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 MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope

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MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope Empty
PostSubject: MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope   MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope EmptySun Mar 16, 2014 7:20 pm

DUE: Friday, March 28th at 11:59 PM EDT


MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope FJBloTX
MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope Rmt9lhM
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MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope Empty
PostSubject: Re: MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope   MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope EmptySat Mar 29, 2014 7:21 pm

After an opening video package montage, re-educating the audience on the main card bouts they're to look forward to for the night, the Chain Reaction broadcast is brought live with thunderous pyrotechnics that explode in beautiful shades of red.  The camera feed pans throughout the arena, getting opening reactions from a New Jersey crowd that's still hot from the pre-show Battle Royal. The subjects of the myriad of signs run the table from old XWA legends like Megaman to new XWA stars-in-the-making like Jared Jerusalem. It's a diversified crowd; and a healthy majority are probably in attendance for their first show of two, as Vendetta 75 will be an equally big attraction just across the river. The show's theme, "Wild at Heart" by Birds of Tokyo plays somberly behind the firework display, creating a contrast that perfectly fits the event's exciting, brutal nature. The sound in the IZOD Center dies down, and the announcers bring the paying and non-paying audience alike up to speed.

The camera switches feeds to a cameraman kneeling on one knee, with focus on the two announcers. Ted Cedar is dressed in a black suit, with glasses stereotypically accurate for someone his age. His trademarked hat hangs over his head, casting a shadow on his face helping to disguise against detail. He peers into the camera intently. His broadcast partner, however, is not so professional. Joey Miles looks awkwardly away from the camera at times, only to remember his job and refocus himself. Such is his character, truly an unfocused, entirely unprofessional, loose-cannon. He's wearing a XWA hoodie and his hair is a mess.

Ted Cedar: "Welcome everyone, to XWA's most brutal event of the year, Chain Reaction!"

Joey Miles: "Yeah, Ted, and tonight things are going to get really fucking bad, you know? So viewer discretion is advised!"

Ted looks over at Joey in disbelief for a moment and Joey breaks character and gives him a chuckle. He speaks softly to convey a slight embarrassment.

Joey Miles: "And there is your reminder. Twelve seconds in. This is pay per view, folks!"

Ted Cedar: "That it is. We're just moments away from the opening contest of the evening. Let's get this even on the road!"

Ominous horror-style music begins to be played as the cage slowly descends down from the rafters. The ring crew works quickly to get it fastened in place. The fans stand up in anticipation for the opening contest. The announcers talk from off camera as the feed is fixed on the cage. When it's in place, the camera zooms out to get a good look at the audience.

Joey Miles: "Yay! The cage is coming down!"

Ted Cedar: "Get ready folks. You're in for a wild ride..."

The Night by Disturbed starts to blare through the speaker system and the crowd explodes to it's feet, as Evan Flare returns to action to start the event. He steps through the curtain and the crowd pops for a returning babyface. Flare smirks at the crowd's positive reaction and casually walks to the end of the ramp. He looks out in either direction. His hair is a mess; his signature afro is a little longer than normal so it's not shapely.

Laura Watts: "The following match will be held under Chain Reaction Rules! You can win via pinfall, submission, or escape from the cage. First, weighing in at 203 pounds, from Punta Gorda, Florida, please welcome back to the ring.... Evan Flare!"

Flare's all black pants and boots give him little character as far as appearance goes. He leaps into the air a few times, pulling his knees in tight to his chest. He looks up and throws his hands into the air to signal his pyro, which shoots into the air and claps thunderously. Flare turns his attention to the ring at the end of the ramp, and begins his stroll. He high-fives fans on either side of the ramp on his way down, before reaching the end. A referee helps usher him in the right direction, where he walks casually up the steps and steps through the metal opening. He walks over to the corner and waits for Robert Hope. The Night fades into silence.

Robert Hope's theme music hits immediately afterward. Hope tosses the curtain out of his way as he steps through. He gets a fairly mixed reaction, as the New Jersey crowd is a 'progressive' northern crowd, it's hard for heels to get really significant heat.

Laura Watts: "And his opponent, weighing in this afternoon at 225 pounds, from the City of Angels, he is The Prophet, Robert Hope!"

Hope is in very basic black trunks and Ceberus is in his usual full-body suit. They walk closely, and in character as they make it to the end of the ramp. Robert Hope is escorted into the ring by an official, as Cerberus is instructed he must stay away from the opening. Hope steps through the ropes and the cage door is locked behind him. Referee Jack Hammer follows Hope into the ring, as Ryu Sanu mans the cage door. Flare and Hope peer awkwardly at one another as Jack Hammer calls for the bell.


Evan and Robert circle the ring at a snails pace at first. Flare increases the pace just a little bit and Robert does the same. Flare tries to move in, but for every step he moves forward, Hope takes one backward. Flare stops circling, and stands still in the middle of the ring, motioning with his arms for Hope to reciprocate the thought so they can get the contest under way. Hope seems skeptical, and moves in slowly and methodically. Hope inches toward Flare, and when he sees his chance, he shoots in forward looking for a leg, but Flare has excellent defense, and uses his upper body strength to push Hope to the ground, with his arms wrapped around his chest. The camera zooms in on Hope's face, looking particularly frustrated. Evan releases his grip and rolls away, quickly leaping up to his feet. Robert turns his head and looks awkwardly at him before realizing what had happened. Hope pushes his palms into the mat and leaps up to his feet. He starts to circle, but Flare is having none of it, standing perfectly still. Flare motions him in and both men lock in a collar-and-elbow tie up.

The Prophet has a bit of a strength advantage with his superior weight, but the two struggle for control. Flare transitions into a side headlock. Bent at the waist, Hope has to resort to more primal tactics, which is where his strength advantage comes in. He drives his thick legs into the ground and uses his shoulder to move Flare off of his base and toward the ropes. Flare's grip becomes weaker as he looks to brace himself for a collision with the cage, and Hope recognizes this instantaneously and uses this to pull his head free, quickly applying both hands to Flare's torso and throwing him toward the ropes. Flare turns and hits the ropes as you would from an Irish Whip.  The Prophet acts quickly and nails Evan in the midsection with a knee that forces Flare to arch over in pain. Hope drops to one knee, grabbing Flare around the neck and connects with a quick Snapmere. Hope gets back to his feet and drifts backward into the ropes, before running forward and hitting Flare in the back of the head with a Running Knee, sending Flare to a more horizontal position on the mat.

Ted Cedar: "An interesting pace from these two early on. We know both of these men can, as they say, "go.'"

Joey Miles: "Interesting? I'm almost asleep!"

Hope drops down to one knee again, grabbing a hand full of hair and lifting Flare's head from the canvas before throwing it back down. Hope drops down with Flare and puts him into a Front-face Lock. The crowd starts to get into it a little bit as Flare starts to flail around. Evan pushes both of his hands into the ground and lifts himself off the ground a few inches, giving him room to start sliding his knees up toward his chest to create balance. Hope, on both knees, tries to use his body weight to force Evan down to the mat, but can't manage to move him. Evan positions his hands on Hopes shoulders so he can use his weight against him. Using his thighs and his arms, Evan pushes both men off the ground, before quickly reaching down and grabbing Hope's tights, and pulling him in. Flare uses Hope's momentum against him, and does what amounts to a a Back-body Drop from his knees, breaking Hope's hold.

Flare flashes to his feet quickly, knowing the move won't do much to Hope. Flare sprints off the ropes and returns to a standing Robert Hope. Flare goes for a Clothesline, but Hope ducks it. Flare goes to the other side of the ring's ropes, and as he does, Hope inches closer to him. Flare bounces off the ropes to a much closer Robert Hope, who attempts to hit him with a Hip Toss, but Flare blocks it. Flare floats through and goes for a Hip Toss of his own, but Hope blocks it. Flare jumps into the air and hits him with a jumping kick to the chin that knocks him off of his equilibrium. Flare lands on his feet and automatically transfers his weight through his hips to connect with a Hip Toss. Hope's back contacts the mat fairly symmetrically, creating a soft thud as he slides on the mat away from Flare. He turns to his side and with his right hand, he pushes into the mat to get up, but with his left, as soon as he can, he reaches back to grab at his inflamed back.

Ted Cedar: "Nice counter there from Evan."

Joey Miles: "Yeah, but why is Hope screaming like that? It was just a hip toss!"

Evan takes a few short steps toward Hope and swings his right leg at Hope and connects with a kick to his chest. Flare follows this up by taking another step closer. He hooks his arm around Hope's neck and connects with a quick snap suplex, once again driving The Prophet's back into the mat. Flare turns over quickly and reaches out and grabs Hope's left arm with his left hand, right below his wrist, pinning it to the mat. Flare gets his feet underneath him and spins, letting go of his hold, dropping an elbow on Hope's arm. Flare turns back to his stomach, laying basically on top of Hope's exposed left arm. Flare presses it into the mat right below the wrist once again. Hope struggles mightily to break free, but he can't manage to move Flare. Flare pulls his knee up and knees Hope's elbow, causing him to scream out in pain.

With his free hand, Hope once again resorts to hair pulling. Evan's hands instinctively shoot to his head to try to free his hair from Hope's grip, which free's Hope's trapped left arm. Hope shoots a left hand from the ground that shoots Flare backward.  Flare grabs at his face as he clumsily gets to his feet. Hope sees his opportunity and gets to his feet quickly, moving at a frenzied pace toward Flare. Flare drops his hands, revealing a squint, showing that Hope's punch connected with his eye. Hope rakes his eyes, bringing Flare's hands back to his face. Hope turns away and runs toward the rope, bouncing off and returning with a Clothesline that drops Flare to the ground.

Joey Miles: "See, that's the kind of tactic I don't think wrestling has enough of!"

Ted Cedar: "What?"

Joey Miles: "I want to see winners, Ted! And this Hope guy, he seems like he wants to win!"

Ted Cedar: "Oh my gawd..."

Hope runs through the clothesline and to the edge of the ring, where he places his right foot on the second rope and begins to climb toward a win. He clutches the steel with his right hand and reaches up with his left to get another chunk of metal. He pulls himself upward, putting both feet on the second, and then the top rope. Flare is up, though, as Hope seems unfamiliar with the climb and doesn't do it quickly. Flare turns his back toward Hope and shuffles underneath him, as if to go for a powerbomb. He grabs Hope just above the knees, but Hope's grip is tight and Flare's pulling is in vein. Flare abandons that plan and turns around, grabbing a single leg. Hope tries to kick him away, but Flare's grip is tight as well. Flare changes all of his momentum, originally trying to pull Hope's right leg backward, now pushing it forward. Hope loses his balance and falls, hitting his crotch on the rope, screaming out in pain. Hope immediately grabs at the rope to try to alleviate the pressure. Flare turns away and sprints to the other side, before returning back at the same pace. Flare leaps into the air and connects with a Horizontal Dropkick, otherwise known as the Sick Kick, thrusting Hope's body over the rope and into the steel. He slowly falls down like honey dripping off of a sweet roll, and almost like a liquid Hope's body forms to the small area. Flare hits the mat hard, back first. He bridges on his shoulders to relieve the pressure, but it can only do so much.

Flare turns around and heads toward a turnbuckle, and Hope immediately starts to stirring. Flare grabs the top rope on either side of the turnbuckle begins to climb. He places his left foot on the second rope, before reaching out with his hands to find higher placeholders. Flare stands on the top rope and tries to reach up to the top to find a grip, but as he does, Hope shakes the rope and Flare falls much in the same way Hope did before, crotch first on the turnbuckle. Flare screams out in pain this time, as Hope buys some time to regroup. He tries to step through the middle rope, but falls because he just has no room to negotiate. He stumbles to his feet, grabbing at his thighs. He finally makes it to Evan, and grabs a big hand-full of hair and pulls him backward. Flare's legs are trapped between the ropes and the steel, so Hope is able to let go without him falling. Hope rears back and smacks Flare with an open handed slap to the chest that echos throughout the arena.

Ted Cedar: "Naitch would be proud of that sound!"

Joey Miles: "Who? Is it someone from this century, Ted? No one gets your old people references!"

Hope pulls him as far out of the corner as he can, and gets a sturdy grip around Flare's midsection. Hope picks him up, bringing out all of the strength he can muster, and pulls him away from the turnbuckle. The feet of strength brings about a loud gasp from the crowd, surprised Hope was able to do it. Hope walks away with a quick pace as his grip is weakening fast. He drops Flare down on his back with a Sidewalk Slam. Hope rolls over, exhausted, and breathes heavily.  Hope gets to his feet at a sluggish pace and lifts Flare up. Flare stumbles around and Hope goes for a right hand, but Flare catches it. Flare shuffles his feet toward Hope and sweeps his feet out from underneath him, dropping him to the mat. Flare works his left arm under Hope's forearm, but over his shoulder, as he maintains his grip on his wrist. Flare bends down, slowly pressing his head into the mat, as he flips over and bridges with his feet firmly on the mat on the other side of Hope. Flare locks in the Bridging Arm Bar in the middle of the ring!

Hope screams out in agony, and the crowd rises to their feet, sensing that this might be an important part of the match; possibly the end. The camera zooms in on Flare, who ha sweat dripping back down from his chin through his eyes. He squints, clearly trying to rid his eyes from the sweat. The camera feed switches and zooms in on Hope, who has his eyes closed for a completely different reason. He screeches out in pain as his arm is being tortured two-fold. one, the submission inherently targets the elbow. Two, the nature of the bridge puts unnatural pressure on the shoulder socket. Jack Hammer slides in to see if Hope wants to submit, but he offers no answer. Hope uses his off arm to relax the pressure, by pushing upward, moving Flare's back off of his own. Slowly, Hope slides his knees underneath him to create more leverage. Hope uses the right side of his body - both limbs, to push into the mat to create momentum going the other way, successfully flipping Flare back in the direction he came from, breaking the bridge and the arm bar. The crowd goes silent, like air was let out of the arena.

Ted Cedar: "The submission is so painful. I couldn't imagine being in it for that long!"

Joey Miles: "Well that's why you're not a wrestling tough guy like me!"

Flare is quickly back to his feet, but his opponent isn't so quick. On one knee, Hope nurses his sore left arm. He grabs around his shoulder, and then his elbow. Flare walks at a slow pace over toward Hope and grabs him above the neck, trying to coax him to his feet. Hope, however, sees an unguarded Flare and takes advantage, as The Prophet lunges forward and connects with a mighty low-blow! The crowd explodes with boos, but it's perfectly legal in a Steel Cage match. Flare has no room underneath him to fall down where he stands, so he sort of drifts backward and falls onto his back, clutching at his genitalia. Flare slowly tries to get back up, first turning over to his stomach, and then pushing up to get to his knees. He exhales quickly, trying to get back to a vertical pace, but Hope has other plans in mind. The Prophet sees an opening, and connects with a roaring European Uppercut that sends Flare tumbling backward to where he started. Flare turns to his stomach from the impact of the move, and plants his hands into the mat.

Hope follows this up by marching quickly in Flare's direction and dropping down with an elbow in the neck-and-back area before Flare can get to his feet, knocking him back flush with the mat. Hope grabs a hand-full of hair and pulls Flare's head from the mat and puts him on a side-chin-lock that looks almost like a Crossface. The Prophet's knuckles drag across the mouth opening of Evan. Hope yanks backward violently, trying to inflict as much damage as possible. Jack Hammer slides into position, but in much the same way Robert did previously, Evan pays him no attention. Evan cries out in misery, but begins to swing his legs around to relieve the pressure. Hope, seeing this wasn't going to end the match, abruptly lets go of the submission, grabbing a hand-full of hair of Evan and once again smashing his face into the canvas.

Joey Miles: "Yay ruthlessness! I love a good ole' fashion face bashing!"

Ted Cedar: "Evan's mug is taking a hell of a beating. He's going to look like a 2 dollar steak after this one's through!"

Joey Miles: "You and your meats!"

The Prophet rises to his feet and bends down to grab Flare's hair to bring him up with him. Hope walks a compromised Flare into position, and hooks him around the back of the neck before grabbing his pants. Hope bends at the knees and connects with a snap suplex, but does not break his hold. He turns with him, and swivels himself into position to pick Flare back up. He gets into position, and lifts Flare into the air, this time holding him briefly before dropping him down with a Brain-buster. Flare clutches at his neck on the mat, gasping for air, as Hope turns to his stomach and looks at the camera with a sinister grin. The crowd boos, as Hope pushes himself to his feet. He looks around, cracking his neck, before making his next move. He turns to the side of the cage closest to the announcers, and once again begins to climb.

Hope places his left foot on the second rope and uses his right to drive himself into the air, grabbing a big chunk of steel on his way up to help his climb. He reaches upward with his left hand, higher than his right, and grabs another hand-full of steel. Hope plants both of his feet on the top rope and reaches upward, slowly, grabbing for the top of the cage. He reaches it and grabs it firmly. Flare is up and stumbles into frame, falling over on the top rope Hope is standing on. His grip, however, allows him to maintain his balance. He looks down and sees Flare, and with his right foot he kicks Flare away. into the right corner. Hope bounces on the rope and leaps up, using his arms to push himself up. At the same time, Flare reaches back with his hands and grabs the top rope behind him, jumping and landing in a sitting position on the rope. He places his feet on the second rope, and reaches back, grabbing the steel for balance. Flare half turns in his sitting position, giving himself adequate room to turn and rise to his feet. Flare grabs the steel from the adjacent side of the cage, and lifts himself on to the turnbuckle, just feet from where Hope is.

Joey Miles: "Evan better hurry up if he doesn't want this match to end!"

Ted Cedar: "Evan better hurry up, period. We don't have all day."

Flare tight-ropes the top rope and walks over to Hope with the help of the steel for balance, as Hope is turning his legs on the top of the cage. Flare grabs a hand-full of hair from Hope and pulls him back into the ring. Hope falls from the top in a controlled way, landing softly on the top rope to relieve himself from the pain. With his left hand still full of hair, Flare reaches back with it and smashes Hope's face into the steel. Hope grabs on to the cage to try to maintain his balance, but his grip clearly isn't what it could be. Flare does it again, showing no mercy as Hope's face bounces off the chain. Hope's body flutters as his grip almost breaks. With his left leg, Evan reaches out and kicks Hope in the shin, driving his feet from the ropes toward the steel, successfully breaking his grip and leaving him rope-hung. The turbulence almost knocks Flare off as well, but his two-handed grip perseveres.

Flare reaches up, first with his left hand and then with his right, grabbing a hold of the top of the cage. He bends slightly at the knees and leaps into the air, using his hand placement to help him get additional hang-time. He brings his knees in tight to his chest and extends them going down, connecting with his double-foot-stomp called the Southern Arrow into the upper back of the rope-hung Robert Hope. Flare falls to the ground with momentum taking him away from the cage. He hits his back on the mat to a decent thud, but his momentum carries his legs over his torso, flipping him on to his stomach as his head comes off the mat to see the wreckage. His feet knocked Hope from his precarious position, flipping him over the top rope and on to the mat. We get our first aerial replay of the night on the titantron, and the crowd pops once more.

Ted Cedar: "Wow! Look at that replay!"

Joey Miles: "He got some serious height on that jump."

Both men are slow to get to their feet, as the match has taken a bit of a toll on both. Evan gets to one knee, but continues to catch his breath while waiting for Hope to get up. As Hope starts to stir, Flare gets up and waits for him. Flare walks toward the disoriented Prophet and pushes both hands into his torso, forcing him toward the ropes. Flare grabs a hold of Hope's left wrist and attempts to Irish Whip him, but Hope plants hard and reverses, sending Flare for the Irish Whip instead. Flare bounces off the ropes and returns with a Spinning Heel Kick that hits hope right under the chin. Both men are up quickly as it apparently was more of a grazing blow. Flare once again grabs a hold of Hope and attempts to Irish Whip him, but this time he succeeds. Hope bounces off the ropes and comes back toward Flare, as Evan connects with a Back-body Drop. The crowd is really getting into the match at this point.

The Prophet's arches his back to try to find reprieve from the pain, as he moans in pain. Flare plays to the crowd a bit before turning his attention back to Hope. Flare walks at a steady clip, before dropping down a knee into the left arm he targeted earlier. Hope's moan turns into a yelp as he once again makes it audibly known he's in pain. Flare gets up and backs away, walking to the opposite side of the ring, waiting for Hope to get up. Robert manages to get to his feet, and Flare sprints toward him. Hope, perhaps out of sheer luck, Hip Tosses the charging Flare over the top rope and into the steel cage. Hope falls back to the mat, exhausted, as Flare screams in pain, as his neck and upper-back just collided with the unforgiving steel structure.

Ted Cedar: "What a sickening thud!"

Joey Miles:  "Hope is playing all the right cards at all the right times!"

Both men are slow to get up, and it's nearly impossible to gauge which one is better off. Flare uses the ropes to get off the ground and stumbles into the corner, resting his head on the turnbuckle. Hope gets to his feet and sees an opportunity, running as quickly as he can - which isn't all that fast at this point, and connecting with a jumping boot to the face of Flare that pins his head between steel and leather. The crowd pops at the violence as both men once again drop down to the floor. Evan's face is buried in the mat as his hands claw at his hair line frantically. It becomes apparent that he's been busted open as the blood drips away from his body. Hope takes his time before getting up, but does so with Flare still laying on the ground.

Hope staggers over to Evan and reaches over the top rope, grabbing him by his hair and dragging him to his feet. He pulls him, by his hair, over the top rope so he's hung like Hope was not so long ago. Hope positions Flare's head between his legs, bends over, and wraps his arms around his waist. Hope bends at the knees and drifts backward with Flare in his grasp, before dropping down and connecting with a Piledriver. Flare collapses on the mat like an accordion, falling over Hope. Hope is somewhat quick to his feet, as he turns to the turnbuckle and walks in that direction. He turns back toward Flare, and backs into the turnbuckle, grabbing the top rope on either side with his hands, and leaping upward into a seated position on the top rope.

Ted Cedar: "Hope is stalking Flare. He's in position!"

Joey Miles:  "Looks like he's setting up for a big move."

Flare lurches to his feet at a lethargic pace, clearly hurting. The crowd is building with anticipation. He turns toward Hope, and Hope hops off the second rope and wraps his left arm around Flare's neck tightly, looking for his Flying DDT maneuver. Hope's knees come toward Flare to tuck underneath for the move. Flare's arms wrap around his knees with a mighty grip, and just as Evan's head is about to make contact with the ground, both men stop in their place, as if time froze. The fans explode with cheers, as Evan muscles Hope back up to a vertical base, and then pulls his knees up to his shoulders in a Fireman's carry position, breaking his hold on Flare's neck. The camera zooms in on the bloody face of Flare as he looks deep into the camera. With his left arm. Flare throws Hope's legs behind him and connects with the TKO maneuver, and his former finisher, the FOD! The crowd explodes! Flare



Kickout at 2 from Hope.

Flare, seemingly frustrated, wipes the blood away from his eyes as he sits and ponders his next move. Hope lays unconscious as Evan picks himself off the ground. He walks over to Hope and picks him up off the ground. He pulls his head in tight to his waist on one side, and locks in a Gutwrench, picking him off the ground, appearing to go for The Blood Reign, but Hope's not out of it yet. Hope shifts his weight in the air and breaks Flare's grip, falling behind him on his feet. Hope uses the opportunity to sprint toward the ropes, planting his right foot on the second rope after a jump. He leaps back at Flare, who turns around right on time. Hope wraps his right arm around Flare's neck and drops him to the mat with a Flying DDT. The crowd pops again.



Kickout at 2 from Flare.


Ted Cedar: "These fans are absolutely right! This is awesome!"

Joey Miles:  "Normally I don't like to encourage the fans, but I agree. Wow. This is awesome."

Both men turn to their stomach, panting, struggling hard to find a second wind. Hope is up first, planting his palms into the mat and pushing himself up to his feet. Instead of trying to pick up Flare, though, this time he focuses on an escape. He walks to the nearest turnbuckle and gets to the top quickly before struggling to come up with a next move. He exhales and grabs the top of the cage, just as Flare starts to stir. Hope leaps up, but is struggling to find a foot hold on the top of the cage for his right leg. Flare stumbles in that direction, grabbing the planted foot, coaxing Hope back on to the top of the turnbuckle. Flare steps up to the second rope and grabs him around the torso and the backs of his thighs. Flare pulls back and connects with a second-rope side-suplex.

Flare picks him up from the mat, quickly bending down and wrapping his right hand around Hope's right leg. Flare lifts him up in Scoop Slam position and walks him to the ropes, attempting to slam him between the ropes and the steel, but Hope's free hand grabs the top rope, making his landing on the outside awkward, but not very painful. Flare turns in the other direction and sprints toward the ropes, hitting them with his back and turning around and sprinting back. Flare leaps into the air, attempting to hit a diving splash, but Hope dives out of the way at the last moment. Flare crashes into the steel face first and bounces away.

Ted Cedar: "And Evan's high risk maneuver does not pay off as he crashes into the cage!"

Joey Miles: "You'd think with as much damage to his head as he's received, he wouldn't bother doing any to himself!"

After a moment to catch his breath, Hope uses the ropes to get back to his feet. Instead of going right for an escape, Hope enter the ring to make sure the damage is done. He steps through the top and middle rope back into the ring. Hope wobbles toward Flare and lifts him off the ground using his hair. Hope, bent at the knees, wraps his right arm around Flare's neck and pulls him up to his shoulders, Hope takes shallow strides into the middle of the ring and drops Flare down with a Death Valley Driver. Hope exhales once again, looking more confident than he has since the match began. He struggles to his feet and once again turns his attention to an escape. He walks slowly toward the turnbuckle.

He grabs the rope on either side and pulls himself up slowly. He takes measured, calculated steps to the top of the turnbuckle, before turning his attention to the top of the cage. Just as he grabs the top of the cage, Flare begins to stir. Hope takes a few deep breaths and leaps up, just as Flare reaches his feet. Flare, in a controlled frenzy, does what he can to move quickly toward Hope. He climbs the ropes at a quick pace, and reaches up for Hope's leg just as he gets to the top of the cage. Flare grabs the steel and leaps up, grabbing Hope by the leg, once again bringing him back into the ring. Hope lands on the top rope close to Evan, and grabs tightly with his left hand to the steel to assure his balance.

Ted Cedar: "Both men are in a dangerous position here!"

Joey Miles:  "Good! Take a chance!"

Hope hits a right hand that knocks Flare backward, almost to the point of falling. Flare comes back with a big left that knocks Hope backward. Flare follows this up by grabbing Hope by the back of the head and throwing it into the steel. Hope grabs the steel with both hands as his face rests against the steel structure. Flare takes a step closer to Hope and plants his right foot in the steel about half way up. He reaches over Hope's body and grabs a hand full of steel on his left side with his left hand,  with his left leg planted close to Hope. Flare pulls his right arm back and connects with a 12-to-6 Elbow to the back of Hope's head, smashing it into the steel.

Hope does it again and again. driving Hope's face into the steel. Flare turns lets go of his grip and turns away from Hope so his back is parallel to the cage. Flare reaches forward and pulls back violently, crashing a right elbow into the back of his head with so much force that he bounces off the cage and falls to his back on the mat below. The fans explode with cheers, sensing the match is over. Flare turns back toward the cage slowly, and begins to climb toward the top. He reaches up for the top of the cage and leaps up. He pulls himself up, and comes to rest on the top of the cage. Flare takes a moment at the top to catch his breath before looking down to see Cerberus waiting for him on the floor.

Ted Cedar: "Oh boy. That's not a site I'd want to see!"

Joey Miles:  "What's he waiting for? JUMP!"

Ted Cedar: "With that big monster waiting for him!?! How about you go over there and show us all how tough you are!"

Joey Miles: "I would, but I just had this hoodie dry-cleaned."

Ted Cedar: "Yeah, I thought so..."

Flare hadn't thought this through, and lays on his stomach on the steel looking awkwardly downward, trying to figure out a plan, because going down there, in the state he's in, seems like suicide. While he waits for a plan to come to him, his opponent gets to his feet. Hope walks over to the cage, now bleeding from his nose, and climbs up quickly. He has no time to plot out his moves if he wants to catch Flare. He gets to the top rope and with his right hand, reaches up for Flare and for what seems like the thousandth time, grabs a hand full of his afro. He pulls him back toward the ring head first. Evan, obviously in an unenviable position, panics and tries to find grips to make sure he doesn't fall. Hope drags him to the point where his upper-body hangs off the top of the cage on the inside. His head doesn't quite make it to chest level on Hope, but he's close.

Hope reaches up with his right hand and grabs his pants, as his left arm braces Flare's neck. Hope pulls Flare away from the cage, connecting with a Superplex. Both men jump off the canvas like hot grease, not going in any direction in particular. The wreckage comes to rest with both men laying on their stomachs with their faces buried in the mat. The crowd comes unglued, absolutely exploding for the spot. After a moment of crowd noise, Hope begins to gain consciousness, doing an army crawl toward Flare. He throws his arms out in front of him, grinding his fists into the mat, and uses his forearms to pull himself inches at a time toward a victory. He musters all of the strength he can, and pushes Evan over on to his back. He hangs his right hand over Evan's lifeless body. Jack Hammer slides into position.



Kickout at 2 and 3/4ths from Evan Flare!

The camera zooms in on Hope, he turns to his back and looks up at the rafters in complete disbelief. He screams out his anger. The crowd is going absolutely nuts for the babyface Flare at this point. Hope slowly, methodically gets to his feet. He bends down to pick up Evan by his hair one more time. Evan staggers around on spaghetti legs. Hope steps in and knees him in the gut, forcing him to bend over. Hope wraps his right arm around his neck and turns him, looking to connect with a Hangman's Neckbreaker that he calls Hope for the Future. He gets Flare in position and pauses, perhaps for posterity. Flare back the original direction, spinning out of the move and spinning Hope along with him. Hope stops facing Evan, trying to gain his balance as Evan keeps spinning. Evan plants hard close to Hope and connects with a Spinning Backfist out of nowhere!

The crowd once again pops as Hope is thrown backward into the turnbuckle. He bounces outward toward Evan, and stumbles right into a left knee from Evan that bends Hope over. Evan grabs him by the neck and drags him into the middle of the ring. He puts him in Gutwrench position and lifts him into the air, bringing him to rest on his shoulder. He drops him to the mat and brings his right knee up, successfully connecting with The Blood Reign! The crowd pops once again. Evan drops to his knees and hooks the outside leg. Jack Hammer slides into position.





Laura Watts: "Here is your winner, EVAN FLARE!"

Ted Cedar: "Oh my goodness! What a match!"

Evan Flare rolls away from Hope and lays on the ground looking up at the rafters for a moment. He slowly gets to his feet, with Robert still laying lifeless. Evan looks out at the crowd and throws his hands into the air as the victor, while Jack Hammer walks up to raise his hand that's already up. The crowd responds with cheers for both men, as it was exactly the kind of opening contest the paying costumers assumed they'd be getting from such an event. Flare steps out through the door, and Cerberus stands still on the other side of the ring. Evan leaves to a plethora of cheers. He stops at the end of the ramp and looks back out at the crowd. With dry blood covering his face, and Hope's blood covering his chest, Evan doesn't look much like a winner, but his smile tells another story. He turns and walks through the curtain to end the opening segment.


MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope FJBloTX
MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope Rmt9lhM
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Middle Carder

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Join date : 2013-07-23

MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope Empty
PostSubject: Re: MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope   MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope EmptySat Mar 29, 2014 8:17 pm


The bell rings, and Evan Flare immediately closes in on the man who orchestrated an attack on him just a few days ago. With fire and venom, Flare forces Hope in to a corner and begins to pound away at him with right hands, causing his opponent's head to snap back again and again. Flare follows up with swift knee strikes to the chest and head of his bewildered opponent, not allowing Hope to have any chance to follow up on his attack from before. With the crowd behind him, Flare's hardcore roots show through to his surface, as he pushes The Prophet's head through the ropes and in to the mesh of the cage, then placing his foot on the back of his head, mercilessly pushing Hope's face in to the cold, biting steel, prompting Hope to scream in pain.

Just as it looks like his head is about to be pushed right through the mesh, Flare stomps the back of his head and causes him to roll away, holding his face and the stomped area. He burns with anger and quickly closes in on Hope again, grabbing him by the head and pulling him to his feet, before throwing his opponent face first in to the cage again. The body of the self-appointed Prophet bounces off the cage, and he stumbles to a knee, holding his face once again. As he takes his hand away from his face, he checks his forehead for blood, but is interrupted by Flare, who once again drags him to his feet and throws him face first in to the cage once again. This time, Evan keeps his face against the cage and grates his flesh across the steel, inflicting horrendous pain on his aggressor, and almost tearing the face off Hope's skull. The Prophet is then violently thrown to the floor by his opponent, his head bouncing off the mat and causing him even more pain. Nevertheless, Hope still gets to his hands and knee, still in considerable pain, but able to crawl away from Flare...at least for a little bit. Flare, not about to let Hope off easy, pursues his crawling opponent and grabs him by the hair once more. He hoists him up to his feet and takes a moment to talk a little trash right in to the face of his opponent. With that, Flare then throws Robert Hope in to the cage once again, and as Hope rebounds off the mesh, picks him up and drops him suddenly with a back suplex. Flare drops Hope high and tight on the back of his head, and his opponent flops to his belly like a sack of potatoes. Just as Hope lands, a speckle of blood can be seen on the mat, thanks to Flare brutalising Hope against the mesh.

Evan Flare pivots around on his knee quickly and assumes a rear mount position, where he begins to deliver hard, clubbing blows to the face of Hope, perhaps to worsen that gash on his face even more and don Hope with a crimson mask. The harbinger of the apocalypse lays on his belly, trying desperately to cover his face but can't manage, because his arms are trapped below him. Flare then crosses his hands over Hope's face and yanks his head back in a gruesome crossface-camel clutch hybrid. He pulls the squealing Hope's head to an unnatural angle to put an unfathomable amount of pressure on his neck, showing no remorse for Hope. Before releasing Hope, Flare fires a crossface punch right across the bridge of the nose of Hope, who quickly flops to the mat and holds his face in pain. The fans willingly welcome the violent side of the returning Evan Flare as he subjects their tormentor to his just desserts, after months of him berating them.

Hope groggily tries to shuffle away from Flare, using one arm to pull himself across the mat and the other arm to bring his hand to his face, trying to stifle the blood loss from his gash, or to perhaps try to stop the bleeding in some vain attempt at a healing touch. Flare is close behind him, though, and grabs his foot and pulls him back to the centre of the ring. Hope flips on to his back in an attempt to kick Evan Flare away, but only manages to get his leg caught underneath his opponent's arm.

With now both of his legs under Flare's arms, Hope thrashes his arms in the general direction of his aggressor, to no avail (obviously, because he isn't that guy from the Fantastic Four...Mr. Fantastic? Doesn't matter...), and is instead pulled towards the cage wall, and then catapulted in to the mesh yet again, causing him to collapse in to a bloody jumbled mess down by the ropes. Flare gets up to his feet and looks out through the cage to the sea of humanity that surrounds the ring. Like a scene from an ancient Roman Colosseum, Flare stands before the roaring crowd, who are loving the punishment that the lone prophet is being subjected to. Cerberus stands on the outside, his fingers locked in to the mesh as he glares at Flare through his grotesque mask. Flare doesn't seem too fazed by the beast, who is safely kept on the outside away from him. Robert Hope, still groggy from the impact from the catapult, is rolling around on his back, disorientated somewhat, and in a lot of pain. Flare turns back to see his fallen opponent and lifts him up by his head again, but instead of launching it in to the cage again, he hooks his head in for a suplex, dropping Hope viciously in a snapping motion, driving the air out of his lungs like he'd just been gored by a rhino. The Prophet coughs a little, trying desperately to shake off the unpleasant feeling from being slammed so viciously, but can only rest for a brief moment. Flare is up again, and once again hoists his opponent up for a brutal scoop slam in the centre of the ring, before motioning to the corner. Flare back his way in to the turnbuckle pads, carefully measuring up his approach to his fallen adversary, and delivering a knee drop right to the face of Hope, who turns on to his side and lets out a long grunt of pain.

At this point, Cerberus is beside himself. Desperate to get in to the ring, he begins to shake the cage, like some sort of demented test subject trying to escape. For the moment, at least, he is not having any luck with his endeavour, apart from the referee telling him to restrain himself. Even though he is groggy from the violent attacks from Flare, Hope reassures his beast that he'll be fine, before getting booted in the head by Evan. Flare then lifts Hope up by the tights and the hair and pushes his groggy opponent to the corner of the ring. Upon getting to the corner, Flare pushes Hope's head back with his forearm, exposing his chest for a thunderous chop to the chest, racking Hope's chest with a sharp, stinging, burning pain. This chop is followed by another, then another, then a fourth one, before Flare pauses for a second to step back away from Hope and put an exclamation point on his chops by throwing a hard and heavy final chop to the already red and inflamed chest of The Prophet, who slumps down in to the corner holding his flesh gingerly.

Flare slugs Hope with a right hand to the face as he cowers, before picking him up by his arm and hooking him up in a double underhook, attempting a suplex. Before he can, though, Hope quickly charges him across the ring in to the ropes, attempting to drive him in to the cage. Flare manages to retain control, though, sending in a hard knee shot to the face of Hope to stop his resistance. Hope relents a little bit, and Flare drags him to the centre of the ring again. Robert Hope suddenly drops to a knee, though, and as he does he manages to get his arm free. As Flare reaches down for his arm, Hope brings it up between his legs and fells him with a hard, wind-taking low blow. Evan Flare doubles over, gasping for air and holding his nether regions as Hope manages to get himself a little bit of a breather. The blood from his cut to his forehead stings his eyes. Hope rubs his eyes desperately to try to stop the stinging, but doesn't take too long, as he knows that an adrenaline fuelled Flare will be knocking on his front door once again. Hope rakes Flare's eyes, trying his best to disorientate his opponent long enough for him to get his shots in and build some momentum. The Prophet grabs a hold of Flare's hair and pulls him in to a headlock. From there, he begins to fire off hard, quick punches to Evan's face, showing how brutal he can be himself. Hope begins to scratch and claw at Flare's face, causing him to groan in pain, as the referee looks on helplessly in this no disqualification match. The cold and calculating Robert Hope is trying to open Flare up like Flare did for him not too long ago.

After a short time, Hope changes pace and pulls Flare up by his hair again and snaps off a hard uppercut to the jaw, which causes Flare to stagger back and drop to a knee. Much like Flare, Hope isn't happy to let him get off so easily, and follows Flare to where he dropped and tugs his hair again, before slamming his head in to the mat, and rubbing his face around relentlessly. The crowd boo loudly at this sign of Hope getting in to the match. Robert rests his knee against the side of Flare's head as Hope keeps his face to the mat. Hope then begins to lean down and start to throw elbows to the face of Flare, who kicks his legs with every shot to his unprotected face. Robert Hope grits his teeth in a mad grimace of rage, trying to destroy the facial structure of his opponent. Before long, The Prophet hooks his fingers in to Flare's mouth and pulls his head back in a gruesome looking fishhook type of move, looking dangerously close to splitting Evan's lips wide open, as if he is trying to tear his face from his skull. Not for long, though. Hope's big mistake was putting his fingers within biting distance of Evan Flare. Seeing no alternative, and to save face (literally), Flare sinks his teeth in to Hope's fingers, causing him to wail in pain and release his hold. It is quickly becoming clear that these two are not exactly going to abide by the usual rules of the ring, and this match is becoming more about who can get through it without being seriously injured. Hope makes sure to get away from Flare to save his fingers from being turned in to stubs, as Flare tries to get his wind back and shake off the woozy feeling. Hope shakes his hands out, then quickly rushes to Flare again and deliver clubbing blows to the back of the head and neck, quickly beating him in to the mat like he was a butcher cleaving a piece of meat. He picks him up and pushes him to the ropes, where he forces Flare's forehead to the hard top rope and grates it across the length of the rope, then forcing his throat over it and choking him out. The grizzly sight of a bloodied Hope choking out Flare is enough to turn stomachs, but doesn't stop Hope one bit.

The brutality doesn't stop there, though, as Hope puts Flare under the top rope and pulls his hair back towards his chest, so his neck is stretched against that top rope in a sickening angle. Hope viciously pulls back harder and harder, until Flare is almost bent back to look at Hope, who then wraps his hands under his chin in a devastating version of the chin lock. Then, with a sick smile on his face, Hope suddenly lets go of Flare's chin, causing his head to whip forward and hit the steel cage with a smack. Rather pleased with this tactic, The Prophet pulls Flare's hair back again and repeats his barbaric action another two times, all the while smiling like a jackal. The fans are utterly disgusted at this showing of utter disregard for another life of a human being, but Hope couldn't care less at this point. He's here for blood. And that's exactly what he might be about to draw, as he sinks his teeth in to the forehead of Flare, tugging at the skin as Evan is still tangled up in the ropes. Flare kicks and screams, struggling to move in the ropes as his wily opponent tears at his flesh with his teeth. Cerberus looks on from the outside, tilting his head as he looks at the pained expression on Evan Flare's face, as a small trickle of blood starts to run down his face.

The Prophet then pushes Flare's face in to the cage and slams it repeatedly against the steel, opening Flare up even more and causing a brutal splatter of blood to form on his face. Flare is then pushed on to the apron, where Hope slams Flare's head one last time, then takes off across the ring to rebound off the ropes. Just as Flare turns around to attempt to get away from the steel, Robert Hope leaps on him with a reverse elbow strike, bouncing off his body. Hope uses Flare's body as a ring rope and rebounds off it to the other side of the ring again. He sprints back to Evan, and this time hits him with a flying forearm strike, causing Flare to slump over the top rope. Robert Hope isn't quite finished yet, though. With his opponent still slumped over the top rope between the cage and the ropes, he runs to the ropes to the left of Flare and rebounds back with a high knee strike to the side of the head of Flare. Evan crumples from the attack, as his head snaps from the brutal shot he just received from Hope. As Flare slumps to the side a little bit, Hope runs to the other side of the ring yet again and comes back with a brutal running dropkick to the chest of Evan, driving him in to the cage once again. The fans are hating the aggression that Hope has been able to show, standing on his own two, despite his life force trickling down his face on to the mat. Hope holds his head groggily, gritting his teeth as his fingers touch the open wound that is oozing blood, but still focused on dishing out pain to Flare. Suddenly, though, Hope turns to Cerberus on the outside, and tells him to get under the ring. Cerberus obediently obliges, lifting the ring apron and rooting around under the ring. Hope turns back to Flare and delivers a few kicks to his body to keep him down. As he turns back around, he has to quickly dodge a flying chair that has just been lobbed in to the ring by his beast. The referee is then almost hit by a metal trash can, then a very long chain that is bunched up in a loop. Hope has to parry another chair away, and then manages to hold his hands out and catch a Singapore care, before telling Cerberus to stop. Again, the beast obediently stops.

Hope turns back to Flare, who is now pulling himself through the ropes slowly. He crawls on the mat due to the tremendous pain through his whole body from the brutal beating he has just received against the cage. Hope spins the cane around in his hand before cracking it across the bare back of Evan Flare, dropping him to his stomach after the gunshot type crack that echoes through the arena. Flare rolls on to his back, arching it in pain, but he is quickly interrupted by another hard hit to the stomach with the cane, then to the chest. Hope mercilessly delivers shot after shot after shot to the body of Flare, producing painful red welts instantly on his body, and when the cane splits apart, Hope just tosses it to the side and walks over to Flare, picking him up to his feet once again, as pain courses through his body. The beaten Flare holds on to Hope's arms as he lifts him to his feet, but quickly relents when he is hit by a hard knee to the gut from The Prophet, who executes the strike with a chillingly nonchalant look on his face, simply allows Flare to drop to his knee and hold his gut, while he turns to the trash can that was thrown over the top of the cage by his monster. He takes a moment to look at his mangled face in the reflective aluminium, almost transfixed on the blood that has now turned his face red. After a short time, Hope turns slowly towards Flare, who is now...just say on his feet, still holding his body from the punishing assault from the cane. Hope slowly steps towards Flare, trash can held above his head. The twisted glint returns to Hope's eyes as he prepares to bring the can down on the head of his opponent. He doesn't exactly find his mark, though. Just as he swings at Flare, the crafty veteran rolls underneath the swing and positions himself to the side of Hope. With his momentum taking him forward, Hope is helpless to prevent the coming double footed stomp, which sees him driven face first in to the can, much to the delight of the fans in attendance. The can crumples and Hope lets out a hideous cry of pain as his face is forced in to the cold metal. Flare takes a moment to collect himself, as Hope rolls on the floor like his face has just been cleaved off. Evan Flare looks at the blood that has now been smeared against the trash can, then looks back at Hope.

Flare bends down to get the trash can in his hands again, all the while staring at Hope, who is still holding his face. He lifts the trash can over his head, and as Hope turns to look up at him, he brings it down square in the head of Hope. The Prophet falls to the mat in a daze, only to be set upon again by another shot to the torso with the can. And another. And another. The can is bent and bashed relentlessly, again and again, as Flare unloads on The Prophet. The can disintegrates in to a mangled mess, just like the man who is being assaulted with it. The scene in the ring drives Cerberus in to a frenzy on the outside, to the point where he pulls the mesh outwards, causing it to bend out of shape a little bit. Flare briefly breaks his focus on Hope upon hearing the creaking of the cage against the strength of Cerberus. Then, in one act of defiance, he simply tosses the wrecked can towards the cage where Cerberus is trying to break through, then reaches down to pick up a chair, looking in to the eyes of the beast the whole time. This causes Cerberus to pause for a second, his eyes locked with Evan's. Without breaking his stare, Evan Flare stands over Hope and begins to smack the steel chair in to the body of Robert Hope, relentlessly assaulting him to perhaps show that he isn't intimidated by Cerberus. This drives the monster berserk, half out of rage and half out of concern for his master. The beast begins to pound the mesh of the cage with every strike of the steel chair across Hope's quivering body. The fans in attendance let out rapturous round of cheers and applause at the defiance shown by the returning Flare, who uses the support to drive himself on and battle through the pain that has been inflicted on him through this brutal fight.

Deciding that he had had enough with trying to pound Hope flat into a pancake, Flare throws the chair over his head and stands on unsteady feet to gain his composure. Then, wiping the blood from his eyes, he reaches down to an almost immobile Robert Hope, who twitches occasionally from the brutal shots with the chair. Flare hoists his dead weight up to his feet and hooks his hands around the torso of his adversary. He shakes Hope back in to consciousness somewhat, only to them throw him over his head with a belly to belly suplex, causing Hope to just crash haphazardly in to the mat, obviously numb to the pain from the beating he just took. Flare slowly sits up and gathers himself, before shuffling back over to his fallen foe again and rising to his feet. Flare brings with him the arm of the dazed Hope, dragging him up to his feet again. This time, though, Flare locks him in a rear waist lock and drops him with a German suplex, driving Hope's head and shoulders in to the mat with a kind of laboured aggression, the match taking a toll on his body and mind. The technician, once again, pushes himself up to his feet over a motionless Hope, again dragging his lifeless carcass up in to a Tiger suplex. Flare strains to hoist Hope up and over his head to drive him in to the mat once again, folding him up in a grotesque pile of bloody man. Flare looks over at the bag of battered body parts that was once Robert Hope, trying to gauge whether he was going to stand again. The monstrous Cerberus howls in absolute primal rage at the scene in front of him, pacing back and forth, knowing that the cage will not be easy to infiltrate. The chained door and the high walls make sure of that.

Evan Flare rolls on to his stomach, before pushing himself up to his knees and surveying his destruction. After a moment, he pushes himself all the way up to his feet, his head still pounding from the aggressive and barbaric beating that he took from the cage not too long ago. Feeling that the end may be near, Flare looks to be ready to end the match with a Blood Reign. He stands up and yanks Hope off the mat, eager to put him away once and for all. As he gets Hope in the gutwrench, he suddenly feels the throb from his head again, preventing him from hoisting his opponent up briefly. After a few attempts, Flare finally hoists Hope up over his shoulder, though he struggles to keep his vertical base. Flare bravely battles through the pain, and with the crowd cheering wildly, he swings Hope over his shoulder in to the Blood Reign!

Or, at least he hoped he would. Instead, Hope manages to kick his legs and squirm out of the side of the move, on to his feet. Flare grasps at him again, trying to quickly get back on the offensive, but gets his arm caught by Hope. Hope quickly turns Flare over in to the ¾ headlock, looking to drop him with Hope for the Future! Evan goes in to survival mode and desperately tries to separate Hope's hands from around his neck, fearing that this final move would put him away. Hope attempts to drop to the ground, taking Flare with him...

Only to have Flare roll back out of the neckbreaker, managing to separate Hope's hands and spin both men back around so they are face to face. Flare keeps spinning through, and swings a vicious back fist towards the head of Hope. The Prophet only narrowly manages to duck it, the blow coming so close as to brush the top of his head. With Flare off balance, Hope quickly scoops him up and drops him with a quick and unexpected Death Valley Driver! Flare bounces off the mat and on to his back, spilling out in to a human puddle on the mat, while Hope lays motionless next to him. It's clear to see that Hope didn't have enough in him to put enough impact in to the move, nor did he have enough to follow up and pin Flare, so both men simply lie in a pile next to each other, neither man with any clear advantage in the match. The referee checks on both men, more to see that they are still breathing than to stop the match, at this point. Finally, Hope stirs a little bit. He doesn't get far before he is reminded of the vicious chair attack from earlier, as he clutches his ribs, coughing and spluttering. His breaths are shallow and laboured, and his lips lazily part as he pushes out air from his lungs. With one cough, a spatter of blood lands on the mat, indicating a possible internal injury. Nevertheless, he slowly drags himself to the ropes and gets to his feet like a geriatric who has just suffered a fall. He glances over to Flare, who is still on the mat, but is also stirring a little bit. Hope looks agitated, wondering just how much longer this brutal match will have to continue. He pulls his hair in frustration, before motioning to Cerberus to walk over to the cage door. The referee tells Hope to stop it, insisting that this match remains a one-on-one contest, but Hope just tells him to piss off. Then, just as the referee goes to tell Cerberus to keep his distance, Hope decks the referee from behind! The fans boo loudly at Hope's cowardly actions, but Hope doesn't give a damn, and simply turns his attention to Cerberus, who yanks at the reinforced door of the steel cage. He writhes and wrenches the chain keeping the cage locked, then works on pulling the door at the hinges to bust them open. The Prophet stands in the ring, shouting words of...er...'encouragement' to his monster, seemingly very keen to have him come in and assist.

While Hope is balling at Cerberus to get in the cage, Flare takes his chance to slowly get to his feet and stalk Robert Hope. After a minute, the brute force of Cerberus is too much for the door to withstand, and he manages to wrench it off one of the hinges. Satisfied with the fact that his monster will soon be in after him, Hope turns back to his opponent...

...and right in to a spinning back fist! Hope's head snaps back, and he falls to the mat like a tree being felled by an axe. The crowd erupt, as Flare delivers a definitive blow to Hope, and perhaps netting himself the match. Flare falls on to Hope for the cover!

The crowd chant along.




Flare looks around, then noticed the incapacitated referee. He lets out an audible “FUCK!”, frustrated that he couldn't put this menace away for good. Then, he sees the beast, almost completely through the door. He props himself up on his hands and knees, looking at the horrifying visage of Cerberus, reaching in through the gap he created in the door, as if he was Jason Voorhees trying to pry his way in to a log cabin after his next victim. Flare begins to measure up his options. He could stay and take on a fresh monster, who is just about to rip steel apart, or...

The fans cheer as they notice Flare look to the top of the cage. At that moment, Cerberus notices him looking as well, and pauses for a brief moment, the cogs spinning in his tortured mind. It is only when Flare forces himself to his feet and to the cage wall that he begins to savagely rip and writhe the cage door against the second reinforced hinge. Flare steps on the ropes and begins to ascend, which sends Cerberus in to a panicked frenzy, desperately trying to save the match for his brother in arms. Flare slowly makes his way up to the top of the cage, not even attempting to look back at the beast, instead just focusing on getting the hell out of there (no pun intended).

Flare only just manages to get on to the top of the cage as Cerberus finally breaks the door down and lumbers in to the ring, bringing with him the fires of hell. He walks over to where Flare is escaping, trying to plot a way to follow him up and stop him escaping. Flare fancies his chances of escaping from the monster once he is outside, so simply hauls himself over and on to the outside of the cage!

Closer and closer to freedom, Flare anxiously scurries down the steel mesh, before noticing something strange. Suddenly, Cerberus stops thrashing towards the top of the cage for Flare. Suddenly, as Flare comes to the middle of the outside wall, Cerberus looks him calmly in the eyes. Evan looks back, confused and momentarily distracted. Suddenly, Cerberus takes off across the ring, and just as Flare understands what he's doing and attempts to drop, the monster returns and boots the cage in to Flare's face, sending him crashing off the cage wall and across the announcer's table! The crowd cheers wildly, as Flare manages to escape for the win!

But then, the creeping realisation kicks in. With the referee down...and now the monster able to get out of the cage...

Their fears are quickly realised, as Cerberus gets out of the ring and pursues Flare, who lies in a heap over the announcer's table. The looming figure of Cerberus grabs Flare by the throat and drags him across the table like a piece of prized game. He then hoists Flare up on to his shoulder, before ramming him face first in to the cage like a dart at a dartboard. He keeps a hold of Flare as he drags his face across the cage, as if he was simply transporting a slab of meat to an abattoir. Cerberus then steps back when he reaches the corner of the cage, then drives Flare in to the cage once again, this time throwing him off his shoulder so he just collides with the steel. Evan Flare lands with a thud on the floor outside, and this sick, demented monster looks like he's about to do the dirty work for Hope once again. The fresh Cerberus grabs Flare by the hair and rips him off the floor with one hand, then tosses him over in to the crowd with one inhuman show of strength. While his monster is doing his work, Hope is slowly trying to remember his name, only to have his train of thought derailed by a torrential downpour of boos and jeers directed at Cerberus. He shakes his head out, and notices Cerberus standing over a cowering crowd, who are trying to protect Flare from this unfair and savage beating from the man who shouldn't even be involved in this match. This, of course, makes Hope light up with giddy joy. Nothing satisfies him more than seeing his dirty deeds deliver him results.

Back on the outside, Cerberus is reaching over for Flare, pushing fans out of the way left and right. A couple of brave (perhaps stupid) members of the XWA faithful attempt to grab his arms, but only receive a powerful shove for their efforts. Somehow, however, this proves to be just enough time for Flare to get to his feet and clock Cerberus with a steel chair! The monster rocks back from the strike, and Flare, seemingly unwilling to turn his back on the monster, pursues him to finally end the beast once and for all. Flare swings the chair at Cerberus again and again, trying his best to drop  him and take him out of action. With the fans supporting him all the way, Flare succeeds in getting Cerberus to a knee! Flare measures Cerberus' head for one last shot.

He steps back and lifts the chair above his head.

Just as Flare brings the chair for one last shot, the monster wraps his hand around his throat! The pincer grip of Cerberus throttles Evan and causes him to drop the chair, and perhaps signifies the end of his valiant attempt to fight off the monster. Cerberus drags gim over the ring barricade, then slams him with the chokeslam on the outside, sending a jolt of pain through his whole body. Just then, Hope snaps Cerberus' attention away from Flare and orders him to go under the ring again. He tells Cerberus to “get the thing” for him... Cerberus obediently abides, as the fans boo The Hopeful for robbing Flare of the victory. Cerberus emerges again with a set of handcuffs. He holds them up for Hope, who claps his hands like an excited child, before turning to the chain that was thrown in earlier. Hope hobbles over to the chain in the corner and picks it up, looking at it intently. He makes his way to one of the cage walls and unravels the chain, then reaching up to hook it around the girder-like top of the cage, so it hangs. Meanwhile, Cerberus picks up Flare's beaten body and drags it to the hole where the door used to be. Now, with all three men in the ring, Hope looks to unveil his ghastly plan for Evan Flare. It's not enough that he's cheating to win, it looks like he wants to make a grizzly example of his opponent. He takes the handcuffs from Cerberus and locks one around one of the wrists of his downed opponent. Just as he reaches for the other one, though, he finds himself being kicked in the head, amazingly, by Flare! The crowd erupts, as the wounded Flare refuses to give up. Holding his ribs desperately, Flare gets to his feet, still groggy from the brutal attack outside. Nevertheless, he turns to Cerberus, who is now baring down on him, and kicks the leg out from underneath the monster! He starts delivering rapid kicks to the body of Cerberus, causing him to grunt in pain. Flare then wisely turns back to Hope, and dishes out the same punishment, keeping him at bay.

Flare snaps back to Cerberus, fuelled on pure adrenaline, and goes for the attack again. This time, though, he finds him scooped up on to Cerberus' shoulder once again, but this time, for the tombstone! Flare kicks his legs wildly, trying to escape, facilitating it with rapid 12 to 6 elbows to the chest and face of Cerberus! Cerberus eventually drops Flare to his feet, but manages to block a kick to the gut. The gut, however, was never Flare's intended target. Instead, Flare clocks the monster with a leg feed enzuigiri! The monster stumbles to a knee, and the crowd are going wild! They can't believe that, against the odds, the man who claimed he is here to reclaim his throne is fighting back the Hound of Hades! Flare feels the adrenaline coursing through him again! The pain in his back, in his head and neck, they don't exist anymore. Not for the moment, at least. He surges with fury and passion, and me might just snatch his rightful victory back out of the jaws of hell.

He turns back to Hope again, grabbing him in the gutrench yet again. Just as Flare tries to wrench Hope up again, he is suddenly derailed by another cowardly low blow! Flare relinquishes the hold and drops his hands. Hope then takes advantage, slapping the other handcuff on the other wrist, then turning Flare around in to a Hope for the Future, downing him viciously. Flare flops on to his belly, his hands cuffed above his head.

Hope glares at the chain once again, and staggers to it like a drunkard, all the while barking orders at the monster. He ties the chain around the feet of Flare, then demands that Cerberus comes to pull it. Groggily, but obediently, the monster abides. Slowly, Flare is dragged along the mat with the chain, and eventually suspended up by the cage wall. He dangles upside down, while Hope violently shakes the referee to consciousness again. Hope then struggles to knot the chain up, so Flare hangs by himself, and then orders Cerberus out of the ring. Hope slowly paces side to side in an arch, looking at Flare with cold, emotionless eyes. The self-appointed Prophet then drops to his knees and holds Flare's head in his hands. He gently swings him like some sort of sickening playground toy, before smiling a twisted, pained and bloodied smile. He softly whispers:

“Look...look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair [pants and wheezes, holding his ribs from the brutal proceedings of the match] ...f...for I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

The harrowing mash up of quotes is only just picked up by the cameras, and barely audible over the loud boos of the audience, who are utterly appalled at Hope's lack of compassion for a brave and valiant warrior, who very nearly defeated him and his beast.

The disgusting Hope then makes sure that the referee is looking, before turns and starts crawling to the door of the cage. The referee looks on in horror as Flare hangs by his feet with his hands cuffed together, wondering just what the hell happened to him. He looks over to Hope, taken aback by the site, but by the time he sets his eyes on the Prophet, he is crawling out of the door and lands on the outside. The referee has no objection to ringing the bell in order to attempt to release Flare from his binds.


The crowd boo the cowardly Hope, who couldn't defeat Flare on his own, and instead got his henchman to do the heavy lifting when the going got tough, and then cheated his way to the win, before displaying Flare like a trophy. One thing is for sure...Evan Flare will not forget what Robert Hope and The Hound of Hades, Cerberus did to him tonight.
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MATCH 1 | Evan Flare vs. Robert Hope

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