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 Kiefer Sutherland Says He Probably Won’t Make Anymore 24

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Kiefer Sutherland Says He Probably Won’t Make Anymore 24 Empty
PostSubject: Kiefer Sutherland Says He Probably Won’t Make Anymore 24   Kiefer Sutherland Says He Probably Won’t Make Anymore 24 EmptyThu Dec 18, 2014 1:45 pm


In an interview with The Telegraph, Kiefer Sutherland said that 24: Live Another Day is probably the last in the series, at least as far as he is concerned. Here are highlights:

On shooting in London: “We loved shooting in London. I’ve always loved it. Jon Cassar, the lead director of 24, loved it too. We went off to shoot other jobs and both of us would send back texts saying, ‘Well, it ain’t London.’ London is going through an extraordinary time. I had a real sense that London was undergoing a creative renaissance just as it was between 1966 and 1969.”

On if he’ll return to play Jack Bauer again: “Me, I don’t see going back to it. We had set out to do 12 episodes to end the show and deal with some of the past history of the show. It was also an irresistible opportunity to go shoot in England. So for all of those reasons it made sense to do that last season. But I think I said the same thing at the end of season 8 so I would hate to be held to that.”

On his new stage comedy Marked: “I thought there was a real sweetness to this – it’s distinctly English in tone but there are aspects of It’s a Wonderful Life, too. Plus it had a real earnest kind of Christmas style to it, in the sense that it’s a time to take stock of what you have as opposed to what you want. And I thought there was an opportunity to be funny – which is not something I get to do very often.”
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Kiefer Sutherland Says He Probably Won’t Make Anymore 24

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