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 PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"

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PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 12:28 am

Due: Saturday, March 8th at 11:59 PM EDT


PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" FJBloTX
PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Rmt9lhM
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PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 10:17 am

As Vendetta returns from a commercial break, the cameras pan towards the fans who are cheering and holding signs up supporting their favorite wrestler. As the fans continue to cheer, out of nowhere a familiar and well-known theme song begins to play throughout the arena.

Some of the fans cheer while most of the fans are booing the hell out of the former World Heavyweight Champion. Hitman Alex comes out wearing something he doesn't usually wear, a suit. Alex is wearing a black stripe suit with a white button up shirt inside.
Alex is making his way down the ramp as the fans are giving him an odd mix reaction, the first mix reaction in a while. The past couple of weeks, Alex has been cheered for some odd reason, but tonight is not the case. As Mr. Center of Attention finishes walking down the ramp, he turns left towards the steel steps and continues to go up as he takes his time walking on the apron. Alex doesn't look too angry as usual as he goes through the ropes and into the ring. The Great One then continues to walk towards the side of the ring that's closer to the announce tables as the ring announcer reaches and hands him over an official XWA Microphone. Alex reaches for it and takes it as he walks towards the center of the ring. Alex is simple just standing in the ring as his music begins to fade out and all you can hear is the fans cheering and booing their hearts out.

Ted Cedar: The former World Heavyweight champion is standing in the middle of the ring and it seems like he has something he wants to say. I wonder what it'll be, Joey

Joey Miles: I honestly could care less.

Hitman Alex raises the microphone closer to his mouth as the fans continue to cheer and boo, but that doesn't stop The Great One from speaking.

Hitman Alex: Last Week....

The crowd's chants begin to lower down as Alex repeats himself and continues to talk.

Hitman Alex: Last week a certain somebody retained the World Heavyweight Championship.

The crowd goes nuts as they cheer for the NEW World Heavyweight Champion, David Michaels

Ted Cedar: That is correct, David Michaels recaptured the World championship belt to become a three time World champion.

Joey Miles: He cheated, Ted. He cheated just like he cheated Alex out of the championship. I didn't wanted to say it, but I just fuckin did. David doesn't deserve what he got right now

Hitman Alex: Last week, David Michaels retained The X W A World Heavyweight Championship all to the help of his tag team partner and apparently his new giant boy toy.

The crowd boos Alex as they see him making fun of their hero, the World Champion.


The crowd boos even more, as Alex doesn't look pleased at all and he starts to raise his voice so he can be heard.

Hitman Alex: LAST WEEK DAVID MICHAELS CHEATED HIS WAY ONCE AGAIN TO GET THE CHAMPIONSHIP. *Alex begins to talk normal again as the crowd's boo is fading away* He cheated last week just like he cheated at King of Xtreme and took what was rightfully mine. Oh but wait, in case if you guys haven't heard...at this upcoming Pay-Per-View, Chain Reaction, this illegal buffoon is getting a rematch that I never received. Dominik and his team full of immigrants are going to the main event of Chain Reaction, and where does that leave me? Did they forgot who I am? Did they forget what I'm capable of? I am the main event. I AM Mr. Center of Attention. I AM The former World Heavyweight Champion. I AM The Great One...and I AM going to get my hands around you, David. I will make you suffer. I Will you pay. And I know you're listening to me, that's all you ever do, is listen, you're never about any action. So since you're listening, David Boy, I'm calling you out. I'm going to throw you a challenge your way right now. Since you're oh so very busy with your new giant boyfriend, and you have a match at Chain Reaction....How about the Vendetta after Chain Reaction, You...and Me. Whether you're champion or not...You and me...Let's do this! Hitman Alex....Versus....David Michaels....

The crowd cheers when they hear David vs Alex because they want to see David kick Alex's teeth down his own cocky throat.

Ted Cedar: What a hell of a challenge!

Joey Miles: I would pay money to see that, but not a lot though.

Hitman Alex: And so no one can interfere in our match...Let's do this inside a Steel Cage Match...

The Crowd cheers even louder as Hitman Alex finishes off his sentence.

Hitman Alex: ....I'll be waiting to hear your respond, Champ.

Hitman Alex drops the microphone as his music hits and he begins to exit the ring and walk straight back up the ring.

Ted Cedar: Hitman Alex vs David Michaels inside a Steel Cage, now that sounds like a great main event

Joey Miles: I take that back, Ted, I would pay lots of money for that match. Just to see these two torture each other inside a cage, that would be entertaining.

Hitman Alex is at the top of the entrance ramp as his music continues to play as he stops walking, and turns around to raise his hand and let the crowd cheer or boo. Alex smiles right before he turns back around facing the black curtains and continues to walk towards them to go backstage.
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I am Batman
I am Batman

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PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 11:28 am

Sounds good, but a steel cage match on the night after CR? I don\'t know


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 12:27 pm

The idea was thought of to prevent outside interference
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PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 1:30 pm

I don\'t know Inferno Match? Lumberjack match?

Cage match after Chain Reaction is pretty silly though.
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Location : Shadow Moses Island

PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 8:49 pm

I'll face you whenever dude, but if I happen to retain the title at CR I'd be defending the title that Vendetta anyway due to that lottery thing.

I wouldn't want two straight cage matches either, as that's needless and wearing. Some other stip could work though...and not inferno either, as that would make logical sense.
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PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 9:37 pm

I didn't know you were having a Steel Cage Match at the PPV

And well since several are saying I shouldn't be a contender for the title, and I can't say I disagree, I was thinking to have a match with you and end this whole little title hunt storyline I'm doing and focus on something else I guess
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Age : 31

PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 11:32 pm

I don't think you're a contender right now, but I've always been a fan of yours. You just seem really busy.


PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" FJBloTX
PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Rmt9lhM
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Location : Shadow Moses Island

PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyTue Mar 04, 2014 3:41 am

Chain Reaction is a steel cage PPV. Odds are we're all in cage matches dude Funny
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PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyWed Mar 05, 2014 1:33 pm

^^ Well thank you, and college is driving me crazy..it's really stressful

I forgot lol well maybe if I don't get a match with David, then a feud with Carnage? or something like that
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Location : Shadow Moses Island

PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyWed Mar 05, 2014 5:27 pm

I'd rather have our match next card tbh.
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PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyWed Mar 05, 2014 6:42 pm

I'm down.
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Age : 34

PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 4:24 pm

Im up.
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PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyThu Mar 06, 2014 8:11 pm

You're bi.
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Posts : 1189
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Age : 34

PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyFri Mar 07, 2014 9:46 am

I was thinking full blown gay.

Guess I was wrong.
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I am Batman
I am Batman

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PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" EmptyFri Mar 07, 2014 9:56 am

^ Don't worry. I still believe you.


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty
PostSubject: Re: PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy"   PROMO | Hitman Alex "I am calling you out, David Boy" Empty

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