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 Davey Richards Talks How He Wants to Be Remembered, Why He Chose TNA Over WWE, Talks The Streak Ending & More

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Davey Richards Talks How He Wants to Be Remembered, Why He Chose TNA Over WWE, Talks The Streak Ending & More Empty
PostSubject: Davey Richards Talks How He Wants to Be Remembered, Why He Chose TNA Over WWE, Talks The Streak Ending & More   Davey Richards Talks How He Wants to Be Remembered, Why He Chose TNA Over WWE, Talks The Streak Ending & More EmptyFri Apr 11, 2014 8:17 am

One half of the TNA tag team The Wolves, Davey Richards, appeared on Ring Rust Radio hosted by Donald Wood, and you can check it out at Blogtalkradio.com/ringrustradio. Below are some interview highlights:

The Legacy He Wants to Leave:

"I want to be someone who tried to bring life to pro wrestling. There's a lot of people who are just out for themselves and their characters and just people I wouldn't consider good people and it's good to see good people that work are come out on top like Bryan at WrestleMania or me and Eddie Edwards and there's a bunch of others. I want to be someone who tried to help other people and who inspired people and things like that. If I can leave that I'm not concerned with how much money I make or how big of a star I become, more or less just someone who people could be inspired and motivated by I guess would be what I would like to leave behind when I'm gone."

Choosing TNA vs. WWE:

"I never really wanted to go to WWE. The tryout there was awesome. It was really fun and I can't say enough good things and I learned a lot, but I told a few of the guys during the initial tryout with Eddie that this was not for me just because moving down to Orlando is not what I wanted to do and wrestling is not the only thing I want to do with my life. To give up everything and just live in that world is not my idea of a great life or a perfect life. TNA offered me to be able to wrestle with some of the best wrestlers in the world, I could be on television, I could go and entertain crowds but I could still come home and be Wes. I could be Davey, then I could be Wes. It was just better for me and I couldn't be happier in TNA it's been great."

Thoughts on Taker's Streak Ending:

"Records are made to be broken, that's the biggest thing. I mean, when there's any big change people just crap on it but I read something online that said he chose it and I mean, he looked like an old guy in the ring because the guy's been around forever and has done everything. He's made a ton of money, he has the legacy, apparently he's got an awesome character that will live forever, so I doubt he went home and started crying, I'm sure he's not at the court house; he's loving life. I think they could have picked a better guy to end the record but I don't work there so it doesn't matter, it's good for both of them."
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Davey Richards Talks How He Wants to Be Remembered, Why He Chose TNA Over WWE, Talks The Streak Ending & More

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