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 (RAGE) M1. Xtreme Icon vs. Chris Pyro vs. Dwight Lights

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Riley Williamson
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Riley Williamson

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(RAGE) M1. Xtreme Icon vs. Chris Pyro vs. Dwight Lights Empty
PostSubject: (RAGE) M1. Xtreme Icon vs. Chris Pyro vs. Dwight Lights   (RAGE) M1. Xtreme Icon vs. Chris Pyro vs. Dwight Lights EmptyMon Dec 08, 2014 6:16 pm

DUE: Friday December 19th, 11:59PM EDT.
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(RAGE) M1. Xtreme Icon vs. Chris Pyro vs. Dwight Lights Empty
PostSubject: Re: (RAGE) M1. Xtreme Icon vs. Chris Pyro vs. Dwight Lights   (RAGE) M1. Xtreme Icon vs. Chris Pyro vs. Dwight Lights EmptyFri Dec 19, 2014 11:07 pm


The match begins with Icon leaning against the corner turnbuckle, Chris Pyro standing on the outside of the ring by the announce table and Dwight Lights standing in the center of the ring. Icon steps out to meet Dwight in the center. They lock up collar and elbow or only a brief few seconds before Icon throws a hard knee into Dwights midsection. Following that up, Icon irish whips Lights into the ropes. As he makes contact, Chris Pyro grabs Dwights ankle and pulls him to the floor. Chris throws a brutal elbow strike to the back of the head before Icon comes in with a beaseball slide dropkick, hitting Dwight in teh sternum, knocking him into Chris and both of them into the announce table. Icon then stands back up, runs to the ropes on the opposite side of the ring, rebounds off and as he nears the other siude of the ring. Icon leaps over the top rope with a flip dive, crashing back first on both of his opponents. Fans cheer as Icon rolls off the other two, and lays on his back. Jack Hammer says “get back in the ring” Icon then rolls to his stomach and pushes himself up to his feet. He grabs Dwight by the head and pulls him up to his feet then Irish whips him into the steel steps. XWAs lit star slams into the metal steps wih force, knocking them several inches away from the post. Icon turns his attention o Chris Pyro who is up to one knee. He pulls him up to a standing basis, then wraps his arms around Pyros midsection and lifts him in a bearhug then rams him into the ring apron then rolls him into the ring. Icon climbs up to the apron then springs up to the top rope and leaps off with a huge corkscrew shooting star press. Crashing across Pyros midsection.


Icon smirks and stands up, he backs up to the turnbuckles he raises his fist in the air and then drops it to the mat. He stares at Pyro who is holding his midsection, he stands up and Icon charges in and cocks his fist back then thrusts it forward into Pyros face. Hitting the Straight Outta the 406, as Lights gets to the apron, Icon quickly turns to him and his a brutal superkick, knocking Lights off he apron, turning around and stumbling into the table. Icon turns back to Pyro and then drags him towards the corner then Icon climbs to the top rope hen leaps off with a half flip and hits the Swanton Bomb across Pyros chest. He turns him over and hooks the leg.

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(RAGE) M1. Xtreme Icon vs. Chris Pyro vs. Dwight Lights

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