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 M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship)

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M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship) Empty
PostSubject: M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship)   M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship) EmptyFri May 01, 2015 10:33 am

"I Quit" Match
An "I Quit" Match is a type of professional wrestling match in which the only way to win is to make the opponent say the words "I quit" (usually into a microphone).

** Winner becomes the new XWA Intercontinental Champion **

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Darth Dante
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Darth Dante

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M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship)   M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship) EmptyMon May 11, 2015 9:30 pm

....DO people know this is due today? I'll be posting when I get back in a few hours. Past the deadline, but posting.

In any case...

Dante Cross and Xtreme Icon are in the ring. They lock up and Dante gets the upper hand, taking Icon off his feet. The Son of Sin falls on him and locks in a Crossface. "ASK HIM!" Dante yells at the referee before turning to Icon and going "TELL HIM!". The referee puts the mic to Icons face and asks if he wants out. Icon cries out but instead of answering more, he sends back an elbow into the face of the Son of Sin...

Icon is writing from the beginning so I'll just come back later tonight and finish it off. Only two matches this card...
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M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship)   M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship) EmptyMon May 11, 2015 11:56 pm


The match begins with Icon holding his trademark weapon, the barbed wire wrapped Singapore cane, Dante hasn’t even entered the ring yet, he wants no part of it.

Dante: Hey ref, get that damn thing out of his hands!

Icon: Once a bitch, always a bitch Cross!

Michaels: Icon calling Dante out, there is a long history between these two.

Cedar: Dante never showed up for a match between himself and icon way back in 2011, in the KOX tournament that year, he claimed that it was a favor or Icons tag title defense later in the night with Headhunter.

Michaels: This is more than an xtreme rules match, this is an I Quit Match.  You want violence, this will be it.

Cedar:  A match Icon knows very well, he won an I Quit match in 2011 to win the KOX tournament that year.

Dante climbs back up to the apron, and acts like he is going to get back inside the ropes, but he just drops back to the floor, fans boo very loudly as Icon leaves the ring and walks around to Dante, leavng the cane in the ring. Cross hasn’t noticed, he is too busy bragging to fans how smart he is. Until Icon grabs his shoulder, spins him around and throws a hard knee to Dantes midsection. He then grabs him by the back of the head and throws him ribs first into the guard rail.

Icon: I’m just getting started bitch!

The XWA Universe pops as Icon grabs Dante and Irish whips him towards the steel steps. Dante crashes into them with an audible clang, knocking the steps away from the post by a few inches. He grabs his right shoulder as Icon grabs a cookie sheet a fan was holding in the air.

Cedar: Well that didn’t take long before Icon gets some hardware.

Michaels: He has a metal cookie sheet, that will ring your bell.

Icon grabs the mic from the ref and raises it to his lips.

Icon: I’ll give you a chance to take the easy way out. Ref ask him!

Icon hands the mic back to the referee Jack Hammer, who then walks over to Dante and sticks the mic to his face. Dante swats it away and stands up. Icon swings the cookie sheet and nails Dante over the top of his head.  Making a loud clang, and gets visibly dented. Dante falls backwards over the steps. Icon tosses the sheet to the side and Icon starts walking around the steps. As Dante crawls away, Icon steps up to him Icon leaps into the air tucking his legs in and as he  comes down he thrusts his feet down with a double foot stomp into the back of his foe.

Cedar: Standing double foot stomp by the Hall of Famer.

Michaels:  He gave Dante a chance to back out, Dante isn’t going to quit that easy.

Cedar: That’s the name of the game, Icon isn’t looking to get a quick 3 count or even a submission, he is out to beat a man up to where he has nothing left and say I Quit.

Icon grabs Dante by the head and rolls him into the ring, leaving his head outside the perimeter of the ropes. Icon backs up to the ring post, then runs forward and hits a running big boot to the skull. Dante rolls into the ring holding his cranium.  Icon looks around at the fans and yells “I’m just getting started!” The fans cheer as he says this.

Icon climbs up to the apron as Dante gets up to one knee. Icon springs up to the top rope, as he launches himself off the top rope, he flips backwards with a  shooting star and hits a flying clothesline as Dante looks up. Icon lands on his stomach.  As the fans cheer the high flying tactics of the Hall of Famer.

Cedar: Shooting Star Clothesline! Icon taking to the air!

Michaels: How many variations of that move does he have?

Cedar: He’s so creative; you never know what Icon will hit you with.

Icon then pushed himself up to his feet, then grabs his legs, but gets kicked off, Icon lands on his back and rolls out of the ring. Dante stands up and runs at Icon and tries a baseball slide dropkick. Icon steps away and Cross slides out of the ring. Icon throws a hard right hand and blasts him in the jaw, turning Dante around. Icon stays on him and hits a dropkick to the back. Dante stumbles forward, and into the ring post. Icon stands up and looks at the announce table.

Michaels: What is he thinking now?  Stay away from our table please!

Cedar: Are you going to stop him? Because the official isn’t and won’t.

Icon grabs Dante by the head and rolls him into the ring, leaving his head outside the perimeter of the ropes. Icon backs up to the ring post, then runs forward and hits a running big boot to the skull. Dante rolls into the ring holding his cranium.  Icon looks around at the fans and yells “I’m just getting started!” The fans cheer as he says this.
Icon climbs up to the apron as Dante gets up to one knee. Icon springs up to the top rope, as he launches himself off the top rope, he flips backwards with a  shooting star and hits a flying clothesline as Dante looks up. Icon lands on his stomach.  As the fans cheer the high flying tactics of the Hall of Famer.

Cedar: Shooting Star Clothesline! Icon taking to the air!

Michaels: How many variations of that move does he have?

Cedar: He’s so creative; you never know what Icon will hit you with.

Icon then pushed himself up to his feet, then grabs his legs, but gets kicked off, Icon lands on his back and rolls out of the ring. Dante stands up and runs at Icon and tries a baseball slide dropkick. Icon steps away and Cross slides out of the ring. Icon throws a hard right hand and blasts him in the jaw, turning Dante around. Icon stays on him and hits a dropkick to the back. Dante stumbles forward, and into the ring post. Icon stands up and looks at the announce table.

Michaels: What is he thinking now?  Stay away from our table please!

Cedar: Are you going to stop him? Because the official isn’t and won’t.  

Icon walks over to the announce table, and pulls off the cover revealing the monitors. Icon grabs one and tosses it to the side, as he turns around. Dante gets up to one knee and throws a hard upswing shot into Icons nether regions. Icon drops the monitor at his side and falls to his knees, holding his crotch. A very visible look of pain on his face, Dante stands up holding his back for a brief second. He then grabs the monitor himself. Icon puts one hand on the table and starts to push himself up. As he gets to his feet Dante blats him in the face with it, knocking him to the floor, denting the metal casing on the monitor.

Cedar: What a shot a few feet from us!

Michaels: Ted, Icon just got is bell rung! That was one solid shot, we heard it clear as day, in fact I think the nose bleeds heard it.

Icon lies on his back as Dante stands over him, to his side. He then throws a hard stomp into icons midsection then as Icon sits up throws a stiff kick to the face. He grabs the mic out of Jack Hammers hand and looks at Icon.

Dante: Hey Icon, I don’t know I you can hear me as you think you’re sitting in some piece of shit bar in Montana. But you are in England, now say those words so we can all go home.

Icon blinks a few times, before giving Dante the finger. Dante grabs him by the head and pulls him up to his feet.  Then he grabs the back of Icons head and slams it into the table. Icon stands up and stumbles backwards a few steps.  Dante climbs up to the announce table, he then leaps off clasping his hands together and holds them over his head.  Icon, probably out of instinct more than anything throws a huge elbow shot right to the nose of his opponent, Dante falls to the floor in a heap and Icon shakes his head trying to regain his senses. Fans are cheering loudly as Dante holds his face.

Michaels:  Icon just drove his elbow into the face of the Son of Sin.

Cedar: He caught him in mid air! Nothing fancy about that counter, just a straight forward shot to the face.

Icon grabs Dante and pulls him up then rolls him into the ring, he then pulls up the apron and pulls out a ladder. Icon then picks it up and slides it to the ring. Dante by this point stands up and runs to the ropes on the other side of the ring, he rebounds off and hits a running dropkick to the ladder, driving it into Icons ribs. Icon stumbles back into the announce table and trips over it and over to the other side, the announcers got out of the way just in time.  Dante rolls out of the ring and heads over to the table, Icon starts to pull himself up as Dante steps up to the table. He bends over and grabs Icon by the head and pulls him onto the table, and icon suddenly hits an uppercut to the jaw.  He quickly puts Dantes head between his legs, then hooks the arms and icon grabs the backs of dantes legs, he lifts him up then sits out, driving Dantes skull through the table with one of his trademark moves.

Cedar: Oh my god! Xtreme Driver through the table!

Michaels: I swear we go through a few of these a month and Icon may have broken Dantes neck!

Icon rolls away as Dante lay on the wreckage that was the Announce table, seemingly unconscious.  Icon crawls to the apron and pulls himself up to his feet, he holds his lower back as he looks at the trash can of weapons he brought to the ring. He grabs it then tosses it into the ring, he then climbs back up to the apron, then steps between the middle and top ropes and into the ring. Icon then grabs the ladder that he brought into play a few moments ago. He walks over to the far side of the ring with it, and leans it n the corner.  Unbeknownst to Icon Dante has crawled to the apron and pulled something from under the apron, he then starts to stand up a few feet from the ring. Keeping the object down, everyone on that side of the ring can see it is a barbed wire chair. Icon turns around, and sees Dante on his feet. He runs at the ropes and dives through them, Dante turns around and swings the chair and blasts Icon he falls on the floor at the feet of The Crucifixionist.

Cedar: Icon tried a suicide dive and dove right into a sick chair shot!

Michaels:  A chair that was wrapped in Barbed Wi

Icon starts to push himself up to his feet, blood drips from his head as Dante hits Icon across the back with the chair. A sickening sound is heard. Icon screams in pain as blood starts to appear on his back, where the rip in his black tank top are. Dante hits Icon again, and again, further cutting him open. Dante tosses the chair into the ring and yells at the ref

Dante: Ask him!

Jack Hammer kneels down to Icon “What do you say Icon Do you Quit?” He asks him in a stern voice

Icon stays silent for a few seconds before spitting out. “I’ve been hit harder by wild nights with wild women than that Dante!” He taunted

Cedar:  Well there is your answer Mr. Cross.

Michaels:  Isn’t “No” quicker to get out?

Dante grabs Icon and throws him into the ring, under the bottom rope. He rolls into the ring himself and stands up, he grabs the trash can and dumps the contents on the mat he then sets the can down. He starts  to pull Icon up to his feet, who throws a hard right hand to the gut. Icon stands up and grabs Dante by the back of the head, and throws him into the ropes, Icon grabs the can and sets it at his feet. Dante comes back in and icon lifts him into the air, then as Dante comes back down, he grabs his legs and powerbombs the Son of Sin into the trash can. Fans let out a very audible “OHHHHH!!!!!” as Icon wipes the blood off his head onto his white wrist tape.  Dante has a look of pain on his face as he rolls off the flattened trash can.  Dante rolls onto his stomach and Icon grabs his trademark weapon,  he grabs it with both hands and waits.

Cedar: Pop up Powerbomb into the trash can!

Michaels: A regular powerbomb is a high impact move, onto a trash can is adding more damage, more pain and more brutality to it.

Dante crawls slowly to the ropes, his back in pain from the most recent addition to Icons already varied moveset. He grabs the bottom rope, and pulls himself up to his feet taking his time. Not realizing what is behind him.  Dante turns around and Icon swings the cane with force, nailing Dante in the head with the wire. Dante stumbles back into the ropes and bounces off, Icon hits him across the head again, this time Dante falls to the mat. Icon then grabs the chair that Dante cut him open with and as Dante rolls onto his stomach, Icon steps over to him. He kneels down and pulls his head off the mat, then grinds the wire into his head. Dante screams in pain, as a sick smile appears on Icons face. He stands up and drops the chair onto the mat.

Icon: Hey ref, ask him.

Jack Hammer sticks the mic in Dantes face, he weakly says no.  Icon then grabs Dante in a front face lock.  He tries to pick Dante up for a suplex, but Dante counters as Icon lifts him up. Dante lands on his feet, icon turns around and Dante tries to Irish whip him into the ladder, Icon counters and whips Cross into the ladder back first, which makes a loud clang. Icon charges forward and leaps ingto the air and hits a stinger splash. Icon lands on his feet and Dante stumbles out. Icon kicks him in the gut and swiftly locks in a front face lock, then turns it into a snap suplex. Icon holds on and pops his hips, icon lifts him up again and then in the air, he drops him across the top rope, bouncing him off with a rebound suplex.  Icon picks him up once more, fans cheering him on. Icon picks him up in the air and holds him, then he looks at the chair. He smiles, blood running down his head. He walks over to the chair.

Cedar: What is he going to do?

Michaels: I don’t know what is going on in that sick mind of his! Why are you asking me?!

Icon stops with the chair just behind him then drops Dante straight down with a brainbuster on the barbed wire wrapped chair. A holy shit chant breaks out as Icon yells in pain, as some of the wire digs into his flesh.

Cedar:  How much damage did Icon do to himself?!

Michaels:  he hurt himself more, but he may have just ended Dantes title hopes, if not his career!

Icon stands up holding the back of his head, then stumbles backwards into the turnbuckles. He grabs the top rope then stomps his foot, slowly picking up the tempo as he makes each stomp. Dante starts to get to his feet, amazingly, but very sluggishly. Dante holds his head as he stands up he turns around as Icon comes in for the superkick. Dante ducks and Icon turns around after stopping himself. Dante trie a headkick, Icon ducks. Cross tries a spin kick Icon duck that. Dante lands on his feet and throws a third spin kick and clocks Icon. Who stumbles back into the ropes and falls through, but stops himself by grabbing the top and middle ropes, he then slingshots himself back in and leaps into the air and hits Cross with a flying clothesline. Dante crashes to his back and Icon lands on his stomach, then rolls to his back.

Cedar: Clothesline Crazy!  Icon countered the Return to Sin Kick!

Michaels: Out of nowhere Icon hits a gamechanger!

Cedar: Amazing move, amazing instincts by one of the XWA Originals!

Last edited by pegasus187 on Tue May 12, 2015 11:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship)   M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship) EmptyTue May 12, 2015 12:13 am

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The Downward Spiral
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M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship)   M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship) EmptyWed May 13, 2015 1:43 am

Dante asked for a 6 hour extension

seeing as how we have nothing to lose by delaying the next vendetta, hey sure why not. at least the IC tourney has a good end
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Darth Dante
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Darth Dante

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M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship)   M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship) EmptyWed May 13, 2015 8:10 am

Icon is on his feet before Cross is even able to stir. Xtreme Icon bends over to pick Dante up from the mat and bring him to his feet, but the Son of Sin reveals his feint and rolls out of the way and pops to his feet, maneuvering himself behind Icon in the process. Before Icon can turn around, the Son of Sin swings his arm and catches the Hall of Famer in the back of the head with a Lariat that sends Icon down into the mat. Dante stumbles forward from the move and goes into the ropes, reaching out and catching them for support.

Cedar: Very few things are certain in this world, but if there's one thing that remains ever constant it's don't trust Dante Cross. You can never be too sure of yourself when in the ring with that man right there.

Michaels: I agree Ted. I myself have never gotten in the ring with Dante Cross but being in the locker room over the years, talking to guys who've gone up against him and just watching his work, they all say the same thing. You get in the ring with this man, you better be ready to play strategy, you better be skeptical of every move he makes. Body language, his form, his words, everything, you have to be mindful of everything he does or he'll make you pay for it in the ring.

Dante looks down at Icon, already beginning to rise from the move, and waits. Icon is on a knee now and looks up in time to see a knee of another coming right at him as Dante lands flush with a Step-Up Shining Wizard to the face of Xtreme Icon. The impact from the move cocked Icon's head back with such force it brought out a resonating “OOOHHH” from the crowd. Icon sprawls out on the mat and Dante is on his knees beside him. Cross flips his hair back, specks of blood peppering the ring's white canvas, and eyes his surrounding. His gaze catches the downed barbed wire kendo stick and he crawls over on hands and knees to reach it. It's inches away and he stretches out his hand to grasp it, only another hand grasps him. Dante looks back and sees Icon has come to and the Hall of Famer yanks at Dante's leg, pulling the Son of Sin from the weapon. As he yanks, he rises to his feet and maneuvers Cross onto his stomach in the process. Still holding the leg, Icon wrangles Dante into Single Leg Boston Crab. Dante cries out as the referee puts the microphone down to his face and asks if he wants to quit. In answer, the Son of Sin pushes the man's face away and reaches out with his hands. Icon turns around, likely to taunt the Son of Sin, only to receive a kendo stick shot to the skull. The crack of the stick carries, but the barbed wire covered bamboo remains. Dante wriggles out from under Icon, who is now on the mat holding his face where the kendo stick is lodged in his forehead, the wire deep in his skin. Dante rises to his feet on wobbly legs. He picks up the barbed wire chair and runs to the nearest ropes. A leap onto the middle rope, a hop onto the top, and a corkscrew moonsault delivers him crashing down onto Xtreme Icon in the middle of the ring.

Cedar: That move looked like it took just as much out of Cross as it did Icon right there.

Indeed the Son of Sin is holding his midsection which was duly shredded from his risky maneuver. After a moments time of shared pain between the men, both begin to get to their feet at the same time. Dante, still holding his midsecton, looks up to see Icon rising just a bit faster than he, and leaps backwards into a rolls, going through the middle rope and shimmying out of the ring. He falls to the floor and rolls over to the guard railing, using it as a support to rest his back against.

Michaels: Smart move by Cross. If you're not ready, you need to know it. Dante's making Icon work on his time.

Cedar: Though with that it's probably starting to run through Icon and I'm sure that of some of the fans, if Cross is even able to keep up with the level of Xtreme Icon is bringing out there.

Icon is on his feet now and looking down at the Son of Sin propped up against the guard railing on the outside. He puts his hands on his hips and looks down at the man, skepticism sure enough on his face, uncertain as to if he should go out there. He does. Icon steps through the ropes and hops off the apron to join Dante on the outside. Cross attempts to use the railing to help him to his feet, but he crumbles back to the ground. Icon takes this as a sign to capitalize. He rushes forward and brings up a foot for a Big Boot to the Son of Sin. Dante dodges the boot and Icon's foot is caught between the railing. Dante gets to his feet and with both hands clasps together, thrusts a Hammer Fist directly into Icon's chest, dislodging his foot and any wind that remained in his body, sending the Hall of Famer stumbling backwards. Before he can stumble too far, Cross takes hold of Icon in suplex form and in the next moment, lifts the man up and releases him from an elevated position, sending Icon back first onto the metal railings and falling into the crowd. The blood from Icon's back smeared onto the steel. Dante falls to his knees for a moments respite before shaking his head and climbing onto the ring apron. He gives a look back at Icon, who is lain out in the crowd with security converging on the scene to move away to crowd in anticipation for Dante's next move. Cross steps into the ring and hops in place before running to the opposite ropes with great speed. He hits the ropes and rebounds back in the direction of Icon on the outside. He reaches the ropes and leaps onto the top, springs off and with such momentum and force he goes flying through the air with what is sure to be a beautiful Five-Star Frog Splash Senton. Dante's descent is near an end, and Icon's false play is done. The Hall of Famer had been taking his time to rise, and as Dante flew to him for the attack, he swung out for a home run with the steel chair he's hidden out of view with his frame. Cross is helpless in the air and becomes even more so after the chair catches him square in the skull.

Michaels: From here on out, if anyone wants to know what Dante' looked like, they'll have to check out that chair, because Cross' face is all over it.

Cedar: By gawd! Did you see the dent in that thing David?!

Michaels: That wasn't a dent Ted, that was a mold for Dante's future face. He's gonna need a new one after that hit right there.

Chants of “Icon” carry out through the arena as the fans watch the Hall of Famer rise to his feet, blood running down the man's face from the open wound on his head and looking out at the crowd around him. He looks down at the body of Dante Cross, the Son of Sin struggling to his feet and failing at it. Icon shakes his head and comes at Cross from behind while beckoning to the referee to come over. The referee hops over the railing as Xtreme Icon wraps up Dante from behind for the Tazzmission, but the Son of Sin struggles free and scrambles away on hands and knees to get away from the submission attempt. Dante Cross is hurries to his feet, pushing through the crowd as he attempts to make it back to the guard railing. He pushes past the referee and goes to leap over the railing, but falls in the attempt, crashing onto the floor on the ring side of the railing. He rises to his feet and looks right and left quickly for Icon, forgetting the man is behind him until Icon's hands wrap around the Son of Sin again and this time hold true as the Xtreme legend locks in a standing Tazzmission on the Son of Sin. Dante cries out in surprise as he struggles unsuccessfully against the hold. The referee comes over and puts the microphone to his face and asks if he wants to quit. Dante shakes his head this way at that. At times to and fro and others up and down. It becomes more often a nodding motion of submission once Icon begins to lift Dante off his feet from over the guard railing as he lifts with the submission hold, choking out the Son of Sin. Cross is gasping for air now but words begin to form.

Cross: I...*gasp*...I...*gasp*..I'm going to fucking kill you!

Dante rears his head back with force and brings his skull slamming back into the head of Xtreme Icon, forcing the man to release the hold. Dante lands on his feet and immediately falls to the floor, holding his throat while Icon is on the other side of the railing with his hands covering his face, a fresh stream of blood flowing freely from his nose. Dante scrambles to his feet, wide eyed and frantic as he looks around searchingly.

Cedar: Cross looks like he doesn't know where he is right now.

Michaels: He saw the end of it that's for sure. What he's trying to see now I don't even think he knows.

Dante runs half stumblingly to the timekeeper's area and knocks the bellman out of the way. He reaches down and comes up with the Intercontinental title. He holds it to his chest, cradling it like a child that's about to be taken from him, looking this way and that.

Cedar: Dante Cross has the belt! The match isn't over yet, what is the man doing?!

Cross pushes past the referee trying to stop him from taking the belt and hurries around the ring. Icon is back over the railing now and looks to cut him off before he can get to the entrance ramp. Icon swings out with a punch at the Son of Sin, but Dante sends out an arm to knock the man away, yet Icon holds onto the arm and yanks the Son of Sin back. Icon whips Dante into the side of the ring, knocking the belt out of the man's hands and sending it and Dante down to the floor. He reaches into the ring and comes back with the barbed wire chair in hand and looks down as Dante scrambles along the floor to get at the title belt. Dante's hands grasp the belt, but retract when the chair comes crashing down onto his back from Xtreme Icon. The Hall of Famer doesn't stop there as he unleashing a flurry of chair shots into the back of the Son of Sin, and unlike him, Dante isn't wearing a shirt, and the Crucifixionist's back becomes a mess of shredded skin and blood from the onslaught. When Cross begins to move no more, Icon throws away the chair and lifts the man up and rolls him into the ring. A trail of blood streaks the mat where Dante Cross rolls along the canvas. Xtreme Icon climbs onto the apron and goes to the top rope from the outside. In the ring, Dante is moving once more, but to where, not even he is certain as the Son of Sin can be seen crawling on his stomach one way, only to change direction and looks to be going in and out of consciousness from the loss of blood before turning over and lying on his back. From the top rope, Icon signals for the end. He comes off the top rope with a Swanton Bomb—that misses! Dante rolls out of the way at the last second and scrambles to his feet. His arms flailing about him, the Son of Sin stumbles to the ropes like a dead man brought back to life, leaps onto the middle, then top rope, comes off and hits the Deadliest Moonsault Evermore for a second time in this match, landing on the back of Xtreme Icon. Cross puts his hands on Icon to help him rise and then lifts the Hall of Famer off the mat only to whip him to the ropes. Cross stands, barely, ready to meet Icon on the return and swings out for a Lariat, but Icon ducks the attack and turns on his heel, but Cross too turns instantly, and in swift fashion, wraps Icon up and hits a Reverse STO out of nowhere, Icon's head slamming hard into the mat, bouncing off the canvas, but Dante holds on, bringing a leg up to wrap around Icon's head and keeping both arms around the neck of Icon for a Koji Clutch submission, locking in the Sinner's Sorrow submission hold! Dante cries out in a cracked voice, racked with pain as he delves out pain on his opponent.

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M4) Xtreme Icon vs. Dante Cross ("I Quit" Match | XWA Intercontinental Championship)

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