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 Independence Day 2 Gets Official Green Light

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Independence Day 2 Gets Official Green Light Empty
PostSubject: Independence Day 2 Gets Official Green Light   Independence Day 2 Gets Official Green Light EmptyWed Nov 26, 2014 6:49 pm


It’s been pretty much confirmed for a long time, but Twentieth Century Fox has made it official: Independence Day 2 is a go. Deadline reports that the studio has officially given the green light to the sequel, setting it on track for the previously-reported June 24th, 2016 release date.

According to the site, the studio is looking to start filming in May and is moving to close a deal with the original film’s director Roland Emmerich to take the helm again. As has been reported, Will Smith is not returning for the sequel.

While previous reports have suggested that there would be two sequels filmed back-to-back, the green light is only for the one film and its success will be the determining factor for a third entry.
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Independence Day 2 Gets Official Green Light

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