and staggers away, leaving the ring to the tune of 'Sumeria' by The Devin Townsend Project. Ryu motions for the EMTs as Laura Watts does he best to announce the end result in spite of it's somber nature.

"L... Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match... Vladimir Strife!"

The music dies down as the medical personnel pass the Barbarian Lord on their way to the ring. They slide a stretcher into the squared circle, following it in. The gently roll the Titan onto his back and put a neckbrace on him per standard procedure. Carefully, they lift him, moving him over to the stretcher in front of the deathly quiet patrons.

"That was one of the most hard fought tooth and nail battles I've ever seen in my life, Joey. I hope Maddox is alright."
"I completely agree. I mean, I'm glad Vlad won and all, but fuck, nobody wants to see someone like this."
"Well, we did know it had to come to this. There was just too much bad blood and pride between these men for either to stay down so long as they had any other option."

As they pull him out of the ring, a round of applause starts up, the XWA faithful showing him that regardless of result, he's not lost their favor or their support.  

"No matter who came out on top, you just can't deny that that young man wrestled his heart out tonight, Joey. He came to the ring determined to give everything he had to beat Vladimir and give it his all he absolutely did."
"He did.. I think he even left a bit of his brain on the mat there."
"Damn it, Joey, that isn't funny! Maddox could be seriously hurt!"
"Sure, but you can't let a vicious injury or wound or attempted murder keep you away from a good joke."
"Folks, we're going to get things back on track and we'll have an update on Maddox for you as soon as we know something. But next, Ace Andrews takes on DC Hennig to determine who will be the #1 contender for the XWA World Heavyweight Championship!"
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I am Batman
I am Batman

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M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine Empty
PostSubject: Re: M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine   M2 | Vladimir Strife vs. Maddox Paine EmptySat Sep 20, 2014 10:40 pm

Vladimir Strife has already made his way into the ring. He stands at the center, as Maddox Paine makes his way down the ramp. Paine is angry, Paine is frustrated, and Paine is intent on finally getting his revenge on the man who has tormented him for months now. However, Paine is also alone. No sign of Eric Goodman anywhere. Maddox is almost completely down the ramp when he suddenly sprints at full speed towards the ring, slides under the bottom rope, and charges towards Vlad. Vladimir, being the veteran that he is, saw it coming and also ran forward. Both men collide and the bigger man knocks Vlad down on his back with a weak spear/thesz press as he quickly mounts Vlad and begins to throw hard, angry right hands!


The bell rings, signifying the official beginning of this match. Maddox sloppily throws hard blows, much to the delight of this crowd. Vlad quickly manages to roll to the side, not allowing himself to get thrown off. Him and Maddox get up at the same time, and Vlad quickly throws a huge right hand, dropping the bigger man. Maddox falls down and rolls out of the ring, receiving a few boos from the Las Vegas crowd. The Titan quickly comes to his senses and rushes back into the ring. The veteran, Vlad, allows him to get in and doesn't go for any sneaky shots. He simply chuckles and allows the more rookie star to gain some composure, otherwise this match is going to be easy for “The Godking.” Maddox gets up to his feet as he makes a rookie mistake and rushes the veteran competitor. He quickly locks horns – or err, arms – with Vlad as both men are now in a quick test of strength. Strife instantly uses the momentum of Maddox rushing towards him to change the test of strength into a headlock, as he grips down with full force on the head of the former world champion. He then quickly kicks his hip up and gets him with a headlock takeover, locking in a headlock on the ground early on in this match. The former world champ doesn't take kindly to being forced down as he quickly turns onto his knees, forcing the smaller man to shift his weight to the side and work his way up to his feet slowly.

Cedar: “This match is off to an explosive start, but now Vlad has the advantage as he looks to take things down a bit.”

Miles: “I've been waiting for months to watch Vlad beat Maddox's pussy ass! This is gonna be great!”

Paine manages to push up and get up to one leg. Vlad tries to keep the headlock in, but he finds himself getting out-powered by the rookie. Maddox grabs his hands with his own hands and pries them off with pure force. Vlad releases the hold and then quickly gets elbowed in the stomach by “The Titan.” Maddox throws another, and then follows it up with a hard right punch to the stomach that almost knocks the air out of “The Godking.” - Maddox then unhooks himself completely, spins behind Vlad, hugs him from behind and then lifts him up before slamming him straight down on his stomach. Maddox then uses the time to his advantage as he quickly kicks around to Vlad's upper area and locks in his own grounded headlock, giving Vlad a little bit of payback. “The Sinner” may not be stronger than “The Strongest of the Strong,” but he definitely has more experience. He uses that experience to kick himself up onto one knee to gain some leverage. Maddox presses down on the headlock as hard as he can, not allowing him to gain too much traction. Vlad quickly does a full spin while managing to wiggle out, now he locks in a grounded hammerlock on Maddox. “The Titan” (Maddox) quickly tries to prevent Vlad from getting too much damage on his arm this early on as Paine quickly scurries to one side of his body and tries pressing up on himself. Maddox makes it to his feet using his upper strength while Vlad still has the hammerlock locked in. Maddox runs backwards against the turnbuckle and drives Vlad back-first into it, forcing him to release the hold. Paine then throws a big elbow using his other arm, hitting Vlad in the temple. As Vlad is groggy, Maddox turns and pulls him by the arm before pushing him against the ropes. “The Titan” whips “The Godking” to the other side of the ring, but mid-toss, Vlad manages to jump up and counter the toss by whipping Maddox instead. Paine launches off the ropes full force and Strife tries to drop him with a big clothesline. The “God Amongst Men” ducks the clothesline and gets even more speed, before bouncing off the ropes behind Vlad and nailing him with a full-speed shoulder block!

Cedar: “Maddox is really taking it to Vlad! Vlad has been pushing him around for weeks, and now all of a sudden Maddox is on top of things!”

Miles: “Maddox isn't gonna do shit! Vlad's the man, and I'm not just saying that cause I'm scared he's gonna come and beat me with a mace or something!”

Maddox stands over “The Sinner” and gets a big chuckle on his face. A rookie mistake to try and take time to pander and one-up your opponent. The fans cheer for Maddox managing to drop Vlad, but this doesn't do him any good, as Vlad quickly pulls Maddox down by his right leg and locks in an unexpected Ankle Lock! The fans mark out a bit even though they're likely rooting for Maddox here, but Maddox isn't so happy about the move. He begins to scream as Strife stands high above him with his very tough arms wrapped around his ankle. Maddox knows he can't let Vlad keep the submission in too long, otherwise it's gonna cause some serious long term damage. Paine quickly uses his athleticism to do a full front-roll on the ground, forcing Vlad forward with the momentum. Strife runs forward so fast, he is sent flying through the middle rope to the outside! He lands with a hard thud as Maddox scurries up to his feet. He shows a bit of pain in his right leg, but only slightly as Vlad didn't manage to lock in the submission for too long. “The Godking” grabs his back – which he landed on upon his exit from the ring – to show that he is hurting now. The more rookie competitor quickly slides out of the ring, not wanting to let Vlad get any form of an advantage. He approaches Vladimir Strife as Vlad kneels on the outside near the ramp. Strife sees him coming and quickly reaches for Maddox's waist with his hand. He tugs on his black cargo pants and forces Maddox to trip forward, falling almost face-first into the barricade!

Cedar: “A sneaky but clever maneuver by the self-proclaimed 'Godking'!”

Miles: “Ha! I hope Maddox broke a tooth!”

Paine holds his face as Vlad works up to his feet. Strife quickly turns him onto his back and leans him against the barricade. He then begins to unload, trying to get rid of the anger he has gotten the past few minutes from getting one-upped by this... rookie. Vlad throws some hard rights, one, and another, and another. Making a sick thudding noise on the chin of Maddox as he tries to shield himself from the blows but to no avail. Paine sits against the barricade as Vlad takes a break to shout: “C'mon you stupid little shit!” and then swings the side of his left knee against the temple of Maddox, getting him with a back-knee against the barricade. Maddox drops to his side but tries to stay up by grabbing the top of the barricade. Vladimir Strife marches over to the ring and pulls the flap up. The referee begins to count Maddox out, since he is grounded.


Vlad pulls a large table out from under the ring, receiving a huge cheer from the crowd that otherwise, doesn't like him. He also slides a trash can and the trash can's lid out from under the ring. He drops the can and the lid off to the side, obviously not really caring about them yet. He then turns his attention tot the table he brought out earlier. He quickly begins to set it up, but as soon as he begins to open the legs, he notices that the referee hasn't made a count for a while now. Confused, he looks around only to realize Maddox is not where he left him. However, by the time he realizes Maddox is almost right next to him, it's too late. “The Titan” of XWA quickly squeezes Vlad with a big hug before launching him overhead and sending him back-first onto the steel ramp with a huge overhead belly-to-belly toss! The fans cringe and the floor crunches as Vlad's back meets steel. The veteran competitor grabs his back in pain as he gives a big roar. Maddox quickly gets up and basks in the fact that his opponent is grounded. Paine turns his attention to the unopened table and decides that it's his turn to play around with it. Maddox continues to open the legs of the table as referee Jack Hammer begins the count on Vlad!


Maddox pulls the legs open and then pulls the table to a standing position. He sets it up nicely.


Maddox then turns his attention back to Vlad, who has slowly recovered. Maddox approaches him quickly once again – making the same rookie mistake – as Vlad has already pulled the trash can lid out from right in front of his eyes. Paine doesn't see the lid of the trash can until it smacks him right between the eyes, courtesy of Vlad! Maddox's head turns sickly off the impact as he backs into the ring apron before bouncing forward. Strife quickly tucks his head under Maddox's arm and flips him up with an overhead-toss, sending Maddox right onto the same steel ramp Maddox sent Vlad onto. Once again, the same crunch, the same cringe from the fans, and the same roar of pain from Maddox. Vlad eyes the table and decides to attack before Paine recovers. Being a veteran, he knows fully well this isn't going to keep his opponent down for the 10 count. Vladimir Strife quickly walks over to Maddox and pries him up slowly. He quickly pulls him over to the table, which has been standing there for a good while now. He locks in a suplex position on the former world champ as he tries to raise him up for a gordbuster (forward suplex) through the table. He manages to get a good thrust on Paine, raising him fully. But Maddox quickly bends his body and manages to land on his feet on the other side of the table on the floor! Vlad keeps the suplex position locked in while standing on the other side of the table. Both men are looking down directly at the table as Vlad tries to lift him straight up and drop him through. Maddox, however, has a different plan. He raises his free hand up as high as this position will allow him, and he brings a hard fist down, smashing the table with his hand and preventing Vlad from sending him through it!

Cedar: “OH MY GOD! Maddox just PUNCHED that table in half!”

Miles: “....What the hell is that freak made of?”

Maddox then frees himself up a bit, using the surprise Vlad is in to his advantage, as he then swings the enormous tree-branch known as his right arm to almost behead Vlad with an enormous European Uppercut! Vlad bounces backwards, and if that wasn't bad enough, Paine swings the same tree-branch again, as he sprints towards Strife and leaps into the air while swinging his right arm wildly, driving him to the ground with a running, flying clothesline! Vlad may be smarter, wiser, and more experienced, but Maddox knows how to use his strength as a counter, and just like Vlad, Maddox will not stay down! Maddox realizes a small splinter from the table got lodged on the side of his hand as the Speaking of staying down, referee Jack Hammer begins to wonder if Vlad will do that as he counts again.


Maddox surveys his surroundings, trying to figure out what he can use to his advantage. He realizes there is nothing here that makes him happy, so he reaches down under the ring and looks around for a bit. “The Godking,” meanwhile, begins to slowly get up.


Paine finds what he was looking for. He pulls out a 2x4 piece of wood, wrapped at the top with precious barbed wire! The fans cheer on the fact that they are seeing some barbarianism in this match, they approve – they approve. Maddox is so lost in the happy idea of him shoving that barbed wire stick where the sun doesn't shine, that he doesn't notice the person he intended to victimize has already made it to his feet. Maddox turns around and gets rammed in the face with the trash can! The trash can wraps around his skull and takes the form of his forehead in an almost cartoonish manner as Vlad really used all his strength to make sure that barbed wire 2x4 wasn't used on him. Maddox drops to his knees as Vlad quickly picks up the 2x4 and rolls it into the ring, not wanting any part of it – yet! Instead, he lets his mind come up with other ideas for Maddox. He reaches down under the ring once again and this time quickly finds what he's looking for, as it's not very hard to find a steel chair. One of the simplest, yet most dreaded weapons one could use! Maddox is up on one knee, preventing the referee from starting any sort of a count. Vlad turns his attention to Paine and readies the dreaded steel chair. Maddox begins to get up off the ground and he leans against the steel post. Vladimir Strife quickly swings the hard piece of steel at full force, trying to take Maddox's head off! But Paine quickly ducks out of the way, forcing “The Behemoth” to smack the steel chair hard against the steel at full force, sending shock-waves throughout his hands!

Cedar: “Oh my! That sounded painful!”

Miles: “Why do we even have steel posts? AHHHH!”

Vlad drops the chair as he bounces back. Maddox picks up the trash can that was used against him earlier and gets his revenge as he shoves it into the stomach of Vlad. As Strife bends over, Maddox quickly raises the trash can and prepares to drive it across his back, but Vlad quickly pulls an underhanded – and very smart – move as he deals a low blow to Maddox! Vlad holds his gut, trying to exercise the pain away, as Maddox stumbles back in even more pain. “The Godking” takes advantage. He notices Maddox dropped the trash can almost right in front of him, so he quickly walks over to Maddox, hooks him in a legsweep position, and sweeps him forward, face-first as he drills him right into the trash can! Maddox's face finally gives out as it begins to trickle a small line of blood, a result of the many attacks to that face by Vlad. Strife takes a moment to relax as he tries to regain his composure. It helps that referee Jack Hammer is beginning to count Maddox out again.


Maddox is all but lifeless. Vlad feels that it won't be enough. He marches over to the commentators table to follow up on his plan.


Vlad removes the cover off the Spanish announcer's table first, and then makes his way to the English table.

Cedar: “Oh no! What's this son of a bitch doing?”

Miles: “You let him do what he wants! He's gonna take that bitch Maddox out!”


Vlad fully removes both announcer's tables' covers as he readies for Maddox to get up. Maddox is on one knee, using the apron as a guide to get up.


Vlad sees that Maddox is about to get up, so he quickly grabs him by the back of the head and slams him face-first into the ring apron, knocking him down a peg. He holds on to Maddox's long hair and then pulls him back and slams him face-first into the uncovered announcer's table, the Spanish one. He then uses his strength to raise the bigger man up onto the Spanish table and he leaves him there as he takes a moment to catch his breath. Maddox begins to bleed all over the table, painting the otherwise white table crimson red! Vlad then stops taking a break and gets up on top of the English table, waiting for Maddox to stand. Maddox gets up to one knee slowly as he starts to recover. Vlad waits for him to get up, Vlad has the face of a maniac as he looks to inflict more pain to his opponent. “The Titan” makes his way to his feet as Vlad begins to charge forward. Strife jumps up, trying to neutralize Maddox, at any cost! He goes for a running cross-body, but Maddox catches him in mid-jump! The fans quickly jump to their feet, knowing what's gonna happen! Maddox thrusts Vlad up with a big roar and then runs to the English table, slamming Vlad directly through it, courtesy of a Running Powerslam!

Cedar: “OH NO! OUR TABLE!”

Miles: “That son of a bitch! How fucking dare he?”

Both men are down. Both men are out. They were both sent through that table and the referee is doing his best to make sure neither of them are dead. He is then forced to do his job as the veteran referee he is, and he begins to count them out!


Neither man is showing any signs of life!


Maddox twitches a little bit, but nothing more.


Vlad rolls onto his side, being the tough son of a bitch that he is.


Maddox rolls out of the rubble and begins to slowly get up to his feet.


Maddox stumbles under the bottom rope and slides into the ring. Unfortunately for him, he feels comfortable in this laying position, and because he is laying down, the referee is forced to restart the count.


Maddox bangs his head against the floor of the ring, not knowing why he didnt just tough it out. Vlad has taken a toll on him. The floor is lightly dabbed with red as a result of the blood.


Maddox crawls to the bottom rope as he tries to regain his composure.


Vlad rolls onto his side completely, knowing he can't stay down.


Vlad works his way up to his feet, but not fully.


Vlad is up on his feet, and Maddox is too! Inside the ring, anyway. Vlad angrily marches in as fast as his groggy body will let him. He slides into the ring to meet an equally groggy Maddox, who had been egging him on to go into the ring. Both men march towards each other and quickly, the fists begin to fly. Maddox catches Vlad in the jaw, Vlad catches Maddox in the jaw. Vlad is visibly angry and Maddox is visibly determined. Maddox with a hard right. Vlad with a hard right. Maddox punches Vlad and Vlad falls back into the ropes. Using the bounce, he comes back and hits an equally powerful right hand. Maddox bounces back now too. Vlad quickly bends over, hoping to catch Maddox by surprise and throw him overhead. “The Titan” catches on pretty quick, though, as he instead uses it to his advantage by driving his knee right into Strife's face with a huge Knee Facebuster! Vlad bounces up and Maddox runs to the ropes again. Paine charges towards him and hits his running knee lift! Vlad drops to the ground, but the determination of Strife gets him right back up. Not a very good thing, though, as he stands right into being lifted by Maddox. He goes straight up and then gets driven straight down with a powerful Spinebuster! Maddox begins to shout wildly as he throws both fists to the side. The crowd is on top of this as they are screaming with cheers! Maddox slowly works his way up to his feet as he urges Vlad to stand up so he can hit him with the Titan Bomb! However, Vlad rolls to one of the corners as he begins to use it to get up to his feet. Maddox doesn't notice what is in Vlad's hand... Maddox marches over to Strife, only for “The Godking” to swing the barbed wire 2x4 that was brought into the ring earlier and smack Maddox right in the face with it!

Cedar: “OHHHH MY. I felt that from here!”

Miles: “Hah! I hope it ripped his face off!”

Miles may be right. Although Maddox tried to block it, he got hit pretty hard. He falls right down as his face begins to trickle more and more blood. Vlad smiles as Maddox is down. He doesn't even try to let the referee count. Vlad yells: “HAHAHAHA is a little bit of blood going to stop you? It won't stop me!” as he then, in a very gruesome maneuver, rakes the barbed wire right across his own forehead! He begins to bleed profusely as well. He just shakes it off as he begins to chuckle in his own dominance. The crowd don't know how to react to that. This man is a monster! He then bends over and places the barbed wire 2x4 right across the face of Maddox, but doesn't put any force down on it, he simply sets it on top of Maddox's face. He looks down at his opponent with the chuckle of dominance still on his face. He quickly charges to the ropes under Maddox's legs as he bounces forward and then drops his leg right across the face of Maddox, sandwiching it under the barbed wire with his signature “Son of a Bitch Legdrop” - which is essentially a leg drop across the face instead of the neck, and the heel of his foot landing right across the opponent's face.

Cedar: “Vladimir Strife is just decimating Maddox now...”

Miles: “This is so great to watch!”

Vladimir Strife signs “It's over!” as he “cuts his own neck” with his hand to signal it. He lays back against the turnbuckle to rest after throwing the barbed wire 2x4 out of the ring as Maddox rolls around on the ground in pain. The ring is covered more and more with “The Titan's” blood. The referee checks on him for a bit and then goes right to counting.


Maddox pounds his feet against the ground as he puts pressure on his face.


The bleeding doesn't ease, it continues.


Maddox knows he's being counted out. He rolls towards the ropes slowly.


Maddox is almost at the ropes...


Maddox grabs the bottom rope as he realizes this is it. He needs to get up!


He uses his upper body strength to try and work his way up.


He is getting up... He is almost up!


He grabs the top rope as he lays on one knee.


He gets up to his feet, receiving a huge cheer from the crowd! However, the smile of survival on his face doesn't last long. He groggily walks backward and walks into Vlad, who quickly hugs the bigger man from behind and throws him overhead with a huge German Suplex! Vlad angrily rolls out of the ring, surprised that this didn't take Maddox out for good. Vlad looks under the ring apron really quick and pulls out a tiny little burlap sack. He slides it into the ring, the fans look on in wonder at what it may possibly be. Vlad then looks around and realizes he still has his steel chair. He picks it up slowly off the ground, trying to take a breath while inside the ring, the referee is at a count of “2!” for Maddox. Vlad knows it isn't gonna put him out, but his steel chair might. Vlad is about to go into the ring, when suddenly the quietness of the arena turns to cheers! Down the ramp comes none other than Eric Goodman! Goodman wears his regular suit, he doesn't look dressed to fight at all! But Vlad looks up at him with a hungry smile on his face. Vlad drops off the ring apron as he awaits Goodman.

Cedar: “What the hell is Goodman doing here??!”

Miles: “He's here to die with his client! That's what!”

Eric Goodman slowly walks down the ramp, almost as if he's walking to his death. What is he thinking? Vlad smiles as Goodman doesn't hesitate to get right in his face. Vlad presses his skull against Goodman's, covering it in a thin layer of his own blood. Goodman gulps out of nervousness as Vlad is ready to pounce. Before he can, Eric Goodman quickly throws a big slap to the face of Vlad! The crowd cheers as Vlad is then brought to life! He quickly grabs a hold of Goodman by the shirt and pulls him in, knowing he's about to rip his head off! But this distraction has given Maddox enough time to recover. Vlad forgot all about his opponent! Paine runs across the ring at full speed after bouncing off the ropes behind him, he leaps up about halfway down the ring as he flies over the top rope in an athletic move! Goodman shoves Vlad as soon as Vlad notices, and Maddox neutralizes Vlad with an over-the-top rope no-handed suicide dive!

Cedar: “What an athletic move by Maddox!”

Miles: “God dammit! That's cheating! Goodman distracted Vlad, fuck that!”

Maddox lays on the ground, having taken out both him and his opponent. However, Goodman is here to the rescue. He quickly runs to his client – and savior – as he tries to help him get up to his feet. He rushes to help him up quickly, not wanting to let him lose momentum. Maddox is half awake, but Goodman pulls him up. Eric slaps him in the face a few times and uses whatever strength he has to pathetically try to lift his client up. Paine works his way up to his feet using the help of Goodman. As soon as he is on his feet, Goodman says “Kick that son of a bitch's ass!” and then pats him on the back. Paine first grabs the steel chair and then slides it into the ring. Maddox then angrily turns to Vlad, who is slowly recovering, and then walks to him. He quickly picks Vlad up off the ground and almost throws him under the bottom rope into the ring. Vlad manages to sneakily pick up the bag he rolled in earlier off the ground as Maddox is in a fury. Maddox rolls into the ring, following Vlad. Strife has managed to slowly pull whatever is in the bag out of it, but Paine doesn't notice. Maddox walks towards “The Godking” as Vlad quickly turns around and throws... salt at Maddox! Salt from the bag! He manages to throw it directly at the wound of Maddox, causing an insane amount of pain!

Cedar: “Is that.... SALT?! That's salt, dammit!”

Miles: “Haha, that's genius! I hope it hurts, Maddox! I HOPE IT BURNS!”

Maddox roars in pain as he tries rubbing the salt off his face, to no avail. While he is in pain, Vlad kicks him in the gut, hooks both of his arms, raises him up, and drops him on his neck right on the steel chair, hitting his finisher, the Skesis Driver (Tiger Driver '91)! The crowd marks out for the move, as it looked as gruesome as it sounds! Maddox is dead! Maddox is dead! Vlad stays on his knees, proud of the fact that he just hit his finisher. He knows he has this won! Vlad begins to laugh in his own pride. Maddox is completely out of it! The referee begins the count.


Maddox is completely out. Vlad suddenly drops down and rolls out of the ring through the bottom rope.


Vladimir Strife marches over to Eric Goodman and grabs a hold of him. Goodman didn't even try to run, he knows this is over.


“WATCH HIM FAIL! THEN I WILL END YOU!” Vlad yells at Goodman, who just looks on in disbelief.


Eric just can't believe it. His Titan has been taken out. For good.


Maddox rolls onto his side, not that it will do him any good.


Maddox... keeps rolling? He rolls a bit more.


Vlad looks on with a confused look on his face. He stands near the time keepers area with Goodman in his hands.


Maddox keeps rolling, slowly, but surely. He manages to get near the bottom rope...


Maddox thrusts all his energy into his legs, rolling once more as he manages to land on his feet outside the ring after rolling out from under the bottom rope! The crowd is berserk!



Vlad is shocked! That should have been it! How the hell did Maddox manage to get up from that?! Vlad turns his anger on Goodman, for some reason! Although he's a genius, his anger is getting the best of him, and that is not doing good for “The Godking!” Vlad begins to yell at Goodman, although it is quite incoherent. Maddox begins to sprint at him, as he stands right in front of the time-keepers barricade! Maddox sprints at full speed, looking to take Vlad out with a spear through the barricade! But Vlad... planned that all along! He moves out of the way and sends Maddox face-first through the barricade, smashing him through it! The fans go “OOOOH!” as Maddox is completely out once again. Vlad begins to laugh evilly. “YOU'RE PREDICTABLE!” he shouts at Maddox. He then turns his attention to the ring. “I'm taking you out for good!” - he shouts, as he then begins to scurry around under the ring. He pulls out... another table? He quickly begins to set it up as the referee counts again!


He opens the table up and manages to stand it up.


Vlad then looks around and eyes the barbed wire 2x4 that he threw out earlier. He picks it up off the ground and then places it on the table. He then scurries back under the ring.


Vlad pulls out... a box of matches and a canister of gas! He begins to pour the gas all over the table, not caring about the fact that he is getting it all over the place. He has his death trap ready as the ref is at a count of...


Vlad nods and yells “No no no!” at referee Jack Hammer. He quickly pulls the lifeless Maddox out of the rubble and begins to drag his lifeless body towards the table. Vlad bends over and picks up the box of matches and pulls one out. He then tucks it into his cargo pants' pocket and then pulls Maddox up onto the ring apron slowly. He follows him up as both men are standing right over that table, in a very bad position. Vlad lights the match on the ring rope and then drops it under him, setting the table ablaze. The inferno is under them, this match is about to end.

Miles: “Isn't that fucking beautiful??”

Cedar: “Oh boy. This isn't going to be pretty!”

Cedar's right. Vlad tucks Maddox's head between his legs once again, trying to go for a second Skesis Driver. The fans begin to stand up as Vlad has Maddox's hands tucked in and he smiles. But suddenly, that smile is wiped off his face. He notices that his arms are shaking... that's because they are at war with Maddox's arms! Maddox is alive! He lives! And he's fighting! Maddox is powering out, the crowd begins to cheer! Maddox breaks his arms free from Vlad's hold! He then stands straight up as he grabs both of Vlad's hands! Vlad and Maddox look at each other while powering each other out. Maddox throws a giant headbutt to Vlad, weakening him a bit. He throws another, which makes him groggier. And then a final one, completely bringing him down a peg! Maddox then takes advantage of the fact that he is groggy and tucks his head between his legs. He quickly lifts Vladimir T. Strife up onto his shoulders and jumps off the ring apron, sending Vlad through the blazing inferno of a lit barbed wire table! The crowd goes berserk as Vlad is taken out completely! Eric runs to Maddox, who drops to two knees. Hammer starts the count!


Maddox drops to his hands and knees. Goodman yells at him to stand up, but can't touch him!


Maddox is breathing deeply, dripping blood, and coughing in pain.


Vlad rolls onto his side, having turned the fire off with his body by being sent through it.


Maddox gets back up to his knees.


“C'MON! C'MON! C'MON!” - Yells Goodman.


Maddox is up on one knee!


Maddox grabs the security barricade and gets up to his feet! But... Vlad is doing the same, as he somehow grabs hold of the barricade, but Vlad isn't up yet!


Maddox is completely up, Vlad is about to be...


Vlad slips! Vlad slips! Vlad had a hold of the barricade but he gave out!



Maddox wins! Vlad could not get up!



Maddox managed to defeat Vladimir Strife, ending this demon on him, once and for all!


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1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

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