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 P8) Matthew Bradley & ??? | "Michael Astin is not Jesus"

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P8) Matthew Bradley & ??? | "Michael Astin is not Jesus" Empty
PostSubject: P8) Matthew Bradley & ??? | "Michael Astin is not Jesus"   P8) Matthew Bradley & ??? | "Michael Astin is not Jesus" EmptyWed Mar 18, 2015 8:59 pm

Due March 30th, 2015 @ 11:59 PM EST
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P8) Matthew Bradley & ??? | "Michael Astin is not Jesus" Empty
PostSubject: Re: P8) Matthew Bradley & ??? | "Michael Astin is not Jesus"   P8) Matthew Bradley & ??? | "Michael Astin is not Jesus" EmptySat Mar 21, 2015 12:53 pm

Tonight we see two completely different men clash. One has been brought up to worship a deity and his principles - belief has been forced upon him so extremely that now at times he believes that he is one of the characters' from his idol's testament. Isaac - known to himself as Cain at the moment - issued a challenge against newcomer Matthew Bradley, in turn the latter accepted to promise a new world of hurt for the "First Murderer." Matthew Bradley's threat is one that has been backed up by weeks of impressive victories, as he has conquered everything in his direction.

There are few more important matches on the card than this, but this is one that has been anticipated.

The challenge by Cain, issued by the guidance of a roulette.

The reply by Bradley, immediately accepted by the newcomer.

Since then, little has been seen of Cain whereas Matthew has been dismantling the competition with victories in stipulation-based matches.

But this is definitely the most difficult challenge up-to-date for Bradley.

A man with extreme religious principles with his aggression nurtured by his mentor, the equally-as-unpredictable Michael Astin. It's a match made in purgatory, heaven and hell uniting to make a man with unknown qualities. But it is guaranteed that this is a man who can inflict pain.


The familiar-yet-sudden crash of cymbals and powerful riff of an electric guitar echoes through the arena. Fans immediately jeer upon hearing this entrance music, knowing it to be the man who has promised to write himself in XWA folklore. With tension arising in the first twelve seconds of the entrance music, finally drums beat faster as "Sleep" by No Fair Fights blares through the P/A system with Matthew Bradley coming up to a thunderous - and hostile - reception, only prompting him to smile as he appreciates the attention. From the get-go, everybody takes notice of the sturdily-built débutante as he storms down onto the ramp, with a spring in his step whilst he eyes an XWA PPV ring for the first time. It's late on in the show and his match with Isaac has definitely been anticipated more-and-more as tonight has progressed.

.: Laura Watts :.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, on his way to the ring; residing in Chicago, Illnois, weighing in at 288lbs... Matthew Bradley!"

Bradley's name is met by more jeering, as he strides down the ramp in his ring gear, suggesting that he is coming out to compete, even though there is no official present to referee the match.

.: Ted Cedar :.
"Here he is, Matthew Bradley. And tonight, he's making his pay-per-view debut against Isaac."

.: Joey Miles :.
"The mental fucker Isaac or the weasel on roids Matthew Bradley. I don't know who's gonna win this fight."

Bradley enters the ring as he scales the top rope and climbs over it, before snatching the microphone off of announcer Laura Watts as his entrance music dies down. The jeering for MB overpowers the drowning entrance music, as the fans disdain for this particular man is made evident. Anti-Bradley signs are brandished in the crowd reading "MB sucks", the generic stuff really. He begins to speak as he tries his best to hide his grin.

.: Matthew Bradley :.
"So this, this is the night where I become a superstar."

More boos for Bradley, as MB's enthusiasm is nothing but blissful ignorance and obvious overconfidence.

.: Matthew Bradley :.
"I'm undefeated, you know? Four and zero. I've decimated my opposition and it's come to the point, where people are FINALLY beginning to talk about me."

It's as if Bradley is drawing out his words, as each pause is an excuse to attract heat from the New York faithful. It seems to be working as the "You suck" chants pick up pace and the atmosphere is electrifying for all of the wrong reasons. Matthew once more smiles, as he raises the microphone in the air to taunt the fans, suggesting that he wants them to get louder for him.

.: Ted Cedar :.
"Bradley is loving the crowd tonight, but they don't seem to feel the same way."

Eventually the chants and jeers quieten down but rather than wait for absolute silence, Matthew resumes speaking.

.: Matthew Bradley :.
"I have defeated anyone who has dared to oppose me, and tonight will be no different. I have an opponent who seems to think that the sun shines out of Michael Astin's clean-licked ass."

Again, the crowd react but this reaction is more mixed if anything. The crowd jeer XWA's general manager, but there are quite a few cheers for the not-so-subtly mentioned Isaac.

.: Matthew Bradley :.
"Yeah, I feel the exact same way as you guys do. It is disgusting. I have it on good authority to believe Mr. Astin chose this stipulation to favor his physically-ill protegé, because he wouldn't harm a fly otherwise. But it's okay, I came prepared for tonight."

.: Ted Cedar :.

Fans murmur curiously, with Bradley's last words striking a point of interest. With tonight being a night of returns and revelations, what possible revelation could MB have?

.: Matthew Bradley :.
"You see last night, I went to church. I wanted to see the fuss about the place, I know how much Isaac loves to go there. So I went to church, I did and I did find something- someone of interest. My... father! You see, just over three years ago at this very same event. There was a man, a man who was close to becoming the XWA World Heavyweight Champion, until he bowed out of the company for noble causes. I need guidance towards the scene, and who better to help Matthew Bradley than one of XWA's most inspirational figures in history. Ladies and gentleman, my father... IS... HERE."

.: Joey Miles :.
"What the-"

Heavy guitars blare through the speakers, with the arena lights dimming down and the stage lights glow blue onto the titantron. Murmuring from the commentary table and fans alike as they think back to the last time that somebody was prominent and left XWA at this same event. Some figure it out and there is a mixed reaction. A surprisingly mixed reaction of jeers and cheers. The titantron flashes strongly as the guitar introduction goes on for thirty whole seconds. Eventually, the intro dies down and the 'tron stops flashing and the words read "KENYON's HERE."  

.: Joey Miles :.

The crowd genuinely reaches heights that nobody expected for this segment of the night, as there is heavy jeering as well as excited cheers. A man who left XWA - having accepted the fans for the first time of his career- stands before them, with more importance than he's ever had before. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and ESPECIALLY in this scenario, as he stands on the stage with the lights coming back on! He wears his typical suit, black tie, black shirt, black jacket, black trousers, black shoes, only his pearly-white teeth shine as he looks up at the ring seeing a kneeling Matthew Bradley.

.: Ted Cedar :.

"Welcome back, welcome back" is repeatedly shouted throughout Madison Square Garden, as Matthew gets up and smiles at his new friend- his call at church. The atmosphere is certainly electric and with Kenyon holding his microphone in his hand, most definitely prepared to make a speech of his own.

"Dominion has called me. For years and years, I've watched this company rise and fall. I stand before those present tonight, acknowledging myself and hoping that you all acknowledge that XWA is declining because of a certain somebody. Smoke Xtreme is that somebody, but I cannot call him the direct culprit of XWA's decline. He, who we must blame, he who is responsible for my return, Michael Astin. Astin has poisoned this company and is planting his own seeds in this company, Isaac is conveniently placed in a match against Matthew under Hardcore Rules. I am here to restore order to this company. Do you all remember when I defeated Danny Diamond in that career defining Holocaust Match? I do I endangered myself and it ruined the rest of my career as I can no longer actively wrestle. But I am here. I am here to guide Matthew and the others in the right direction. Dominion has called me. And now... My Dominion. The FCK Dominion is here to ensure Astin's reign of tyranny does not hinder the development of fine competitors like Bradley."

Kenyon turns around and walks backstage casually as if nothing has happened with fans continue chanting "Welcome back" and Bradley continuously shouts "Thank you!" Kenyon has left, but it certainly isn't the last time that we see the former RSD Champion. Matthew has some final words before his match.

.: Matthew Bradley :.
"Now Isaac, it's time for you to meet your maker."
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The Downward Spiral
The Downward Spiral

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P8) Matthew Bradley & ??? | "Michael Astin is not Jesus" Empty
PostSubject: Re: P8) Matthew Bradley & ??? | "Michael Astin is not Jesus"   P8) Matthew Bradley & ??? | "Michael Astin is not Jesus" EmptySat Mar 21, 2015 1:01 pm


I mean, uh, welcome back. Mad as hell

Though I have no idea what to make of this promo since I'm just nearing 1 year on this site so I don't know much about Kenyon.

Great promo though!
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P8) Matthew Bradley & ??? | "Michael Astin is not Jesus"

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