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 The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson

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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptyFri Sep 13, 2013 10:26 pm

"The Instant Classic"
Tyler Lawson

The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Gregory-helms

The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson PersonalInformation-1
Lawson's Outside-of-Wrestling Info
Name: Tyler Jeffrey Lawson
Height: 6'5"
Weight: Roughly 255 lbs
Currently Resides: Pleasant Hills, PA
Birthdate: September 11, 1980 (Age 33)
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Education: B.S. from Pennsylvania State University, Class of 2002, 3.52 GPA
Employment Status: Undisclosed

Relationships With Co-Workers:

Evan Flare-These two essentially broke into the business together. Flare brought Lawson into SCW, and eventually SIW. After their being stable-mates and rivals within the span of a few weeks at least 3 times, they've become good friends.
JHalc-As with Flare, Lawson and JHalc have always been right on each other's tails after debuting against each other. Despite their bitter in-ring rivalry, they are great friends in real life, often being the reason the other shows back up in a certain company after an absence.
Caleb Spires-Spires helped in Lawson's further training once he broke in. Tyler has several crazy stories he can tell of trying to get a drunk Spires back to the hotel they were staying at, and the reverse is probably true as well...but Lawson doesn't know that.

Dislike/Hostility Exists
David Michaels-The start of the Lawson/Michaels rivalry was the fact that they never really got along to begin with. They annoyed the living hell out of each other backstage, and that translated into storyline. Their relationship has gotten better recently, but one wouldn't consider them "Friends" just yet.
Hitman Alex-No one knows why these two don't like each other. They work together in the ring just fine, they just refuse to interact with each other outside of character.

The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson CharacterInformation
Character Name: Tyler Lawson
Nickname: "The Instant Classic"
Billed Height: 6'5"
Billed Weight: 247 Lbs
Billed Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Disposition: Babyface - with a bit of tweener thrown in when against other faces
Former Nickname: "The Lawless One"
Joke Nicknames: (Used by Heels to ridicule him)
"The (Butt) Pirate" "The Closet Gay"

"Play my music!" - After finishing an in-ring segment with the upper hand
"Bring it, bitch!"

Gimmick Discription:
Tyler's gone through many changes in character, the most notable of them from being an immature goofball to an intense wrestling machine. At this point, he has been the butt of every joke in the book. Everyone he comes across in the business won't waste time cracking a joke at his expense (even his friends), may it be about the rumors regarding his sexual orientation, or his girlfriend issues, or even that he could never tend to stay in the same company for very long. The fans, however, tend to show him compassion, not only because he takes all this torment in stride, no longer letting any insult get to him, but because he is an excellent technical wrestler; his suplexes are some of the best in the business. He is currently gunning for the world title, in hopes that as champion, his peers might see him in a more serious light, rather than the back end of an overused joke.

Entrance Theme:
Avenged Sevenfold-Coming Home

-Sometimes lets the guitars all kick in before coming out...sometimes just doesn't give a fuck-

Tyler is based off of Gregory (Shane) Helms. He is only moderately muscular, and has a bit of a belly on him, making for a very similar body type to Edge. He tends to keep a scruffy beard like in the second of the two pictures below. He will sometimes wear the same kind of beanie that Helms wore to the ring, but not outside of his entrance.


In the ring, he wears black MMA shorts and Wrestling boots, shown here.


Several injuries to his right knee have not left it in the best shape, so he wears a knee brace on it below his shorts, similar to those worn by Steve Austin.


Backstage Attire: Usually Jeans and a T-Shirt of some kind.

Wrestling Ratings:
In the style of EWR

Brawling: 78
(Fistfighting, Power, Hardcore)
Speed: 45
(Top Rope, Running Moves)
Technical: 99
(Submissions, Chain Wrestling)
Stiffness: 65
Selling: 72
Overness: 95
(Considering XWA to be Mainstream)
Charisma: 84
Attitude: 65
Behavior: 90

Former Tag Team/Stable Affiliations:

D-Generation X World Order
(Other Members: David Michaels, DC Hennig, J Glick A, Killer J, Kyle Kross, Caleb Spires, Nick Mayhem, JHalc)
Tyler has the DxWo to thank for catapulting him into relevance in the original SIW. Lawson joined the group at Collision #7, and was a champion by the very next show. Upon induction into the group, Lawson formed a tag team with J Glick A, and the two became nearly inseparable for the next year. Together, the quartet of Michaels, Hennig, Lawson, and Glick wreaked havoc on not only SIW, but XWA as well, leaving countless cock jokes and anti-authority mayhem in their wake. The group seemed to break up at Superslam 2009, when Lawson and Glick attacked not only their group, but also their "Mentor" Caleb Spires, but this was quickly forgotten and forgiven. However, the tension with the XWA locker room caused the group to slowly unravel. The first casualty was Lawson's team with Glick, and the two engaged in a bloody feud over the SIW Television Title in the summer of 2010. After the group reformed in XWA in 2011, adding former rivals Caleb Spires and JHalc to their ranks, the animosity between Lawson and leader David Michaels really began to show. The Showstealer treated Lawson like crap for a long time, and by the time the group left for TNL (and subsequently disbanded upon arriving), he'd had enough of Michaels's shit, and would go on to challenge for his world title. Since then, the two have had several very inconclusive matches, only one having been for the title, and it seemed that this feud would go unresolved...until now...

Death Sentence
(Other Members: JHalc, Evan Flare, Carl Johnson)
Originally the enemies of DxWo, Death Sentence decided that the best way to counter Michaels and Hennig was to have their former ally among their ranks, and Lawson would join JHalc and Johnson to screw Michaels out of victory at SIW Resurrection. Although this second incarnation of the group wouldn't last long, the return of Evan Flare to SIW prompted the group's re-emergence, and the trio of Lawson, Flare, and JHalc rode high during SIW's second run, but were all but forgotten once the company was shut down. Lawson and JHalc would later reunite as a team under the DxWo banner, and the faction would ride once more in late 2013, as Flare and Lawson teamed for one night against D-Volution.

Brothers of Domination
(Other Member: Klash)
Tyler's younger brother entered the wrestling business in a very strange way...by beating the shit out of his older brother. This turned out to be a simple publicity stunt by the two, however, and they were set to team in XWA. This never panned out, however, as Tyler's contract disputes and Klash's alcoholism prevented it from materializing. Klash would, however, return to manage his brother later, but hasn't been seen in a ring since late 2010.

Current Goals:
-Win King of Xtreme
-Win the XWA World Heavyweight Championship
-Kick David Michaels's Ass

-Finally f***ing beat JHalc

Hopeful Future Opponents:
David Michaels (Rematch)
JHalc (Rematch)
Caleb Spires
EG Deal
Shade (Rematch)

In-Character Allies and Enemies:

Evan Flare-Flare and Lawson have an interesting history. Partners in Death Sentence, but never in full sync, the two ended up squaring off in a 3-way for Lawson's TV Title before they could do any damage as a unit. Flare is one of the few that still respects Lawson, however, and has twice now provided backup for him against Michaels and co. The two fought a brutal tag bout with D-Volution, but whether they will stay allied into the future remains to be seen.

David Michaels-Where should I begin? Michaels treated Lawson like shit in the DxWo, and after several potential programs between the two over the years have been cut short, it now currently set to defend the World Heavyweight Championship against his arch-rival at XtremeMania. Tensions couldn't be higher between these former friends, as this feud has the potential at this point to achieve legendary status in the annals of E-Wrestling history.
JHalc-One of the most complex rivalries in wrestling history. JHalc and Lawson have been worst of enemies, and closest of allies. Not only has JHalc beaten Lawson no less than 5 TIMES, he also stole his girlfriend. However, they later endured a rocky partnership in Death Sentence, and have even been a tag team. Currently, due to Lawson's feud with David Michaels, he and Jay are naturally enemies, but still keep a glint of respect for each other in the back of their minds.
Razor Xtreme-An upstart Lawson upset Razor several years ago inside a steel cage. It was one of those defeats you can't live down, one that kickstarted a lot of Lawson's career success, and Razor held a bit of a grudge against Tyler for a long time. He recently got his revenge in a rematch, but that only knotted the score at 1. It seems unlikely we'll see a rubber match between the two soon now that Razor is General Manager of Vendetta, but that doesn't mean they won't have some confrontations down the line.

The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Moveset-3

Signature Moveset:

Yellow moves are used as a "Signature Move" in the SvR sense of the word. They could potentially end a match, but not usually.
Red moves are used as a "Big Match Move" very rarely, or for special situations.

Vertical, Snap, Belly-To-Belly, Belly-To-Back, German, Gutwrench, T-Bone, Superplex

Normal, Inverted, Tornado

Normal, Stun Gun

Lariat, Short-Arm, Top Rope

|"Slam" Moves|
Scoop Slam, Powerslam, Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker

STO, Back Body Drop, Arm Drag, Hip Toss, Spear

|Neck Moves|
Double Arm-Trap Neckbreaker*, Piledriver
*Known as the "Steel City Special"

Side, Sleeper

|Arm Submissions|
Standing Armbar/Hammerlock Progression, Cross-Armbreaker, Fujiwara Armbar

|Leg Submissions|
Ankle Lock, Cloverleaf, Figure-4

To Stomach, To Knee, Big Boot, Enzuigiri, Scizzor Kick

|Elbow Drops|
Running, Top Rope

Leg Drop, Side Leg Lariat to Corner*, Moonsault
*Known as "Air Lawson"

|Signature Combinations|
1: Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker + Belly-To-Back Suplex
2: Lariat + Enzuigiri + Spear (With "C'mon, get up" Theatrics)
3: Lariat + Enzuigiri + Big Boot (With same Theatrics)

|Finishing Moves|
1: Toxic Spike (Spike Brainbuster)
2: Sharpshooter

The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson RecordsandAccomplisments

Championships Won:

The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson SIWTVTitleThe Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Untitled-1-1
SIW World Television Champion | XWA International Champion
April 15, 2010-August 31, 2010 | February 22, 2011-March 20, 2011
(138 Days) | (26 Days)

The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson SIWIDCThe Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson XWARSDTitle
SIW Impact Division Champion | XWA Rising Star Division Champion
July 1, 2009 - September 24, 2009 | March 15, 2010-May 31, 2010
(85 Days) | (77 Days)

The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson TNLHardcoreChampionshipv2
TNL Hardcore Champion
July 30, 2011-November 16, 2011
(109 Days)

Other Awards and Achievements:

-2013 XWA King of Xtreme-

-2012 TNL King of the Chamber Winner-

-April 2010 XWA Wrestler of the Month-

Career Record: 32-21

Xtreme Wrestling Association: 15-10
-Beat Ricky Raymond
-Lost to Gabriel Angels
-Lost to JHalc
-Lost to Gabriel Angels in a Gauntlet match which also included Kjki, Deadman, Serial, and Big Daddy Punk
-Beat Tommy O'Leary in a Last Man Standing Match
-Lost to JHalc in a Lone Wolf Match that also Included Tommy O'Leary, Prototype, and Inferno
-Beat Ashley Sky in an Intergender Lumberjack Match
-Beat Razor Xtreme in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match
-Beat Team XWA in a 5 on 5 elimination tag match (As part of Team SIW)
-Beat Chris Kanimaniac for the XWA RSD Title
-Beat David Michaels
-Beat HHH619
-Lost to Headhunter in the Money in Hell match that also included Gregory Vain, Mack, Jay Riddick, and Patrick Task
-Lost to Caleb Spires
~Defected back to SIW~
-Lost to CB Punk in a Fatal 4 Way Match for the NXD Title that also included J Glick A and Draven Alexander
-Beat (w/JHalc) Extreme Domination and Lethal Supremacy in a 3-Way Tag Team Match
-Beat HHH619 in a 30 Minute Ironman match for the Vacant XWA International Title
~Defected to TNL~
-Lost to David Michaels in a Hell in a Cell Match
~One-Night Return~
-Beat Riley Daniels in an Xtreme Rules Match
-Beat Dante Cross
-Lost to Razor Xtreme in a No Disqualification Match
-Beat Shade in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match
-Beat John Hudson in an I Quit match to win the King of Xtreme tournament
-Lost (w/Evan Flare) to D-Volution in a Tag Team Match
-Beat Ace Andrews

Total No-Limits Wrestling: 6-3
-Beat Greg Sanders
-Lost to Hitman Alex
~Took a sabbatical due to burn-out~
-Beat Don Octavio in a No-Disqualification Match (Awarded TNL Hardcore Title after Victory)
-Beat Hitman Alex and Axel Anvil in a Triple Threat Hardcore Match to defend the TNL Hardcore Title
-Lost to David Michaels for the TNL World Title
-Beat Mack
-Beat David Michaels
-Lost to Michael Taylor
-Beat DC Hennig, Alex Falcon, Michael Taylor, Amethyst, and Sanchino Fernasandro in a King of the Chamber Match
~TNL Closed~

Sudden Impact Wrestling: 8-6
-Lost to McNugget
-Beat Killer J, Johnny Cage, LAM, DNC, Kyle Kross, and Tommy O'Leary in a ladder match for the SIW Impact Division Title
-Beat DNC to defend the SIW Impact Division Title
-Beat Kyle Kross
-Lost (w/J Glick A) to the Phenomenal Showstoppers in a TLC match for the SIW Tag Team Titles that also included Death Sentence, The Demigodz, and the Latino Death Squad
-Beat Killer J and Kyle Kross in a Barbed Wire Massacre to defend the SIW Impact Division Title
~SIW Closed~
-Lost to Kyle Kross in a Submission Match for the SIW Television Title
~Reunion Show~
-Beat J Glick A for the SIW Television Title
-Lost to JHalc
-Lost to Kyle Kross
-Beat J Glick A in a Ladder Match to defend the SIW Television Title
-Beat Hitman Alex
-Beat Robert Hope
-Lost to Robert Hope in a Steel Cage Tables Match for the SIW Television Title that also included Evan Flare
~SIW closed while Lawson was on medical leave~

Smoke Championship Wrestling: 2-2
-Lost to JHalc in a ladder match
-Beat Diamond Stryker and Kjki in a handicap match
-Lost to JHalc in a "Mr. Canada's An Asshole" match (don't ask)
~SCW Closed~
-Beat Tommy O'Leary
~Reunion Show~

Zero Gravity Action: 1-0
-Beat Evan Flare in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match
~Quit due to poor booking~

My Record with Other Characters: 3-6

Record With Kyle Skype: 2-2

TPW: 1-1
-Beat Dante Cross
-Lost to Hitman Alex
~Quit to focus on XWA~

WXW: 1-1
-Beat Brownlee in a Hardcore Match
-Lost to Leon Lonewulf in a Triple Threat Hardcore match for the WXW Hardcore Title that also included Jonny the Chosen One
~Quit due to rift between WXW and SIW~

Record With Mammoth: 0-3

SIW: 0-3
-Lost to Rampage
-Lost to McNugget in a battle royal that also included Drakor, 902, Johnny Westfall, and JHalc
-Lost to J Glick A
~Injured and Released From Contract~

Record With Klash: 1-1

XWA: 1-1
-Beat Akira
-Lost (w/Rob Zigga) to Evolution-X in a Tag Team Match
~Sent to Rehab and never returned in active capacity~

Total E-Fed Record: 35-27

Total Victims List:

-Diamond Stryker
-Ricky Raymond
-DNC (x2)
-Killer J (x2)
-Kyle Kross (x3)
-Johnny Cage
-Tommy O'Leary (x3)
-Ashley Sky
-Evan Flare
-Razor Xtreme
-Smoke Xtreme
-Nick Mayhem
-Jason Sparks
-Nate Insano
-Chris Kanimaniac
-David Michaels (x2)
-J Glick A (x2)
-HHH619 (x2)
-Hitman Alex (x3)
-Robert Hope
-CF Riley
-Rellim Strife
-Greg Sanders
-Don Octavio
-Axel Anvil
-Alex Falcon
-Michael Taylor
-Sanchino Fernasandro
-DC Hennig
-Riley Daniels
-Dante Cross
-John Hudson
-Ace Andrews

Total Victors List:

-JHalc (x6)
-Gabriel Angels (x2)
-David Michaels (x4)
-DC Hennig
-Kyle Kross (x2)
-Caleb Spires
-Robert Hope
-Hitman Alex
-CB Punk
-Michael Taylor
-Razor Xtreme

Last edited by Mack/10 on Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:32 pm; edited 30 times in total
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptyFri Sep 13, 2013 10:41 pm

Cool sig

The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson 903037_443105125766578_2024401428_o

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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptyFri Sep 13, 2013 11:26 pm

*clap clap clap-clap-clap*
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 5:16 am

Dammit' TJ <_<
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 11:06 am

Caleb wrote:
*clap clap clap-clap-clap*
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 11:09 am

*everybody leaves*
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 11:53 am

Chilly wrote:
Dammit' TJ Annoyed
Make me a sig? I love you  Big Grin!
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 12:47 pm

YAY! Fuck side characters! Big Grin!

Also, epic theme song. A7X is epic.


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 12:59 pm

The Pirate wrote:
Chilly wrote:
Dammit' TJ Annoyed
Make me a sig? I love you  Big Grin!
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 1:01 pm

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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 1:18 pm


I probably will sometime dude, but not in the near future. I don't want people asking me for graphics again Shaking Head
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 1:22 pm

Sounds good dude. Smile I'd use one of my old ones, but everyone says they suck. walk
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 1:22 pm

Haven't I ever made you one before?
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 1:23 pm



Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 1:29 pm

Get The Fuck Out 
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 1:33 pm

chillypls Sad


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 1:34 pm

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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 2:14 pm

No, I think you only made my profile graphics.
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptySat Oct 12, 2013 2:46 am

Deleted the Vertebreaker from my moveset. I think I've only ever used it twice, plus I have a bunch of other "Big Match" moves that I scarcely use anyway.
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 9:46 pm

Well I just made a pretty substantial update. Most of the little bits of history have been updated and I moved a bunch of stuff around. Also, I didn't have the Back Body Drop in my move list...it's one of my most commonly used moves. Indifferent
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptyWed Oct 16, 2013 5:26 am

Does anyone list those kind of universally basic moves?
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptyWed Oct 16, 2013 11:10 am

I do. suspicious


Favorite Current Wrestlers:
1. Sasha Banks
2. Becky Lynch

Favorite All-Time Wrestlers:
Your dad
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The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson EmptyThu Oct 17, 2013 5:48 am

Yeah, but you suck balls. I aint bothered
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PostSubject: Re: The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson   The Fifth King of Xtreme: Tyler Lawson Empty

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