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 Twin Peaks‘ Catherine E.Coulson dies aged 71

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Twin Peaks‘ Catherine E.Coulson dies aged 71 Empty
PostSubject: Twin Peaks‘ Catherine E.Coulson dies aged 71   Twin Peaks‘ Catherine E.Coulson dies aged 71 EmptyTue Sep 29, 2015 12:34 pm


Catherine E.Coulson, the actress best known for playing ‘The Log Lady’ on TV’s “Twin Peaks”, has passed away aged 71.

Coulson, whose working relationship with “Peaks” co-creator David Lynch began when she worked as a camera assistant on the filmmaker’s “Eraserhead”, had been battling cancer. Despite her illness, she was expected to reprise her role of The Log Lady in Showtime’s “Twin Peaks”, now shooting in Washington.

It was on the set of the cult classic “Eraserhead” that Coulson and Lynch would come up with the idea of The Log Lady character, Margaret Lanterman, who they’d later use a decade later on “Twin Peaks” and it’s spin-off film “Twin Peaks : Fire Walk With Me”.

Lynch said of Coulson’s passing : “Today I lost one of my dearest friends, Catherine Coulson. Catherine was solid gold. She was always there for her friends — she was filled with love for all people — for her family — for her work. She was a tireless worker. She had a great sense of humor — she loved to laugh and make people laugh. She was a spiritual person — a longtime TM meditator. She was the Log Lady.”

The actress, who recently appeared on an episode of TV’s “Portlandia”, also appeared in such films as “The Amputee” and “Another You” with Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder.
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Twin Peaks‘ Catherine E.Coulson dies aged 71

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