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 Realistic WM 30 dream card

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Realistic WM 30 dream card Empty
PostSubject: Realistic WM 30 dream card   Realistic WM 30 dream card EmptySun Feb 09, 2014 11:52 pm

Realistic WM 30 dream card
Matches  that have a possibility of actually happening . So matches like Punk vs Austin or Cena vs Hogan, yeah, not going to happen. But anyways you can make your below and here is what I would do. Please tell me what you think

Youtube preshow match
Ryback vs Big Show- Have Ryback go over here, giving him a somewhat WM Moment.
Real Show opener
Sin Cara vs. Rey Mysterio- This match has been talked about since 2012, pretty much the last chance of it actually happening. Rey is at least a little healthy, Hunico is healthy. No one has to be heel here, just have it be a match between friends to see who the best mask wrestler is in WWE right now. Have Hunico go over here. I mean he has the task of having someone else’s gimmick, might as well reward him with a WM win.

WWE Tag Team Title Match

The Usos vs The New Age Outlaws ©- NAO arguably the best tag team in the Attitude Era, going against a Tag team that has a lot of steam behind them. Have the Usos become the Tag Team Champions, and setting them as the Faces of the WWE Tag Team Division.

Brother vs. Brother
Cody Rhodes vs Goldust- A match many people have been wanting to see for a long time. Have Goldust turn heel and betray his brother weeks before. Showing that he’s jealous of Cody, because Cody is getting better and fairer chances than he ever got or will ever get. Just making sure the fans are behind Cody as much as they can get. Have Cody go over here. After the match Goldust see the error of his ways, shakes his brother’s hand and hugs him. Returning Goldust as a face.

Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz vs. Antonio Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger vs.
Big E Langston vs. Damien Sandow vs. Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Titus O'Neill- With their being only one Major title around, I really don’t see the point of a MITB PPV anymore. Plus I believe MITB adds more to WM, especially this one. Out of everyone here I would have Kofi go over here. I mean He has earned this with all the stuff he has had to put up with over the years. Try my best to get Kofi as over as I can in the following Months, if he starts getting over big time with the fans, have him cash it in clean.  But if Kofi doesn’t get over, just have him drop it to someone.

Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose (c)- Have them break up at EC and let all three of them fight over the US championship here. Have Reigns go over strong here as a badass babyface.  Than later in the year, Have a babyface vs Babyface match between Reigns and Big E to unify the midcard titles.  Have Reigns over there. The following months just have him be badass, and in 2015 have Reigns win the Royal Rumble.

Mind games vs Mind games
Bray Wyatt vs. Sting- Yeah there is talk about bringing in Sting after WM. However since Punk Quit, I think after EC would be a good chance to bring Sting back. Have Wyatt cut some big promo after he and the other Wyatts defeated the Shield the night before. Than all the lights go off and you start hearing that Epic Sting promo from Back in WCW.
[youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6QWQBkssao[/youtube]
Sting appears on the catwalk on top of the arena in his crow look. He looks down at Bray and points his bat at him. The coming weeks we just see these two play mind games with eachothers. Bray is loving every second of it, but also hint that he is a little worried. Bray is a master of mind games, but his level of mind games aren’t on the level of Sting’s. Have Bray go over here, but only because Luke and Rowan where able to help Bray in this match. Bray has a WM win and then within the coming months continue this feud.

Divas Championship Match
AJ Lee vs. ???- Weeks before AJ is told by Stephanie she is going to defend her Championship against a mystery opponent. Only hint she gets that she is an icon of the Diva’s division. She AJ is out in the ring, with Snuka at her side, cutting a promo on whoever her opponent might be. If it’s Trish she will show how overrated she was, that Trish is was never the Diva like AJ is now. If it’s Lita, she looked up to her, she was AJ hero. But AJ said she has surpassed Lita in every way.  Than…
Mickie James comes down to the ring, she is the mystery opponent that Steph told her about. Mickie and Aj just stare down eachother. AJ tries for a clothesline or something, but Mickie ducks it. AJ turns around and Mickie hits a huge Mick kick to AJ and gets the wins. Yeah the real Psycho bitch beats this pretend ones ass in about 18 seconds. Mickie is the new Divas champion, she exits the ring slapping fives with the fans. Inside you see AJ just throwing a fit. Snuka tries to calm her down, but AJ slaps her in the face. This pisses Snuka off and she beats the fuck out of AJ before leaving the ring.

Guest Referee Match

Triple H vs. Daniel Brayn (Kane as the ref)- Just plant the seed coming into this match making it where it seems Triple H is going to bury Daniel Bryan in this match, especially Kane as the ref all the odds are in favor of Triple H. As the match plays out however, Triple H learns that Daniel is someone not to take likely. No matter what Triple H is throwing at Daniel Bryan, Bryan is getting up and just going at Triple H. It gets too much for Triple H to handle, so he starts doing under handed things. Eye pokes, low blows, Ect ect. Have Kane toss Daniel off of Triple H one time when he was going for a pin. Finally Triple H hits the pedigree on Daniel. It’s all over, he has this match won. Kane is even telling HHH to go for the pin. But HHH is just thinking about at how much of a pain in the ass DB has been. Tonight he was going to end all of it. He goes under the ring, tossing in a chair and also pulls out a sledgehammer. He goes back in and wraps Daniel’s knee up in the chair. Kane is yelling at him. “What the hell are you doing!? Pin him!” but HHH isn’t listening. HHH grabs the hammer and stands over Daniel Bryan. He gets ready to smash that hammer down onto the chair and break Daniel’s knee, but Kane pulls the hammer out of HHH’s hand. The two of them start yelling at eachother. HHH than slaps Kane across the face, which pisses the monster off. Kane grabs Triple H and chokeslams him. All the while, Daniel gets back up to his feet. Daniel sees Triple H down; the hammer to the side and he see the chair, putting together what just almost happen. Daniel goes to the corner and starts getting the yes to do a Yes chant with him, waiting for Triple H to get back to his feet. Once he does, Daniel hits him with the knee that HHH was trying to break. Daniel isn’t done there, he locks Triple H in the Yes Lock and gets him to tap out. Kane leaves the ring while Daniel and the fans are doing a huge Yes chant.

HOF  Segment
Hornswoggle and El Torito are in the ring, tossing T-shirts to the fans, having a good time and stuff. Than 3MB comes out. Slater said “If They aren’t going be given a WM moment, they are going to make one.” 3MB than surrounds the ring, Shield style and slowly creep into the ring. Horn and Torito try to defend themselves but it’s 3 on two, plus 3MB are bigger than them. But as they put a beat down on the two midgets, Ultimate Warrior’s theme plays. Warrior runs down to the ring and starts to put a Warrior beating on 3MB all on his own. Horn and Torito help out by helping kick Drew and Jindar out of the ring. Warrior finishes up his attack by nailing Slater with the warrior splash. As it seems the segment ends, Jake the Snake Roberts comes out, carrying that snake in bag. Which he puts the snake on Slater as Drew and Jinder get the hell out of there.

Batista vs. Brock Lesnar (c)- At EC, Brock takes out Christian and takes his spot. Brock goes on to win the WWE WHC championship. Yeah these are two goes who are mostly a part timer and a guy who has been away from WWE for four years. But WM is about big special matches, and we have never ever seen Brock vs Batista. This match will feel like a big special match, a type of match you can only see at WM. Batista goes over here. Maybe Start a feud with Daniel Bryan the following night

The Streak vs. The True Face of the WWE
The Undertaker vs John Cena- A match people have been wanting to see for years, WM 30 it should happen and it should Main event The show. Belts are won and Lost at WM every year, but one thing that is truer than true is the fact Taker has never lost at WM. Taker defending his Streak at WM, especially against John Cena, is bigger than any WWE WHC match. Taker streak is bigger than the WWE belt. If there is one man in WWE who looks like a real threat to Taker’s streak, that is John Cena. Cena is known for overcoming many odds, somehow when the chips are down is able to come back and win. Even tho Cena is in his mid 30’s, Cena can learn a lot from this match with Taker. This could be Cena’s best match ever Storytelling wise. As Taker’s body is beat down and is growing weak, Taker is pushing more of the storytelling his matches than Spots and such. This will be a great lesson thought to Cena and a lot of fans. It’s just not about what you can do all the time; it’s not the offense or the defense. It’s How you do it, when you do it, and why you do it.  A lot of things I said Cena could learn from working with a Hogan, he can learn the same if not more with working with Taker. After EC, after losing in that EC match, Cena is doubting himself and unsure of himself. Have him be like. “You know what; I have screwed a big chance in my career. Of all the things, one thing I have never done is face Taker for his Strake at WM.” He calls out Taker, saying he wants to face him, he wants to be the one to end what many have try to do before, the Streak. You know after that match, every fan will be like. “Holy shit, this is going down.” And you know how a lot of people will be like with their attitudes and what they will be saying. “Goddamn it, Cena is going to win it.” “Fucking bullshit, we know Cena is going to win.” But then it starts to click in a lot of people’s minds, even the biggest Cena haters. “Takers gotta drop it here.” “If Anyone can beat Taker, it’s got to be Cena.” “They built this streak for more than 20 years, it’s time to get some investment out of it, gotta get more life out of it. So Cena has to beat it and go on build other people and be the one who ended the streak.” This is going to cause a lot of buzz, get a lot of eyes on WM…But Cena doesn’t need this win. If anything a lost to Taker at WM would humble Cena a lot.  Taker going 22-0 at WM would be the perfect way to end WM 30.

Last edited by Bull on Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Realistic WM 30 dream card Empty
PostSubject: Re: Realistic WM 30 dream card   Realistic WM 30 dream card EmptyMon Feb 10, 2014 12:06 am

Bull wrote:
Realistic WM 30 dream card
Matches  that have a possibility of actually happening . So matches like Punk vs Austin or Cena vs Hogan, yeah, not going to happen. But anyways you can make your below and here is what I would do. Please tell me what you think

Bull wrote:

Mind games vs Mind games
Bray Wyatt vs. Sting

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Realistic WM 30 dream card Empty
PostSubject: Re: Realistic WM 30 dream card   Realistic WM 30 dream card EmptyMon Feb 10, 2014 12:08 am

^ yeah I know, but with the word that Sting has signed some kind of Legends deal, it could happen
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Realistic WM 30 dream card Empty
PostSubject: Re: Realistic WM 30 dream card   Realistic WM 30 dream card EmptyMon Feb 10, 2014 12:14 pm

John Cena and Randy Orton vs The Entire Roster for all the belts including ones they've made up.

It's happened once before... I aint bothered
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Realistic WM 30 dream card Empty
PostSubject: Re: Realistic WM 30 dream card   Realistic WM 30 dream card EmptyMon Feb 10, 2014 1:15 pm

Drop Bryan from the Chamber match. Let Lesnar win it. Lesnar vs. Batista and Punk/Bryan vs. Orton/HHH Fail!


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