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 Robert Howlett

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Robert Howlett Empty
PostSubject: Robert Howlett   Robert Howlett EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 4:43 pm

Robert Howlett Mg2857

|||CHARACTER INFORMATION|||------------------------------

Name: Robert Howlett
Nicknames: “The Jackal Valentine”
Slogan: “Kind Of A Big Deal”
Hometown: Antebellum, South Carolina
Residing: Boston, Massachusetts
Height: 6’ 2”
Weight: 232 lbs
Date of Birth: November 14th, 1978 (35 yrs old)
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Language: English
Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Legend. It’s the status very few individuals get to achieve in this business. You have to have the heart, desire, and determination to want to get there. Few can dispute that Robert Howlett doesn’t have the qualities to get to that illustrious mountain. In fact many would agree that this South Carolina native has everything it takes to reach the highest status possible in professional wrestling. You just might not like how he decides to go about it! Turning away from his more fan friendly way of doing business, Robert Howlett has now become a more focused and methodical villain. No one is for sure on what his attentions are but what is for certain is that no one has seen anything like this from Robert before. A new era has risen in the life of the once Hall of Fame inductee for sure. The only question is, will this new era be his second coming or his eventual undoing?

Gimmick Side-Note: This masked version of Robert is the culmination of his ten years in the wrestling Industry. In 2003 he debuted as the red/black face painted mysterious figure, The Jackal. A little over a year later he would lose the paint and be repackaged as a Southern good ole boy with a slight Irish accent named Mike McClaine. This fan favorite hero version of himself would go on to be his most recognized persona, gaining praise and two World Championships along with a few other different title reigns over the years. Now returning to the ring in 2013 after an extended absence, the once known McClaine has returned to his roots under the guise of Robert Howlett (his real name).

Wrestling Style: Robert brings with him a unique blend of technical grace, deadly striking, and high flying artistry. Being a veteran in this business there isn’t a move or set of circumstances this amazing athlete hasn’t seen. Having been trained under “Mr. Wonderful” Trevor Clarence and Josh “The Overdrive” Xavier, one can expect to see a plethora of dangerous combinations and perhaps one of the most experienced wrestlers for any given situation. Let it be known that because of his style Robert is not one to be taken lightly and can pretty much compete fairly well in all sorts of match stipulations. So when stepping in the ring with this individual you better be prepared for a war.

||||ENTRANCE INFORMATION||||------------------------------

Theme Music: “Jesus Walks” - Kanye West

The arena slips into a dark abyss as a revised version of “Jesus Walks” by Kanye West begins to blare over the P.A. system. Making his way from the back is none other than the arrogant and smug masked superstar himself, Robert Howlett. Treading out onto the entrance stage as the lights in the building flash several different colors, “The Jackal Valentine” is seen giving off a look of disgust towards those in attendance tonight. The fans return the look with a chorus of boos which rival the sound that’s being put off by the wrestler’s current theme song.

Ring Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen making his way to the ring, hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at two-hundred and thirty two pounds! THE JACKAL VALENTINE! ROBERT HOWLETT!

The Xtreme Wrestling Association superstar commences his long walk down the ramp way as he heads toward the ring area. With a smirk on his face the South Carolina native just absorbs all the negative energy the fans are putting off and just overall seems to care very little over what they have to think. Causally making his way to the squared circle, Robert slides into the ring and immediately glides to his feet as he spreads his arms out to the world. The masses live at the show just continue to shower him with boos as a focused look washes over Robert as he awaits the arrival of his opponent.

||||CHARACTER APPEARANCE||||------------------------------

Character Look-A-Like: Rellik
Race/Sex: Caucasian Male
Hair: Bald
Eyes: Dark Blue
Facial Hair: In The Midst of Growing a Beard.

Ring Attire:
Shorts Length Tights
Comes in Various Colors - Plain Black, White, or Green
Jackal/Heart Type Design on Back Imbedded onto Tribal Like Designs

[Note: Elbow Pads, Knee Pads, and Boots Color Vary with Trunks Each Match.]

Entrance Attire:
Ring Attire w/ Robert‘s “Jackal Valentine” Trademarked T-shirt

Backstage Attire:
Goes For A More Casual Look
Jeans - Various Top Branded Jeans
T-Shirt Option [1] - “JACKAL VALENTINE” Trademark on Front. “Kind Of A Big Deal” Slogan Printed on Back.
T-Shirt Option [2] - Making Reference to a Current Feud/Storyline or Opponent
T-Shirt Option [3] - XWA Brand Shirts with Various Designs

||||CHARACTER STATISTICS||||------------------------------

Aggressiveness: 8
Charisma: 9
Defensiveness: 7.5
Durability: 8
Hardcore: 7
High-Flying: 7.5
Intelligence: 10
Speed: 8
Stamina: 8.5
Strength: 8
Submission: 10
Technique: 9
Vitality: 9

||||MOVESET - TRADEMARK||||------------------------------

Arm-Hook Sleeper
European Uppercut
German Suplex
Rapid Stiff Kicks to Body
DDT Variations
Standing Dropkick
Flying Forearm Smash
Enzuigiri Variations
Hurricanrana Variations
Northern Lights Suplex
Spinning Fisherman’s Suplex
Pele Kick
Running High Knee Strike
Running Powerslam
Snap Suplex
Hesitation Dropkick
T-Bone Suplex
Backbreaker [Orton Style]
Diving Leg Drop Bulldog
Standing Moonsault
Knife-Edge Chop


Blindside [540 Kick]
No Joyride [Double Stomp]

Helping Hand [Samoan Driver]
Justice Prevails [Cobra Clutch Bulldog]
Sympathy Pains [Having His Opponent in Crucifix Position, Robert Flips His Opponent Forward Under Hooking Both Arms Before Executing A Jumping Piledriver]
Weeping Willow [Finishing Touch With Opponent Landing On The Knee Of Robert Instead Of The Canvass]
Feather In The Wind [Three-Quarter Nelson Suplex]

Hush Little Baby [Robert Runs At The Opponent And Performs A Hurricanrana Which Transitions Into Robert Landing On His Feet Beside His Opponent And Hitting A Russian Legsweep]
Dances With Jackals [Rolling Thunder]
Arlington Bound [Running Knee Shot To The Side Of The Temple]

Fortune Favors Me [Robert Back Flips Off The Second Rope, Catching The Opponent In A Reverse Chancery Before Than Executing A Reverse DDT]
The Van Gogh [Shooting Star Knee Strike]
Black Heart Struck [450 Splash]

Seizure [STJoe: Standing One Armed Release Side Slam, As A Counter To Oncoming Opponents]
Empire’s End [Robert Catches A Running Opponent And Uses Their Own Momentum Against Them, Connecting With A Swinging Side Slam]
Plastic Surgery [Robert Catches A Running Opponent With A Shinning Wizard]

Under Oath [Triple H's Indian Deathlock]
Mid Summer’s Nightmare [Cross-Legged STF]
Jackal Deathlock [Sharpshooter]
Tremendous Delight [Inverted Facelock camel Clutch]

||||MOVESET - WEAPON ORIENTED||||------------------------------

Facial Reconstruction [Barbwire Used To Apply Crossface]
Paradise Falls [Rolling Powerbomb Off A Ladder]
Friendly Advice [Russian Legsweep With Kendo Stick To The Throat Of An Opponent]

Signature Weapon:
Steel Chair

Weapon Finisher:
Suicide Note [One Man Con-Chair To]

||||MOVESET - FINISHER||||------------------------------

Venomous Poison [Lifts Opponent Up Across Shoulders In Reverse Fireman's Carry Position; Having Opponent Facing Upward. Forces Foe In A Forward Motion As Robert Begins To Fall Backwards to Land On His Back. While Falling Robert Lifts Both Knees Into The Air Connecting To The Back Of His Opponent. This Knocks A Significant Amount Of Air Out Of His Opponent's System And Possibly Doing Even More Considerable Damage; Turning This Move Into Something Destructive While In The Hands Of "The Jackal Valentine"]

||||MOVESET - LAST RESORT||||------------------------------

Last Will And Testament [Pepsi Plunge]
Introduction To God [Split-Legged Corkscrew Moonsault]

||||OTHER INFORMATION||||------------------------------

Past and Present Promotions:
-Two Worlds Wrestling Federation [2WWF]
-Real International Wrestling [RIW]
-Wrestling Games Zone Federation [WGZeF]
-Xtreme Wrestling Entertainment [xWe]

Past and Present Championships:
-RIW World Heavyweight Champion
-RIW Survival World Champion
-RIW Underground Champion
-RIW Tag Team Champion [2x]

Honors and Endorsements:
-Inducted Into RIW Hall of Fame [Class of 2006]
-RIW Co-Owner [2005]
-RIW Violation Co-General Manager [WGZeF Days]
-xWe Sacrifice General Manager
-Co-Creater of xWe
-Temp. Smackdown Owner [WGZeF Days]
-RIW Magnitude Owner
-2004 RIW Biggest Fued [Robert Howlett vs The Realist]
-2004 RIW Best General Manager

-Nation of Idols
-Sick N' Perfected
-New Generation X [NGX]
-Brothers of Destruction [B.O.D.]
-Capitol Punishment (As Manager)
-Xtreme World Order [xWo]
-New World Order [nWo]

---------- Match History: ----------
■ Coming Soon
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Love Bites
Love Bites

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Robert Howlett Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robert Howlett   Robert Howlett EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 4:47 pm

Do you wanna fed in Vendetta (Match-writing) or Revenge (RP)?

Robert Howlett MJFR42R
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Robert Howlett Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robert Howlett   Robert Howlett EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 4:53 pm

Awesome profile and awesome character! Can't wait to see how you fare in a match! Smile


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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Robert Howlett Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robert Howlett   Robert Howlett EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 4:55 pm


And thanks Razor!
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Join date : 2013-07-19
Age : 31

Robert Howlett Empty
PostSubject: Re: Robert Howlett   Robert Howlett EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 5:09 pm

J2 wrote:
Robert Howlett Tumblr_m2v46aCaqk1rrdywqo1_250


Robert Howlett FJBloTX
Robert Howlett Rmt9lhM
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PostSubject: Re: Robert Howlett   Robert Howlett Empty

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