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 M2 | C5 Ion vs. Paddy Perry vs. Dereck Walter

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M2 | C5 Ion vs. Paddy Perry vs. Dereck Walter Empty
PostSubject: M2 | C5 Ion vs. Paddy Perry vs. Dereck Walter   M2 | C5 Ion vs. Paddy Perry vs. Dereck Walter EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 12:25 am

Due: Saturday, March 8th at 11:59 PM EDT
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M2 | C5 Ion vs. Paddy Perry vs. Dereck Walter Empty
PostSubject: Re: M2 | C5 Ion vs. Paddy Perry vs. Dereck Walter   M2 | C5 Ion vs. Paddy Perry vs. Dereck Walter EmptySat Mar 08, 2014 3:21 pm

Paddy faces off against Ion & Walter and right away realizes he’s in trouble, as the two share a nod of equal purpose. This is but a prelude to a pair of dropkicks that send the Irishman reeling toward the ropes. A double Irish whip sends him to the far side and into a double hip toss upon his returning. The fans cheer the combined effort and Walter mugs for the crowd. He turns in time to get a boot to the gut from his erstwhile accomplice. A front facelock from Ion is followed by the draping of Walter’s near arm over Ion’s shoulder. At this point Ion stomps down hard and suplexes the larger tag champion stiffly; a textbook snap suplex. Turning his attention to the stirring pugilist, the Ion delivers a knee drop and double stomp on Perry.

Well, Ion’s in total control.

Games will only take you so far. Eventually you just have to thrust yourself in there.

We are still talking about the match, right?

Ion hits the ropes and slashs down upon the prone form of Paddy. Air rushes from the Irishman’s lungs and a loud groan erupts from within him. Walter moves to break the cover, but the burly Irishman simply heaves his adversary into the air. Walter catches Ion and, after a moment’s hesitation, falls backward, throwing him over his head down to the mat back-first. Dereck attempts to float over into another fallaway slam, but Pat rushes from behind and drops down to connect with his shoulder into the back of one of Walter's knees. The ensuing donnybrook is swiftly broken up. Meanwhile Ion has wisely used his time to rally and, once order is restored, he lights into the opposition. He grabs a distracted Paddy around the waist, lifts him up, and falls backwards while bridging, slamming the Irishman down to the mat shoulder and upper back first; an outstanding German suplex. Ion keeps the waistlock and continues bridging for a pinning combination, but yields only a two. Undaunted, he stands behind his opponent, who he positions stomach first to the mat. He places one foot down just above each of Pat's knees and bends his legs up, hooking them around his own knees; at this point the middlewight grasps both of his heavier opponent's wrist, following a slap to the back, and falls backwards while lifting Perry off the ground in an impressive feat of strength. From a seated position, Ion wrenches the surfboard while the shrill and agony-filled cries of the Irishman reverberate across the arena. Unbeknownst to the fan favourite, the wounded Dereck Walter rises and plants a superkick into the back of Ion’s head.

Ooo, and that’s why you can’t treat this like a regular match.

Ion’s young and easy on the eyes, but showing some inexperience there.

Following an unsuccessful pin attempt, Walter returns to the crumpled form of Paddy. Bringing his man to his feet, Dereck fires him into the buckle, charges in afterward and, hooking both hands around his opponent's head, he places his feet on the waist of the Irishman. At this point, Walter shifts his weight so to fall backwards and forces Pat to fall forward, only to have Dereck push up with his legs. The Irishman flips forwards and onto his back. The monkey flip leaves Walter in control and he hooks each of Ion's legs then falls backwards to slingshot the opponent into the corner. Paddy, back up, bears down on his enemy with a series of punches. Walter fires back a few of his own only to have the Ion drop, placing one foot at the front of his ankle and the other in the back of the calf. The drop toe hold abruptly introduces Walter’s face to the mat. As Paddy clamours to regain his footing, Ion plants a sleeper on him. The brawler fights to retain consciousness, but the weight of his opponent, and the general chaos of the last few moments, seem to have sapped all of his resistance. He slowly begins to wilt, as Ion bears down, hoping to end the match up before Dereck can regain his bearings and intercede.  Ion releases the hold and stares down his opposition amidst an electric atmosphere and resumes the offensive. A crashing blow sends Walter reeling backward, and Ion slaps a headlock on the dazed Perry, which he grinds in mercilessly. Dereck looks with pleasure on his former foe, Perry, and invites the recently mobile Ion to join him in the performance of a double hamstring pull. The move leaves Pat stretched out and sore, but the teamwork is short-lived. Walter manages a single-leg trip, and looks to wrap up Ion. A few kicks with his free leg manages to free Ion from the submissive prospect and sends Dereck stumbling to get his bearings, with a thought to review the situation. Ion seems slightly affronted by the betrayal and, seeing Perry back on his feet, invites him to repay their common enemy. The moment that the Irishman looks away to set himself to task, Ion jumps him ferociously, driving a knee-lift to the stomach and a powerslam. Then, with a smirk, he smashes his elbow into Walter’s face. Ion, now totally in control, whips Dereck into the ropes and ensures that the man falls directly into the path of a powerful lariat that flips him 180 degrees in the air. Adding insult to injury, Ion rakes the man’s eyes with his boot. As Walter flops about, Ion drapes the still prone body of Paddy Perry over the second rope and makes to execute a leapfrog body guillotine, but the Irishman rolls clear and Ion is twisted in the ropes and in pain.

Ion had the run of this match, and now he’s on the receiving end. He needed to try a pin while he was still in control. It’s always better to be trying while you’re still a little fresh than when you’re on your last legs. 

I hate to say it, but you’re right.

Ion is showing me that he’s built for show, but when you’re in the ring with two men like this, you had better be able to go.

Paddy surveys the situation, before striking out against the trapped Ion. For a rare, and very brief time, Perry and Walter are united, but soon they realize their error and begin to trade blows themselves, allowing the ignored Ion to slink into his corner. In the midst of battle, Perry charges, but Dereck drops down and Pat stomps over him to the far ropes. The man from Ireland bounces off and finds Walter running perpendicular to him in a criss-cross. Both men know where this is heading and after a few bounces and ducks they both go for their respective clotheslines, trying to outstep their opponent. The force of their collision picks up both men’s feet and the crash to the canvas once again. Ion now swaggers into the ring and executes a photographic rolling thunder on the motionless Irishman. He follows up with a Boston Crab that brings Walter back to reality as he struggles and strains to free himself, or get to the ropes. At length, Ion relinquishes the hold, sensing Paddy is on the rise once more, and not wishing to leave himself exposed

That’s what I was talking about. Ion has got the passion I like to see.

He is showing you why he’s an asset to XWA. The cynics can say he’s been out of action for a long while, but it’s control of this kind, over two guys, that shows everyone here in the building, and at home in TV-land, that he’s no fluke.

Ion turns and pushes back from his burly aggressor, dipping to deliver a drop toe hold that sends Paddy’s face to the canvas. He mounts the ropes and waits patiently as his prey turns to face a cross body. Pat manages to throw a stiff shot to the gut of the flying man, but is still dazed. Walter swoops in with a roll up on the Irishman, but Paddy has enough in the tank to kick out at two. Dereck shrugs his shoulders and throws his fist hard into the jaw of the Irishman, sending him staggering. Paddy replies with a right hand of his own and the two trade punches, each strike harder than the last. Walter earns the upper hand, however, ducking a haymaker and replying with a picture perfect dropkick to the sternum that knocks down the larger man. With a head of steam, Walter begins to rally the crowd and prepares for a high-impact manoeuvre. Unfortunately, only for his facial regions to meet the right foot of Ion, who shoots his leg upwards and connects with the  chin, an audible crunch the result of the Super Kick.

Walter and Paddy may have business, but they can't turn their backs on Ion for even a second.

Definitely, these two had better put the past behind them, or else Ion is going to just wait until they wear one another out.

Ion sets his sights on his two opponents, noticing that the enemies have both fought to a knee. Ion hauls himself onto the top rope and as Walter and Perry reach their feet at the same moment, Ion leaps into the air, shifting his entire body weight towards the duo. This time the crossbody connects and all three men crumple in a heap on the canvas. Having more about him than his two opponents, Ion regains his ring presence and rolls onto Paddy. The man in the zebra stripes, noticing the pinfall attempt, can only slap his hand to the mat twice. Unperturbed, Ion tries the same ploy with Walter, but once again, his opponent escapes an early shower. Ion grabs both Walter and Paddy by the throat, preparing himself for a gargantuan double chokeslam. However, with survival instincts kicking in at the same precise moment, both men plant their boots into the midriff, doubling him over. With a glance at each other, both men begrudgingly drape their arms over the neck of Ion and lift him skywards, hoisting him all the way over their heads and onto his back.

Would you believe that? A show of teamwork from these enemies. And now Ion 's in trouble.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

As Ion grabs his back in pain, Walter and Paddy stare holes through each other once more, before Perry turns to face Ion and begins to stomp every exposed region. Taking this as an invitation to do the same, Walter joins in on the beating, mounting Ion and throwing fists onto the bridge of his nose. Once Ion looks to be flittering between sensitivity and senselessness, Dereck dismounts and throws his hands up to the fans, earning another round of cheers. Unfortunately, the Irishman feels no such kinship and lands a right hook. He spins Walter around and slips his hands in under the pit of his arms, wrapping them around the back of his head and locking in the full nelson. The official investigates, questioning the resolve of Dereck, who resists the temptation to throw in the towel. Perry is none too satisfied with the answer and cranks up the pressure, tucking Walter's chin into his collarbone. He slings him side to side, torquing his limbs to amp it up further. Dereck's arm waves in the air, desperately seeking the rope, but Pat at last reigns him in, pulling him back a step. Unknown to him, he is also stepping into the reach of Ion, who mimicks the hold before him on the Irishman. In a feat of strength, Ion shoots back, uprooting both of his opponents. The trio crash to the canvas with a horrendous sound, each gingerly rolling away from the impact to nurse their bodies. Ion is among the injured; himself caught under the weight and pancaked. He forces himself to stand, however, knowing that control on the contest is his for the taking. Walter is the first up and gets rewarded with a stiff rap of knuckles against his temples, backing him against the ropes. His stunned appearance makes Ion move on, jumping up before bringing his weight down onto his soles across the pectorals of the Irishman. 

Wild action here, the match is still up in the air.

You said it, it’s a crap shoot at this point.

Ion steps around the Irishman, but it's batted aside before Pat shows him how it is done, blasting him across the jaw and staggering him. A follow up moves him into the empty corner and Dereck rushes toward them, looking to get some payback, but finding only a knuckle sandwich of his own as the Irishman maintains control. He pounds across the spine of the doubled over Ion. He treats Walter to a fist of his own, steering him back into his grasp, bends him forth and wraps his arm around his head before planting him into the mat.

A huge DDT as Paddy levels Ion!

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M2 | C5 Ion vs. Paddy Perry vs. Dereck Walter Empty
PostSubject: Re: M2 | C5 Ion vs. Paddy Perry vs. Dereck Walter   M2 | C5 Ion vs. Paddy Perry vs. Dereck Walter EmptySun Mar 09, 2014 12:02 am

As the bell rang, Walter charges towards Ion instinctly, and Ion stopped Walter in his tracks by hitting a Superkick to Walter's chin, k knocking him to the canvas hard and he rolls out the ring. Perry looks as Walter's lifeless body toll out the ring onto the outside. Ion slowly turns his head towards Perry as they both lockup. Ion with an arm drag to Perry and Perry quickly gets up to his feet and tries to takedown Ion, but Ion breaks out, but Ion maintains a hold of the side headlock. Perry finally breaks out with gut shots with elbows, then Perry Irish whips Ion, but swings Ion back around and catches him coming in with a shoulder tackle. Perry holds Ion's arm stil land lifts him up and goes for a side headlock, but Ion Irish whips out, throwing Perry to the ropes and Ion leapfrogs over Perry, and Ion goes for the hiptoss, but Perry blocks a hiptoss attempt. Perry swings at Ion, but Ion is smart enough to duck a clothesline from Perry and hits another takedown into a side headlock. Perry slides up up to his feet, but Ion wrenches the arm, trying to pull Perry back down. However, Perry comes back with a forearm, knocking Ion down. Perry stomps away on Ion and then hits a club to the back of Ion. Perry sres thr chance and irish whips Ion, but Ion goes up and over. Ion ducks another clothesline and goes up to the middle turnbuckle with a quickness, hitting a 2nd rope rana on Perry. Ion sees that he's in control and Ion again wrenches the arm and Irish whips Perry. Ion throws Perry once again into the ropes and Perry then sidesteps Ion’s back body drop attempt with a kick to the head. Perry starts laughing and goes off the ropes, but Ion catches him coming in with a back heel kick, sending Ion through the ropes to the outside. Ion goes for a springboard, but sees Perry ready to move away and springs back into the ring, landing on his feet. Ion then goes for a the ropes as Perry is arguing with the crowd, but as Ion turned around, Ion gets drilled by Walter with a spear. Perry turns towards the ring looking in and his smirk turns into a fearful look that Walter is back in the ring.

Perry slides in as Walter is on one knee slowly standing up and Walter charges towards Perry and Perry tries to fight back with right hands, then goes off the ropes, but Walter catches him coming in with a knee to the. Walter locks in a cravate as the crowd tries to cheer for Ion to get up. Perry breaks out with forearms, then hits a DDT on Walter. Perry starts to flex his muscles as he blocks Walter’s clothesline and takes
him over with a body slam, but then Walter comes right back with a kick to the leg of Perry, followed by a neckbreaker and goes for the pin attempt.


Walter drags Perry to the bottom ropes and chokes Perey on the ropes with his knee. Walter then chokes Perry with his boot. Hard Irish whip by Walter that sends Perry bouncing off the corner and the velocity of the whip sends Perry crashing down to the mat. Walter is now having fun and slaps Perry around. Walter then Irish whips him and catches him coming in with a back elbow. Walter then locks in a half nelson facelock as the crowd tries to will on Ion who is still on the ground. Perry gets up to his feet and tries to break out with gut shots, but Walter comes right back with a club to the back of Perry and out of nowhere, Walter hits a Samoan Drop on Perry and he sets his sights on Ion slowly. Now in the corner, Ion is on his feet and Walter charges at Ion, but Ion moves out of the way and Walter’s knee hits nothing but turnbuckle.
Ion hits a jawbreaker, followed by a right hand and a spin kick. Ion goes for a back suplex, but Walter breaks free with a right hand. Ion makes his way towards the corner again and Walter charges again, but Ion gets his boot up. Ion gets onto the apron and springboards, connecting with a crossbody, hooking the leg.


Irish whip by Ion sends Walter to the corner. Ion charges and hits a running forearm, followed by a series of forearms in the corner. Ion then scores with a spin sitout Powerbomb. Ion goes for a Springboard Moonsault, but Walter gets the knees up. Walter measures Ion and hits a running knee to the back of the head. Walter looks around and smiles before he poses. Walter with a kick and he sends Ion into the turnbuckles. Ion blocks a punch and he punches Walter in the corner. Walter with a kick and head butt to Ion and drags Ion and Walter with a suplex. Walter picks up Ion and Irish whips Ion but Ion with an jumping heel kick. Ion climbs on top of Walter's body and throws punches at Walter and then climbs the 2nd turnbuckles and hits a moonsault. Iom holds his midsection as he gets up and waits for Wlater to get up. Ion sees Perry from the corner of his eye and Ion with a snap mare and Perry sends Ion into the ringpost where the turnbuckles are at to stop Ion’s advantage. Perry turns his attention towards Walter and punches Walter and Walter punches back. Perry with a kick and forearm but Walter with a drop kick and Perry goes to the floor. Walter tries to stop Perry before he can get to the floor.

Perry returns to the ring but it was just a way to anger Walter. Walter follows after Perry and he hits Perry from behind. Wlater unloads with punches but Perry with a kick and he tries to send Walter into the steps but Walter switches it and he sends Perry into the ring steps. Walter takes a breather, leaning on the ring apron and he then rolls Perry into the ring. Walter tries for a neck breaker but Perry sends Walter off the ropes and Perry with a back elbow. Perry misses a charge into the corner and Walter with a drop kick. Ion is seen climbing the top turnbuckle as both men see him and Ion jumps off hitting a double missile dropkick knocking both men to the ground. Ion misses a splash into the corner and Ion is once again sent shoulder first into the ring post and Ion goes to the floor and Ion holds his right shoulder. Walter waits for Ion to get back into the ring while the referee makes his count. Ion is able to get into the ring at nine. Walter with a boot to Ion and then he stomps on the chest and then he connects with a leaping knee drop to the side of the head and Walter with a reverse chin lock on Ion. Ion with punches but now Perry comes over with a knee to Ion and Walter. Perry returns to the reverse chin lock on Ion and Ion gets to his feet and he hits a jawbreaker to escape the hold. Ion with a kick and cross body but instead of making the cover he punches Perry. Ion follows Perry to the corner and Ion charges towards Perry and jumps, but Perry catches him in mid air and hits a Powerbomb.

Walter sees Perry and with a neck breaker and a leaping elbow drop. Both men are down. Perry tries for the standing moonsaultqq but misses. Perry tries for the snap power slam but Walter holds on to the ropes and Walter goes to the mat. Perry with a DDT and he gets a near fall. Perry goes to the apron and he starts to climb the turnbuckles but he takes too much time and Walter crotches Perry on the turnbuckles. Walter with a forearm to the back and then he connects with a headbutt. Walter climbs the turnbuckles for a superplex, but Perry knocks Walter off with a head butt. Perry with a diving double axe handle. Perry sends Walter shoulder first into the ring post and Perry with a clothesline. Perry with punches and the referee warns Perry. When the ref couldn't see, Walter with a thumb to the eye when the referee was not looking and Walter with an STO Backbreaker.

Walter picks Perry up and with a hard Irish whip and then he puts Perry’s injured leg in the rope and he adds more pressure to the leg. The referee warns Walter and Walter kicks Perry in the leg. Walter with a shoulder in the corner. Walter
misses a charge into the corner and Walter hits the ring post shoulder first. Perry leaps into the corner and Walter pushes him away. Walter with another leap into the corner and he punches Perry. Walter looks exhausted and with a kick to the knee and he works on the leg. Walter waits for the clothesline and he connects. Walter tries for the sleeper and Perry tries to push him off but Walter takes him down. Walter with an outstanding spinebuster to Perry. Walter picks Perry up and connects with a second spinebuster, but for the last time, Walter goes for a third spinebuster and he connects.

Ion runs into Walter and hits an running enzigiuri almost knocking Walter out. They take some time before locking up as Ion plays to the crowd. The crowd starts to chant Ion and Walter with a kick and side head lock. Walter holds on to the side head lock when Ion tries to send Walter off the ropes. Walter with a shoulder tackle followed by a kick. He then follows up with a snap mare and kick to the back. Walter with a side head lock. Ion with a punch followed by a drop kick. Ion with kicks in the corner followed by a snap mare. Ion with a series of elbow drops that he culminates with a delayed leaping elbow drop. Walter switches it up and with a kick to the head and he kicks Ion in the head. Walter with a suplex and he floats over to get a near fall. Walter with a reverse chin lock and Ion tries to break free with punches but Walter with head butts to Ion. Ion slides out of the way when Walter goes for a splash in the ropes. Walter rolls to the apron and Ion with a drop kick that sends Walter to the floor.

Ion follows Walter by vaulting himself over the top rope, landing on Walter with a Crossbody to the floor. Walter pushes Ion out of the way as Ion tried to pick him up and Walter Irish whips Ion shoulder first into the ringside barrier and we go to commercial. We are back and Walter with a double sledge from the turnbuckles and Walter with a reverse chin lock. Walter with a punch but Walter with an Irish whip and Walter runs into an uppercut but Walter sends Ion into the air and Ion lands chest first on the mat. Walter mocks Ion and he kicks Ion in the head. Walter goes up top for another double sledge. Walter chokes Ion and he gets a near fall. Walter to returns to the reverse chin lock. Ion with an elbow and Walter pulls Ion to the mat by his hair. Ion misses a SuperKick and Walter with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Walter with a kick to the head. Walter sets for the running step up enzuigiri but Ion ducks and then Ion with a SuperKick for a near fall. Ion tries for the DDT and hits it. Ion leaps to the turnbuckles and hits a 450 splash hooking the leg.

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