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Posts : 14180
Join date : 2013-07-19
Age : 31


DUE: Friday, March 28th at 11:59 PM EDT

Dereck Walter
C5 Ion
EG Deal
Luis Claudio
Axle Aomori
Gabriel Vega
Johnny Divine

Notes: This is an over-the-top battle royal. This match does not take place in a Steel Cage. This match is not on the 'official' card, but will count as an official card match for the Lottery as I'm rewarding you guys for showing up for matches in the past few shows. This is an Xtreme Rules OVER THE TOP ROPE Battle Royal. I suggest the weapons start in the ring because going out to get them would be a cluster fuck. The winner will get a Hardcore Title shot eventually.

**Axle - Post only one match pls. I'm sure you gather that, but I just want to be absolutely certain.


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Join date : 2014-03-03



Ted: This is going to be exciting, all of these men in one ring, with extreme rules Joey.

Joey: I can't wait Ted, It will be interesting to see who is going to come out with the Hardcore Title shot.

The seven competitors stand in the ring, none of them wanting to strike first. Most of them keep their eye on EG Deal though, and as they do, they all rush towards him trying to get the biggest man out first. Multiple kicks and punches are sent from each competitor to the head and leg areas of EG to try to weaken him. But EG just pushes each person off of him as they try to attack him. As this is happening, Axle has slid out of the ring and grabbed a Kendo Stick from under the ring, at this point EG is left only to deal with Luis, who sends multiple punches to EG's head then proceeds to back him up to the ropes, which in turn lets him attempt to get EG out early.

Joey: Smart strategy by the six other competitors in this match trying to get Deal out, but I don't think it will work Ted.

Ted: Doesn't look like it Joey, EG is just too tough right now.

EG fights out of the attempt, then pushes Luis away from him into C5 Ion, which knocks C5 over, as soon as he gets knocked over, he pops back up and runs towards Claudio, where he is met by a big clothesline, as this has happened, Axle has slowly climbed back into the ring and hit EG Deal with the Kendo Stick to the back of the knee causing his right knee to buckle, this is followed by a Kendo Stick shot to the head of Deal which causes him to fall down onto the mat, Axle then hits him with two more shots to the back before throwing the Kendo Stick out of the ring, meanwhile Derick Walter and Johnny Devine have teamed up on Gabriel Vega, backing him up to the ropes, before dual whipping him to the opposite ropes where he stops himself and slides out of the ring, but before he can get to far, JD slides out of the ring, and runs around meeting up with him on the opposite side hitting him with a hard clothesline knocking him down, causing his head to hit the floor hard. Back in the ring, Axle and Claudio have now started in on eachother with Claudio having the upper hand after sending a boot into the gut of Axle causing him to double over, this is followed immediately by a front facelock, which proceeds a hard suplex onto the mat, Axle arches up grabbing his back after the suplex, at this time, EG Deal has slowly recovered and is up to two feet but is limping due to his right knee being injured from the Kendo Stick shot earlier in the match. He reaches down and grabs Axle by the head to slowly pick him up, but as he does so he is met by a kick to the back of the leg by C5 causing him to fall back down to one knee.

Joey: So much Action Ted, too much to keep up with, but it looks like C5 is focusing on the knee that Axle hurt earlier.

Ted: But it's awesome action Joey, and it's only the pre-show!

Outside of the ring, Johnny Devine has picked up Vega and has started sending multiple punches to his head before sending a kick to his gut doubling him over, which is followed by a Suplex onto the steel steps that is near them, which causes Vega to arch his back up and scream out in pain as he rolls off of them, Devine grabs at his back to as he hit the floor hard but he gets up and slides into the ring, and as he stands up he is met by a clothesline from Derick, which knocks Devine over the top rope knocking him out of the Battle Royal.

Joey: First one out is Johnny Devine Ted, the newcomer in his first match.

Ted: Hard lesson learnt by JD here today Joey, don't take your eyes off the others in the match.

After knocking JD out, Derick goes to the edge of the ring and slides out, getting a steel chair from under the ring, then walks over to Vega who is still on the floor, and sends multiple chair shots to the injured back of Gabriel. With each shot a loud smack of the steel hitting the back of Vega can be heard echoing through the arena. After bending the chair on Gabriels back, Derick throws it up on the ramp, and lifts Vega up, then throws him in the ring and quickly follows. While this has happened, Axle has reached his feet and has taken the advantage over Claudio after reversing a suplex attempt, Axle hits a suplex of his own then stomps on each knee of Claudios trying to weaken the knees of his opponent, as this is happening C5 has pulled Deal up to a vertical base and is laying punch after punch on him slowly knocking him back, he gets him to the ropes where he uses the leverage of the ropes to slowly whip EG towards the opposite ropes, as he reaches them he bounces back and Ion hits EG with a dropkick knocking him down onto the mat. While this is happening, Derick has lifted Vega up and has started punching Vega in the head backing him up to the ropes, but as soon as he hits the ropes, Vega starts punching back and slowly gets the advantage, where he sends a boot to the gut of Derick and hits him with a DDT putting both men on the mat. As all of this is happening, Axle slides out of the ring and reaches under it to grab a trash can and puts it in the ring, followed by the lid, a couple chairs and he slides in a table after them. While Claudio is down along with Vega and Walter, Axle pulls out one of the legs of the table, and leans it up against one of the turnbuckles. Axle turns around and sees that C5 has walked up behind him, as Axle turns around he is met by punches to his head but he gives punches right back to C5, as the two begin to trade punches, EG and Claudio have slowly started to get up and have met in the ring, EG is still limping as Claudio has started to limp some now as well from getting his knees stomped by Axle. They both start to trade punches as well as Axle and C5 keep trading punches as well, Axle remembering where the trashcan he threw into the ring is at, guides C5 near it, before he sends a quick boot to Ions midsection which is followed by a snap suplex crushing the trashcan and causing Ion to roll under the ropes. After Axle has done this he still sees Deal and Claudio trading punches, he slowly gets up, grabbing at his lower back, feeling some pain from the suplex as well, he gets to a vertical base and picks up a chair. He runs towards both EG and Claudio and hits EG in the back with the chair, then hits Claudio in the head with it, the chair shot to EG knocks him down onto the mat, but the shot to Claudio knocks him up against the ropes, Axle drops the chair then jumps up, and hits Claudio with a big dropkick which sends him over the ropes, knocking him out of the match.

Joey: And there goes Claudio!!

Ted: What a chairshot though, it even busted him open! I can't wait to see what the rest of this match has in store.

After getting up from the dropkick to Claudio which knocked him out, Axle turns around to be greeted by a chairshot from Derick who has slowly recovered, which causes Axle to start bleeding. Axle rolls towards the ropes and under them so he can't be thrown out, as Derick has done this, Vega has gotten back up as well, and as Derick turns around he is met by a dropkick from Vega which sends the chair into Vegas head, knocking him down onto the mat. With Vega the only one standing, he lets out a big yell as if he has gotten a second wind, but not paying attention, C5 has slowly gotten up, and as Vega turns around, he is met by a Enziguri from C5, which knocks Vega down, and takes everything C5 had out of him as he lands on the mat again, and rolls over onto his back. Deal has slowly recovered by now though, and is up to one knee, as he gets up to both knees he sees C5, who is closest to him is down and he gets up and walks over to him, he bends down, picks C5 up and sends punches to his head before backing him up against the ropes, and instead of Irish Whipping him, Deal throws C5 like he's going to whip him, but keeps ahold of his arm and brings Ion back, hitting him with a hard spinebuster!

Joey: What a move by Deal!

Ted: Deal has just take control of this match I think Joey, as he is the only one that is even capable of making a move right now.

Axle who is still bleeding, has slowly rolled his way away from the ropes and has slowly gotten his way up to a vertical base with the help of the ropes. As Deal has also gotten up from hitting the spinebuster on Ion, he runs towards Axle, but is met by a Step-Up Enziguri, which sends both men to the mat. Vega and Derick both slowly get up at the same time, but Derick is bleeding from the chair hitting him from the dropkick from Vega. Axle has slowly gotten up as well, Vega runs towards Axle but is met by a backbody drop which sends him through the table that was set-up in the corner by Axle earlier in the match, Axle then sees Derick running towards him, as Derick goes for a clothesline, Axle ducks it, with blood still running down his face Axle can barely see but he goes for a superkick and connects which sends Derick over the ropes and knocking him out of the match leaving only four people.

Joey: And there goes Derick Walter!

Ted: This is going to be exciting, these guys don't have much left, and Axle is bleeding bad. He needs this to end quick!

Axle falls back down after hitting the kick, and rolls onto his back, as he wipes blood out of his eyes. C5 has slowly gotten up from the spinebuster, followed by EG getting up from the Enziguri that Axle hit on him. C5 runs towards EG jumping up towards him going for a hurricanrana, he gets his feet wrapped around EG but before he can do anything, EG throws him off, sending him to the mat. Vega, who got sent through the table, has slowly started to get up, and he runs towards Deal, but before he does anything he stops before he gets to Deal and backs up some, he does this because he sees Axle slowly start to get up and move towards Deal, which he doesn't see. Axle gets up to one knee as he reaches Deal and sends a hard right punch to the injured knee of Deal which causes him to collapse, he is then met by a hard dropkick from Vega, knocking Deal down, and onto the mat.

Ted: Nice teamwork by Vega and Axle.

Joey: That's the only way they are going to get EG out I think Ted, teamwork.

Axle gets up to a vertical base, and as Vega does as well, they both use their strength to slowly lift him up and put him against the ropes, as they get him against the ropes, they go down and grab each one of his legs trying to lift him up, but they can't get him over the ropes, they keep trying but, they can't do it, as they are trying this, C5 has had time to recover, and as they lift him up one more time, C5 runs towards EG and hits him with a big dropkick sending Deal over the ropes, and leaving just three men, Axle is leaning up against a turnbuckle, Vega is leaning up against the ropes and C5 has gotten up and is standing in the middle of the ring. The three men look at eachother and they all three realize whats at stake.

Joey: Great teamwork, but time for teamwork is over now Ted, they all know whats at stake here and they can't work in a team.

Ted: That was a great elimination getting EG out of there Joey, but two of them may have to work in a team.

The first person to move is C5 and he heads towards Axle who quickly slides out of the ring, and this is followed by Vega running towards Ion and hitting him in the back with a forearm knocking him down. Axle has once again gone under the ring for more weapons, this time he pulls out a sledgehammer and slides it in the ring, followed by another Kendo Stick and a bat with barbed wire around it. He lifts the bat up and smiles as he slides that into the ring as well. He climbs into the ring and as he stands up he sees Vega stomping away at C5, the first weapon Axle picks up is the Kendo Stick, he runs towards Vega and hits him hard in the back with it which causes him to walk away from C5 and grab at his back. Axle stays in pursuit of Vega though, as he keeps sending shot after shot to the back of Vega, until they walk completely around the ring and the Kendo Stick gets ripped apart. But by this time, C5 has slowly gotten up to one knee and has the sledgehammer, which he sends to the gut of Vega. This causes Vega to double over in pain as he falls down. C5 and Axle both bend down and lift Vega up, they pull him back to the middle of the ring then keep a hold of him as they run in stride and throw him over the rope, just leaving the two of them.

Joey: Down to the last two Ted, this is going to be very interesting.

Ted: I am going to love this Joey. One on one now, and any weapon at their disposal.

C5 and Axle circle eachother, knowing that they are the last two in the match. They both rush in at eachother and get into a tie up, Axle quickly gets the upper hand though as he sends a knee to the gut of C5, as C5 doubles over, Axle picks up the barbed wire bat that's near him, and sends it to the back of Ion, causing him to scream in pain and fall down. Axle holds the bat up with a smirk, then drops it, after dropping it, Axle wipes blood off of his face then walks over to C5 and slowly picks him up. As he gets him up, he is met by a hard right hand from C5, which knocks Axle back away from C5, to give him a little breathing room. As Axle regains his bearings, he walks towars C5, but before he can do anything, C5 kicks him in the gut causing Axle to double over, C5 then gets Axle in a front face lock and hits him hard with a suplex, but as he does, C5 immediately reaches for his back and neck, as he feels the pain again from the barbed wire bat attacks.

Joey: That looks like it did as much damage to C5 as it did to Axle, Ted.

Ted: Well you got to do what you got to do Joey, if that means causing pain on yourself as well, then by all means do it.

C5 has slowly gotten up as Axle gets to his feet as well, Axle runs towards C5, but C5 dodges Axle, picks up the barbed wire bat, then swings it at Axles gut which causes Axle to double over. C5 continues the attack on Axle after he hits him in the gut, he sends multiple shots to the back of Axle causing Axle to scream out in pain while also falling directly to the mat face down. C5 lets out a big grin then throws the bat outside of the ring. After he throws the bat out of the ring, C5 picks up Axle and sends multiple punches to the head of his opponent, which is followed up by C5 jumping up and sending a big dropkick into the chest of Axle, which backs him up against the ropes. C5 follows this up by running towards the opposite ropes, bounces off of them, returns and attempts a clothesline, but as he gets closer, he is met by a boot to the face from Axle, knocking C5 back. This causes C5 to reach up to his chin and grab it, as he turns back around Axle throws his arm around C5's neck while putting C5s arm over his shoulder, he leans forward then flings himself backward hard performing his patented Maximum Destruction!

Ted: What a move by Axle there Joey.

Joey: Yeah, but the thing is, will Axle be able to get C5 up and throw him OVER the ropes?

Axle grabs for his back, hurting himself from the shots from the barbed wire bat he received. Axle slowly gets up, as he does so he wipes blood from his face and slowly makes his way to C5s limp body. Axle bends down and slowly lifts C5 up, as he gets him to a vertical base, Axle attempts to throw C5 over the ropes, but as he does, C5 grabs to the top rope, not realizing it Axle throws his hands up in celebration. He realizes though that C5 didn't go out and as he turns around, he sees that C5 has made his way up to the apron which is followed by C5 jumping up off of the ropes and springboarding onto Axle into a crossbody. C5 hops up after the crossbody with a adrenaline rush, as he does, he lifts Axle up then Irish whips him to the ropes, but as Axle reaches the ropes, he grabs onto them not rebounding. C5 runs towards Axle after this, and before C5 can reach Axle, Axle rolls out of the way, then hops back up onto his feet, as C5 turns around he is met by a hard superkick from Axle which sends C5 over the ropes and onto the floor.


Joey: What a match! Axle earned that win.

Ted: I don't see how he pulled it out Joey, I really don't.

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Love Bites
Love Bites

Posts : 9667
Join date : 2013-07-19
Age : 31
Location : Arlington, Texas


As soon as the sonance of the bell is heard, the seven men in this match are in action. Six of them go after the biggest man in the battle, E.G. Deal, right off the bat! The audience cheers early on as Deal could be getting eliminated quickly with six men beating him down. However, the big Egyptian superstar isn't prepared to go down without a fight. In one swift motion, he pushes all of his opponents back, sending a majority of them flopping across the ring, but they stay persistent in their attack. E.G. keeps fighting them off, landing punches and kicks to anyone that gets close to him, but it's to no avail. There are simply too many people trying to beat him down. That is, however, until he bursts out like a fireball into his Red, White & Black Spear, taking out both C5 Ion and Dereck Walters! With two of his six opponents down momentarily, he tries to focus on two more as he wraps his hands around the throats of Axle Aomori and Gabriel Vega, looking for a Double Chokeslam! The big man's momentum is put to an immediate halt, however, as he feels as if a brick hit him in the back of the head. In reality, it was Luis Claudio nailing the big man in the back of his head with one of his finishing moves, the Carrera de la Muerte; a Rolling Back Chop! As E.G. drops like a sack of potatoes, Luis lets out a mighty roar before calling for everyone to get out of his way, clearly continuing to target E.G. Deal. Luis pulls his opponent up to his legs, where he proceeds to place Deal's head. It seems he's setting up for his main finisher now, the Potencia Bomba, otherwise known as the Powerbomb Lungblower! Luis is a strong man, but can he lift the six foot nine, three hundred and ten pound superstar up for the move? It seems the answer to that is a resounding yes. With a bit of trouble lifting him into the air, Luis eventually manages it, although not getting Deal quite all the way up as he should. Nevertheless, he drops the behemoth of a man onto his knees to finish the maneuver! Claudio slams his fists into the canvas a couple of times as he yells, perhaps trying to fight off some of the pain in his legs after driving a big man onto them. Nevertheless, he gets back to his feet, pulling Deal up afterwards and tossing the practically unconscious man over the top rope, causing the first elimination of the match.

Ted Cedar
"E.G. Deal is out! He was a sure bet to win this thing and he's the first one eliminated!"

Joey Miles
"Luis is a fucking beast, man. Did you see him lift that big motherfucker? He didn't get him all the way up, but he still landed the Potencia Bomba. Ridiculous."

Following Luis' huge showing of strength and elimination of E.G. Deal, Deal throws a fit on the outside of the ring. He tries to reenter the squared circle, but multiple referees keep him from doing so and eventually get him to exit the arena. Meanwhile, in the ring, the six remaining wrestlers pair off and fight. Johnny Devine and Axle Aomori fight, Gabriel Vega and Dereck Walters fight and, finally, C5 Ion and Luis Claudio go at it. C5 and Luis battle in the Northwestern corner of the squared circle as Gabriel and Dereck take the Southeastern corner and Johnny and Axle go at it in the center of the ring. They exchange shots, but Axle uses his speed to his advantage as he lands a few well-timed kicks and punches to his adversary before turning around and running towards the ropes. He ricochets off of them and speeds back, only to run straight into a sickening European Uppercut from Johnny! The move knocks Axle straight down, although he starts to get back to his feet immediately. Devine helps him up the rest of the way, but not as an act of courtesy. Instead, he applies a Front Chancery and flips Axle onto his back with a Vertical Suplex! He isn't done there, however, as he rolls back onto his feet, keeping the Front Chancery applied. He appears to be channeling his inner Eddie Guerrero as he lands a second Vertical Suplex, looking to complete the trifecta known as Three Amigos with one final Suplex. He pulls his opponent up one last time before flipping him onto his back yet again, this time releasing his grip and adding even more speed and power to the maneuver. As the other competitors continue fighting in separate corners of the ring, Johnny now has an opening to target whoever he wants, with Axle momentarily down.

Ted Cedar
"Beautiful series of Suplexes right there by Johnny Blaze."

Joey Miles
"What the fuck, Theodore? Luis and Gabriel are the Spanish ones in this match, they should be the ones tributing Eddie Guerrero! Fucking attention whore, man."

Johnny decides to turn his focus over to Gabriel and Dereck, as Gabriel's trying his best to hoist his opposition out of the ring. Looking to help eliminate someone with his fellow competitor, Johnny grabs a hold of Dereck and tries to push him to the outside. Unfortunately for the unlikely duo, Walters doesn't appear to be going anywhere, having a firm grip on the top rope. Realizing this, Johnny makes the decision to go after Gabriel instead, punching him in the mid-section and causing him to let go of Dereck. As the two of them now exchange shots, Walters exits the ring via under the bottom rope, to make sure he isn't eliminated. The audience cheers as they see what Dereck is doing. He lifts the ring skirt and decides to bring some weaponry into this Xtreme Rules Battle Royal. He starts tossing in everything he can find, including a trash can, a cookie sheet, two road signs and finally a steel chair. After throwing in all of those items, he decides to grab one more to take in with him. This final object is none other than a kendo stick. Dereck slides back into the ring, kendo stick in hand, and immediately goes after the man whom just tried to eliminate him, Gabriel. As Gabriel had taken down Johnny for the moment, he turns around only to receive a kendo stick shot to the mid-section, causing the La Revolución Hispana member to bend over. This allows Dereck to drill the Mexican wrestler over the back with the kendo stick knocking him down completely. Walters raises the kendo stick in the air to receive a pop from fans in attendance, but he doesn't get too long to pose before the reinvigorated Axle drills him over the head with the cookie sheet! Dereck drops to the canvas immediately following the shot that dented the cookie sheet.

Ted Cedar
"This match has just become a ton more dangerous with the introduction of those weapons, as Gabriel and, ironically, Dereck have just felt."

Joey Miles
"Come on, let La Revolución Hispana get their hands on some weapons!"

Axle drops the dented cookie sheet and looks around before picking up one of the road signs. He notices that only two of his opponents are still standing. There's C5 Ion and there's Luis Claudio, whom is beating C5 down in the corner of the ring. Axle stands behind Claudio, waiting patiently for him to finish up with C5. After a few more punches, leaving Ion in a seated position in the corner of the ring, Luis turns around and is drilled over the head with the road sign! He stumbles a bit, but he doesn't fall over. Surprised that the shot didn't take Luis down, Axle gets a tad upset and starts ramming the road sign into his opponent's head, as fast as possible, over and over. He lands seven shots with the road sign before finally stopping, but Luis is still not down. He is, however, somewhat groggy. As Luis stumbles backwards towards the ropes, Axle runs in the opposite direction, ricocheting off of the ropes and then leaping into the air, drilling Luis with another, much more powerful, road sign smack to the head, this one knocking him over the top rope! Fortunately for the muscle of La Revolución Hispana, he manages to somehow landed on the apron. Axle notices this and quickly rushes at Luis, raising his leg and looking to Yakuza Kick him off of the apron. Hurriedly, Luis side-steps his opponent and Axle gets caught up on the top rope! Making his presence known once again, Gabriel rushes over to his parnter's aid and leaps into the air, landing a Dropkick to the side of Axle that pushes him over the top rope and sends him crashing to the floor outside as Luis reenters the ring. Another one bites the dust and he is not happy about it at all, but the referees are able to force him out of the arena much quicker than they did E.G. Deal.

Ted Cedar
"Luis was very lucky he wasn't just eliminated right there!"

Joey Miles
"Luck? The fuck you talking about? That was skill. He used his skill to land on the apron and he used his skill to dodge that kick from Axle. Then his partner shows up to finish off Axle like a good teammate should. This is excellent."

Gabriel checks on Luis to make sure he's alright and Claudio simply nods. They decide it's time for La Revolución Hispana to work together and they look around at the wrestlers in the ring, first noticing C5 Ion. The two run at him and take him down with a double Clothesline. They then target Dereck, whom Gabriel drops with a Dropkick. Finally, the team looks at Johnny and Luis drills into his chest with a modified Big Boot to take him down, sort of stomping his chest into the canvas. Gabriel barks orders at his teammate, whom proceds to lift Johnny into the air. He holds him high above his own body in a Military Press as Vega gets down on one knee. Luis quickly drops his opponent, sending him crashing gut-first into the extended knee of Gabriel, in an innovative double team maneuver. They don't stop yet, however. Gabriel grabs the two road signs and hands one over to Luis. They then get on either side of C5 Ion, readying themselves for something painful. As C5, unknowing that his opponents are lurking, gets back to his feet, Luis and Gabriel tightly grip their signs. Once C5 is standing, they swing the signs from both sides of C5's head and crash into him! C5 drops like a sack of bricks, as the audience boos the double teaming of the much hated La Revolución Hispana. Now it's Dereck's turn to have fun with the two Spanish wrestlers. Gabriel picks up the kendo stick and starts pounding away on the body of Dereck with it, landing shot after shot to the back. As the sound of the stick meeting flesh echoes repeatedly throughout the arena, so does Dereck's screams of pain. Once Vega finally finishes his onslaught, he passes the kendo stick to his partner. Luis grips it tightly, waiting for Dereck to get back up. Once Dereck, slowly but surely, makes it back to his feet, he quickly wishes he hadn't as Luis cracks him over the head with the kendo stick, breaking it straight in half!

Ted Cedar
"Well, it looks like you got your wish, partner. La Revolución Hispana has got their hands on the weapons and they're using them very well. You gotta wonder how long this unity will last, however. I mean, only one person can win, right?"

Joey Miles
"Maybe. Or maybe Luis and Gabriel will wait until it's just them two and then hop over the top rope, eliminating themselves and causing a triple threat match for the Hardcore Championship! Ah, that would be beautiful."

The duo of Spanish wrestlers look around at the carnage in the ring. Now that all three of their opponents are down, it's time to decide who gets tossed out first. Gabriel and Luis look around, trying to make a decision, before Vega decides on who the unfortunate man is going to be, pointing at C5 Ion. Luis nods again and the two men pick up the speedy wrestler before dragging him over to the ropes and nonchalantly tossing him out of the ring. They immediately turn back around to pick who gets tossed out next, completely oblivious to the fact that C5 actually managed to land on the apron. As they're looking around, C5 gets his footing just right and clutches the top rope. He whistles at his opponents, causing them to turn around, before leaping into the air and springboarding off of the top rope, landing a Cross Body to both men! The audience bursts into cheers as the much-hated wrestlers get taken down, but C5 isn't done yet. He drags Gabriel over to the nearest turnbuckle, leaving him laid out a few feet away from it. He then begins ascending to the very top rope, looking to land his finishing maneuver, the 450 Splash. As Gabriel appears to be out for the moment, C5 reaches the very top of the turnbuckle. He takes a moment to get his balance just right, standing erect on the top rope and looking down at Gabriel. Suddenly, Johnny comes from out of nowhere, pushing C5's feet off the top turnbuckle! C5 comes falling down, crashing face-first into the padded turnbuckle, and flopping to the outside of the ring. It seems the risk didn't pay off for him this time, as he's the next man eliminated in this contest. We're down to Johnny Divine, Dereck Walters, Gabriel Vega and Luis Claudio; the final four!

Ted Cedar
"C5 went for what I believe would've been his 450 Splash, but Johnny was able to make it back to his feet before he leapt and he pushed C5 off the top turnbuckle. He may have saved Gabriel, but I don't think that was his intention. Instead, it was on eliminating another competitor, which he did successfully."

Joey Miles
"No shit, that was his intention. Fuck yeah, Johnny, get that faggot out of this match. Fucking cunt thinks he can just jump on my Spanish friends like that? Fuck him!"

With C5 now out of the contest, Johnny grabs the dented cookie sheet. He looks around the ring at his three downed opponents and notices both members of La Revolución Hispana getting up. Ready to fight, he clutches the cookie sheet tightly. Once they're nearly standing, he begins swinging away. A cookie sheet shot to the head of Luis, then one to Gabriel and another to Luis before a second to Gabriel. He continues with these back and forth shots until he feels he's done enough damage to the now-groggy men, before dropping the seriously destroyed cookie sheet on the canvas, kicking Gabriel in the gut and planting him head-first onto the sheet with a DDT! Quickly following up on this, Johnny runs at Luis, but he's surprised by a Big Boot from the big man! Luis takes a moment to regain his composure and catch his breath, before lifting Johnny back to his feet. He kicks Johnny in the gut and raises him overhead onto his shoulders, looking for his Potencia Bomba for a second time in this match! From out of nowhere, however, he's drilled in the mid-section with a low Dropkick from Dereck Walters, making his presence known once again! As Luis drops Johnny, he stumbles backwards towards the ropes. Dereck runs at him, but Luis ducks and sends Walters overhead with a Back Body Drop, straight over the top rope! Fortunately for the athletic man, he managed to land on the apron. Quickly, Johnny tries to run at Luis in an attempt to eliminate him as well, but Luis side-steps him and Johnny butts heads with Dereck, knocking him off of the apron and accidentally eliminating him! Things don't look too good for Johnny now, as he's alone in this match against two members of La Revolución Hispana.

Ted Cedar
"Johnny accidentally eliminated Dereck! That may have been the biggest mistake he can make in this match, as he's now got to fight off both Luis and Gabriel by himself."

Joey Miles
"Fuck yeah, La Revolución Hispana are coming for that Hardcore Championship!"

Johnny turns around, but perhaps it would've been better not to as he's practically turned inside out by a Clothesline from the beast known as Luis Claudio. Him and Gabriel begin stomping on the downed body of Johnny, as he is helpless to their assault right now. Eventually, Gabriel stops and tells Luis to back off, continuing to direct traffic. He points at the trash can and motions for Luis to put it over Johnny's upper body. Luis does as he's instructed, picking up the trash can and sliding over the top half of Divine's body, as Gabriel grabs the two road signs again. He tells Luis to lift Johnny back up, which the muscular man does, before being given one of the two road signs. They each get on one side of Johnny, ready to take him out with a double road sign smash to the head, much-like they did earlier to C5, except with a trash can covering Johnny's body this time! Gabriel screams when it's time to attempt it and they both swing for the fences, but Johnny quickly jumps back. The signs hit each other, causing painful vibrations up both men's arms. Meanwhile, Johnny pulls the trash can off of his upper body. He waits for Luis to turn in his direction before drilling him over the head with the trash can, denting it ever so slightly. He then turns his focus on Gabriel, before blasting him with the trash can as well, denting it even more. The trash can shots knock both men down as Johnny drops it, kneeling over and breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath. He looks around at the two downed men, trying to think of what his next move should be, as the audience cheers for his effort thus far.

Ted Cedar
"Johnny may win this thing, yet! There's still hope!"

Joey Miles
"My left nut, there's still hope. He just got a couple of lucky shots on La Revolución Hispana. They'll get back into it!"

Johnny notices Luis getting back to his feet first and he quickly grabs the trash can again, sliding it in front of Luis before taking a few steps back. As Claudio reaches his feet, Divine rushes at him, leaping over the trash can and looking to land a Jumping DDT, akin to Dolph Ziggler, directly onto the trash can! Luis showcases his tremendous strength once more, however, as he manages to catch his opponent in a Bearhug style hold! As Johnny struggles to get free, Luis carries him over to the ropes and tries to put him on the apron, but Johnny fights back by holding onto the top rope with one hand and punching away at Luis with his other hand. As the two of them struggle with each other, Gabriel begins getting back to his feet. Once up, he sees the commotion going on and a metaphorical light bulb turns on over his head. He quickly rushes over to them and lifts Luis by his legs, tossing both opponents over the top rope! Gabriel immediately turns around and starts celebrating, completely unaware of the fact that both men landed on the ring apron. They reenter the ring, as Johnny heads to the corner to recuperate, whilst Luis is busy dealing with his so-called partner. As Gabriel continues celebrating in the center of the ring, Luis slowly creeps up behind him and taps on his shoulder. Thinking it's the official, ready to raise his hand in victory, Gabriel quickly turns around to be surprised at the sight of Luis. He tries to calm his stablemate down and reason with him, but the angered Luis is having none of it. He grabs his partner by the throat and raises him high into the air, Military Press style. For the first time in the match, the audience actually cheers Luis, whom tosses his teammate over the top rope, sending him crashing to the floor outside of the ring and eliminating him! Luis, now taking the match down to the final two, turns around only to see Johnny leaping into the air at him! Johnny quickly wraps his arm around his opponent's neck and drives him head-first into the trash can with a Jumping DDT, completely crushing the trash can!

Ted Cedar
"Luis eliminated Gabriel and then Johnny capitalized! Gabriel thought he was being smart by taking out his partner and Johnny at the same time, but it backfired in a major way!"

Joey Miles
"Shit! This is not good. This is not good, at all!"

Both men are down; Johnny due to fatigue and Luis due to being driven head-first into the trash can. Divine is the one whom starts getting up first, however, slowly making his way back to a perpendicular base. He looks at his downed opponent and then at the ropes, realizing what he must do to win a shot at the Hardcore Championship. Johnny grabs his adversary by the head and drags him over to the ropes, pulling him up to his feet and attempting to push him over. However, Luis isn't ready to go out just yet, as he clutches the top rope with one hand and repeatedly elbows his opponent in the stomach with the other hand, causing him to let go. Johnny stumbles back into the center of the ring, where Luis nails him with a punch to the face. Divine responds with a punch of his own and the two begin exchanging shots. After a few punches, Johnny quickly picks up the cookie sheet and drills Luis in the head with it. In retaliation, Claudio picks up one of the road signs and smashes it over Divine's head. They continue exchanging shots, albeit with weapons now. Eventually, it's Johnny gaining the upper hand, landing uninterrupted cookie sheet shot after cookie sheet shot. By the time he's landed six uninterrupted shots to the head with the cookie sheet, Luis is backed up to the ropes. Quickly, Johnny runs in the other direction, rebounding off of the ropes. As he returns, he leaps into the air, looking for one final smash with the cookie sheet, but Luis moves out of the way and the cookie sheet hits the top rope, quickly ricocheting back and smashing Johnny in the face with it! Thinking quickly, Luis spins into his Rolling Back Chop dubbed the Carrera de la Muerte, knocking his opponent straight over the top rope and sending him to the outside! The final man has been eliminated and a winner is decided!

Ted Cedar
"Just when it looked like Johnny had this thing won, Luis surprised him and we've got ourselves a winner!"

Joey Miles
"Fuck yes ferret! My I love you deeply with all my soul <3 baby!"

As Daddy Yankee's "Rompe" hits the PA System, Gabriel quickly slides back into the ring, not having left after being thrown out.

Laura Watts
"Here is your winner, and the new contender for the Hardcore Championship, Luis Claudio!"

Gabriel tries to raise his partner's hand, clearly trying his best to get back on Claudio's good side, but he pulls his hand away, before snarling at Vega. He stares the smaller man down before grinning and patting him on the back, showing that he forgives him. Gabriel smiles, letting out a loud "fuck yeah!", before raising his partner's hand in the air.

Ted Cedar
"Well, that's all the time we have for the pre-show, folks. Be sure to order Chain Reaction as it starts in just a moment!"

The scene fades out to a countdown for Chain Reaction.

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Creator of the Matrix
Creator of the Matrix

Posts : 26
Join date : 2014-01-09
Age : 25



Dereck Walter vs. C5 Ion vs. EG Deal vs. Luis Claudio vs. Axle Aomori vs. Gabriel Vega vs. Johnny Divine

Ted Cedar:
"Everyone welcome to the live INTERNET PRE-SHOW! I am your commentator that's here every week, Ted Cedar! I am here with my good friend Joey Miles!"

Joey Miles:
"This is only the ores show before we actually get to the real show. This will get you hyped for every match on the Chain Reaction card."


The bell rings and all men jump onto each other like a pack of dogs released in an small cage. Ion and Deal go at it and Ion takes control. Ion tries to eliminate Deal, but Deal counters and takes him down in the corner. Deal stomps away at Ion and talks trash. Deal picks up Ion and tries to throw him over the top rope, but Ion counters and tosses Deal over but he hangs on. Ion goes for a chair shot and tries to eliminate EG Deal early, but EG Deal ducks the chair and hits Ion with a shoulder thrust, taking Ion out of the equation of eliminating him for the time being. Deal climbs back in the ring with a quickness and charges at Ion and grabs Ion and swings around, dumping him over the top rope, but Ion holds on with both hands and his legs are close to the floor, but they don't touch. Deal sees this, but Ion uses his upper body strength and he grabs Deal with his legs, flipping his legs back towards the floor, tossing Deal to the floor, eliminating Deal as the first elimination of the match.

Ted Cedar:
"This has to be disappointing for him being the first one eliminatinated..."

Joey Miles:
"EG Deal has been eliminated by C5 Ion! What tenacity!"

...EG Deal is eliminated...

Ted Cedar:
"This match is about to pick up the pace and I can feel it!"

Joey Miles:
"Ion looks winded from that elimination he just gave out there."

As Ion is sitting on the apron on the outside, looking on the inside where there is still action still going on the inside of the ring and the cameras angle goes to Walter and he ackles Aomori. They go at it and Walter hits a kick to the
jaw rocking the teeth of Aomori. Walter sees his opportunity and tries to eliminate Aomori by taking him to the corner, but he hangs on. Aomori fights his way back in and goes for a Tornado DDT onto the chiar that Ion had laid out in the ring, but it's countered and Walter tries to go for a snap suplex, but this time its Aomori countering his attack by swinging his leg in front of Walter's. Walter takes his time and spins around into a hammerlock and he takes his aggressive side and pushes Aomori with the hammerlock over the tope rope tosses again, but Aomori hangs on. All of a sudden, Vega joins the fray and he hits a big boot and then drops Walter on his face with a fantastic facebuster and he drops Walter over the rope rope, but Walter is hanging on by the middle rope, hanging with just one hand. Vega holds Walter so Aomori can work him over with the double team and looks like Vega wants to do some damage and now Aomori holds Walter now. Walter tries to drag over Vega while he kicks Aomori and now Vega hangs on as Walter tries to eliminate him. Ion is sitting on the top rope on the corner of the camera view and Divine charges at him and Ion splashes off the top with a crossbody, jumping over Divine, landing on both Walter and Aomori and he takes out Aomori and Walter. But Ion didn't realize that he landed on the steel chair, after the fact he hit the fatal crossbody. Ion continues the offense and takes out Walter with kick combinations and takes him to the corner where there is a kendo stick. Ion tries to grab it, but Walter is stronger than the lean Ion and he cracks Ion inbetween his eyes, knocking him straight the ground. On the other side if the squared circle, Vega drops Diving with a right hand and stomps away on him in the other corner. Walter tries to eliminate him but he hangs on. Claudio comes in with offense on everyone and as Ion was standing up, Claudio takes Ion down with a running lariet. Walter tries his pick with offense and goes for a running lariet himself, but Vega ducks the lariet from Walter and Aomori sees the opening and tosses Vega over the top rope and Vega is eliminated out of nowhere.

Ted Cedar:
"The seco elimination of the night in this match! Gabriel Vega put up a fight tonight!"

Joey Miles:
"Gabriel Vega is now eliminated...Hold up, Gabriel Vega isn't leaving ringside yet!?!

...Gabriel Vega is eliminated...

Vega looks at the ring as Aomori is laughing at the point that he eliminated Vega. Vega looks straight at Aomori with anger and Vega pulls Aomori out to the floor under the bottom rope and grabs Aomori and hits a devastating crucifix Powerbomb, in which he calls the Southern Cross out at ringside.

Ted Cedar:
"Vega just laid out Aomori with a Southern Cross!"

Joey Miles:
"That was very uncall for! Vega is a sore loser and he didn't have to do that!"

Claudio works over Divine as Ion looks on. Claudio dumps Divine over the top and Ion attacks and Ion and Claudio try to eliminate Divine but can't get him. Divine kicks Divine in the head and wails away on Ion. Claudio knocks Divine down, but Divine gets up in time to go at it with Ion. Divine charges and Ion backdrops him with a scary landing by Divine onto a steel chair. Ion sets up Divine and connects with an standing moonsault onto the steel chair that Divine landed on. All of a sudden, all five men in the ring slow down the action in the ring and they all take skeptical looks at each other and Walter hits a dropkick on Ion and Aomori at the same time as Aomori and Ion were looking at each other closely.

Ted Cedar:
"Walter has just taken out two of the biggest superstars in this match at one time."

Joey Miles:
"To be honest, that was impressive on how he got the projectile of the dropkick."

Ion lays on the apron and it looks like Aomori and Claudi have the same idea and they both go towards Ion and Ion comes in and unloads on Aomori and Claudio. Ion kicks both men in the head with a springboard dropkick, springboarding olinto the ring, taking both men down. Ion quickly runs towards the ropes and stops himself to set up the moonsault and he then looks back and jumps up and Ion hits a double Springboard Moonsault and Ion starts to hold his midsection as he just took a risky maneuver towards Aomori. As Ion is trying to catch his breath from that move, Claudio attacks Ion from behind and dropkicks him over the ropes. Claudio tries to eliminate Ion, but Ion takes his speed into his factor and rolls over Claudio's back and successfully gets back in the ring and Aomori tries to help Claudio and Claudio grabs Ion and Claudio holds Ion for Aomori to hit him but Ion ducks and Aomori decks Claudio.
Ion hits right hands on both of them and dropkicks them both once again. Ion gets the kendo stick that he was hit earlier with and starts to wail on both men and Aomori accidentally runs into Claudio, after the vicious attack from Ion and Ion hits an enzigiuri, knocking Claudio into the top ropes and he is hanging there with both arms draped over. Walter finally gets back into the fray and goes at it with everyone, throwi his legs at Claudio and hits an outstanding dropkick. Walter scoops Claudio and slams him hard onto his back with a scoop slam. Walter stomps on Claudio in the corner and goes back to work on everyone else and start putting in work on everyone and Walter with a big sideslam on Ion. Walter then sets his sights on Claudio once again, and Walter with body shots on Aomori in the corner as Aomori was trying to get his mind set again.

Joey Miles:
"Axle looked like he needes to get back in the game, ya know?"

Tes Cedar:
"This match is outstanding. I also agree on that Joey, Axle needs to get his head back into the game."

Walter works over Aomori in the corner as Claudio and Ion go at it. Claudio drops Ion now and tries to eliminate Aomori, but Aomori kicks him off and kicks him in the head and Aomori falls to his knees realizing that this is not no walk in the park. Across the ring, Walter drops Divine, who has been out of the match mostly. Divine and Walter go at it. Divine turns around to Claudio and gets dropped by a headbutt. Claudio works Aomori over in the corner and Ion joins in. Claudio grabs Ion and hits him with a massive chop in the corner. Aomori tosses Ion but he
hangs on. All these men are just changing their directions and are giving a match that everyone likes. All of a sudden, Divine leans over the ring, from the mat, laying on his chest and he looks under the ring and he grabs a steel pipe.

Joey Miles:
"Divine is going crazy I think! The damn man just grabbed a steel pipe!"

Divine pulls himself back in and he starts swinging the steel chair and knocks heads with Aomori and Walter to more chants from the crowd. Divine goes at it some more with Walter before Divine missteps and Walter clotheslines him over the top.

Ted Cedar:
"You see, if your jot worried about the match itself your going to lose..."

...Johnny Divine is eliminated...

Joey Miles:
"Johnny Divine's time is up! I really thought he was just getting in the groove of the match too."

Aomori tries to eliminate Claudio, but he's not alone because Walter and Ion joins in and they finally get him out of the ring and Claudio is eliminated.

Joey Miles:
"Luis is now eliminated..."

...Luis Claudio is eliminated...

Ted Cedar:
"Another man had been eliminated in a period of thirty seconds!"

Ion starts to crank up the engine a little more than usual and runs to the rungs of the turnbuckles and runs over a few people with clotheslines before hitting Aomori with right hands. Ion continues the offense and hits a sickening Hurricanrana Driver on Aomori with his head being drilled into the ring. Ion hits the mat and then throws his hands out and waits for the 'Fulfill of the Matrix' but Walter hits him from behind. Walter tries to throw Ion over the top ropes, but Ion spins around and reverses it throwing Walter to the apron. Aomori grabs Ion but gets tossed for his troubles and Aomori is eliminated.

...Axle Aomori is eliminated...

Ted Cedar:
"Axle Aomori has just been eliminated! What a shame..."

Joey Miles:
"Axle was so close! He really stood in their as long as he could! ...Now we are down to just two...Walter and Ion. Who will give?"

t's down to Walter and Ion and both men realize this and they lock up and go at it. Walter runs over Ion and Ion's body was hit like a ragdog. Ion starts to get up and he goes for a bulldog but Walter holds him and tries to throw him over, but. Ion hangs on as Walter tries to eliminate him. Ion starts throwing elbows and he falls on the apron as Walter starts to stagger in the ring. Ion comes back in with a missile dropkick. Ion with a right kick to the lower leg of Walter, Ion then come soft with a jumping middle kick to the chest and then Ion turns up the intensity with a jumping back kick to the jaw of Walter. Ion sirs there watching Walter crash to the mat. Ion charges at Walter after about 15 seconds of Walter being down on the mat and Walter catches him with a backbreaker/neckbreaker combination rattling Ion's head as he hit the canvas. The crowd is going crazy as Walter calls for a piledriver! Walter goes for it but Ion slides out under the legs of Walter and then Ion bounces off the ropes and comes back with a clothesline, knocking Walter over the rope but he hangs on and comes back to the apron. Ion starts to look at Walter staggering on the apron as he starts to think of something and Ion comes off with a dropkick from the second rope but Walter still hangs on. Ion tries to kick Walter out of the ring but he still hangs on.

Ted Cedar:
"Ion just keeps fighting and isn't letting this match get out of his hands!"

Joey Miles:
"These two men are putting it out on the line right now. This is for an eventual title shot in the near future..."

Walter makes his way back in and kicks Ion in the face. Walter scoops Ion over the rope but he hangs on. Ion fights back in but runs into a back elbow. Ion holds his jaw as he is starting to bleed from his Walter ducks the SuperKick and applies the ankle lock. Ion gets to the ropes but Walter doesn't have to break the hold in the Battle Royal. But Walter realizes he's losing his grip and he finally breaks it. Walter leans against the ropes in exhaustion in this amazing match. Ion pulse himself up and is rocking back and fourth in the center of the ring and Walter charges towards him, but Ion hits a spinning heel kick to him, hitting Walter so hard, Walter staggered towards the rope and he fell over the apron, but Walter hangs on and his feet don't touch the floor. Walter fights from the apron and goes to the top rope with Ion in hand. Ion climbs up and has Walter positioned for a super hurricanrana, but Waite takes the advantage by hitting backhand chops to the chest of Ion. With each blow, its taking Ion more and more to stay on the turnbuckle. Ion has the intensity and starts to trade blows of his own on the top and both men fall down to the apron, but they didn't hit the floor at all. Both men are trying their best to get up, and they both roll into to the ring. They both come back in the ring and Walter connects with a Samoan Drop. Walter looks as if he's trying to pin Ion, but realizes there's on pinfall. Walter sits on his butt and looks at Ion and wondering why he isn't giving up at all. Walter finally stands up, limping from the impact of falling onto the apron. Ion fights back, but Walter kicks him in the gut. Walter with forearms to the chest now. He tries to dump Ion again but he hangs on and comes back in with all his might. Walter slaps Ion repeatedly and this angers him. Ion shoves Walter off but misses another SuperKick. Ion counters a Powerbomb and tosses Walter but again, his feet don't touch the floor. And Ion signals that this match is over and he waits till Walter pulls himself up on the apron and Ion comes back with a vicious SuperKick to knock Walter to the floor for the win.

...Dereck Walter is eliminated...


Laura Watts:
"Here is your winner and new contender for the XWA Hardcore Championship on the future...C5 Ion!"

Ted Cedar:
"Ion has just won this match! He defeated six other superstars to get the eventual Hardcore Title Shot!"

Joey Miles:
"The young kid has done it. What a performance made by all of these superstars here."

Ted Cedar:
"Ion certainly has a bright future here."

Joey Miles:
"I didn't think he could pull it off against SIX different superstars. Yes, SIX other superstars!"

Ted Cedar:
"Well he pulled it off tonight and no one knew he would."

Joey Miles:
"Thank you for watching the LIVE Chain Reaction Pre-Show! Don't forget to watch the Chain Reaction Pay-Per-View coming up next!"

The camera of Ion's celebration fades away to a hype video for tonight's main event on Chain Reaction.

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