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 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu

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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyMon Oct 14, 2013 9:06 pm

Due: Saturday October 26th, at 11:59 PM EST


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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyMon Oct 14, 2013 9:12 pm

The time has finally come for one of the most anticipated matches of the night. Up next, Dominik Diveraz will take on his student, and former friend, Takumi Sanu. Not only will the winner be walking out with both Tag Team Championships and the choice to pick whoever they want as their new partner, but the loser will be walking out with nothing; not even a job. It's sure to be an exciting match as the two face off for the first time in their careers. Whilst Dominik has trained Takumi since 2008, on the last edition of Vendetta, Takumi let Dominik know that he didn't teach Sanu all he knows. This is true, as he trained with wrestling great Kendo Kashin earlier in his career. Nevertheless, Dominik did help his protégé a great deal since the training started and, for that, Takumi is very grateful. That doesn't change the fact that Takumi has a distinct hatred for Dominik now after all he's been put through. Ever since they began teaming together in 2WWF back in 2011, Dominik has always been the leader. Takumi has put up with all of his crap since day one, having nothing but respect for his teacher. He was very loyal and he stayed loyal all the way until last month, when Dominik turned his back on the man who did so much for him. All because Takumi forgot to pack Dominik's marijuana, which caused Diveraz to get caught and take a drug test. Diveraz feels like Sanu intentionally did this, as he was jealous of all the glory Dominik had. Whether or not Takumi intended to get him suspended from the World Heavyweight Championship tournament, as well as the King of Xtreme tournament, is unknown. It is, however, quite doubtful with how loyal Sanu has been to Dominik over time. Takumi will be entering this match with a knee brace on his right leg, although it's mainly because of doctor's orders at this point. While he suffered a serious knee injury at Endure, that Dominik took advantage of later on, it has healed up tremendously in the last few weeks and shouldn't be much of a problem, if any, for Sanu in this contest. So, it all comes down to this. Dominik Diveraz. Takumi Sanu. Man to man. The winner chooses his new tag team partner, the loser is fired. Who will prevail?


As soon as the sonance of the bell is heard, the two men immediately meet in the center of the ring and begin to brawl, much to the delight of the crowd. The shots come and come until Takumi is able to duck an attempted punch from Dominik, transitioning behind him and pulling him backwards into a Back Body Slide. One! Tw—Early kickout! The two superstars are quick to get back to their feet as Takumi goes for a Clothesline, but this time it's Dominik ducking under the attempted strike and going for a roll-up. One! T—Another early kickout! Once again, the two are quick to rise to perpendicular bases and Diveraz immediately goes for a Dropkick, but Sanu swats it away. As soon as Diveraz is back to his feet, Takumi goes for a Roundhouse Kick but the Spanish superstar ducks under it and pushes Takumi from behind, causing him to bounce off of the ropes. He stumbles backwards into a Dropkick to the back from Diveraz that knocks him through the ropes and to the outside of the ring. Not wasting a moment, Dominik runs to the opposing side of the ring, ricochets off of the ropes and then darts in Takumi's direction; diving through the middle and top ropes, whilst putting his hands to his sides and stiffening his body. The luchador crashes into his former tag team partner with his modified Suicide Dive dubbed the Zambullida Mortal! The audience cheers loudly, despite their dislike for Dominik, as the first big move of the match is landed.

Ted Cedar
"Dominik is already putting everything on the line tonight, as he lands a huge Suicide Dive!"

Adam Dennis
"Hey, this is a big match. Whoever loses is gone, finished. You need to pull out all the stops."

Dominik is, naturally, the first to his feet. He takes a brief minute to shout out to the crowd, "Para México!" The Mexican fans in the audience cheer, whilst the rest boo as Dominik grabs his opponent by his hair and drags him to the steel steps, completely ignoring the official's ten-count. He repeatedly slams Sanu's head off of the steps until the Japanese superstar becomes groggy. He then climbs up onto the apron and takes a few steps back. Readying himself for a bit leap, Dominik waits for Takumi to turn around. Once the timing is just right, Diveraz runs forward, leaping off of the apron and looking for a Rey Mysterio-esque Seated Senton! Showcasing his strength advantage over the smaller man, Takumi manages to catch Dominik, only to send him crashing to the arena floor with a massive Powerbomb! The audience pops, as Takumi stumbles a bit, trying to regain his composure. Realizing Ryu is now at a count of seven, Takumi quickly lifts Dominik up and slides him into the ring, rolling in after him. He goes for a cover. One! Two! Kickout just after two!

Ted Cedar
"The kickout at two following a huge Powerbomb by Takumi."

Adam Dennis
"There was plenty of time between when Takumi hit the Powerbomb and when he pinned Dominik. That had to be a factor in the kickout."

Takumi immediately continues on offense as he lifts Dominik to his feet before landing repeated Elbow Shots to the face of his opposition until he's backed into the corner of the ring. Following this, Takumi begins swiping away at the smaller man's chest with Knife Edge Chops; each one garnering a unified "WOO!" from the audience members. Latching onto Dominik's wrist, Dominik sends him rushing toward the opposing corner of the ring with an Irish Whip. Showcasing his agility, Diveraz runs up the turnbuckle and does a back flip, landing behind Sanu whom was following him. Takumi tries to turn around quickly to regain the momentum, but he turns directly into a sharp Gamengiri kick straight to the cheekbone! Sanu falls backwards into the turnbuckle and Dominik immediately goes to work. He pushes his heavier opponent onto the top turnbuckle, before climbing up with him and setting up for a Superplex. "The Mystic Midget" stands both himself and his opponent upright on the top turnbuckle, but Sanu begins fighting back with punches to the mid-section, eventually causing Dominik to release his grip. Takumi lands a stern Headbutt to his opponent before wrapping his arms around his mid-section. Surprising everyone in the arena, Takumi falls backwards, taking Diveraz with him for a huge Belly-to-Belly Suplex from the turnbuckle to the outside of the ring; Dominik crashing into the security barricade! "Holy Shit" chants build up throughout the arena following the humongous maneuver by Takumi.

Ted Cedar
"Oh my God! What a move by Takumi Sanu! This place is going nuts!"

Adam Dennis
"I've honestly never seen anything like that in the history of this sport. Holy shit is right!"

Both men are now down as the official begins a count to ten. Slowly but surely, Takumi starts to get back up to his feet. The audience is still loud from the previous move as Sanu reaches a vertical base by the official's count of four. Quickly, he slides into and then back out of the ring, breaking up Ryu's count to avoid either himself or his opponent getting counted out. Takumi proceeds to lift Diveraz to his feet, wrap his arms around his mid-section and then run into the side of the ring, crushing Dominik's back against the apron. He follows this up with a few Shoulder Thrust, Dominik's back getting drilled into the apron harder and harder with each one. "Sento-Ki" then takes a couple of steps back, only to run forward and land a painful knee to the mid-section of his short opponent. With Ryu now at six, Takumi slides Dominik in and enters after him, looking for a cover. One! Two! Kickout at two! Sanu doesn't fret, following the kickout, instead getting back to his feet and raising one hand into the air, before pointing at Dominik; Takumi signaling for his finishing Busaiku Knee Kick dubbed the Hizakeri! The audience gets loud with cheers as Takumi waits for Diveraz to get back to his feet. Once the timing is right, he runs to the ropes and rebounds off of them to gain momentum before leaping into the air and attempting the maneuver. Dominik ducks under it and Takumi soars straight over him, crashing into the canvas behind the Mexican wrestler. Takumi tries to get back to his feet quickly, but he ends up being drilled in the head with a Spinning Heel kick for his troubles. Dominik goes for the cover. One! Tw—Kickout!

Ted Cedar
"Well, Takumi went for the Hizakeri, but Dominik was able to dodge it and landed a beautiful Spinning Heel Kick. It's not enough to keep Takumi down for the count, though."

Adam Dennis
"I just can't believe Dominik is still fighting after that huge Belly to Belly Suplex earlier."

Dominik slaps his hands off of the canvas, to let out some of the frustration from having Takumi kick out, though he wasn't very surprised. Nevertheless, he feels it's time for something big to happen to potentially put this match away. "Viva la raza!" Dominik shouts, quoting wrestling great Eddie Guerrero's famous catchphrase. He then proceeds to climb the nearest turnbuckle, ascending all the way to the very top of it. Upon reaching the top, he shakes his shoulders in a manner similar to that which Eddie Guerrero famously did during his time in wrestling. It's pretty clear what Diveraz is setting up for at this time. He leaps off of the turnbuckle, looking for his tribute to the late Eddie Guerrero; the Frog Splash! However, at the last moment possible, Takumi raises both of his knees into the air and Diveraz crashes into them! The audience cheers as Sanu pulls out the surprising reversal. Takumi and Dominik both slowly get to their feet, Dominik favoring his mid-section as he does so. Without hesitation, as soon as the opportunity presented itself, Takumi went for a Roundhouse Kick, but Diveraz was able to duck underneath it and transition behind his opponent. Quickly, he applies a Waist Lock before pulling his heavier foe backwards with a German Suplex that ends in a bridged pin! One! Two! Thr—A close kickout! The audience lets out a mixed reaction, some jeering the advantage going to Dominik whilst others cheer for Takumi kicking out.

Ted Cedar
"Another close call right there and this match was almost over!"

Adam Dennis
"These guys are going all out tonight for that win. I mean, they're out of a job if they don't, so it's only expected they go all out."

Getting back to his feet, Dominik doesn't waste any time as he goes back to work on Takumi, stomping all over his body. Once he felt he's softened him up enough, Dominik raises his curly-haired foe to his feet and places him in the nearest corner. He then runs to the opposing side of the ring, before taking a deep breath and running back towards Takumi, leaping into the air and landing a powerful Dropkick to the face! Dominik doesn't stop there, running back across the ring only to dash full speed at Takumi again and land a second Dropkick to the face! Sanu has fallen into a seated position in the corner as Diveraz runs back a third time and this time returns with a low Dropkick, nailing the seated superstar in the face a third time! Takumi, having taken a pounding from those Dropkicks, lays almost unconscious in the turnbuckle as Dominik lets out a loud yell. He points at Takumi and shouts out, "It's over!" signaling for the Matanza finisher of Dominik's, a Front Lungblower! Diveraz stalks his opposition like a vulture stalking its dying prey, as Sanu slowly uses the turnbuckle to pull himself back to a vertical base. Once he's perpendicular, the 2WWF League of Legends inductee runs at him, looking to land the Matanza, but Takumi grabs a hold of the top rope, preventing himself from being taken down. Dominik falls on his back, but quickly rolls onto his feet. The first thing he sees when he reaches his feet is a knee flying towards his face; Takumi successfully landing his Hizakeri finisher! The audience erupts in cheers as Takumi goes for the pin and the crowd counts along with the referee. One! Two! Thre—Kickout at the very last moment possible!

Ted Cedar
"Dominik kicks out of the Hizakeri! I can't believe he kicked out of the Hizakeri!"

Adam Dennis
"Say what you will about his size, but that man has heart. Jesus!"

Takumi takes a moment to catch his breath. After everything he's done to Dominik in this match, including hitting his finishing move, he seems to be out of ideas at this point. Slowly, the luchador begins getting back to his feet. Takumi sees this and readies himself. Once the timing is just right, he spins at his opponent before landing a powerful Discus Elbow Smash dubbed the Hiji Panchi! The audience is surprised to see Dominik still standing after the vicious strike. Not only that, but "The Mystic Midget" is egging Takumi on for more. "C'mon, is that the best you got? Hit me!" Takumi shrugs before obliging to his opponent's wishes, landing a second Hiji Panchi! This one causes Diveraz to stumble, but doesn't take him down. "My abuela hits harder than you! Again!" yells the Spanish superstar, before his Japanese counterpart nails him with a third Hiji Panchi! Surprisingly enough, Dominik still isn't down as he shouts out, "AGAIN!" This time, Takumi spins towards him but doesn't land an Elbow Smash, instead practically taking his opponent's head off with a Discus Lariat dubbed the Āmu Panchi! Dominik practically flips inside-out from the maneuver as he lands on his stomach! Takumi immediately goes for the cover. One! Two! Thr—Kickout!

Adam Dennis
"Well, that was certainly interesting. Dominik was just asking for more!"

Ted Cedar
"Well, Takumi certainly gave him more. What a Discus Lariat!"

With Diveraz down momentarily, Takumi decides to take this time to up-the-ante. He drags his opponent close to the ropes before ascending the turnbuckle. Upon reaching the top, Takumi points down at his opponent and then points out at the audience members, psyching them up for what's about to happen. Before he gets the chance to go for whatever he had planned, however, Dominik is there by his feet, tripping him and causing him to fall to a seated position atop the turnbuckle. The audience jeers as they don't get to see what could have potentially been a match-ending move and Dominik climbs the turnbuckle, applying a Front Chancery. It appears he has the idea of a Superplex again in his head, despite it not working out so well for him the first time. And, alas, it doesn't work out too well for him this time either as Takumi punches away at his mid-section, causing him to loosen his grip enough for Sanu to free himself. He then Headbutts Dominik a few times, causing him to fall off of the turnbuckle, albeit landing on his feet. Takumi leaps off of the turnbuckle, looking for a Flying Clothesline, but Diveraz catches him mid-air with the Front Lungblower finisher he calls the Matanza! The audience erupts into a heavily mixed response as Diveraz goes for the cover. One! Two! Thre—Takumi kicks out of Dominik's finisher! "This Is Awesome" chants begin to circulate throughout the arena.

Ted Cedar
"Takumi kicks out of the Matanza! First, Dominik kicked out of the Hizakeri and now this! My God, what a match!"

Adam Dennis
"What do these guys gotta do to keep the other one down?"

Dominik, exhausted and desperate at this point, pounds his fists off of the canvas in anger. He gets back to his feet and targets the official, Ryu. "¿Qué carajo? Eso fue sin duda tres!" he shouts, stating that it should have been a three count. Ryu, unable to understand Spanish, simply tries to calm Dominik down, to no avail. Dominik looks to his side and sees Takumi slowly getting back to an erect base. He dashes at him, looking to take him back down with a Clothesline, but Takumi reverses it by catching his arm, tripping him, placing his arm in between his legs and wrapping his hands around the face of his opposition; Takumi applying his finishing Crossface submission dubbed the Kao O Wataru! The audience bursts into cheers as Dominik may be moments away from tapping out and being gone from XWA!

Ted Cedar
"The Kao O Wataru! Takumi has the Kao O Wataru applied! This could be it!"

Adam Dennis
"Damnit, Dominik, get out of it! If you tap now, you'll be out of a job!"

Dominik frantically panics, as the pressure applied by the hold immediately gets to him. He eventually calms himself down and tries to find a way out of the hold. He pushes off the ground with his free arm and tries to roll onto his back to escape, but Takumi uses the momentum of the roll to keep rolling and they're back where they started! The audience continues to cheer loudly, as chants of "Tap Out!" begin. Dominik has three options right now. Option A would be getting to the ropes. Option B would be tapping out. Option C would be getting crippled from having this hold applied too long. Obviously, Option A is the best choice for him, so that's the one he goes for. Of course, that's far easier said than done with a bigger man applying a submission hold of this nature on you, especially after everything Dominik's been through in this match. Nevertheless, he manages to get closer, inch by inch, to the ropes. Dominik comes within a finger tip's reach, when suddenly Takumi lets go of the hold. He grabs Dominik by the foot, drags him back into the center of the ring and reapplies the Kao O Wataru! Fans continue to chant for Dominik to tap out, as he appears to have no choice now. Dominik raises his shaking hand in the air, trying to fight it off for as long as he can. Eventually, it becomes too much. He slaps his hands off of the canvas repeatedly, as the official calls for the bell and Takumi's theme song hits. Takumi immediately lets go of his opponent and pulls himself back up to his feet.


Ted Cedar
"Takumi wins! Takumi wins! Dominik is out of the XWA!"

Adam Dennis
"Dominik tapped?! After all of that, he tapped?!"

Ted Cedar
"There's only so much pain a human body can take, Adam. Dominik should be damn proud of the battle he just put on, even if it means he's out of the company."

Ryu raises Takumi's hand in victory, as the Japanese man is hardly able to stand.

Laura Watts
"Here is your winner, by submission, Takumi Sanu!"

Takumi looks at his downed mentor as he tries to help him back to his feet, but Diveraz pushes him away, not wanting his help. Nevertheless, the victor of this match extends his hand out for a handshake. It's clear that while Takumi may not like Dominik after what he did to him, he respects him. The feeling may not be mutual, however, as Dominik showcases a severe lack of respect by slapping his former partner in the face! Takumi doesn't retaliate, however, understanding why Dominik would be upset right now. He simply stands back and lets Diveraz exit the ring.

Ted Cedar
"Well, Takumi tried to be respectful, but it looks like Dominik is a sore loser."

Adam Dennis
"He's out of a job, Ted! Why would you expect him to shake hands with the man who essentially just got him fired?!"

As Dominik exits the arena, Takumi continues to celebrate by himself; having saved his job. The PPV fades to black for an ad for the upcoming house show schedule.

6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu MJFR42R
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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyMon Oct 14, 2013 9:16 pm

OMG! I so didn't expect Takumi to win, I am surprised and very curious as to what you have planned
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I am Batman
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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyMon Oct 14, 2013 9:23 pm

I was rooting for Takumi the entire time. shifty


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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyMon Oct 14, 2013 10:37 pm

I wanted Dominik to win. Sad
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I am Batman
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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyMon Oct 14, 2013 10:40 pm

Yeah That Sad


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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyMon Oct 14, 2013 11:47 pm

Honestly though, I expected Dominik out the doors, not Takumi.
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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 4:22 am

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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 6:33 am


*rushes off to Twitter to start the #BringbackDominik campaign*
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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 12:56 pm

Yeah That


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StraightEdge Rurouni
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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 4:10 pm

Razor not seeing it coming despite the entire storyline being planned in a thread Snoopz posted in the GM room.
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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 4:18 pm

He told me wayyyyyy before he even posted it in the GM room. I'm playing along. Funny


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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 5:36 pm

I aint bothered
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6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu Empty
PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 6:24 pm

And this, my friends, was the reason that Snoopz relinquished the world title when he won the tournament. Because he was already planning on dropping Dominik before he even won.
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PostSubject: Re: 6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu   6.) Loser Leaves Town: Dominik Diveraz vs Takumi Sanu EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 6:30 pm

Yeah That


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