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Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Empty
PostSubject: Chain Reaction 2014 Grades   Chain Reaction 2014 Grades EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 12:03 am

Rogue vs. Nicole Johnson
Grader: None

Riley showed, once again re-stating his dedication to this fed. To no one's surprise, Rogue no showed. I warned Qwerty that if he no-showed, he would not be accepted into the fed. So, bye Qwerty. Hello


Chain Reaction 2014 Grades FJBloTX
Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chain Reaction 2014 Grades   Chain Reaction 2014 Grades EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 12:05 am

The Logging Crew vs. SM Raye and Chris Pyro
Grader: Riley

Logging Crew: First off I would like to say that this isn't my first time reading your matches. I've had read several of yours before and I find it quite interesting at the way you write your moves and the Promo's that you do. That said, onto your match. I found that overall, your match was decent. The beginning part, where you had Chris taking shots at Jim's elbow made sense. Since Chris is 6'4 and Jim is 6'7- Jim has the slight Height advantage over Pyro. but moving on, I found it interesting the way you wrote the Chemistry between Pyro and Raye. Since it is there first time teaming up together, it would be easy to seem to understand why these two unpaired partners would want to tag themselves in. Where you had Chris looking at Big Jim and raising his hand above his shoulder with a grin and Raye just having his back turned on him.- Good Psychology there. good job Reading down, the rest of your match had some good Tag action, with each man getting involved and working there opponent onto there corner just to wear and tear them down. Your match flowed well.

SM Raye and Chris Pyro: Into the first paragraph of your match, I notice that Raye is talking alot of smack. Lol, I can already tell that I am going to love this Character. Nothing in your match seemed to bother me. Your description was smooth, and your Transitions from move to move was spot on. I found that the selling in your match was also good. Where you had Big Jim work on the Knee brace of Raye and Raye to just yell while he rolled onto the Canvas and crawled onto the corner. Was well written. However, The part where you had Raye scream to Pyro to tag him only for his partner to Slap him across the face had me confused. Because a Paragraph or Two before, the two men were just working on taking Cletus down and now they are against each other again? The ending to your match I thought was written nicely.

Verdict: I'm gonna have to say SM Raye and Chris Pyro take the cake on this one. The Logging Crew only posted half a match and while Raye and Pyro posted a match from start to finish. Had The Logging Crew did post a Full match, I believe this one would have been a nail biter between both Teams.


Chain Reaction 2014 Grades FJBloTX
Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chain Reaction 2014 Grades   Chain Reaction 2014 Grades EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 12:07 am

Kahlan Clarkson vs. Alexis Rose
Grader: None

Not super surprised that both no-showed. I don't think Axel really cares about the fed and KaHlan, or however, didn't seem so interested in the fed.


Chain Reaction 2014 Grades FJBloTX
Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chain Reaction 2014 Grades   Chain Reaction 2014 Grades EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 12:07 am

Dereck Walter vs. C5 Ion vs. EG Deal vs. Luis Claudio vs.
Axle Aomori vs. Gabriel Vega vs. Johnny Divine
Grader: Ian

***I had most of my grades written out and lost them. The only one I hadn't done was Claudio.***

Axle Aomori: It was better than I expected. I can't express in words how significant it was that you put in such an effort for your opponent. You did quite a bit with the hardcore and progressed the spots in a natural way (IE not jumping from a flaming table to a steel chair.) My one complaint is that I think your ending could have been better. You had a chance, with the way you had built up C5 Ion, to have a special moment with the crowd there. I just think you could have did so much more...

Luis Claudio: I don't like that you made EG Deal the first elimination. Thoroughly disappointed there. I guess it fits with his lack of effort, but for his character to be buried on the pre-show after the run he made last summer is pretty brutal. Oh well. Finishing with the new guy in Divine seemed weird to me, but it was a nice little rub. I liked the declension angle you played up, but after Diveraz/Sanu it feels a bit rehashed. I'm not sure you can out-do yourself in that regard. The ending sort of solidified Claudio's place in the stable as a superior. Vega was made to look poor (in comparison), but he is leaving the fed for a while...

C5 Ion: I was pleased with your effort. There's a lot of promise here. I love that you made such an effort with your opponents in getting them over, especially Walter. You didn't over-due the hardcore aspect but did use it a little bit. It was nice. In the end, the amount of content just wasn't what I was looking for in a seven-man-match.

Various no-showers: I'm really disappointed we only got half of the entrants to participate. I don't know what else I can do, as people are no-showing singles matches and no-showing something new. If you guys need help finding a storyline, PM me.

Verdict: I've got to give this to Luis Claudio. We had a very good showing by Axle Aomori as well, and I see a lot of promise in C5 Ion. Snoopz, as always, had top-notch action, description, and flow. An unfair competition, really. You young guys will be rewarded for your efforts in other avenues. I'm not sure the Hardcore division is your calling.


Chain Reaction 2014 Grades FJBloTX
Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:40 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chain Reaction 2014 Grades   Chain Reaction 2014 Grades EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 12:08 am

Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope
Grader: Snoopz

Evan Flare:

The first thing I notice is you have good description, but you use the same names too often. What I mean is, in this case, you're saying Hope and Flare a lot. It's not a big deal, but it just makes the flow feel repetitive. Use first names, nicknames and pronouns more often, just to make it a bit different. Like I said, it's not a big deal, but it helps your flow out a lot. Other than that, you're good as far as description goes. Nice vocabulary and all the such. As I read on, you seem to do a little better with the name thing I mentioned. Maybe I spoke too soon. The beginning of the match was decent enough, for what it was. It fit the beginning of the match and the beginning of the show opener well. Don't get things too excited right away, just get some nice action going. The action starts to pick up when Hope tries to escape and gets stopped by Evan. I liked the Dropkick, pushing Hope into the cage wall. Okay, maybe I didn't speak too soon about the name thing. It's still kinda repetitive. Your attention to detail is amazing, though. For instance, the whole thing with Evan's sweat dripping in his eyes. Absolutely great. This post is a lot more technical than I expected. Part of me finds it a tad boring, but another part of me likes it because it's different to what we'd normally see in a steel cage match. And on a show full of steel cage matches, it's nice to have something different. There are some parts where I feel you describe a bit too much. An example would be Hope climbing the cage. You don't need to describe each individual step up the cage wall. That's just over doing it. The Southern Arrow spot was good. Oooh blood, fun. The action definitely picked up. Big ass Superplex was nice. Decent finish. All-in-all, this was a really good post. It started off slow, which I liked, because it was realistic. Your description was great, but some-times too much description. Nevertheless, this'll be hard to top.

Robert Hope:

Good description from the start, much-like Ian. I will say, your description is closer to being perfect than Ian's. Ian's was great, but he really over-did it at times. Yours is just right. Getting right into the action in this one with Flare decimating Hope early on. The Crossface/Camel Clutch was nicely done, with the punch at the end. Lol at the Fantastic Four bit. I like that you're pushing your opponent so much, but I think you're having Robert completely job for a bit too long. Although, it seems you're setting up for something with Cerberus. Oh, hey, a low blow. Finally, some shift in momentum. The storytelling of your post is good. You can definitely tell these two want each other taken out. Oooh, weapons. I like the bit where Robert looks at his reflection in the trash can. The Double Foot Stomp was brutal. Dat Jason Voorhees reference. The Big Boot sending Evan off the cage wall was interesting. Again, great storytelling with Evan trying his best to fend off both Cerberus and Robert Hope. I liked the mini-promo. Very good post, much-like Ian had. It started off slow, but once it got going, it really got going.


This is a tough one. Ian had amazing description, but he over-did it at times. Both had good action, though I feel Kani did a slight bit better in this aspect. I also liked his storytelling more. Very close match, but I gotta give it to Robert Hope this time. Definitely a contender for match of the night.

Last edited by EEYEN on Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:48 am; edited 2 times in total
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Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chain Reaction 2014 Grades   Chain Reaction 2014 Grades EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 12:09 am

Nova vs. Samantha Valentine Claudio
Grader: None

I knew well in advance this match would be no-showed. For story purposed, Samantha has won.


Chain Reaction 2014 Grades FJBloTX
Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Rmt9lhM
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Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chain Reaction 2014 Grades   Chain Reaction 2014 Grades EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 12:09 am

Bring your own weapon | XWA Hardcore Championship
Jared Jerusalem vs. Shade vs. Riley Williamson(C)
Grader: Razor

GM Note: I'm really sad to see Shade go.

*For an in depth analysis of your individual matches, feel free to PM me and I will give you feedback when I have the time to do so and I will do my best to get back to you.

Verdict: I found it strange that both of you decided to start off the match with weapons, but I realize that in a hardcore steel cage match it actually does make sense. Jared, your writing is a bit strange but I won't judge you too harshly on it. I had to re-read a lot of your match cause of the way it was written. Your commentary was a bit large but neat and realistic, you had a fair amount of spots for a steel cage triple threat. Having written one on this same PPV, I can tell it's not an easy feat. Kudos there. Your ending was nice in the sense that it wasn't completely overdone and it was a classic heel ending. I also respect the character development in the sense that Riley's hometown cheered for him, but I don't think Riley's a HUGE MEGASTAR just yet to get an insane explosive reaction. Good job overall. Riley, you have improved immensely, your match was much better than the last match I graded of yours. Your writing is still a work in progress but I see progress, and that's the point of rising up the ranks. Remember that writing big matches alone isn't going to be the only thing to get you far. A few things could have still been better described (IE: “Drills his fist into his skull... blocks any further punches.) but overall, it is a vast improvement from your other matches. Your ending was also fairly neat as it wasn't anything fancy and it's not often you see a cage match ending via a pinfall. I don't need to go too in depth to explain why I think this match goes to Riley Williamson. Jared, don't feel discouraged at all. Your match wasn't bad, but you just have some things to improve on. Like I said, if you want a more in-depth analysis or better feedback, feel free to PM me and I will get back to you when I can. Feedback is different from this verdict which is really just me reading both matches, deciding which I thought was better, and explaining my reasoning. I will be more than glad to give better/more productive feedback, but a verdict is a verdict, and that is my reasoning. Riley, keep improving at your pace. Like I said, big matches alone aren't what win, but good quality writing does. You too could use a bit of polishing but overall, solid effort. Good job.


Chain Reaction 2014 Grades FJBloTX
Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:48 am; edited 3 times in total
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Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chain Reaction 2014 Grades   Chain Reaction 2014 Grades EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 12:10 am

Carnage vs. Hitman Alex
Grader: None

Hitman Alex wins the match via no-show.


Chain Reaction 2014 Grades FJBloTX
Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Rmt9lhM
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Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chain Reaction 2014 Grades   Chain Reaction 2014 Grades EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 12:11 am

XWA Intercontinental Championship
Paddy Perry vs, JHalc(C)
Grader: None

This match was a double no-show and both are taking time off. In story, we'll say this match didn't happen. I don't know how Jay is going to write himself off, but the title is vacated as of now.


Chain Reaction 2014 Grades FJBloTX
Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Rmt9lhM
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Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chain Reaction 2014 Grades   Chain Reaction 2014 Grades EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 12:12 am

XWA Women's Championship
Elektra vs. Wolverina
Grader: None

Elektra no-showed... With Lumber Jill out as well, I have no clue where this leaves us...

Wolverina retains via no-show.


Chain Reaction 2014 Grades FJBloTX
Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Rmt9lhM

Last edited by EEYEN on Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chain Reaction 2014 Grades   Chain Reaction 2014 Grades EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 12:13 am

XWA World Heavyweight Championship
Dominik Diveraz vs. Maddox Paine vs. David Michaels(C)
Grader: Ian

Michaels: I knew for about a week you weren't going to show. You have your reasons. Hopefully you're back sooner rather than later.

Paine: You spent a good deal of time trying to build up the cage coming down, but uh... it already was down. The whole point of "Chain Reaction" was every match was in a Steel Cage. Your writing early wasn't as smooth as it could have been, but there was very little wasted effort. I enjoyed you taking a shot at Snoopz for his weird move names. I think at times your move choices for your opponents were poor. Diveraz almost came off as cartoonish and Michaels as a heel. I think the electric-chair-cross-body was a nice triple threat stipulation spot. It was conservative and didn't feel cheap like some of those three-way-spots can feel. "Maddox angrily begins to yell at Diveraz, who is also angry" is an example of a sentence where I felt like, maybe, you rushed this a bit. You match is really going to test some boundaries, as I think in just about every area you had room for improvement, but that ending was as good as it could possibly be. That is how you make a top babyface; a legitimate larger-than-life moment. The post-match segment* was beautiful as well. Nice and simple.

Diveraz: I waited a long time in your match to make a comment. "stalking him like a rapist ready to pounce on some thirteen year old pussy" is just... Not OK. To that point, I thought your action was solid, but perhaps not as excited as I had hoped. Not a great deal of triple-threat usage, although that's understandable. I enjoy your writing pace. Oh... Right after that it became a cluster-fuck of interference. I'm not a fan of that at all... and while I was a fan of your finish, it just couldn't compare to the Paine finish

Conclusion: The winner, and 29th XWA World Heavyweight Champion is... Maddox Paine. I'd like to emphasize that, perhaps aside from Razor's poor writing, there were no weaknesses in this contest, just different degrees of strength. I thought Dominik's match was stronger in characterization and in action. Paine's was more exciting and had a better finish. When it came down to it, I just really got turned off by the interference in the main event of a cage match.


Chain Reaction 2014 Grades FJBloTX
Chain Reaction 2014 Grades Rmt9lhM
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