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 Elimination Chamber Theme Song, Brie Blames Shoes on Botch, Jim Ross on Curtis Axel

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Elimination Chamber Theme Song, Brie Blames Shoes on Botch, Jim Ross on Curtis Axel Empty
PostSubject: Elimination Chamber Theme Song, Brie Blames Shoes on Botch, Jim Ross on Curtis Axel   Elimination Chamber Theme Song, Brie Blames Shoes on Botch, Jim Ross on Curtis Axel EmptyTue Feb 11, 2014 11:01 am

"Doomsday" by Nero is the official theme song of WWE Elimination Chamber. The event is less than two weeks away from the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Brie Blames Shoes
Brie Bella botched a move on WWE Raw last night. She tried jumping off of her sister's back and clotheslining Aksana, but slipped and did not really connect with it. She wrote:

Trouble @GoatKnee
Nice @nicoleandbri https://i.imgur.com/REGkMFb.gif #RAW

“@GoatKnee: Nice @nicoleandbri https://i.imgur.com/REGkMFb.gif #RAW” haha skate shoes have to go! Not made to wrestle in! Sad pic.twitter.com/uH8jncxIH3

Jim Ross Talks Curtis Axel
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross answered a question on his website, jrsbarbq.com, about Curtis Axel. Here is what he had to say about the former Intercontinental Champion:

"Axel is still a work in progress and being IC Champion for a while did not hurt him as much as Heyman leaving his camp."
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Elimination Chamber Theme Song, Brie Blames Shoes on Botch, Jim Ross on Curtis Axel

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