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 Bill Cosby gets standing ovation at Florida comedy show

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Bill Cosby gets standing ovation at Florida comedy show Empty
PostSubject: Bill Cosby gets standing ovation at Florida comedy show   Bill Cosby gets standing ovation at Florida comedy show EmptySat Nov 22, 2014 4:20 pm

Bill Cosby played a sold-out comedy show last night in Florida, despite a wave of sexual assault allegations this week that prompted the cancellation of several upcoming shows and two major studios to halt projects involving the comedian.

Cosby, 77, took the stage to a standing ovation and gave the audience a thumbs up at the King Centre in Melbourne.

The 90-minute show concluded without incident.

Police patrolled the venue ahead of the show, while a handful of protesters joined some attendees outside the centre.

Although the show was sold out, there were patches of empty seats, including eight in the centre of the orchestra section.

The show went ahead despite the cancellation of Mr Cosby's Las Legas performance next week and four other shows in Arizona, Illinois, South Carolina and Washington state next year.

With NBC and Netflix also dropping projects with the comedian this week, the allegations have threatened Mr Cosby's wholesome public image and future viability in show business.

Still, many ticket holders said they had no qualms about attending the comedian's performance.

He has more than 30 performances, including a 29 November show in Yakima, Washington, scheduled through May.

He performed without incident on Thursday in the Bahamas.

He has refused to address questions about the allegations as more women have come forward, saying he forced himself on them sexually, with some accusing him of drugging them first.

The comedian has never been charged and his lawyers have said the assault claims were discredited and defamatory.
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Bill Cosby gets standing ovation at Florida comedy show

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